The Wizard World: 001 Crossing

The blue sky is endless, like a sapphire with no visible edge. No trace of white clouds.

Several black birds screamed across.

Below is a large lush green forest. A winding path winded between the trees. A horse-drawn carriage with golden straw was slowly advancing, and the sound of horseshoes echoed rhythmically on the trail.

On the golden horse-drawn carriage, there is a small boy half and a half, who looks like 13 or 14 years old, with short brown hair.

The little boy’s eyes closed tightly, as if sleeping.

The driver in front of the carriage is very careful to steer the old horse, try to make the carriage go as safely as possible, it seems to be worried about disturbing the little boy behind.

Bang! !! !!

With a loud noise from the carriage, the wheels hit a sharp stone, and the whole carriage suddenly shocked. Stopped quickly.

Song Ye was shocked. Woke up directly from my sleep.

His little yellow face wrinkled into a ball, then slowly opened his eyes.

“Where am I?” The boy’s voice was weak. Appears to be out of breath.

He sniffed and smelled a fresh breath of grass.

This looked around in confusion.

“Sorry, Master Angele II, the carriage hit a stone, disturbing you to rest.” The groom is a middle-aged man, strong and strong, but his clothes are only gray sackcloth.

Seeing that Song Ye awoke, he immediately turned back and apologized. At the same time, take out the tools and start to inspect the carriage wheels for damage.

“Master Angele II?” Song Ye froze and looked around, making sure no one else was around. That’s why he pointed to his nose and said, “You mean me?”

“Yeah.” Gough nodded as he checked. “You just fell from the horse and you were not badly injured, so you need to rest and rest. I am the only one left in the city, and I ca n’t find a good carriage for a while, so I have to grumble you.” The man smiled heartily.

Song Ye’s expression changed suddenly, and he seemed to realize something.

“No …” he whispered. Hastily glanced at himself.

The black hunting suit just fits, a red belt is wrapped around the waist, and a black leather whip is tied around it.

Slim body, fair palms. There was also pain in the knee and back.

Suddenly, a sudden pain slammed into my head. Scenes of memory scenes poured into the brain.

Song Ye rolled his eyes and fell straight. Lying on the grass. Vaguely, he heard Maaf anxiously shouting …..


I don’t know how long it has passed.

Song Ye slowly woke up again.

There is something in his brain that doesn’t belong to his memory at all.

This is the second son of a country nobleman named Anglio Leo. An ordinary child of the ordinary nobility.

Because he and his companion came out to ride horses during the break, and fell down immediately, which caused Song Ye to take advantage of the situation.

At the same time, some memories of his life also poured into Song Ye’s mind.

This is a world very similar to medieval Europe.

He is in a country called the Kingdom of Rudin. This is a very large country. The Leo family is also regarded as a relatively wealthy little country noble in the kingdom. More than less than more than enough.

The family territory is located on the edge of a large forest in Yarra Province.

In the memory of Angele, he only knew that the territory of his father Baron Leo included three cavaliers, including five villages and towns, and the annual population statistics were at least 5,000. It also takes at least an hour for the horse to run from one end of the territory to the other end as fast as possible. This is a very big site.

Angelio Leo, the second son of Baron Leo, is also the highest-ranked person in the Leo family now. The eldest son did not return to join the army, and the orthodox inheritance of the family is likely to fall to Angele.

“Little aristocracy … actually passed through …” Song Ye rubbed his head, only to find that he was lying on a small bed, and his clothes had been changed into white pajamas. And covered with a thin layer of white quilt.

This is a bright and spacious bedroom room.

A bed, a white-lacquered writing desk, two high-back chairs, also white.

The window facing the bed was open, and a small noise came in, as if in a street or something.

The faint breeze came in with the aroma of pancakes.

Song Ye took a deep breath and suddenly felt hungry.

“Anyone?” Song Ye checked the memory of Angele and confirmed that this was a family house in the town.

Squeaked, the door opened.

A simple-looking, middle-aged man wearing a red noble costume strode in. He had a small silver bowl in his hand, and the seductive flavours of meat flew from the bowl.

“Angle, are you better?” The man frowned and went to the bed. Put the small bowl on the bedside table, stretch out a big hand and touch Song Ye’s forehead.

“No fever. Drink the broth first. Your body is too weak.”

Song Ye quickly recalled the memory of the man in front of him.

Kyle Leo, the current patriarch of the Leo family, is also the baron of the lord who governs the territory. But in front of Angele was just a father who loved his son.

“I remember I told you.” Baron Kyle sank, “Less with the little things in the city, even if you are classmates studying Cavaliers together, don’t go with them Too close. “

“It’s my fault, father.” Song Ye bowed his head unconsciously, whispering. But this is not what he meant, but it seems to be the original conditioned reflex of this body.

“You fell off the mad running horse and you haven’t broken a bone yet. It looks like your luck is good.” The baron relaxed a little. Looking at his son’s guilty bowed head, he felt unconsciously.

“Your elder brother left the army to join the army. It ’s all a matter of not being able to return. My Leo family’s future hopes are all on you. If you do something else, I dare not imagine the consequences. … “The baron sighed and stopped talking.

In the memory of Angele, Song Ye also knows that his father is this character.

Externally, he is a strong baron of the Leo family. He is cruel and unreasonable. There are not a few people in the family who are executed by him only because of some minor faults. And as a lord with many lords.

Master Baron holds beautiful women in the territory every few years. As a result, many children were born.

More importantly, last year, after a series of planning and bargaining, the Baron sent troops to annex a nearby baron leader, and the territory was almost doubled.

People outside talk about his brutality and incompetence. He’s insidious and cunning. He was ruthless.

But unfortunately, the baron’s feelings for Angle are unique. In other words, the feelings for the mother of Angele’s death are very special.

Therefore, Anglo ranks highest among all children.

No matter what he asks, the baron will do his best to satisfy him.

“You must remember, Anglia. In any case, as the future heir of the Leo family, you should not lack reason, and you must think carefully before doing anything.” Baron Kyle was serious about Song Ye Say.

“I remember, father.” Song Ye nodded solemnly.

“Catherine, don’t worry, the other one, the girl you used to want, I’ve delivered it to your room. You are still small, you can play, but if I find you addicted … .. “The baron paused, a savage expression appeared in his eyes,” you know what will happen. “

“I see.” Song Ye nodded nervously. Although the Baron liked him very much, the trouble he did this time was really big.

“Okay, rest after you finish the soup. I still have work to do. When the old man will find someone to bring you back to the castle, I will go first.” The baron nodded. Turn around and leave.

The moment the bedroom door closes.

Song Ye’s gaze reached a knight in iron armor standing outside the door. He knew him, the strongest warrior under the Baron, the Knight of Otis. Likes to smash the enemy’s head with heavy armor, just like watermelon.

People in the territory call him the Devil Knight.

Bang, the bedroom door is closed.

The baron’s whispering and footsteps came from the yard outside. Lopsided. Until it is completely inaudible.

Song Ye turned his head and looked at the broth on the nightstand.

He knew that if it was just ordinary broth, the baron would not bring it in person.

The meat inside comes from a type of fish called ring sardines, which is the fish that legendary evil wizards use to witchcraft the lost children. He had drank it before when he was injured.

Song Ye took the silver bowl and looked inside.

In the milky white soup, a silver fish with the length of an index finger is looming. The head of the fish is a human face that resembles a human being.

“Fish with a child’s face …” Song Ye muttered, looking at the painful expression on the child’s face in the bowl. Suddenly there was a tumble in his stomach.

“This world is really not the same world as before …” His thought flashed through his mind.

Sitting on the bed, Song Ye hesitated for a while, and finally squeezed the soup into his stomach with his nose. As for the fish head on the child’s face, he was left alone in the bowl. He dare not eat such things.

After drinking the soup, I lay down on the bed and rested for a while.

Song Ye started to sort out the memories in his head.

The original Anglo, because of his father’s affection, was only a little bit personal in his personality, but he was no worse than other children in entertainment. It’s even better.

As long as it is what he wants, whether it be things, pets, belongings, or even people, the baron will do everything to satisfy him. This also led to Angliat becoming more and more unscrupulous, and when he saw something he liked, he wanted to reach out and grab it.

In other words, it’s the standard sister-in-law.

After all, as a baron leader, the area is already equivalent to a county-level city on Earth in Song Ye’s previous life. Although the population is much smaller, the rights are much more than that. The baron as lord can cover the sky with one hand.

In this chaotic age, there is a state of chaos within the present-day Rudin kingdom. Nobles are, after all, representatives of strength and wealth.

But, no matter how scary Baron Kyle’s power is, the fact that Spangled Angele messed up this time is a bit too far.

Angel saw a noble girl studying together at a glance while being sent to learn a knight course.

The girl’s name is Catherine Candia. Is the most beloved granddaughter of Viscount Candia, who nominally governs Baron Kyle.

In order to show himself in front of Catherine, Angelo should race against another boy. The result was that his saddle was tampered with, and for a moment he was inattentive, and the original Anglia disappeared into this world forever.

“It’s because the competition is jealous …” Song Ye dumbfounded his memory. “This world is really ….. people are speechless … only fourteen years old knew that the wind was jealous to fight against rivals …”

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