The Sword Deity in Tokyo Chapter 320: Reviewed my homework


The return of Takeda Swordsman immediately caused a sensation among the major kendo families in Japan.

According to Takeda Hiro, when he returned from his travels, it was when he laid down his legacy. At that time, the younger generations of Japanese kendo families, large and small, can compete in kendo battles, and decide the first among the younger generation to become his successor.

Kimura Kazuki doesn’t know if Takeda Hiro is the only person in modern Japan who has reached the realm of Juggernaut, but on the bright side, the other party is the strongest Juggernaut in Japan. This is not only recognized by the major kendo families, but also recognized by the gods and ghosts Fuming Palace.

People like Ito Se, and even their elders, don’t know the so-called shikigami. As long as there is a good ghost in the family, and then activate the blood, they can connect with the shikigami. And for Takeda Hiro, these things are things that are readily known.

This is when the strength is strong, the level is different.

The stronger you are, the more you know.

So as long as you get the recognition of Sword Saint Takeda, you can not only get the inheritance of the other party, but also various huge intangible resources. After all, Taketian Kuan had never had a disciple yet, so being the only disciple of the other party, the resources that he could get, he could imagine how huge it would be.

Kimura Kazuki can see the strength of Ito Shi and others, and although the three people bickered with venomous tongues, anyone with a discerning eye can see that they are best friends. But when the news of Takeda Hiran’s return came, there was something else in the eyes of the three of them.

That’s the smell of competition.

Even Ito Shi, who is not very brave and doesn’t like fighting, has a frenzy in his eyes.

The three obviously didn’t know that apart from Takeda Hiro, Kimura Kazuki was actually a swordsman. But to Ito Shi, Kimura Kazuki is just someone stronger than them. As for Kimura Kazuki, will he be a Juggernaut? They didn’t even have that thought at all.

The so-called Juggernaut is not a matter of strength, but a realm.

In the realm of Sword Saints, there have been only a few since ancient times.

From a historical point of view, if you want to become a Juggernaut, you are at least fifty or sixty years old. This is because young people are still in the process of improving their strength. When their strength reaches a certain level, they have the energy to think about how to improve. boundary problem.

Kimura Kazuki could feel that when the news came, the three of Itoshi no longer had the intention to search for monsters, and even had no intention to train the lines of the talismans.

However, after Kayue and Yayoi got the news, they were relatively calm. Because most powerful swordsmen look for successors, they mostly choose from men, and rarely choose female disciples as their successors. This preference for sons over women is most obvious in Japan.

Japan is the most unequal country between men and women in developed countries, but this is not reflected in human rights, it is generally reflected in work. No matter how powerful a woman is, the company will not use a woman. This kind of ideological dross is also reflected in all aspects of the industry, even the Kendo family can’t avoid it, or even surpass it.

So both Kazuki and Yayoi knew that they could visit, but not participate.

And even if you participate in the competition, you will not be able to win against the geniuses of the major families. Although many kendo disciples of Yulong Banner, large and small, have participated in the competition, there are still many people who are hidden and did not participate in the competition. They don’t care about the threat of the Tsukahara family, as long as they get the inheritance of Sword Saint Takeda, even the Tsukahara family dare not say anything.

When a person’s strength can destroy a family, then this is the peak of this era that cannot be overturned. And Takeda Hiro is undoubtedly such a person.

This is also the reason why He Maosheng immediately went to Feiyu Mountain to seek the help of Jiansheng Takeda after receiving the request of the **** Fuming Palace.

Ito Se, Saito Tomoya, and Tsukahara Rui walked straight away, saying hello to Kimura Kazuki and leaving in a hurry. Kimura Kazuki didn’t even have time to tell these guys that Jinshan’s monster problem was solved.

He can’t help laughing.

But Takeda Kuan is back, so naturally he has to solve some things.

Whether it’s the grievances of the Yagyu family or the incense crystallization that restores Yunzi’s memory, he must ask Takeda Kan to explain.

This account, Takeda Hiro is likely to pay the price of his life.

Thinking about it, Kimura and Shu have no desire to stay in Xiaolin Village anymore. He has had enough rest for the past two days. Now that the matter here has been resolved, it is natural to go home and do some preparations.

Kimura and Shu are leaving, and Chunyang naturally follows.

She went shopping with Kayue and Yayoi in the past few days, and played almost all the recreational facilities in Xiaolin Village. Now that Kimura and Shu were leaving, she realized later, “Senior, here’s the Has the monster been solved?”

“It’s solved.” Kimura and Shu smiled slightly and talked about the encounter with the bride on the golden mountain, which surprised Chunyang. Yang also did not propose to meet the other party.

As for Takeda Hiro, Kimura Kazuki didn’t mention it.

Chunyang’s main task at this stage is to become familiar with Shikigami, so that Guqiao Yingjiu and herself can achieve the tacit understanding and blood connection they should have. To put it simply, it is the close connection between Kimura Kazushu and Sun Moon Sword. Therefore, there is no need for Chunyang to know about Takeda Kuan’s inheritance.

After saying goodbye to Kazuki and Yayoi, Kimura Kazuki and Chuno returned to Tokyo.

Let’s not say that Chunyang was questioned by the three of Akino after returning home, Kimura Kazuki returned home and began to live his summer vacation.

He didn’t make any preparations. For him, even if Takeda Hiro was in the realm of the Sword Saint at this stage, the opponent’s strength was definitely not as strong as him.

He doesn’t even need to shoot, a lightning charm can make the opponent disappear.

It’s not conceit, it’s confidence.

And during this period, Kenichiro Yagyu apparently also learned about Takeda Hiro’s return, and contacted him on the third day, saying that four days later, it will be the time of the Feiyu Mountain Heritage Conference, when the Japanese swordsmanship will be large and small. The clan will gather in Feiyu Mountain to let the young disciples in the clan compete in the inheritance conference.

Kimura and the tree tell Yagyu Kenichiro not to worry.

Then Kenichiro Yagyu waited for a At this time, the battle for the inheritance of Feiyu Mountain had reached a fever pitch.

When Kimura and Shu contacted him a week later, Kenichiro Yagyu couldn’t help crying with joy. For him, every second was a torment.

While on the road, Kenichiro Yagyu also asked Kazuki Kimura what preparations he was doing this week. After all, in his opinion, it is necessary to seek revenge for the sword saint, Takeda Hiro, and make adequate preparations. of.

This is also the reason why Kenichiro Yagyu was anxious, but did not disturb Kazuki Kimura.

“Well, there’s been a lot of things going on recently, and my studies have fallen behind. So I reviewed my homework at home.”

When Kenichiro Yagyu learned the answer from Kimura and Kikou, he was speechless for a long time.

The eyes of Shizuo Yagyu next to her are sparkling, and the adoration in the depths of her eyes is about to overflow. This kind of contempt for opponents and fresh and refined words is the direction for her to learn in the future.

Of course, one’s own strength must be strong.


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