The Sword Deity in Tokyo Chapter 198: 【Kimura Kazuki·Nianghua Version】


On the morning of the third day, Kimura Kazuki got a call from Otake Ryo.

“Kimura-kun, I have prepared the identity you want.”

“Send the identity information to my mobile phone.” Kimura Kazuki had already got up and washed up. After receiving the call, he said directly, “Do you need to date someone?”

“No need.” Ryo Otake said with a smile, “The identity prepared for you is a cartoonist. For the sake of truth, I also found a friend from a cartoon company to help you find an editor in charge. At noon, she will still Go to the reminder. There are seven boyfriends in total, you can just chat online.” According to Kimura Kazuki, resentful spirits can act on the Internet, so as long as the resentful spirits can see this information online, it will be attractive enough. the other side.

Hearing this, Kimura Kazuki thought for a while, and he said, “Let that editor go to the Weir Apartment on Weir Road to find me.” Then he reported an address. I haven’t seen it yet, it just so happens that he’s going to play a woman now, so it’s not appropriate to live in such a small room.

Among the women that Yamanaka Xana killed, they were all beautiful. He doesn’t know whether the other party hates the rich or not, but he will not let it go if there is a little more chance of seduction.

A rich and beautiful woman who has seven boyfriends at the same time. He can’t seduce Yamanaka Nana.

Otake Ryo was not surprised when he heard this. After all, Kimura Kazuki is a powerful extraordinary person, and it is very normal for the other party to live in the Weir apartment. But… if he solves the case, what kind of reward should he pay? Otake Ryo fell into contemplation.

After Kimura and Shu hung up Otake Ryo’s phone, the phone received an email from Otake Ryo.

Kimura Kazuki took a look and understood. The woman he plays, named Kimura Kazuko, pseudonym Qingqiu, is a senior cartoonist. However, the cartoons he draws are not well-known, on the contrary, they are still in the street…

It’s just… The name Kimura Kazuko is a bit familiar, it seems that someone has called this name at the venue before.

After taking a few glances, Kimura Kazuki came to the table. He checked the Internet and found that there were actually comics under the pseudonym of Qingqiu on the Internet. It seems that Ryo Otake prepared very thoughtfully. The email also stated that he should wait at the police station to get the mobile phone, bank card, driver’s license and the like belonging to [Kimura Kazuko].

Looking at the time, Kimura Kazuki came to the mirror in the bathroom. He sighed slightly, but he didn’t expect that he would have the opportunity to use this technique.

The spell “Mask · Thousand Transformations” was given to him by a princess Tianhu from the Nine-Tailed Fox clan.

When the spiritual energy of the previous life was revived, humans were nourished by the spiritual energy, and animals were no exception. There are many creatures called “Monster Race” in the world. These creatures are very similar to the creatures in some myths and legends.

In China, monsters are naturally relatively common.

The person he takes care of is a Tianhu of the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan, named Liu Tianyi, with a distinguished status. Because he went to the capital to play, he was almost assassinated… During the injury period, he was assigned by the spiritual house to take care of the other party. .

He was confused and didn’t know why he was sent on this mission. I didn’t know the situation until I saw the Tianhu Princess.

The celestial fox of the nine-tailed fox family is born with the ability to charm. People with unstable minds are very easy to be charmed by the other party… And in the spiritual house, Kimura Kazuki is very famous for being a woodsy, nerdy, and cold-hearted person. People who didn’t even like him secretly gave him the nickname Stone Man…

Kimura Kazuki naturally didn’t care, but he didn’t expect this kind of reputation to make him receive this task, which made him speechless.

The task Kimura and Shu are naturally completed perfectly, because taking care of Liu Tianyi does not require much effort, chatting with each other, instructing the kitchen to cook some meals that suit your appetite, etc. trivial matters, at that time Kimura and Shu and the nanny similar.

Before leaving, Liu Tianyi gave Kimura Kazuki the “Mask · Thousand Transformations” technique she developed. This technique is the reason why she was able to sneak out of the Nine-Tailed Fox Territory.

“Mask · Thousand Changes” is a powerful face value technique.

The so-called face value technique is a type of technique jointly developed by some girls after the aura is revived.

After many women can cultivate, they don’t look at how strong they are, but they think for the first time whether they can make themselves more beautiful and more temperamental after cultivation, so the art of beauty was born.

Thinking, Kimura Kazuki came to the mirror in the bathroom. The spiritual energy in the spiritual sea moved slightly, rushing towards the face. The next moment, Kimura Kazuki ‘hiss’, and the severe pain from his face made his cheeks twitch slightly. He scolded inwardly, Liu Tianyi gave him this technique, but he didn’t say there was such a side effect, and when he was a nanny for Liu Tianyi, the other party was very afraid of pain.

Could it be that the other party will not experience such severe pain when using this spell?

The cheeks twitched slightly in pain, but Kimura Kazuki didn’t stop, but continued to pinch his face. He looked at himself in the mirror, and could clearly see that his cheeks began to subtly transform his face with the surging aura.

At this time, Kazuki Kimura’s more stern and tough face gradually calmed down. The sharp eyes, with the change of the eye sockets, the eyes within them also become clear and soft, and the lips pursed into a line gradually changed, turning into small cherry mouths.

After pinching her face for several hours, Kimura Kazuki looked in the mirror with a cold face, her skin was as white as jade, but her brow was slightly couldn’t help but smile. This smile is even more elegant.

If Liu Tianyi also traveled through, she would have to scold Kimura Kazushu for making her face look like her. This is courting death!

The reason why Kimura Kazuki used Liu Tianyi’s face is mainly because of the identity information sent by Otake Ryo, the pseudonym is Qingqiu… And the nine-tailed fox family lived in Qingqiu Mountain, which made him think that he could use Liu Tianyi’s face. Tianyi’s face for reference.

“Not bad.” Kimura Kazuki rubbed his face now and muttered, but when he opened his mouth, the voice with a female face was a male voice, which was very discordant.

After thinking for a while, Kimura Kazuki continued, “This face should make Shannaka take the bait.” The voice was like a murmur, like a song like water, every word with a hint of sultry sense. Although light, it penetrates deep into the bone marrow, soft and sultry, and makes people linger.

Using Liu Tianyi’s face, naturally the voice cannot be spared.

The current Kimura Kazushu is a replica of Liu Tianyi. Of course… Now that the spiritual energy has not recovered, it is estimated that there is no princess Liu Tianyi in this world.

As for how the voice can change like this, he learned it by reading a book called “Ten Thousand Uses of Voice” in the library of the spiritual house when he was bored. I thought it could only be used as my own knowledge reserve, but I didn’t expect to use it one day.

At this time, Kimura Kazuki looked at the time, it was already 1:00 noon, and it was time to go to the police station to get their own identification. Just as he was packing his things and was about to go out, the phone rang from Chiba Shiori’s call.

“Hey… Kazushu, the time for “Bright Eyesight” is almost here today. “

“Here comes.”

“Who are you?”

Hearing the voice, Chiba Shiori was dumbfounded. Why was a girl answering the phone? And the voice was so good, as a girl, she was fascinated by the voice.


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