The Sword Deity in Tokyo Chapter 191: Chun Yang’s sword intent!


I am a Sword Immortal in Tokyo Chapter 191 Chun Yang’s Sword Intent! Listen to audio novels online

Kimura Kazuki didn’t refuse Ito’s Jiraiki.

Now, he hopes to have more contact with the people of the gods and ghosts Fuming Palace, and the Ito family may be an opportunity.

While Kimura Kazuki was thinking, it was his turn to play.

Kimura Kazuki of the Sakura Nine Team Competition has conquered the audience. Now Kimura and Shu will be accompanied by bursts of cheers every time they play.

The minister who spoke in unison shocked the hearts of the contestants in the field.

In the eyes of the audience, Kimura Kazuki is the king of Tokyo this year. Representing Tokyo to participate in the Jade Dragon Flag National Competition, they put all their expectations of the championship on Kimura Kazuki.

In addition to the audience, there were also Kimura and Shu’s support group organized by Xia Wei. It’s just that the online clubs are still relatively rough, and Xia Wei has established several e-groups to accept the senior’s fans.

However, because of the grassroots, the group is mixed, and Xia Wei has already planned to form several core groups. Now only Kimura and the tree support team of Sakurajiu School are the core.

The support team of Kimura and Shu at the scene is composed of female high school students. They made clear and sweet voices to cheer for Kimura and Shu. The envy of many male players.

On the other side, a group of boys held up posters with Kazuki Kimura, who had been turned into a mother. They shouted Kazuko Kimura’s name loudly. A feeling of repression.

Fortunately, Kimura Kazuki didn’t have the habit of looking at the auditorium, otherwise he was afraid that he couldn’t help rushing to the auditorium to beat these dead houses.

The contest draws to a close soon.

“Next game, Kazuki Kimura vs. Chunyang Furubashi.”

Hearing the sound of the notification, Xia Wei was stunned, not knowing whether to cheer for the senior or Chunyang.

However, she looked at the schedule on the front screen. The match between the senior and Chunyang is already the final four of the individual competition. That is to say, Chunyang has already advanced to the national competition no matter what.

Both the team and individual competitions have advanced.

So Xia Wei couldn’t help but coquettishly said, “Minister Kimura, dry dad”

Sit next to Qiu Nai looking at Xia Wei with contempt, she shouted without giving up, “Chun Yang, come on, kill the big devil.”

Donghe sat on the side, watching silently, too lazy to get involved in the struggle between these two guys. At this time, Kimura Kazuki and Chunyang have already played.

“Senior” Chun Yang didn’t expect that she would go to the senior, thinking of the strength of the other party, she didn’t have the heart to compete. Even her hands holding the bamboo knife trembled a little.

“Fight well.” Kimura Kazuki frowned as if he felt something, “No matter how different your strengths are, if you don’t have the heart to win, then your kendo strength will definitely stagnate in the future.”

Chun Yang was shocked, she took a deep breath and said solemnly, “Yes”

When the referee announced the start, the moment the two people finished their salute, Chunyang immediately made a sound of Qi Harmony. Because he had never been in contact with Jingshan Qi Confluence, Chunyang’s Qi Combination was just an ordinary Qi Harmony, which was used to strengthen courage and deterrence. use.

The next moment, Chunyang immediately bullied himself up.

She knew that if she didn’t take the initiative, the senior would definitely be able to defeat her with one move. Whether it’s kendo or life, only by taking the initiative can you gain the senior’s approval, get the senior’s attention, and become the senior’s girlfriend.

And as long as she is strong, she can integrate into the life of the senior. Only when you are strong can you help the seniors. Only when you are strong will you have the opportunity to become the senior’s girlfriend.

So, if she wants to take the initiative, she must take the initiative. She doesn’t want to regret it at a certain stage of her life.

With a strong thought, Chun Yang held a knife in both hands. Her eyes were like raging fire, with an unstoppable momentum, and she slashed down instantly. The speed of this knife reached a critical point.


Kimura Kazuki couldn’t help but be surprised. But the next moment he denied it, it was just that Chun Yang’s sword swing speed reached a speed threshold, so at this moment the opponent’s speed reached such extreme speed, but even so, he was still surprised.

He could feel Chunyang’s unstoppable determination with this blow. He didn’t expect that just a simple chicken soup could make Chunyang burst into such a strong emotion, and it seemed that in this blow, there seemed to be an active, gentle, tentative, and sharp sword intent.

Yes, sword intent

I always thought that Chunyang’s kendo talent was very good, but he didn’t expect the other party to understand the sword intent so quickly. Although he has ten years of kendo foundation, Chunyang has not even been in touch with the ancient kendo swordsmanship for less than a month.

He believes that his feelings are correct. Chunyang’s attack contains a sword intent, but this sword intent is still in its infancy, because the emotions of this sword intent are too complicated, and it is obvious that Chunyang is still fighting for his own Kendo is confused.

It seems that Chunyang has not yet embarked on the right path, in that case

Kimura and Shu blocked Chunyang’s Between Chunyang’s slash, he snorted softly, “Chunyang, what are you confused about, if you find the target, then go after it. Don’t Whether this path is right or wrong, because it is your own path, it is your inner choice and expectation. So, don’t hesitate”

Kimura and Shu’s light drink used the confluence of Jingshan Qi, and his voice exploded in Chunyang’s ear. Of course, with Kimura and Shu in control, this sound is not lethal, but it is deafening in Chun Yang’s ears

She was shocked and looked at the senior with a strong emotion.

Kimura Kazuki’s words echoed in her ears. And at this moment, the words that Qiu Nai shouted at home every day sounded strangely in her mind

What is it?

It seems that if you hesitate, you will lose.

“Thank you, senior, I will pursue it for the rest of my life, and I will spend my whole life guarding this relationship.” Chun Yang’s pink lips were squirming slightly, and her tone was firm. The next moment, Chunyang held a bamboo knife in both hands, and the speed was even faster. This knife slashed at Kimura Kazuki’s little hand.

A surprise flashed in Kimura and Shu’s eyes, and Chun Yang’s sword intent became stronger. And the messy emotions began to melt together, with a soft, warm, firm mood.


Kimura Kazuki didn’t attack. He knew that Chunyang was entering a state now, and each knife had its own perception, and he couldn’t interrupt it.

At this time, the audience stared dumbfounded at the beaten Kimura Kazuki, who was stepping back, and then they looked at Guqiao Chunyang. They couldn’t even see the female classmate named Guqiao Chunyang. Bamboo knife in hand.

Apart from the strong beating sound, there was no afterimage of the bamboo swords in the hands of Kazuki Kimura and Chuno Furuhashi.

This speed has exceeded the limit of the human eye.

I am a swordsman in Tokyo

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