The Strongest Dan God Chapter 145: Converge the fire!

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Liu Bingqian bit her thin lip lightly, set her mind, and turned all her mind into the setting fire. The flame at the fingertips began to spread gradually, and the bright fire core was faintly visible.


spiritual fire was poured into the bottom of the pill furnace by Liu Bingqian. In an instant, the bottom of the profound -tier pill furnace was full of fire, which made the whole room shine through.

Because it is empty pill furnace, the scorching smoke starts to slowly generate in the room. If it is left alone, even if it is profound -tier pill furnace, it will be burned even if it is continuously burned in this empty.

So at this time, the person who receives the fire source needs to shoot as soon as possible!

Big Brother Rough Guy, it’s your turn!”

Ye Zifeng smiled faintly: “Relax, I know what to do.”

“You …”

Liu Bingqian is also his first time. Many things need to be guided by himself. Just like the first time she condensed the fire, it was completed under the careful guidance of Muyun Old Devil .

Even the Song Shiyun, he spent a lot of money in order to converge the fire, and he found the master refining pills (alchemy) of Tiandao City to succeed.

Where does she know that Ye Zifeng was formerly known as Heaven Level peak Alchemist, and the theoretical steps of condensing common tier flame through the way of ignition like this, he can almost say it backwards.

Ye Zifeng sinks in thought, and the star eyes close slightly, but they are not closed tightly, and they still have a slit in their eyes, observing the signs of flames.

When the flame sprouting reached the highest point, his expression suddenly became stronger!

All the way spiritual energy was led from his arm with blood red lines to his fingertip, and the fire Qi, which was soaring and overflowing, overflowed from his fingertip, automatically bifurcated, and attached it in the direction of profound -tier pill furnace.

Ye Zifeng ’s fingertip fire Qi meets the flame condensed by Liu Bingqian, the two intermingle, you can clearly see that from the top of profound -tier pill furnace, there is gradually a trace of flame breaking into the Ye Zifeng body!

Ignite the fire, although it is a shortcut to converge the fire, it is definitely not just for fun.

Ignite the upper body is the first step, if the novice has no experience, it may even ignite directly!

Mars jumped on the skin of Ye Zifeng, eroding his skin anxiously, “sizzling”.

Big Brother Rough Guy …” Liu Bingqian is full of worries in her beautiful eyes. If something goes wrong with Ye Zifeng, she will definitely stop her hand and heal him.


Ye Zifeng took a deep breath, her eyes closed tightly, refined essence kept running in his hand, turning faster and faster. It didn’t take a moment, only to see a layer of spiritual energy film covering his own big cave, and those Mars hit the film, which stopped the castration, and no longer caused any damage to Ye Zifeng.

However, that is only superficial!

Mars ca n’t splash on Ye Zifeng, but the scorching high temperature is difficult to be completely separated by spiritual energy film, and the continuous heat is led to Ye Zifeng by profound -tier pill furnace as a medium.

“Ah …” Ye Zifeng whispered softly.

It felt like he was in a steamer. The big sweaty beads slipped from the cheeks of Ye Zifeng, but he looked firm without any hesitation.

Big Brother Rough Guy, otherwise, I will remove some flames …”

Liu Bingqian‘s long eyelashes moved, and his eyes were full of worry.

Who thought Ye Zifeng smiled and said, “What to do withdraw? Isn’t this just the beginning, Bingqian, add more force and increase the quality and quantity of the flames!”

“But …” Liu Bingqian stared at him for a while, only to think that his underwear all over his body seemed to be wet with sweat, but if he went on like this, he still had to rely on spiritual energy to resist the high temperature.

“Continue! Increase the fire!” Ye Zifeng smiled long, as if it seemed to be dead, and it was like a bamboo in the chest, people could not tell what he thought in his heart.

Liu Bingqian silently for a moment, sighed a little: “Well, then I don’t care …”

She said that she was attentive, staring at her fingertips, and gathered all the spiritual energy in her body here.

For her Realm of Qi Refining 9th stage peak, so much spiritual energy is enough to roast medicinal ingredient in pill furnace. But now, Ye Zifeng just wants to absorb this flame and condense its own flame!

At the same time, the flames under pill furnace seemed to be suddenly added with a lot of hay, and they burned up vigorously at once! The fire light illuminated the cheeks of the two, and the heat wave rushed to the face, making people unable to wait!

Ye Zifeng rolled up an lightning qi with both hands, and even covered his own spiritual energy film.

However, if you change the spiritual fire of a person with Qi Refining 8th Stage Realm, Ye Zifeng may still be able to bear it. Now Liu Bingqian is Qi Refining 9th stage after all. Just relying on lightning qi and 6th stage Realm spiritual energy, it is almost impossible to resist the heat.

“If so, use Martial Spirit power.”

Ye Zifeng used Martial Spirit to condense the spiritual energy monster when it was last dealt with Jin Peng, and it has always been somewhat afraid of its power. If it is accidentally drawn by itself, it may cause damage to Liu Bingqian, however, After all, this is just a fear, and has not reached the point of fear.

Not to mention, the shadow ghost once said that he will not come out again for a short time before Ye Zifeng feeds it with Medicinal Pill to help him recover his vitality.

Bingqian, you stand far away from me.”

For the sake of insurance, Ye Zifeng let Liu Bingqian back a few more steps, and began to guide part of the spiritual energy in the abdomen to the blood red lines of the arms. After a white mongolian spiritual energy was injected into it, I saw that blood red lines changed The body is extremely red, and there is faint luster.

Several flames penetrated the Thunderbolt and the spiritual energy diaphragm, leaving a scorching mark on the Ye Zifeng. This is more than that. Some even penetrated the skin of Ye Zifeng and began to erode toward the inside.

However, after the Ye Zifeng started the undead Martial Spirit power, the burnt mark seemed to be erased by a pair of holy hands, and even with the burnt skin, it also changed back to its original color.

“Oh my God … Big Brother Rough Guy, isn’t it the same as dealing with Jin Peng in the woods, did you use Martial Spirit power again?”

Liu Bingqian was born again and familiarized again this time. This time, she finally gave the questions she always had in mind.

“That’s exactly what it is.”

“No, it’s still true. I didn’t expect that you really own Martial Spirit power! This … is simply unbelievable.” Liu Bingqian was surprised by the bright eyes.

Ye Zifeng smiled faintly: “This matter is only known to you now, so remember to keep the secret for me.”

“That is of course!” Liu Bingqian nodded, Giggle chuckled, and it was an honor for her to be the only person who knew the secret of Ye Zifeng.

“Okay Bingqian, now the surrounding temperature, I think it is nearly , now, from the profound -tier pill furnace to absorb the fire!”

A person wants to condense common tier flame and walks in two steps. Attracting someone’s fire source is the first step, and it is to strengthen his own fire source quality.

However, the fire of common tier exists after all for refining Medicinal Pill, so in the second step, he also needs to do some coordination and integration with the fire of pill furnace itself. And this is the key to condensing flames!

Liu Bingqian stared at Ye Zifeng in amazement, wondering how the other party knew the process of the ignition more than himself, and he was puzzled, because even if he had more theoretical knowledge, he should not be so experienced in practical operation.

Is n’t Ye Zifeng, he really has no tutor, and the dao of alchemy genius that has been rare for hundreds of years? Think of it this way, Liu Bingqian looks at Ye Zifeng, and it looks a little more obsessive.

Bingqian, what are you thinking …”

Liu Bingqian came back, his face was red, and an embarrassed expression appeared in his beautiful eyes: “It’s nothing … Well, I will lead you to the flame of profound -tier pill furnace for you. If you can’t do it, remember to close it! “

“Okay, start now.”

She only has the experience of using common tier pill furnace to lead Fanhuo, and profound -tier pill furnace to lead Fanhuo, and hardly ever heard of anyone doing this. The danger contained therein can be seen.

Liu Bingqian took a deep breath, taking her as the center, a essence energy frenzy suddenly rolled up from her, swirling into the pill furnace.

When essence energy fell, flames rose from the bottom of the furnace and quickly condensed into small groups, and the small groups of flames condensed into large groups of flames. Flammable items even have signs of burning.

“No, this fire will be so fierce?” Although Liu Bingqian has already made enough preparations, she is still disappointed. Fortunately, she has been with Ye Zifeng for a while, and her psychological quality has become strong.

She adjusted her mind a little bit and immediately used spiritual energy again to push down the fire heavily.

I saw the sky and clouds gathered together, and gradually subsided under the full control of Liu Bingqian, and finally did not burn the roof directly.

Rao is so. With her strength, it is still very difficult to use the whole body spiritual energy to control this fire.

Big Brother Rough Guy, I can only control the fire to this level at most. The fire in profound -tier pill furnace is too bad. I ’m afraid that if you ca n’t bear it, you will even be burned directly! Do n’t forget it, let ’s change to common tier pill furnace and try again? ”

She was still holding a luck, but now she saw the fierce fire burning in this large film, and it was gone.

Ye Zifeng saw this fire, and his face was a little dignified at this time, but he was far from giving up.

“Listen to my Bingqian, do n’t give up, I ’m fine. Slowly control the fire and lead it to my side.”

“But, I’m afraid you are dead!”

Bingqian!” Ye Zifeng is full of seriousness: “Trust me!”

If you do n’t give up, but the person who helped yourself gives up, then the oolong will be too big.

“Okay … Okay.” Whenever Liu Bingqian hears this sentence, he feels that he is right.

Liu Bingqian pursed his lips slightly, his expression was very serious, and it was obviously moving.

The fire in the furnace in front of you is gradually shaped like a fire dragon, the hot rainbow light is swallowed up, bound by the traction of spiritual energy, and moved all the way to the top of Ye Zifeng

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