The Six Immortals Chapter 90: God Demon Sect, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Six Dao Xianzun!

Chapter Ninety God and Demon Sect

“You are right, you can’t refuse. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It would be a shame if you refuse.” Ming Longyu clapped his hands,

Bi Fan smiled bitterly: “Master Ming Longyu, if you want to become Long Xuanxin’s guest, it is definitely not a problem, I will fix it.”

“Bi Fan, don’t you think Long Xuanxin takes seriously.” Ming Longyu was a little surprised,

“Forget it, he values ​​me very much, but I have very few opportunities to meet him. I will tell his people, it is absolutely fine.” Bi Fan promised,

“Okay, then I will trouble you.” Ming Longyu said happily,

He didn’t expect to be able to join the top-ranked sect of Shengzi so quickly, he was in a good mood,

He is even more happy that he has recruited Bi Fan at the beginning.

Bi Fan has made a lot of contributions to him. If he joins Long Xuanxin’s family this time, it will be even more important.

“Young Master Ming Longyu, I will take you to Long Xuanxin’s mansion now.” Bi Fan didn’t want to delay time,

“Bi Fan, don’t call me Young Master Young Master, just call me by name, and we will be friends in the future.” Ming Longyu said excitedly,

“No problem, come with me.” Bi Fan smiled,

This is the case in this world. The difference in status and status is not so obvious. With enough strength, the status and status are the same. Underworld Dragon Yu asked Bi Fan to be named, which shows that he regards Bi Fan as a level figure. /

It didn’t take long for Bi Fan to return to Long Xuanxin’s mansion, and he asked to inform him,

Bringing a stranger, you definitely can’t bring it in directly,

Not long after, Fang Feihong came out in person,

“Sect Master Bi Fan, why are you back again.” Fang Feihong smiled,

“I brought someone here, wanting to introduce him to the son of Long Xuanxin.” Bi Fan said, “This is the **** son Ming Longyu of the Tianming Sect of the Seventh-Rank Sect. I am also his guest Qing, he thought I want to join Long Xuanxin Shengzi, so I recommend it.”

“Hello, **** son Minglongyu, please come in. Since he is the strong man recommended by Sect Master Bi Fan, I believe that Shengzi Long Xuanxin will not be turned away. It just so happens that Shengzi Long Xuanxin is about to leave. , Let’s meet him together.” Fang Feihong is very enthusiastic,

When Ming Longyu saw this situation, he knew that Bi Fan was humble before. He must be taken seriously under Long Xuanxin’s family.

“Thank you.” Ming Longyu is very humble and polite,

Fang Feihong took everyone to see Long Xuanxin together,

Long Xuanxin just left the customs, saw Bi Fan, smiled and said: “Sect Master Bi Fan, I was told that you left as soon as I left the customs. I still have some regrets. It’s great that I didn’t expect you to come back again. Up.”

“Sage son of Long Xuanxin, let me introduce to you. This is the **** son Minglongyu of the Tianming Sect. He is ranked fourth among the hundreds of **** sons of the Tianming Sect. I am also his guest Qing. I just met him when I went out. He will bring you to see you, he wants to join your sect, what do you think.” Bi Fan said,

“Ming Longyu pays homage to the son of Long Xuanxin.” Ming Longyu salutes,

“Minglongyu, welcome you to join.” Long Xuanxin said immediately,

The status of Ming Longyu is still very high. With Bi Fan’s introduction, Long Xuanxin has no reason to refuse.

Even if it is to give Bi Fan face, Long Xuanxin will agree, not to mention that Ming Longyu is enough to become his guest, regardless of strength or status.

“Shengzi Longxuanxin, thank you.” Bi Fan and Ming Longyu said at the same time,

“You don’t need to thank me. In the future, if you have any problems, you will directly contact Fang Feihong. He will help you solve them. If he can’t solve them, he will tell me directly and I will solve them.” Long Xuanxin smiled,

In this way, Ming Longyu joined Long Xuanxin’s family, it was easier than imagined,

Ming Longyu, in Long Xuanxin Mansion, there is also a separate courtyard, next to Bi Fan’s courtyard,

Fang Feihong took him over, Bi Fan stayed and talked to Long Xuanxin,

“Sovereign Master Bi Fan, where are you going to experience?” Long Xuanxin asked,

“There is no special destination, just go around at will.” Bi Fan said,

“Well, I won’t keep you, I wish you a smooth journey and more gains.” Long Xuanxin laughed,

Bi Fan said gratefully: “Shengzi Long Xuanxin, thank you very much.”

He thought for a while, and said, “Sage Son of Long Xuanxin, I want to say one thing. I know it’s unbelievable, but I still want to tell you, after you know, will you tell me High-level, you decide.”

“Sect Master Bi Fan, you are so serious, it seems that things are not easy.” Long Xuanxin also became serious,

“Yes, I have ascended from the Six Realms. There have been a large number of undead strong people in the Six Realms. Our six realms have joined forces to finally wipe out the invading undead strong. It’s just that we got the news. There are many undead powerful people who have entered many time and space, including Hongmeng Huangyu. In Hongmeng Huangyu, I also met strong people with the breath of undead. They accepted the energy instillation of the undead and swore allegiance to the undead.” Bi Fan said: “The immortal race is getting more and more cunning. In this way, they are extremely secretive, but they will gradually erode Hongmeng Huangyu.”

Long Xuanxin opened his mouth wide and was extremely surprised: “Really, no, I should believe you, but the immortal family has really appeared, it will definitely be very troublesome.”

“Yes, I have been paying attention to the traces of the immortal family, but unfortunately I have not gained anything. In Hongmeng Huangyu, I only met a cultivator who had the breath of a strong immortal family. In addition, in a different time and space, I found some immortals. A family of strong.” Bi Fan sighed,

Long Xuanxin said: “Sect Master Bi Fan, it’s not that I don’t trust you, do you have substantive evidence in your hands.”

“Of course.” There are still many undead powerful people in Bi Fan who have suppressed them, and they have not subdued it.

He took out a strong immortal family at the level of the Destiny Immortal King and gave it to Long Xuanxin,

At the beginning of the Six Realms, the undead powerhouse at the level of the Destiny Immortal King was already very powerful, and knew more about it.

“Sacred Son of Long Xuanxin, this is the strongest of the immortal clan, you can interrogate slowly.”

Long Xuanxin’s eyes widened when he saw the strong undead.

Longshen Palace is a sect that existed in ancient times. Knowing the undead clan more in detail, it is natural to recognize the strong of the undead clan at a glance.

“It’s really a strong immortal clan, if the immortal clan enters various different time and space, Hongmenghuangyu in large numbers, it will be really troublesome.”

“The most troublesome thing is that the strong undead people hide very deeply, and it is difficult to find their tracks. I guess that in some different time and space, the possibility of the undead people is more likely to appear.” Bi Fan said,

“Sovereign Bi Fan, I will tell the higher-ups the news of the undead clan, but whether they will take action or not is unknown.” Long Xuanxin gradually recovered his calm,

“It doesn’t matter, as long as you can let the high-levels of the Dragon God Palace know, and pay attention to some in the future, if they personally discover the undead strong, things will be much easier.” Bi Fan said with a smile,

He was very satisfied with this result, and did not force too much,

Once the immortal race fully invades Hongmeng Huangyu, naturally which Ninth-Rank sects will resist, he doesn’t need to be too anxious,

I told Long Xuanxin about the undead strong, but Bi Fan got into a thought.

Soon, he left Dragon Star and continued to practice,

Ming Longyu has joined Long Xuanxin’s family, no need for Bi Fan to take care of it,

He has nothing to do in Dragon God Star, so he might as well look for the remains of the Tongtian Sect,

Recently, he has cultivated the Heavenly Sect’s inherited martial arts, the Heavenly Fist, the Heavenly Sword, the Heavenly Sacred Sword, and the Heavenly Sacred Fist to a certain extent, and he tried to practice the Connecting Heavenly Claw, but the Tongtian Claw was not successful.

The difficulty of cultivating through the heavenly claws is certainly not the incarnation of thousands and the difficulty of the Buddha in the palm of the hand, but there is no complete law decision, and it is not easy to practice successfully.

Bi Fan did not give up, as long as he can practice one and a half moves, his strength can be enhanced a lot,

On the contrary, it is another kind of great **** Tongtian Sunshine Wave Boxing. After Bi Fan has cultivated to Xiaocheng, he can already kill the enemy.

Furthermore, as his cultivation reached the level of Hongmeng Tianzun, Hongmeng Hunyuan Tianjue was already comparable to the earth-level Hongmeng Qi cultivation method, and it was much stronger than the ordinary earth-level Hongmeng Qi cultivation method.

When the Hongmeng Hunyuan Tianjue is promoted to the earth-level Hongmeng Qi cultivation method, Bi Fan’s combat effectiveness can be increased a lot,

He goes out to experience, so he has more confidence,

Like before, Bi Fan and the others still walk outside in the name of the Liujue Adventure Group, which is less noticeable.

The former site of the Tongtian Sect, which is far away from the site of the Dragon God Palace, is now occupied by another Ninth-Rank Sect God Demon Sect.

The gods and demons sect is a sect of demons, acting weird and vicious, and entering the territory of the gods and demons, you have to be cautious,

The Sect of Gods and Demons, a sect handed down in the ancient times, was still very weak in the ancient times. The immortal clan invaded, and the impact was relatively small.

In a great battle in the ancient times, many large sects lost their strength and even disappeared. At that time, some small sects developed rapidly and grew rapidly. The Divine Demon Sect is one of them, and has gradually developed into the Nine-Rank Sect.

It is naturally not easy for the God Demon Sect to become the Ninth Grade Sect.

Bi Fan is going to the Divine Demon Sect to find the inheritance of the Tongtian Sect. The biggest obstacle is the Divine Demon Sect.

The inheritance of the Tongtian Sect is definitely very secretive, and most of them are in the territory of the Gods and Demons Sect. It is almost impossible for Bi Fan to obtain the inheritance of the Tongtian Sect without a sound,

He didn’t think so much. This time he went to find out about the remains of the Tongtian Sect.

This is a long way to go to the gods and demons sect,

Bi Fan and the others didn’t hurry, but practiced all the way to improve their cultivation level.

If they can meet the relics and the ancient battlefields, they don’t mind to break through and harvest some treasures. Even Bi Fan will be the same as before. Every time he arrives on a planet, he will conquer some strong people as eyeliners. Purchasing some treasures for spare use, as long as they are treasures that can be bought with the Seven-Star Soul Jade, it is nothing to Bi Fan,

There are as many seven-star soul jade veins and seven-star soul jade as mastered by the Liujue Shenzong, I am afraid it is not less than that of the Sixth-Rank sect.

The seven-star soul jade that is born every day is enough for Bi Fan and the others to squander it.

Many treasures and materials are unforgettable. Now that we have encountered them, we don’t want to buy more.

Bi Fan stays on a planet for a period of time. The main purpose is to find traces of the undead.

Whenever he arrives on a planet, Bi Fan will make all the undead people he controls take action, looking for the breath of the undead people. Unfortunately, they haven’t found it yet. I don’t know where the undead people are hiding.

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