The Six Immortals Chapter 44: Intense bidding, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Six Dao Xianzun!

Bi Fan and the others walking on the street can see the strong in the mysterious fairyland and the strong in the golden fairyland from time to time.

At this moment, it seems that even the Golden Wonderland powerhouse is worthless and you can see it within a short distance.

Such an auction may not be very tempting to the powerhouse of Luo Tianshangxian level, but it is too important for the powerhouse of Golden Wonderland

A strong person in the Golden Wonderland will immediately rise if he can have the status of the palace-like fairy. The most important thing is to improve their strength

Most of the powerhouses in Golden Wonderland are the chiefs of a state and have a lot of wealth. They have the ability to buy palace fairy objects.

As for the Xuanxian realm powerhouse, most of them want to buy middle-grade fairy artifacts

Hundreds of complete middle-grade fairy artifacts will be sold in every auction, which is not to be missed for those who are strong in the mysterious fairyland

In the final analysis, it is all about improving the strength. No matter how much Seven-Star Soul Jade is in your hands, it doesn’t matter much. Cultivation doesn’t require much Seven-Star Soul Jade. It’s better to buy a better fairy tool earlier.

There are many immortal artifacts auctioned by Jubao Pavilion, but there are still not enough powerful ones to compete.

So you can imagine how intense the auction will be in five days.

This auction will continue for ten days and may even be extended

Bi Fan and the others went to many inns and they were overcrowded

Finally found a small inn with poor conditions and very high prices

But there is no way for Bi Fan and they have to live there, otherwise even if there is a spar, there is no place to stay

Anyway, everyone’s cultivation conditions at night have no effect on the quality of cultivation.

Bi Fan and the others stayed in the small inn, and then they all went out together and prepared to go have fun.

Zimo City is very prosperous, far from being comparable to Kuangyun City

There is no partition between the tall buildings. The street is very spacious. In addition to the shops on both sides of the street, there are many stalls.

Even at night, the streets are crowded and crowded, all people are people

Of course, the flow of people is still mostly ordinary people. The number of strong people above the fairyland is a lot but only a small proportion.

Many strong people above the fairyland are flying in the air, Bi Fan, but they wander around the streets like the strong people below the fairyland

The eight girls were in high spirits until late at night, everyone went back to the inn to rest

In the next five days, Bi Fan and the others basically went around Zimo City and completely relaxed

It feels very good to relax after being nervous for so long in Raksha Sea, and the whole person is relaxed

After obtaining everyone’s consent, Bi Fan did not enter the auction house but bought an auction jade medal

It’s not that Bi Fan is stingy, but that he doesn’t want to be spotted after taking pictures of treasures.

No one paid attention to buying treasures outside, and Bi Fan had already thought about it for a few days before redeeming the treasures he bought.

Anyway, as long as you pick up the auction item half a month after the auction, they will have enough time

According to Bi Fan’s understanding in the past few days, there will be a **** fight after each auction.

Bi Fan is going to buy some middle-grade immortals this time. If he is not careful and cautious, it will be a big problem.

The auction has finally begun. Zimo City is very lively

On the day of the auction, Zimo City sent hundreds of thousands of strong people into teams to patrol the streets to prevent disturbances

Early in the morning, Bi Fan and the others took a high position in the nearby huge jade medallion. Bi Fan and his party were all present.

The auction hasn’t started, but it didn’t take long for the open-air jade tiles to be surrounded by people

Bi Fan and the others know very well that there will be a huge open-air jade sign every one thousand meters or so on the streets of Zimo City

Even so, there are still crowds around each open-air jade tile, which shows that there are many people watching the auction

Bi Fan and the others came out early to occupy a better position

But they waited a full two hours for the auction to start

“Guests, welcome everyone to come to Zimo City to participate in the auction event held in our Jubao Pavilion. Welcome everyone. I wish you all the treasures you need. Not much nonsense. I will announce the start of the auction.” Is the person in charge of Jubaoge in Zimo City

But it is not him who presides over the auction, but a stunning beauty. A stunning beauty can often mobilize people’s enthusiasm and passion to make the auction price renewed.

Jubao Pavilion naturally knows this, so they look for stunning beauties from all over the chaos world to train them to become auctioneers

These auctioneers are all the alluring beauties who are fascinating at a glance and smile

“Hello everyone, I am Bing Ning, the exclusive auctioneer of Jubao Pavilion.”

As soon as Bing Ning’s voice fell in the auction room, there was a scream, even the sound of ghosts crying and wolf howling on the street one after another cut through the clouds

“Bing Ning Bing Ning I love you”

“Bing Ning, marry me”


“What a stunning beauty, I don’t know where Jubao Pavilion found the beauty” exclaimed in shock

The open-air jade brand can clearly see the situation of the auction house and naturally can see the ice lemon.

As soon as the startling voice fell, I screamed out, everyone knew that it was Yu Xiaofeng who had screwed him without looking at it.

“Haha…” Bi Fan and the others laughed out

Shocked the wind and smiled bitterly: “I just appreciate it but I don’t mean anything else”

“What do you want to mean?” Yu Xiaofeng stared at Jingfeng

Jianfeng shook his head quickly: “I don’t mean anything else…”

Silent wind is now being accepted by Yu Xiaofeng, everyone is secretly funny

But Bing Ning is indeed very beautiful, her appearance is not as good as Duguqian, Yu Siyan is almost like Yu Xiaofeng and others, but her charm is revealed from her bones, and she is above Duguqian. The temptation to men can be imagined. Got it

Bing Ning’s casual look and smile fascinates those who are strong in fairyland, true fairyland, and mysterious fairyland, even the heartstrings of those who are strong in golden fairyland are plucked.

“The first auction item is now on auction. The bottom price of the Baimo Knife in the attack category is 1.7 Star Soul Jade. Please bid.” Bing Ning didn’t say anything extra, but just raised the Baimo Knife and moved it lightly on the stage. In a circle

Bing Ning’s move caused another scream

Many men in the auction house have red eyes and stared at Bai Mo Dao, wanting to win this first auction item to attract Bing Ning’s attention

“I want a five-thousand seven-star soul jade and a hundred swords, I want”

“I have six thousand seven-star soul jade”

The value of the attack power fairy weapon is the lowest among the class-level fairy tools. The value of the Baimo knife itself is at most a few thousand seven-star soul jade, but this has just begun to be called six thousand seven-star soul jade

The price calls are so lively one after another. Some people increase the price. Every time someone increases the price, a huge jade plate in front of the auction booth will show the price. If there is no change in the price for 30 seconds, it will be a deal.

People in the auction room also have to raise prices through the auction of jade tiles, but the reason they shouted out was to attract Bing Ning’s attention

Bing Ning is also very cooperative, and the eyes that always cast their gaze make those people’s blood boil and continue to increase prices

After more than 20 rounds of price increases, the Baimo Dao has exceeded 10 thousand seven-star soul jade

Originally, the Eastern Canglong liked Baimo Knife, but he gave it up when he saw the price.

The price of the first auction item will definitely be much higher than its own value. There are still too many treasures in the future.

“I have 11 thousand and seven star soul jade and hundred swords, I am going to order”


“Twelve Thousand Seven Star Soul Jade”


The price is still rising, I don’t know when it will stop.

Be aware that the price of the attack type middle-grade immortal weapon is generally from one thousand seven-star soul jade to ten thousand seven-star soul jade. Baimo knives are very ordinary and there is nothing special, but it can only be regarded as the second-class attack type medium-grade immortal weapon value. Just one or two thousand seven-star soul jade, now the price of Baimo knife has reached more than ten thousand seven-star soul jade, which shows how crazy everyone is

In the end, Bai Mo Dao was photographed by a man in the auction house. The man spent 15,000 Seven Star Soul Jade and still smacked it out. Obviously he was fascinated by Bing Ning and he will regret his death when he goes back.

Even if the seven-star soul jade is too much to use up, don’t use this language fee

The smile of such a high-priced ice lemon is even sweeter after seeing the first auction item

Many of the treasures to be auctioned next have elixir, refining materials, and low-grade immortal artifacts.

There are many people bidding for these treasures, but the fierceness is far less than the middle-grade fairy ware

During the period, Bi Fan made several bids and bought some Wangpin elixir. He bought the dragon mink for the dragon mink. To continue to evolve, he needs to take the Wangpin elixir

Bi Fan doesn’t know how many Wangpin Elixir to take, nor what kind of Wangpin Elixir he wants, so as long as he sees the Wangpin Elixir, he will bid and the price does not exceed his bottom line and he will buy it

Long Mink grows up to be very useful for Bi Fan too

At this time, spending some Seven-Star Soul Jade is definitely worth the money

Jubao Pavilion is very smart and will auction some valuable treasures every once in a while to mobilize everyone’s passion

On the first day of the auction, Bi Fan, they were not ready to take the middle-grade immortal artifacts because the price of the middle-grade immortal artifacts in the first auction was the highest. As long as one night, many people will calm down and the next day’s auction. Relatively speaking, the price is much lower

As for those who have already paid high prices for the middle-grade immortal artifacts, even if they do not regret the price of the middle-grade immortal artifacts the next day, they will definitely regret it

The auction will continue and there will be no rest in the middle of the night

Everyone was very excited on the first day of the auction, so the price remained high

On the first day alone, hundreds of treasures were photographed, which made the Treasure Pavilion profitable and those who took out the treasures.

Bi Fan made statistics on the first day and sold more than 50 middle-grade immortal artifacts with prices above 10,000 7-star soul jade. The price of defense-type middle-grade immortal artifacts exceeded 50,000 7-star soul jade!

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