The Six Immortals Chapter 405: Super black hole, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Six Dao Xianzun!

? Chapter 405   Super Black Hole

Under the guidance of the two elders of Fengyun, the Ghost and God quickly entered the space fault. “”.

I just want to go to the Heavenly Wind Territory, through countless space faults, among which there are countless natural disasters. Even the strongest person in the fairyland can’t break through the countless space faults and reach the Tianfeng Territory smoothly. .

Therefore, the heavens and the great world will regard the Tianfeng Jueyu as a dead place, and no one can enter.

“Master Bi Fan, we have entered a space fault.” Feng Lao said excitedly.

“Tianfeng Jueyu, here we are!” Boss Yun said loudly.

Lao Yun was cold, but now he is a little bit excited like a child.

Seeing that the two veterans of Fengyun are so happy, Bi Fan is also a little excited. He secretly said: “Tianfeng Immortal King, I hope that the inheritance you left can have some background, so that we will not waste our efforts and want to enter. Tianfeng Juyu goes to find the inheritance you left behind.”

Miao Luodan and others are also very excited. Although they have never heard of the name of the Heavenly Wind Immortal King in the Upper Six Realms, since the other party is a powerhouse of the Destiny Immortal King level, the inheritance left by them is certainly not trivial.

Miao Luodan and the others can see the inheritance of the immortal king, it is definitely not in vain for this life.

After entering the space fault, Bi Fan and the others became extremely cautious.

“Ghosts, pay attention. Once you find any serious natural disasters, you can directly use the space jump, don’t care about the spar.” Bi Fan said.

Since Tianfeng Jueyu claims that there is no return, Bi Fan has to be more vigilant.

In case he falls into the space fault and can’t get out, it will be a fatal blow to the Liujue Adventure Group.

Bi Fan is now related to the future prospects of hundreds of millions of people, and there is absolutely no room to lose. Moreover, Bi Fan is already paving the way for the long-term adventure of Liujue Group, and it has just begun, and it is far from rest assured. If Bi Fan has anything to do, I am afraid that Liujue Adventure Group will not be able to stand in the great world for a long time.

So, Bi Fan absolutely must not have an accident, nor can he make fun of his life at will.

“Don’t worry, the power of the Ghosts and Gods has increased a lot now, and some natural disasters are just trivial.” The ghosts and gods laughed.

Ghosts are full of confidence. He is the one who knows ghosts and gods best. Since he said there is no problem, there is probably no problem.

“Ghosts, you can just say that there is no problem.” Bi Fan smiled.

The ghosts and gods have the two elders to guide the direction, and there is no need for Bi Fan to worry about it.

Fighting against the wild god, Bi Fan has a lot of insights, especially Xiaoyao Immortal Finger and the Eight Methods of Blood Fiend, which need to be further improved.

For Xiaoyao Immortal Finger and the Eight Methods of Blood Fiend, Bi Fan is extremely concerned. He has a feeling that there is no limit to the improvement of the Eight Methods of Blood Fiend. Maybe when it can be improved to become a holy martial skill. .

Only the power of the eight methods of blood evil will continue to improve, which is not comparable to other martial arts. In contrast, Xiaoyao Immortal Finger is not as powerful as the Eight Methods of Blood Fiend, Xiaoyao Immortal Finger is only good at sneak attacks, and can be combined with other martial arts to increase its power, Xiaoyao Immortal Finger’s power is difficult to improve. God-level martial arts is almost done, already considered very good.

The eight methods of the blood evil spirits are different. Every time you fight with the strong, the opponents use different martial arts, which can make the blood evil spirits more perfect, and the power will gradually become stronger.

Even if it is a holy fist of the Hundred Wars, only by raising the realm can the cultivation level be improved.

Unlike the Eight Methods of Blood Fiend, you only need to fight constantly to increase your power.

Bi Fan now has four clones, and there will definitely be more clones in the future. After entering the upper six realms, they will definitely continue to fight, and all five of them are perfecting the eight methods of the blood evil spirit. I believe that the power of the eight methods of the blood evil spirit will increase rapidly by then.

Bi Fan attaches great importance to the Eight Methods of Blood Fiend, which is far above other god-level martial arts.

Anyway, it is not a short time to enter the Heavenly Wind Territory, Bi Fan slowly began to study the Eight Methods of Blood Fiend.

Is there anything, believe in ghosts and gods, and the five people of Luo Dan can handle it.

Although the two elders cannot help, they are extremely anxious and can’t practice meditation.

“There are a lot of space cracks in front, rush over!”

“A wind storm appeared in front of you, and the space jumped!”


Going all the way, the Ghost God escaped many natural disasters, and it went smoothly, but it consumed a huge amount of spar. It is estimated that Bi Fan will have a long heartache after knowing it.

Even Rodin and the others did not take action, the ghosts and gods took care of everything.

I don’t know what’s going on. In this space fault, various natural disasters are very dense, basically one after another. It’s no wonder that the powerhouses who went to the Tianfeng Jueyu have never returned.

If it weren’t for the Ghosts and Gods’ ability to jump in space, it would be difficult for them to navigate through the gaps in space.

Bi Fan didn’t know how long he had practiced, anyway, the power of the Eight Methods of Blood Fiend has increased a lot.

Bi Fan passed his new insights to Heiyou and the others, and then continued to study supernatural powers and law powers.

Anyway, if there is something, the ghosts and gods will inform him, and Bi Fan doesn’t need to stare.

“Look, it looks like the wreckage of a starship!” The ghost exclaimed.

“What a big starry sky spacecraft, even the starry sky spacecraft has fallen into the space fault!” Miao Luodan said in shock.

Huang Xianwen said in horror: “It seems that this spatial fault is much worse than we thought!”

“This starry sky spacecraft can’t be compared with the Ghost and God, so don’t worry about it,” said the Ghost and God.

Although this is the case, the ghosts and gods control the ghosts, and they have become more cautious.

The starry sky spacecraft, the worst of them are inferior immortal weapons, with amazing defensive power and amazing speed.

Looking at the degree of damage to this starry sky spacecraft, I am afraid that it was trapped somewhere for a long time and then completely destroyed.

The Ghosts and Gods hadn’t flew far before they saw that there was a huge black hole in front of them, and there was no marginal black hole in sight.

The Ghost God is still tens of thousands of miles away from the black hole, and it has been pulled closer to the black hole by the powerful suction.

“I’m afraid that the starry sky spacecraft was involved in the black hole. I don’t know how long it took before it was thrown out by the black hole again.” Miao Rodin said in a general sense.

The Ghost God made every effort to withstand the suction of the black hole. However, the suction power of the black hole is getting stronger and stronger, and it is constantly vaping ghosts and gods, as if it has sensed ghosts and gods.

“This black hole is really amazing, even in the Upper Six Realms, such a black hole is rare!” Zhou Wenfeng exclaimed: “Old Feng, do we have other roads to take passengers?”

“This black hole seems to be the only way to go, and there is no way to go around it. It is estimated that many people have been swallowed by the black hole.” Feng Lao’s expression changed drastically and said.

“No good! The black hole seems to be approaching the ghost, and the speed is not slow.” The ghost suddenly exclaimed.

Mu Luodan said: “Senior ghosts, I think you should inform Master Bi Fan. Black holes move. I have heard about it, but it is said that the speed is very slow. This black hole is a bit strange, and it keeps spewing out some debris. I remember that black holes always come in without going out, and everything that is swallowed by black holes will be sent to other spaces.”

“This black hole is really strange, I wake up Master Bi Fan.” The ghost nodded.

Bi Fan is cultivating, don’t wake up ghosts and gods.

Bi Fan knows that it is not a last resort, ghosts and gods will not wake him up.

“Ghosts, did something happen?” Bi Fan said anxiously.

“Bi Fan, there is a super **** hole in front of us. This black hole is weird, moves a little faster, and even spit out some debris from time to time.” said the ghost.

“Let me see!” Bi Fan quickly began to investigate.

The black hole in front is indeed endless. I don’t know how big it is. Bi Fan also sensed that the black hole is approaching the Ghost and God, and the suction is also concentrated, targeting the Ghost and God.

“This black hole is really strange. Isn’t this black hole wise?” Bi Fan exclaimed.

“There is wisdom! This is entirely possible. Everything in the world can produce wisdom. If a black hole is strong enough to a certain extent, I am afraid it can also produce wisdom. This black hole is too large, and it is possible to produce wisdom. “The ghost and **** exclaimed.

The ghosts and gods don’t know how long they have existed. They have a wide range of knowledge and no one can compare them, so he understands this kind of thing easily.

“Ghosts, first retreat with the Ghosts and Gods, and see the situation.” Bi Fan said.

For the time being, I still can’t figure out the black hole, so Bi Fan didn’t dare to act rashly.

“This black hole does not seem to be directed at us. The black hole is always moving, but the speed is relatively slow. If this black hole goes out of the space fault and appears in the great world of the heavens. What kind of tragedy do you think it will be? “Chasing the soul coldly said.

“The heavens and the big world are all over…” Zhou Wenfeng shook his head.

Huang Xianwen’s face was pale: “Hell on earth, it is definitely **** on earth!”

“I can’t imagine, this big guy, I am afraid that even a planet can be swallowed.” Myo Rodin’s voice trembled a little.

“No, this black hole must not be allowed to enter the world of heavens, otherwise the world of heavens will be over, and I will have no place to establish the Liujue Adventure Group.” Bi Fan said loudly.

Miao Luodan and others looked at Bi Fan in shock. Miao Luodan asked, “Master Bi Fan, what are you going to do? With the speed of this super black hole, sooner or later enter the world of heaven and destroy everything.” /

“Do you have any way? Stop the black hole from advancing, or let the black hole disappear.” Bi Fan said.

Huang Xianwen opened his mouth wide and said, “Master Bi Fan, you really dare to think that it is basically impossible to stop the black hole from moving. Depending on the situation, it is more likely that the black hole will produce sage, unless it can be eliminated. The mind of a black hole. As for the disappearance of a black hole, it is almost impossible.”

“Since the black hole produces the spiritual wisdom, then I will destroy the black hole’s spiritual wisdom, and the black hole will not run around.” Bi Fan looked firm.

Feng Lao said in surprise: “Master Bi Fan, you are really ready to do this. The black hole moves very slowly. I don’t know how long it will take to enter the world of heavens. Even if you enter the world of heavens, those big worlds in the six worlds It doesn’t matter if you can. With our strength, it’s hard to stop a black hole, so why bother to risk it.”

“Super black holes will appear in the Great World of Heavens sooner or later. Those powers of the upper six realms will not necessarily stop the black hole at all costs, because they may not only control the place of the Great World of Heavens.” Bi Fan pondered.

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