The Six Immortals Chapter 37: Glass Violet, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Six Dao Xianzun!

Chapter 37: “Glass” Purple Yan

Yuanfeng saw that the two rounds of attacks were ineffective, and if this continues, the hearts of the people will soon become distracted.

The Golem must be hurt as soon as possible, otherwise no one will be willing to attack after a while.

Yuanfeng has always been here and has been sought after. He hasn’t tried and failed yet, and he didn’t want to fail this time.

If you fail in front of so many people, you will be ashamed.

Yuan Feng didn’t let the next round of attacks begin, he personally discussed with the leader of the Nine Martial Arts.

“Everyone, it seems that we have to take action personally. If this continues, after a few rounds of attacks, I am afraid that no one is willing to take action.” Yuanfeng said.

Gu Feng frowned: “It’s not worth having to take risks by ourselves.”

“If your Sword God Sect does not want the corpse of the stone giant, you can withdraw.” Yuan Feng said coldly.

He glanced at the people and continued: “With our strength, as long as the stone giant is not allowed to get close, he can’t hurt us at all. Only if we take control, other people can approach and launch an attack on the stone giant. We A few people will definitely not be able to kill the Golem. We must rely on the power of everyone, and we must use their power.”

The leaders of the Nine Martial Arts School are all shrewd, and they began to think about Yuanfeng’s words.

“Okay! I promised to shoot.” The first person to speak turned out to be a woman, a very beautiful woman.

She is Zi Yan, a disciple of the Xuan Nv Temple. She is not as weak as an ordinary girl, but with a spirit that an ordinary man does not have.

Ye Guxuan stared at Zi Yan, and said: “Girl Zi Yan is getting more and more beautiful, and her figure is getting better. If she can kiss Fangze, she will be willing to die.”

“Brother Ye Guxuan, then you have to stalk and pursue it.” Dongfang Canglong smiled.

“Forget it, this woman never shows off to any man, I suspect she is ‘glass’.” Ye Guxuan sighed.

“No way!” Both Dongfang Canglong and Bi Fan stared at Zi Yan with incredible colors.

Zi Yan felt her gaze, turned around and glanced at Bi Fan and others, with a look of contempt and coldness, her eyes sharp.

The four of Bi Fan felt a chill and dared not look again.

“Look, it’s like the goddess of ice and snow.” Ye Guxuan smiled bitterly.

Yuan Feng said with a smile: “Beauty Zi Yan dares to take risks with her body, you big men will not be afraid, right?”

“Afraid of Mao, I will go too.”

“I agree.”

“Zi Yan, I want to protect you.” Bei Minghong said.

Zi Yan was cold, she didn’t speak, she didn’t kill him.

… …

In front of beautiful women, no one wants to back down and lose face.

Yuan Feng smoothly touched the strongest men, and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Listen, everyone, we will personally take action to contain the stone giant. You must get close before attacking, and you must take down the stone giant. If you think your strength is okay, then join us to contain the stone giant, when the time comes When distributing the spoils, you can divide more.”

As soon as Yuan Feng said this, everyone’s enthusiasm was immediately raised. Several courageous people, aiming at the spoils, even agreed to join Yuan Feng and the others to contain the stone giant.

Bi Fan smiled and said: “This Yuanfeng has a good wrist, and he has lifted his morale so quickly, maybe they can really kill the stone giant.”

“Isn’t it better to kill, we might be able to pick up some cheaper.” Eastern Canglong said.

“Cheap is not so easy to pick, maybe it will become a target.” Wang Zhong smiled and said: “However, I don’t care so much, but the Ye Guxuan brothers will be in trouble.”

Ye Guxuan reluctantly said: “It’s really impossible. I will return to the Beiming faction later to facilitate your actions.”

Ye Guxuan is a disciple of the Nine Martial Arts School after all, so he dare not offend so many people.

Bi Fan, Dongfang Canglong, and Wang Zhong all expressed their understanding that they did not want to drag their brothers down.

Soon, Yuanfeng and the others are ready, and a new round of attacks begins.

This time Yuanfeng took the lead, and more than a dozen powerful men of the pinnacle metamorphosis were accompanied. They first went to contain the stone giant.

Yuanfeng and the others were very fast, and they were close to the stone giant in a moment.

During the period, Stone Giant threw a few stones, but none of them hit.

Yuanfeng and others dispersed, harassing the giant stone man with long-range attacks such as sword aura, and restraining the giant stone man.

They were well-founded and retreated immediately after attacking. The stone giant was furious and wanted to attack, but couldn’t catch up.

Yuanfeng and the others have contained Stone Giant, and the others have also been dispatched.

The Stone Giant didn’t have time to pay attention to them, and they approached the Stone Giant smoothly.

“Get close to some attacks and retreat immediately after the attack.” Yuanfeng said loudly.

Those people rushed forward and attacked at the same time.

“Woo…” the stone giant screamed.

After this round of attacks, the stone giant’s body was missing a lot.

The stone giant has no blood, but he is still attacked by pain.

The stone giant was violent, his huge feet kicked fiercely, and the stones on the ground shot out.

“Boom…” Many rocks hit the human powerhouse, and those who were hit hardly survived.

Yuan Feng and others changed their faces and backed away.

“Everyone, don’t withdraw too far, and be ready to start the next round of attacks at any time.” Yuanfeng said loudly.

The initial results of the attack on the Golem have been achieved. They saw the hope of killing the Golem, and everyone was very excited.

When the stone giant kicked away the stones, Yuanfeng and others quickly approached and went to pester the stone giant again.

Yuanfeng and others are all outstanding young people, and they have no shortage of physical fitness and actual combat experience, and they can always avoid the attacks of the stone giants.

“Attack!” Yuanfeng roared.

Those responsible for the long-range attack approached quickly. Hundreds of people attacked at the same time, and the attack fell on the joints of the stone giant.

The huge body of the stone giant was severely injured again, and even shook a few times.

Once the stone giant falls to the ground, with his body, he will definitely not be able to get up, and it will be much easier to kill it at that time.

“It’s going to be successful, everyone will give out again.” Yuanfeng said excitedly.


Everyone yelled and rushed up again.

“Roar…” The stone giant suddenly roared, causing ear pain in the nearby people. The huge roar, coupled with the pressure of the difference in order, those people were temporarily shocked and stood still.

The stone giant strode close to the crowd, and then…

The scene was extremely tragic. The stone giant’s thick, long and huge hands swept away, smashing several people into meat sauce.

The stone giant danced with both hands at the same time, killing more than 30 people in a moment.

At this time, the humans came to their senses, some were so scared that they ran away, some fell to the ground so scared, they were trampled to death by the stone giant.

Yuanfeng and others are strong, are less affected by the roar, and retreat relatively quickly, so there are no casualties.

Everyone retreated, and they had to withdraw too.

It was about to successfully kill the Golem, but the Golem showed off their power and shattered their hopes again, and everyone looked a little ugly.

“The stone giant is really good, I said it’s not that easy to die.”  Wang Zhong whispered.

If the sound is heard by other people, it will definitely arouse public outrage, which is hard to commit.

Bi Fan said: “Should these people just give up like this?”

“Definitely not. With the mindset of the people of the Nine Martial Arts School, they will definitely encourage everyone to attack again.” Ye Guxuan said.

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