The Six Immortals Chapter 35: The real powerhouse, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Six Dao Xianzun!

Chapter 35 The Real Powerful

Hearing Bi Fan’s words, those people quieted down.

The Raptors are very powerful, but you can’t find a stronger envoy than him,

So many powerhouses, all mobilized, one month’s time is enough to find the powerhouse who defeated Bi Fan,

Seeing that Bi Fan has solved the problem in the arena, the person in charge of the arena also expressed it,

“Your Excellency Nie Yun, thank you for your willingness to help us. This trillion seven-star soul jade is a little care in our arena.”

The shot is one trillion, which is quite a lot.

Bi Fan was not polite and accepted it directly,

There are enough Seven-Star Soul Jade to buy a lot of artifacts,

You must know that many Hongmeng monk-level powerhouses have no artifacts, and they don’t even have so many Seven-Star Soul Jade to buy artifacts,

In this competition, Bi Fan won a total of 15 trillion seven-star soul jade. Although it is far less than the amount he obtained last time, it is not too small. Even big disciples like Zi Tianya are enthusiastic.

Massive seven-star soul jade, Bi Fan bought artifacts and martial arts in Tianyuan City.

No matter what kind of artifact or price, I will not let it go. As for martial arts, as long as it is not available in the Liujue Shenzong, buy it for the cultivation of the powerful Liujue Shenzong.

There are too many seven-star soul jade, there is no use to put it there, it is better to buy treasures to increase the strength of the Liujue Shenzong,

Of course, Bi Fan did not personally come out to buy the treasures, just let some of his men go out to buy the treasures quietly,

In order not to attract the attention of the Purple Evil Sect, the strong people who buy treasures are different every time they go out.

During the time in Tianyuan City, Bi Fan and the others bought more than a hundred artifacts. Although they are all low-grade artifacts, they are also very good.

The price of low-grade artifacts is really nothing to these powerful sects, but in many cases, even with Seven-Star Soul Jade, artifacts cannot be purchased.

There are still some artifacts of the Liujue Shenzong, but it is still necessary to accumulate more artifacts,

In the future to recruit the strong, the artifact is useful, and the cultivation base of the strong of the Liujue Shenzong has been improved, and the artifact can also be used as a reward,

As for the god-level martial arts, naturally the more the better. Each god-level martial arts has its own uniqueness.

The more god-level martial arts possessed, the deeper the foundation of a sect.

Liujue Shenzong is the number one in the six realms, but when you reach Hongmeng Huangyu, you are too far away from those big sects and cannot be compared with Zixiezong.

The more common saint-level martial arts are also the targets of Bi Fan’s acquisition.

Unfortunately, the holy martial arts, even the most common holy martial arts, are very rare. They are almost the treasures that you have the opportunity to see in the auction house.

At the auction, there are many strong men, it is very difficult to win the holy martial arts, and it is too noticeable,

Bi Fan and the others can only buy some holy martial skills through Tianxianglou, and they have not let go of the incomplete holy martial skills,

Back to Zitianya’s mansion, everyone has not calmed down yet,

For a long time, Zi Tianya said: “Your Excellency Nie Yun, you are really amazing. Not only did you win a lot of Seven-Star Soul Jade, but you also conquered a strong general. By the way, what do you plan to do with the Raptors?”

Of course, Zi Tianya hopes that the Raptors can also join his camp. In that case, his momentum will definitely increase.

“Raptors, such a character, I don’t think I should restrict him too much. I will let him practice freely. Only when it is a critical juncture, I will let them come back and help the young master.” Bi Fan pondered for a moment and said,

Zi Tianya was a little disappointed, but didn’t say much: “It’s okay to do this, improving the strength is the most important.”

“Thank you young master for your understanding.” Bi Fan said gratefully,

“Nie Yun, I’m afraid you can’t practice quietly this month. Let’s wait for the news. If someone challenges you, we must all rush over.”

“Yes, if there are external betting, everyone can bet more.” Bi Fan laughed,

Speaking of this, many powerhouses have terrible faces, because they don’t trust Bi Fan, so they bought most of the Seven-Star Soul Jade and won the Raptors, but the Raptors lost.

They won because they bought some Bi Fan, so they won’t lose their money, but they also suffered heavy losses.

“Next time in the competition, we will all win over Nie Yun.”

“Yes, follow Nie Yun, there will be endless seven-star soul jade in the future.”


Those people are extremely enthusiastic about Bi Fan,

Bi Fan said with a smile: “Everyone, if you buy treasures and lack Seven-Star Soul Jade, even if you find me, one or two billion Seven-Star Soul Jade is nothing.” “Nie Yun, we will definitely trouble you. “

Zi Tianya said: “Nie Yun’s bold personality is my favorite.”

“Young Master, if there is a need, I will contribute all the seven-star soul jade.” Bi Fan said very beautifully,

Zi Tianya smiled and said: “Nie Yun, don’t say anything like this in the future. Even if I lack the Seven-Star Soul Jade, I cannot use your Seven-Star Soul Jade. What’s more, I earned nine trillion Seven-Star Soul Jade today. “

He paused and continued: “This time I really thank you. Otherwise, it is not easy to win nine trillion seven-star soul jade.”

Zi Tianya is leaving, Bi Fan and the others began to practice,

Anyway, if something happens, someone will call him,

In the first half month, I didn’t challenge Bi Fan.

But after arriving, strong people appeared one after another, challenging Bi Fan,

However, the strong people invited by those people are not Bi Fan’s opponents, but instead made him earn a lot of Seven-Star Soul Jade.

Originally, Bi Fan only wanted to compete, but found that it was impossible.

Last time there were many strong people who suffered heavy losses. Many of them have backgrounds, so they brought strong strong people, but Bi Fan was stronger, so he won, and even Xie Feng Ni and Xie Yundu arranged the strong to challenge Bi Fan,

Of course, these powerhouses are very cautious. They are not trying to defeat Bi Fan, they just want to find out his details,

One month is about to end, the highlight is about to begin,

Finally, a strong man with a big background came to Tianyuan City and said that he would challenge Bi Fan,

From another large arena, there is a God of War, and I don’t know who invited it. It is definitely not a small cost to be able to invite the power of the God of War.

This person is much more famous than the Raptors, and his arena is not comparable to the arena of Tianyuan City,

The larger the arena, the fiercer the competition. It is extremely difficult to win more than a hundred games in a row,

The strong who came this time have won as many as 124 games, which is even more rare.

“Sorrowful wind, find out now and see if we can collect some information.” Bi Fan heard the news, and the man would challenge him the day after tomorrow, and said quickly,

The day after tomorrow, that is, the last day of the agreed month, in the end a real strong appeared to challenge,

Bi Fan is a little expectant, but also a little nervous,

At this moment, Zi Tianya came over: “Sorrowful wind, no need to go. I have collected a lot of information about Zeng Yang. This Zeng Yang seems to have cultivated the profound-level Hongmeng Qi cultivation method. I don’t know if it is complete. At this point alone, he is much stronger than the Raptors. Moreover, the Raptors are good at boxing and kicking, but Zeng Yang is good at using knives, and he also has the attacking mid-level artifact Tianma. Knife.”

“I practiced the profound-level Hongmeng Qi cultivation method, and went to the arena to mix.” Bi Fan said in surprise,

Zi Tianya sighed: “Who knows, it may also be the incomplete profound-level Hongmeng Qi cultivation method. Anyway, his strength is very strong.”

“It seems that this battle is not easy to fight the day after tomorrow.” Bi Fan sighed,

“Nie Yun, how sure are you.” Zi Tianya couldn’t help asking,

“I don’t know, because I don’t know how strong Zeng Yang has reached.” Bi Fan said,

Zi Tianya said: “You can ask the Raptors, because he once fought with Zeng Yang, and in the end he was defeated.”

After the Raptors lost to Bi Fan, they stayed on the ninth floor of the Hunyuan Demon Falling Demons Tower to practice and stabilize their realm.

It is very simple for Bi Fan to ask him,

After Zi Tianya left, Bi Fan entered the ninth floor of the Hunyuan Demon Subduing Tower and called the Raptors out.

“Sovereign Bi Fan, is there anything going on?” Raptors asked,

The raptors have all taken the blood oath of heaven, and naturally they know Bi Fan’s secret, and have already practiced a complete profound-level Hongmeng Qi cultivation method, Hongmeng Xingxuanjue,

“Raptors, how strong is Zeng Yang?” Bi Fan asked,

“Zeng Yang, could it be him.” The Raptors were surprised,

Bi Fan said: “The day after tomorrow, he will challenge me, so he wants to learn something.”

“Zeng Yang is very powerful and even a bit perverted. At the beginning, I played against him and lost all three moves. Of course, if the Sect Master exploded all the power of Hongmeng Qi, there would still be a chance to win.” Raptors said,

Bi Fan said: “That Zeng Yang, really cultivated a complete profound-level Hongmeng Qi cultivation method.”

“I can’t see it. He seems to be a casual cultivator just like me. It is unlikely that he can have a complete profound-level Hongmeng Qi cultivation method. Maybe it is the incomplete profound-level Hongmeng Qi cultivation method, but it is relatively complete. , Can exert the power of four or five percent of the majestic spirit.” Raptors said,

He paused, and continued: “Zeng Yang has a powerful middle-grade artifact, coupled with the combination of holy martial skills, it is very powerful, and the master is good at fist and kick skills. It is very disadvantageous to fight with him.”

“The holy martial arts he has learned, shouldn’t be as good as your Longteng holy fist.” Bi Fan asked,

If it is a high-class martial arts, it will be difficult to deal with,

“No, it’s a set of middling saint martial arts Heavenly Sacred Knife, extremely domineering and incurs death.” Raptor said,

“It seems that I have encountered a strong opponent this time.” Bi Fan sighed,

The last time I got a lot of artifacts, but the glove-like artifacts were only low-grade artifacts. Using low-grade artifacts to fight against middle-grade artifacts is a great disadvantage. Maybe the low-grade artifacts will be damaged.

“Sect Master, be careful yourself. This person is a lunatic. In his hands, there is very little survival. I like to challenge, just to improve my strength, while Zeng Yang likes to kill. He likes to kill the enemy. “Raptors reminded,

Bi Fan nodded and said: “I will be careful.”

“During the competition, remember to let me go out to watch the battle.” The Raptors continued to practice,

Bi Fan found Zi Tianya and said, “Young Master, Zeng Yang uses a middle-grade artifact, and my glove is a low-grade artifact. Can you find a middle-grade artifact glove in the shortest time? The day after tomorrow’s competition is very important. No matter how many Seven-Star Soul Jade, I will produce it.”

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