The Six Immortals Chapter 322: One-to-two, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Six Dao Xianzun!

Chapter 322 is one-to-two

Mo Heng took a look and saw only five strong men, ‘

But these five powerhouses put a lot of pressure on him, even more than thousands of quasi-extreme powerhouses.

“The five superpowers, the demons and the undead are really willing to pay for their capital.” Mo Heng exclaimed.

Five super powers, two of them are from the immortal clan, and three are from the devil clan, including evil madness.

Bi Fan was talking to Mo Heng, and suddenly realized that Mo Heng had no response, he felt around and found five super powers.

“Sect Master Moheng, do you need me to take action?” Bi Fan asked.

Mo Heng finally replied: “Sect Master Bi Fan, I have dispatched the three young powerhouses, Zifeiyang, Moyunlong, and Golden Source Saint Buddha, and please restrain the two superpowers.”

“No problem, leave it to me.” Bi Fan became excited.

When encountering the evil mad again, Bi Fan looked very excited.

Zi Feiyang, Devil Cloud Dragon, and Golden Source Saint Buddha have not taken any action. When the five evil mads appeared, they also came out and directly greeted them.

Bi Fan didn’t want to be left behind, and appeared directly, killing the evil mad and others.

“Your Excellency Evil Mad, I didn’t expect us to meet again so soon.” Bi Fan looked surprised.

The evil mad saw Bi Fan, his face changed slightly, but he immediately recovered his calm.

“Sect Master Bi Fan, our battle is not over yet, since we have met, let’s continue.” Xie Kuang said coldly.

“If it weren’t for you to run away, I’ve already killed you, and if you are defeated, it would be no problem to defeat you.” Bi Fan said.

“Sect Master Bi Fan, it’s useless to say something powerful, let’s see the real chapter under your hand.” Xie Kuang’s face was ugly.

Zi Feiyang, Moyunlong, and Jinyuan Shengfo also saw Bi Fan, but they didn’t like him and even regarded him as opponents.

In the face of a common enemy, they did not find Bi Fan to fight against each other, but they did not say hello.

“Go on.” Zi Feiyang and they each chose their opponents to fight together.

These powerhouses are all super-top quasi-extreme powerhouses with powerful combat effectiveness. They fight and spread far away.

The war started here, so Moheng had to move the battlefield a bit.

Moheng and the others are also fighting, this time it is even more tragic, and everyone wants to tell the victory.

Moyunlong and they selected their opponents, leaving Xie Kuang and another strong demon clan to face Bi Fan alone.

Bi Fan said loudly: “Let’s go on together.”

“Bi Fan, you are too arrogant. You are looking for death. Since you are looking for death, then we will fulfill you.” Xie Kuang sneered.

He was alone, facing Bi Fan, not sure to win, but with a super strong, he was fully sure.

The companion of Xie Kuang is called Xie Jun. Although he is not as omnipotent as Xie Kuang, he is even better than Xie Kuang in terms of spiritual power.

“Evil mad, to deal with a human cultivator, do we need to take action together.” Evil Jundao.

Super strong people have their own pride, and generally don’t like to join forces with other strong people to confront the enemy.

What’s more, they were in a one-on-one battle, and they wanted more to deceive less, and he felt a little bit invincible.

Xie Kuang said: “Xie Jun, don’t forget, we are a race war, there are not so many scruples, only you die and I die.”

“Okay, then I will join hands with you and kill Bi Fan before talking.” The evil monarch was made clear.

Xiejun, a strong man, is not only strong, but also proud.

Super powers, most of them have arrogant bones, the same goes for the evil mad, but the evil mad is not sure to defeat Bi Fan, so he will join forces with the evil monarch to deal with Bi Fan.

Mo Heng has been paying attention to Bi Fan and his situation, and when he saw that Bi Fan had to face two super powers alone, he couldn’t help but worry.

“Oops, Bi Fan dealt with two super powers alone. Can he deal with it calmly? It’s really not good, only use other powers.”

Hongmeng Huangyu is so big, the older generation of strong, naturally there are also super strong.

Although, super powers are very rare, just like Hongmeng supreme level powers, only so few will appear in thousands of years.

But Hongmeng Huangyu is too big, there are too many strong people, and there are many races. After countless years, there are still many super strong people.

Super strong is not a level, but a name for some strong.

A strong person whose strength is only inferior to Hongmeng Supreme is called a super strong, a super strong, a leader among the super-top quasi-supreme-level strong, very rare.

“Sovereign Bi Fan did not ask us for help, indicating that he can cope with it. Moreover, the situation on our side is crisis. If the demon clan sends out a super strong again, what strong one will we use to resist, so we can only hope that Bi Fan The overlord can block the two super strong, otherwise the battle will be bad for us.”

“There is no other way. It depends on whether Bi Fan can block the two super strong. If he can do it, we have the hope of winning. If he can’t stop the two super strong, then we can’t Do not evacuate.” Mo Heng said.

Even Bi Fan doesn’t know whether he can block the two superpowers, which has become the key to determining the outcome of the war.

Of course, even if he knew it, he wouldn’t care.

Faced with two super powers, Bi Fan didn’t dare to be careless at all, and didn’t dare to distract him.

Both opponents are good at divine consciousness attacks. This is what makes Bi Fan jealous.

If the opponent is a strong immortal, then Bi Fan is not worried at all.

His physical strength is almost invincible, and his resilience even exceeds that of the undead.

Even if the body is destroyed, it can be restored immediately.

But the divine consciousness attack is terrible. Once the soul is hit hard, the trouble will be big.

Four King Grade artifacts that have a defensive effect on the soul are in Bi Fan’s hands. The defense is fully open, and you should protect yourself first.

Divine consciousness attacks are invisible and invisible. You must defend yourself in advance, otherwise it will be too late when you find it.

Xie Kuang and Xie Jun surrounded them, and the two of them stared at each other, ready to do it at any time.

The evil mad displayed three heads and six arms, with six soul artifacts in hand, and it seemed that he was going to go all out.

As for Xiejun, there was no movement at all, but the feeling he gave Bi Fan was as terrible as Xie Kuang.

“Bi Fan, take the move.” Xie Kuang and Xie Jun did not attack and warned them in advance. They are worthy of being super strong.

“Come on, let me see how strong you are.” Bi Fan said coldly.

Faced with two super strong men, if he couldn’t keep calm, he would have already lost.

He doesn’t seem to care very much. In fact, he has quietly displayed the immortality of the soul, and at the same time urged the two-color Qilian, ready to swallow the power of the gods invading the body at any time.

“The devil swallows the sky.”

The evil mad knows Bi Fan’s strength, so his hand is a stunt, a whirlpool appears, and he begins to devour Bi Fan’s soul.

He hadn’t been able to defeat Bi Fan before, but he still displayed this stunt, with obvious intentions to contain Bi Fan so that he had no time for him to take care of him.

If it were an evil mad alone, he probably wouldn’t do that anymore.

Now that he has the help of the evil monarch, he naturally has many choices.

Both of them are powerful demons. Although they didn’t cooperate specifically, they still cooperated very well.

“Heavenly Demon Rebellion.” The evil monarch made a move, and his spiritual consciousness attacked.

As soon as the demon reversal, a powerful soul wave appeared.

Bi Fan felt it, but he had to deal with the wicked Demon Sovereign Swallow Sky, only passive defense.

The evil monarch’s divine consciousness attack is very powerful, and the soul is immortal and immediately betrays. Although the two-color Qilian swallows a lot of divine power, there is still a part of the divine power, passing through the defense of the two-color Qilian and heading straight to the end. Van’s soul.

The defense of the Dragon Soul Drum was broken instantly, and the evil monarch’s attack was very powerful.

Immediately afterwards, the defense of the Mirror of Yin and Yang Reincarnation was also broken, simply directly.

The yin and yang reincarnation mirror, the strongest is the amplification attack, the defense is only average, and naturally it cannot stop the attack of the evil mad.

The defenses of the two king-class artifacts were broken and there was no barrier. Bi Fan was also a little worried and anxious. He fully urged the Dragon God Mansion. There are still a large number of powerful people in the Dragon God Mansion, which also provided energy to strengthen the dragon The defensive power of Shenfu.

Immediately afterwards, the defense of the Dragon God Mansion was also broken, but the evil Lord’s consciousness attack was almost weakened, and it did not pose a threat to Bi Fan.

Bi Fan understands that he is very passive in the face of two super powers.

Because of a super strong, he needs to go all out and not be distracted.

He was very passive when facing two super strong men alone.

However, Bi Fan was not afraid, but very excited. This is a tempering for him. If he can defeat two super powers alone, it will be of great help to him in his future cultivation, and his mood cultivation will also improve a lot.

Most strong people don’t even dare to do this. Not only do they do it, but they also want to do their best.

The battle has just begun. Bi Fan didn’t launch an attack, but passively defended. He figured out the details of the evil mad and the evil prince, especially the evil prince. The first time he faced him, he naturally didn’t know anything.

Zi Feiyang, Moyunlong, and Jinyuan Sacred Buddha, three top young powerhouses, have also met equal opponents, and they have been fighting continuously, and it is difficult to distinguish the winner or the loser.

When you encounter a well-matched opponent, unless you run out of energy, it is difficult to tell the winner.

With the strength of Zi Feiyang, Devil Cloud Dragon, and Golden Origin Sacred Buddha, even for a few hours of fierce battle, it is difficult to tell the winner.

Bi Fan had to face two super powers alone. If he doesn’t help, let alone resist for a few hours, even a few minutes will be able to tell the winner.

Xie Kuang and Xie Jun continue to perform the strongest attack of the gods, which is to make a quick battle, and then enter the battlefield to help the demons and defeat the strong of Hongmeng Huangyu.

They all have the ability to change the situation of the battle. If they are put on the battlefield, unless Hongmeng Huangyu sends a super strong to hold them down, they will definitely suffer heavy losses.

Both sides also hide super strong, but whoever is exposed first, the situation is not good for which side.

The devil swallows the sky, the momentum is monstrous, and the swallowing power is very strong.

Bi Fan clearly felt that the soul was about to leave the body.

This evil mad’s spiritual consciousness cultivation is definitely not inferior to Bi Fan. The spiritual consciousness power he cultivated is also relatively high-end. It is called the gods of the gods and the gods of the same level as the gods of the sacred and the evil. Consciousness power, even if the cultivation level is equivalent, high-level spirituality power naturally has the advantage.

However, Bi Fan not only has evil consciousness, but also sacred consciousness. Two higher and two extreme spiritual consciousness powers form a Taiji diagram, which makes his spiritual consciousness stronger than simple sacred consciousness and sacred consciousness. Evil consciousness must be much stronger.

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