The Six Immortals Chapter 308: Target Haotian Island, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Six Dao Xianzun!

Chapter 308 Target Haotian Island

“Liujue Shenzong, please come to the high platform, all the powerhouses of Dezhenxian level.” Bi Fan said loudly again.

Since we want to build momentum, we naturally have to show our strength.

Nie Yunfei was the first one to go up. The ten powerhouses at the level of real morality and immortality who went to different time and space with Bi Fan at the beginning have also come on stage, except for Wuxingyun, because he has returned to Wuyizong.

For the other eight powerhouses of the real immortal level, Bi Fan chose to let Xing Feng, Xing Gu, Xing Yun and others go up.

The strongest cultivation bases are Xing Feng, Xing Gu, and Xing Yun, who are in the middle level of Dezhenxian.

Bi Fan didn’t let a high-level Dezhenxian powerhouse appear, just because of the need to hide his strength.

Bi Fan felt that such a camp had enough deterrent power. Waiting for the leisure forces, he didn’t dare to fight the Liujue Shenzong at all.

Of course, it would be even better if there is a force to trouble Liujue Shenzong. Bi Fan Zhengchou has no excuse to swallow the other party’s territory. Since the other party cooperates so well, Bi Fan is of course very grateful.

Bi Fan hides so many powerful people, I am afraid that any force that wants to be disadvantageous to Liujue Shenzong will suffer a big loss.

In addition to Bi Fan himself, eighteen real immortal level powerhouses, Liujue Shenzong’s camp is still very good.

Even Hua Tianding was surprised. He couldn’t believe that Bi Fan had recruited so many powerful men at the level of Dezhenxian.

If he didn’t believe it, these people stood in front of him.

Demonstration of strength, Bi Fan announced loudly: “My name is Bi Fan, and I am here to announce that Liujue Shenzong has been established. I personally serve as the supreme master of Liujue Shenzong, and Nie Yunfei is the deputy chief who handles the big and small affairs of Liujue Shenzong. “

“Liujue Shenzong, Liujue Shenzong,…” Those strong in Liujue Shenzong have practiced many times a long time ago, and their voices are neat and tidy.

For a long time, Bi Fan waved his hand, and the shouting below stopped.

Many experts who started exploration were surprised to see the aura of Liujue Divine Sect, and they secretly remembered it in their hearts.

Actually, Liujue Shenzong was established, and there were not so many cumbersome things. After Bi Fan announced it, Zhang Tianba and Hua Tianding had to say a few words, and it was basically over.

Next, Bi Fan and the others feasted on Xuanyou Island and took out the fairy wine and the fruit to entertain all the strong people on Xuanyou Island.

The atmosphere of Liujue Shenzong is shocking again, and many casual cultivators are full of expectations for Liujue Shenzong.

However, Liujue Shenzong has just been established, and there is no plan to immediately start recruiting the strong.

After Bi Fan and Zhang Tianba left, they had already begun to discuss about taking over the island.

This matter is the most important thing. If it is done, the power of Liujue Shenzong will be strengthened immediately.

Zhang Tianba and Hua Tianding were very refreshed, and immediately contacted the relevant powerhouses and asked them to withdraw from the islands to be given to Bi Fan as soon as possible, and then asked Bi Fan to send the powerhouses to receive them.

On most islands, you only need to have the strong from the mysterious fairyland, and there is no need to send the strong from the golden fairyland.

For the islands with better geographical locations, Bi Fan sent the Golden Wonderland powerhouse to take the place without fail.

Zhang Tianba and Hua Tianding left soon, and Bi Fan also sent a strong man to take over the island.

At the same time, all the islands occupied by Liujue Shenzong, except for some secretly controlled islands, have all put up the banner of Liujue Shenzong.

Then, they began to recruit the strong in loose repairs. With the banner of the Liujue Shenzong, it really became much easier to recruit the strong.

Join Liujue Shenzong, and you will have a backer in the future. What’s more, Liujue Shenzong’s treatment has always been very high, which is also valued by those who are strong in casual cultivators.

The name of the Liujue Shenzong has swept across the Luochahai Sea recently. I don’t know the powerhouses of the Liujue Shenzong, there are really not many.

There are many people who are free to promote Liujue Shenzong, and Bi Fan is also happy to see it.

Liujue Shenzong is doomed to blow a whirlwind, which is what Bi Fan expected.

“You don’t even know Liujue Shenzong, you really… don’t know what to say about you.”

The outside world is proud of knowing the things about the Liujue Shenzong. If anyone knows the details of the Liujue Shenzong, it will be even more beautiful.

It can be seen how popular the reputation of Liujue Shenzong is now.

Bi Fan has learned a lot of news, and has always been in a very good mood. What’s even better is that all the islands promised by Zhang Tianba and Hua Tianding have been received.

Most of the islands they took out were relatively marginal, but for Bi Fan, they were all good sites.

He doesn’t need the sites to create much value, he only hopes that these sites can recruit more powerful people for the Six Jue Shenzong.

In order to achieve the goal, Tianxianglou opened branches on the islands they occupied, and the business was extremely hot.

Those Tianxiang Towers, on the one hand, can earn spar and seven-star soul jade for the Six Jue Shenzong, the main purpose is to inquire about news and recruit talents.

Anyway, Tianxianglou has been in operation for so long, and Liujue Shenzong has a large number of professionals, all of which have been brought to the Luochahai.

The Tianxiang Towers in Longyun Mansion and Tianhong Mansion were all closed, but the talents were all taken away by Bi Fan.

These people have just entered the open sea, and soon devote themselves to the reconstruction of Tianxiang Tower.

Liujue Shenzong not only built Tianxianglou on its own site, but also built Tianxianglou on some islands of Huajianzong.

Bi Fan got the support of Hua Tianding in advance for such a thing, but they started it in a cooperative way.

The net profit is calculated, and the two sides are divided into half. In fact, Bi Fan doesn’t care about the profit at all, and Huajianzong doesn’t care.

Huajianzong was able to allow Bi Fan to open Tianxianglou on their site, which was considered to be very good for Bi Fan.

Although, Huajianzong took care of Bi Fan because Bi Fan had an extremely powerful master, but they were really good to Bi Fan.

Bi Fan took these in mind and decided to report back to Huajianzong in the future.

One month after the establishment of the Liujue Shenzong, all the forces under the Liujue Shenzong were dispatched and scattered in all directions, looking for suitable targets, so that the island belonged to the Liujue Shenzong.

There are countless islands in the Raksha Sea. Bi Fan doesn’t want to occupy all of them. As long as he can occupy a small part of the islands, he will be content.

People like the Eastern Canglong are so excited, they try to find the right target to start with.

Bi Fan didn’t want to care about these things. He didn’t want to know what they developed into the power of their subordinates.

Actually, Liujue Shenzong has the most powerful core forces, and their development is the most important thing, but Bi Fan still has no thoughts about it, so he left it to Nie Yunfei.

However, Bi Fan mainly cultivates. If there is any trouble, he will take action.

Liujue Shenzong has just been founded, and it has made such a big push. Naturally, some forces are very upset with Liujue Shenzong, but none of them have acted.

When Liujue Shenzong was founded, it had a close relationship with Disha Sect and Huajian Sect. At least the sects to which Disha Sect belonged, most of them would not use Liujue Shenzong, of course there are some exceptions.

Liujue Shenzong has eighteen powerful people at the level of real virtue and immortality. This is considered a big power in Luochahai, and there are not many sects that can be stronger than Liujue Shenzong.

Those powerful sects are either far away from the territory of Liujue Shenzong, or they are unwilling to take care of these things.

On the contrary, many forces have sent strong men to contact Liujue Shenzong, hoping to make good friends with Liujue Shenzong.

Lakshahai has many powers, and those powers have no backers. Now that the Liujue Shenzong is so powerful, there are really many powers who want to get backing them.

Nie Yunfei’s methods are extremely powerful, and he seized the opportunity to subdue some forces, making Liujue Shenzong expand rapidly.

Of course, I don’t have to say how to subdue it.

Actually, some forces don’t need to do anything special, they just surrender themselves.

Bi Fan has already begun to consider the location of the headquarters.

Actually, the aura of Xuanyou Island nowadays is rich, and it is still very good, but unfortunately the island is too small, so it is not suitable.

Bi Fan sent a lot of spies to find a suitable island.

Three months later, there was finally news.

Haotian Island.

There is a large island in the depths of the Rakshasa Sea, and the force that occupies this island is called the Haotianzong.

The Haotian School was founded by three powerhouses at the level of real morality and immortality, and has a history of more than a thousand years.

Today, the Clear Sky School still has only three powerhouses at the level of the true gods and immortals, but they are all powerful at the level of the middle-level gods and true immortals.

In Luochahai, the Clear Sky School is considered to be a medium power, and there are not many who dare to provoke them.

Bi Fan took a fancy to Haotian Island, and Haotian Sect was destined to become a part of Liujue Divine Sect.

Hearing his subordinates talked about the situation of Haotian Island in detail, Bi Fan was moved.

Haotian Island occupies a very large area, probably not smaller than the previous state, with a total of 72 cities.

The most important thing is that Haotian Island is rich in resources and aura. There are many elixir, fairy fruit, spar veins, and various metal veins on the island.

There used to be many forces who wanted to compete for Haotian Island.

However, the strength of the three Haotian Island brothers is very strong, and their combined strength is stronger, so those forces did not succeed.

The combined efforts of the three Haotian brothers are enough to defeat the powerhouses of the higher Earth Dezhenxian level.

Such strength naturally allows them to firmly occupy Haotian Island.

After receiving the news, Bi Fan immediately set off with the strong and headed to Haotian Island.

Haotian Island is far away from Xuanyou Island, but with Bi Fan’s current strength, he didn’t spend much time. He arrived on Haotian Island in less than five days.

Bi Fan entered Haotian Island alone, and he needs to understand the situation.

The three island owners of Haotian Island, namely Haotianhong, Haotianyi, and Haotianhui, are strong in their own right, and they can’t cultivate the ability to be strong.

Haotian Island has a resident population of 5 billion, but apart from the three of them, there is no such thing as a real celestial powerhouse, which shows that they are really not good at training powerhouses.

With a population of 5 billion, Bi Fan couldn’t help but take Haotian Island.

What’s more, Haotian Island has people coming and going, and the daily flow of people is probably more than 10 million people.

With such conditions, it is the most suitable to become the headquarters of Liujue Shenzong, even exceeding Bi Fan’s expectations.

In Raksha Sea, Haotian Island is not the best, but it is also one of the top 100 islands.

Such an island is already very rare, not to mention that Bi Fan still wants to subdue the three island owners of Haotian Island.

These three island owners are good at cooperating, and they can defeat the powers of the high level of Dezhenxian together. With such strength, if the shocking rune is added, they may be able to defeat the peak of the level of Dezhenxian.

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