The Six Immortals Chapter 276: Titan Great Sword, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Six Dao Xianzun!

Chapter 276 Titan Great Sword

Under the leadership of Greedy Mink, Bi Fan and the others have reached the extreme speed, and it didn’t take long for them to appear near the treasure.

Not far from the front, there is a mountain, as high as a kilometer, and a giant sword is inserted from the top of the mountain, only a hilt is exposed, the hilt is nearly 100 meters, huge,

This king-grade artifact, if it can’t be reduced, is definitely used by a huge powerhouse.

However, absolutely some of the artifacts of the King Grade can be changed in size at will.

As long as you can collect this huge sword, after refining it, I believe anyone can use it,

Bi Fan sensed the momentum of the giant sword. It was powerful and unmatched. It should be a royal artifact.

It’s just that it’s not easy to get a giant sword,

On the top of the mountain, there are strong monsters everywhere, guarding the giant sword,

Those strong monsters, even if they can’t use the giant sword, they know that the giant sword is extraordinary and they don’t want to be seized by other powerful people.

Bi Fan immediately contacted Titan Unfeeling: “Brother Unfeeling, you quickly meet with me and found the artifact of Wangpin.”

For the sake of safety, Bi Fan contacted the powerful Titans and acted together.

The Wangpin artifact has not yet been born, and it seems to be wrapped in an energy cover.

If the King Grade artifact is born, the movement will definitely be great, attracting a large number of powerful people, it is not surprising at all, plus the native monsters strong, Bi Fan wants to receive this King Grade artifact, there are many difficulties.

It didn’t take long for the Titans to bring four powerful Titans with them. When they saw the giant sword, their eyes lit up.

“It turned out to be the Titan Greatsword.” The Titan said in shock, unfeeling,

“The Titan Great Sword, is it the heritage artifact of the Titans?” Bi Fan said in surprise,

The Titans said desperately: “The Titan Greatsword, once the treasure of the Titans, was taken away by a strong man of the Titans. The strong man was unclear and never returned, and the Titan Greatsword also disappeared. For fifty million years, I never thought that the Titan Greatsword appeared in the Forbidden Jedi.”

Bi Fan immediately said: “Since it is the treasure of the Titans, after we collect it, this king-grade artifact will belong to the Titans.”

“Sovereign Bi Fan, we said yes, whoever finds the artifact of the King Grade will return it after grabbing it. We can’t ask for this Titan Giant Sword.” Titan shook his head in despair,

Although, Titan desperately wants to return the Titan Greatsword, but he doesn’t want to break his promises and agreements,

This is the case with the powerhouses of the Titans. They are too honest and not easy to mix in Hongmeng Huangyu,

Bi Fan said: “Brother Unfeeling, the Titan Giant Sword is a treasure of your Titan family, and the natural objects return to the original owner. In the future, you will find a treasure of the King Grade artifact level, just give me one.”

“Sovereign Bi Fan, thank you, thank you so much. This Titan Greatsword is of great significance to our Titans, and only our Titans can exert all his powers. We will discover later The treasures of the King Grade artifact level, let you choose.” Titan said with extreme emotion,

“Let’s not say so much, let’s figure out how to collect this king-grade artifact. The king-grade artifact was born and it is earth-shattering. It will definitely attract many powerful players. We have a lot of competitors. In addition, we We must also take special precautions against the strong monsters, they will definitely come and mess up.” Bi Fan said,

“Yes, we have to get the Titan Greatsword, otherwise everything is in vain.” The Titans said unfeelingly: “For the Titan Greatsword, even if the whole family is dispatched, we will not hesitate.”

“There is no need to expose our strength for the time being. We will make a decision based on the situation at that time. Although the artifact is important, we cannot exchange casualties for the artifact.” Bi Fan said,

The Titan nodded unfeelingly and said: “Yes, the Titan Great Sword is very important, but the life of the tribe is the most important.”

Bi Fan and the others did not do it, because the Wangpin artifact has not yet been born,

They also know that since the King Grade artifact is revealed, it is not far from being born, so they will wait quietly,

Three days passed in a blink of an eye,

The powerhouse of the Titan clan looks at the Titan Greatsword, but can’t collect it by hand, and feels anxious.

“Don’t worry, there will be movement soon.” Bi Fan said calmly,

They found a secluded place, not too close to the mountain. Anyway, with their strength, they can appear near the mountain to **** the Titan Greatsword at any time. Why expose it and let other strong men be prepared?

“Rumble…” The violent shaking, the landslide and the ground cracking,

The mountain with the Titan Great Sword collapsed,

The Titan Great Sword is about to be born, and the momentum is really amazing.

With the collapse of the mountain, the light soars into the sky, illuminating half of the sky, I believe that strong people from far away can see it, but the Titans Greatsword is imprisoned, and the Titans Greatsword is struggling violently. , The sky is falling apart, and sooner or later I can get out of trouble,

“The Titan Greatsword is about to be born.” The Titans were so emotionally excited, the eyes of the other powerful Titans were shining, and they wished to rush out immediately.

“Calm down, don’t worry, there will be a large number of strong people coming soon, let’s watch a good show before talking.” Bi Fan smiled,

The Titans admired Bi Fan unfeelingly: “Sovereign Bi Fan, you are really calm.”

“If you experience this kind of things a lot, you will get used to it. Naturally, you will be calm.” Bi Fan said with a smile,

He paused, and continued: “Snatching treasures, there is no benefit in taking the first shot. We wait until the critical moment to take the shot. As long as we can get the treasure, the most important thing is.”

The Titan Greatsword was born, and it really shocked many powerful people around, whether they are foreign powerhouses or local monster clan powerhouses, they rushed over.

In less than a day, a large number of powerful people gathered around the Titan Great Sword. There are also dozens of foreign powerful people. They are basically the top quasi-extreme powerhouses. They are the fastest.

Those who are strong from outside, there may be companions hidden in the treasure, so you can’t underestimate it,

“There are so many powerful people.” Titan exclaimed unfeelingly,

“It’s still early, and there must be some strong rushing. A big battle is inevitable. We will take action when we see the right time.” Bi Fan said,

“En en.” The Titans are unsympathetic. They are very convinced of Bi Fan and listen to him in everything,

The Titan Greatsword is still struggling and must break free,

The strong people around have not done it yet, because the Titan Greatsword has not really been born yet, they are doing it now, which is equivalent to helping the Titan Greatsword,

The Titan Greatsword breaks free of the seal, it takes energy, and it will be much easier to collect the Titan Greatsword by then,

These strong men are all mature, shrewd, and calculating,

Three days later, there were more than three hundred strong foreigners around, and there were countless strong native monsters,

At noon on the third day, the Titan Greatsword finally broke through the seal and flew out,

The Titan Great Sword, the sword is two kilometers long, with a shocking momentum,

“What a great sword.”

“This is the legendary Titan Greatsword, the treasure of the Titans.” There are also some powerful people who are more knowledgeable and even recognize it,

The Titan Great Sword, famous in the ancient times, killed many powerful people, I don’t know.

After losing the Titan Greatsword, the Titans gradually declined. Although they had other king-grade artifacts, they lost their spiritual support.

The Titan Great Sword, for the Titans, is equivalent to the existence of a sacred object, and it is of extraordinary significance.

“The Titan Great Sword belongs to me. Whoever grabs it will die.” An arrogant voice said,

“Go to hell.”

As soon as his voice fell, he was attacked by a group of strong men, and in an instant, he was killed.

There are too many strong people present, and there are even several unfeeling existences comparable to the Titans. They are considered to be super-top quasi-extreme powerhouses,

Such a powerhouse is only one step away from the Hongmeng Supreme-level powerhouse. It is powerful and can easily kill other top quasi-premium-level powerhouses.

Some powerhouses first used methods and placed restrictions to prevent the Titan Great Sword from flying away,

Some strong men directly used methods to collect the Titan Great Sword, but unfortunately they were all destroyed.

There are too many strong players on the scene, and no one is sure to win the Titan Greatsword.

Even if the super-top quasi-extreme-level powerhouses make a move, they have to return without success.

What’s more, there are so many strong monsters around, many of them are at the quasi-extreme level, and there are also some strong at the top quasi-extreme level.

Even if there are no foreign powerhouses to stop them, those monster clan powerhouses will not watch the Titan Great Sword be taken away,

The Titan Greatsword was born in the Forbidden Law Jedi, and is regarded as a private property by those strong monsters. These foreign powerhouses snatching the Titan Greatsword are stealing their treasures. They will not allow it,

It’s just that the strong monsters are also wise. They didn’t even do it first. Instead, they deployed defenses around and then reaped the benefits of the fishermen.

It’s just those foreign powerhouses who are blushing for the treasures, no matter where they can see the mystery, they have shot one after another, all wanting to monopolize the Titan Greatsword,

The strong people who entered the Forbidden Jedi this time are basically small teams, three or five strong people together, or more,

Every small team basically has a top quasi-extreme powerhouse, they come to collect treasures, but also to enhance their strength,

These teams include strong casual cultivators and some eight-rank sects. Basically all of those eight-rank sects have been dispatched. As for the strong casual cultivators, they all came out to take risks with other experts.

However, most of these powerhouses are the powerhouses who subtly cultivate,

In all corners of Hongmeng Huangyu, there are a lot of strong people who subtly cultivate, some are strong casual cultivators, and some have sects, but when the sect is destroyed, they will become lonely.

The catastrophe is approaching, and these old monsters are born one after another, looking for treasures, strengthening their strength, and striving to protect themselves,

They don’t like to join any sect, they just want to be at ease. If the undead clan doesn’t trouble them, they won’t even take action,

In contrast, there are still some sect-powerful teams that cooperate with each other tacitly and gradually gain the upper hand.

It’s just that there are relatively few strong sects, and the strong of different sects still fight separately, unable to unite and cooperate. Naturally, there is no way to get the Titan Greatsword.

For those who are strong in casual repair, even if a team is unable to work together, it is even more difficult to collect the Titan Greatsword.

Although they can’t get the Titan Greatsword, they don’t let others take it,

If the team wants to collect the Titan Greatsword, they will basically be besieged by a large number of strong people, and they will fall if they are not careful.

There are already two teams. In order to collect the Titan Greatsword, the whole army was wiped out, so that other strong people did not dare to move.

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