The Six Immortals Chapter 26: Wind up again, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Six Dao Xianzun!

? Chapter 26  The Storm Is Back

Bi Fan, Yu Siyan, and Duguqian went back to the city lord’s mansion after strolling late at night.

The city of Kuangyun at night was also very lively, so Yu Siyan and the others went shopping for a while.

After returning to the City Lord’s Mansion, Dongfang Canglong and others made arrangements and returned to the City Lord’s Mansion.

“I know that you will have a competition in seven years, so I will add a little bit. In addition to the development of branch forces, your own strength also needs to be tested.” Bi Fan said with a smile.

“No problem!” Eastern Canglong said excitedly.

Shocked with a smile: “This is a good idea.”

Everyone agrees and is full of fighting spirit.

Immediately, Bi Fan arranged for everyone to enter the Ghost and God to retreat, and even Bi Fan himself retreats.

The affairs of Kuang Yuncheng, Bi Fan was handed over to Guan Zhongxin and others.

Bi Fan is preparing to retreat for a period of time this time, preparing to hit the bottleneck. With the cultivation base of Bi Fan’s state of mind and the fairy power in his body, even if he directly hit the peak of the fairyland and then went to cross the robbery, there was no big problem.

However, Bi Fan didn’t want to enter the territory too fast, so it was better to fight steadily step by step.

Anyway, Bi Fan’s combat effectiveness is very strong, and his level of realm is not particularly affected.

Of course, the improvement of the realm is also very beneficial. The immortal power contained in the body will increase, which will help to improve the strength to a certain extent.

But Bi Fan had only been closed for a month, and news came from Guan Zhongxin that he had to leave.

“Guan Zhongxin, you are so anxious to find me, did something big happen?” Bi Fan asked.

He greeted Guan Zhongxin. It was not a major matter, so let Guan Zhongxin handle it himself.

Guan Zhongxin said: “My Lord City Lord, you asked me to send someone to monitor the surrounding cities. Not long ago, I got news. Kuotai City in the north and Mingyuan City in the northwest are gathering troops recently. It seems that something big is happening. It’s about to happen. What’s even more strange is that the two cities have often had messengers recently, as if the two cities have joined forces and have a plan.”

“Good job, you let people continue to monitor, if you can break into their army, it would be best. In addition, you find Xiong Yunpeng, I have something to discuss with him.” Bi Fan said with a smile.

Guan Zhongxin left, Bi Fan’s expression was a bit solemn.

As soon as Bi Fan became the lord of Kuangyun City, he had already sent people to the surrounding cities, and even sent eyeliners to the cities farther away.

The surrounding cities are the easiest to become enemies, and we have to guard against them.

Nowadays, Kuotai City and Mingyuan City have big actions at the same time, which must make Bi Fan suspicious.

Bi Fan immediately released the two avatars and asked them to go to the two cities to investigate the situation in person.

Nie Yunfei carried the Ghost and God, and Tu Yidao carried the Netherworld Soul Bell and set off.

In Kuangyun City, there are only a thousand superiors in the upper fairyland who are left to guard Kuangyun City, and the others are all strong in the tribulation realm and the virtual fairyland.

Not long after Nie Yunfei and Tu Yidao left, Xiong Yunpeng rushed over.

“My Lord City Lord, you are finally out.” Xiong Yunpeng looked very happy.

In the past few years, Bi Fan has not appeared, and Xiong Yunpeng has often worked with Master Jingfeng and Eastern Canglong.

The more they knew about Jingfeng, they also knew some basics about Bi Fan. He really admired Bi Fan.

“Brother Yunpeng, don’t just call me the Lord of the City, just call us by name.” Bi Fan smiled.

“Yunpeng dare not, City Lord.” Xiong Yunpeng was still more cautious.

Bi Fan didn’t ask for it either. He knew that the Chaos Realm was very strict, with strong strength, high locality, weak strength, and low status. People with low status must respect those with high status.

“Brother Yunpeng, I want you to come this time because I want you to contact the Lord Xiong, so that he can gather the strong men above the real fairyland of Ming Hongcheng, and be prepared to support us Kuangyun City. This matter must be carried out in secret. Don’t let people notice it.” Bi Fan said.

“City Lord, is someone going to attack Kuangyun City?” Xiong Yunpeng asked in shock.

Bi Fan shook his head and said: “I’m not sure for the time being, but it’s kind of interesting. Just tell your father, just in case, we must be prepared.”

“Okay! I will contact my father immediately.” Xiong Yunpeng immediately contacted Xiong Yuanting.

Bi Fan explained the situation to Xiong Yuanting, and Xiong Yuanting readily agreed.

Now Minghongcheng and Kuangyuncheng are brothers. If something happens to Kuangyuncheng, Minghongcheng will be in danger.

With Xiong Yuanting’s shot, Bi Fan felt a lot of peace of mind.

Nowadays, there are a large number of Wonderland powerhouses in Kuangyun City, but the real powerhouses are still too few.

Except for Bi Fan and the two avatars, their combat power can compete with the powerhouses of the Xuanxian Realm, and no one else has such strength.

With the help of a profound fairyland expert like Xiong Yuanting, Bi Fan was determined.

However, the situation is still unclear. I believe that Nie Yunfei and Tu Yidao will be able to figure out the situation in person.

Nie Yunfei and Tu Yidao are able to cast the Yin-Yang Soul Locking Seal, plus they have ghosts and ghosts, and they can suppress the strong.

As long as you conquer a few strong masters in the fairyland, you can learn a lot of inside information. No matter how bad, as long as Kuotai City and Mingyuan City take any action, Nie Yunfei and Tu Yidao will be able to grasp the movement.

The strength of these two cities is above that of Kuangyun City, but the difference is not very big.

In the past, when Kuang Hongwei was still there, they didn’t dare to attack, but now that Kuang Hongwei is gone, it’s hard to tell.

That’s why Bi Fan is so careful. What he worries most is Kuang Hongwei’s activities in the dark, and then Kuang Yuncheng will face a more critical situation.

Bi Fan was not idle either. He moved around in Kuangyun City and secretly controlled some powerful people. These people can monitor every corner of Kuangyun City. As long as there is any trouble, Bi Fan can know for the first time.

Since these people are not part of the City Lord’s Mansion of Kuangyun City, outsiders are definitely not so defensive against them, and it is more convenient for them to act.

Bi Fan’s use of such a method is really hard to guard against.

Similarly, the eyeliner of Kuangyun City itself is also all over Kuangyun City.

A two-pronged approach, Bi Fan can truly feel relieved.

In order to cope with the possible battle, Bi Fan began to break through the bottleneck and improve his cultivation.

In just ten days, Bi Fan ignored foreign affairs and stayed closed for ten days. His cultivation level was improved by two levels. From the elementary to the upper fairyland, to the higher fairyland.

As long as Bi Fan wants to, he can advance to the peak of Wonderland at any time.

However, Nie Yunfei and Tu Yidao have received some news over there, and Bi Fan has no intention of continuing to practice.

According to the information learned by Nie Yunfei and Tu Yidao, Kuotai City and Mingyuan City are indeed united, and it seems that there is a big conspiracy.

This time, there is still a third force in it, which has allowed the two cities to form an alliance.

Although, he hadn’t figured out their goal yet, Bi Fan had a foreboding feeling, and he had a bold guess in his heart.

The forces acting secretly are mostly the remaining strong under Kuang Hongwei’s leadership. Kuang Hongwei’s purpose is very simple, and that is to retake Kuangyun City.

It’s just that there are still twenty to thirty thousand strong people around Kuang Hongwei, and there are not many real strong ones. It is unrealistic to rely on them to regain Kuangyun City.

Therefore, Kuang Hongwei had to contact the master of the city that he had good friends with before, and Xu Yiyi, with their power, regained Kuangyun City and killed Bi Fan and others.

Of course, this is just Bi Fan’s guess, whether this is the case or not is still unknown.

The two big cities have already taken action. Bi Fan immediately contacted Xiong Yuanting and asked him to lead the most elite experts to secretly rush to Kuangyun City to meet with Bi Fan and the others, and he could respond to anything.

Kuotai City and Mingyuan City are both very careful, so Nie Yunfei and Tu Yidao wanted to suppress and subdue the more core powerhouse, but they didn’t have the slightest chance.

In the end, they only subdued a few strong masters on the upper fairyland, plus some strong masters on the virtual fairyland, and controlled some eyeliners in every corner of each city. After doing this, they returned to Kuangyun City, joined Bi Fan, and prepared to respond.

The identities of Nie Yunfei and Tu Yidao are still very secretive, and no one knows their existence. They were regarded by Bi Fan as a surprise soldier, and they were able to achieve miraculous effects at critical moments.

After Xiong Yuanting arrived in Kuangyun City, he lived in the City Lord’s Mansion, and no one knew they were coming.

In the evening, Bi Fan went to meet with Xiong Yuanting and the others to discuss matters.

“City Lord Bi, what’s the situation?” Xiong Yuanting was extremely worried.

Having finally had a strong ally, Xiong Yuanting didn’t want Bi Fan and the others to have an accident.

“The situation is still unclear. I guess it’s probably because Kuang Hongwei is back and wants to retake Kuangyun City.” Bi Fan sighed.

“Kuang Hongwei, don’t let him succeed.” Xiong Yuanting exclaimed.

Kuang Hongwei and Xiong Yuanting have become deadly enemies. If Kuang Hongwei is allowed to retake Kuangyun City, there will probably be a big battle soon.

So, Xiong Yuanting is more anxious than Bi Fan, and he feels a little uneasy.

Xiong Yuanting suddenly said: “Kuang Hongwei has a good personal relationship with Kuo Wuyong, the lord of Kuotai City, and Yuan Feng, the lord of Mingyuan City. It is really possible that Kuang Hongwei persuaded Kuotai City and Mingyuan City to send troops.”

“With this kind of thing, it seems that most of my guess is true.” Bi Fan’s expression was a bit heavy: “If it is true, we will face three strong Xuanxian realms. It seems that this time It’s not easy to deal with.”

“City Lord Bi, I can help you hold Kuang Hongwei, but the other two are only stronger or weaker than Kuang Hongwei. Can you cope with it with confidence?” Xiong Yuanting asked.

“Don’t worry, no matter how many enemies come, we just try to keep them.” Bi Fan smiled.

Seeing that Bi Fan could still laugh, Xiong Yuanting was also relieved. In the previous great battle with Kuanghong, Bi Fanli turned the tide and gave Xiong Yuanting more confidence in him.

“City Lord Bi, if you have any needs, just ask them.” Xiong Yuanting said.

“Don’t worry, if it’s really a powerful enemy, you only need to hold Kuang Hongwei.” Bi Fan smiled.

“No problem, if Kuang Hongwei dares to come, just leave it to me.” Xiong Yuanting was full of fighting spirit.

Because the immortal weapon is not as good as Kuang Hongwei, Xiong Yuanting fought with him and lost several times with one move. But Xiong Yuanting is not afraid of Kuang Hongwei. He knew that if it were not for the equipment, it would be difficult to say the outcome.

Settle down Xiong Yuanting, Nie Yunfei and Tu Yidao also returned one after another. When they came back, in just a few days, the army of Kuotai City and Mingyuan City were out.

Sure enough, they came straight to Kuangyun City. It’s really bad that the kind who don’t come are not good!

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