The Six Immortals Chapter 228: Beast God Sect, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Six Dao Xianzun!

~.<>-~ Chapter 228 God of Beasts

Niu Batian forced his blood out, and in a moment, Bi Fan told him to stop.

It is close to the stone forest. If the blood is forced out too much, it will attract a large group of monsters.

There are more monsters, but it’s not a good thing. There are only eleven of them now, so they can’t get hurt.

In a short while, there will be monsters, thirty-five monsters, no more and no less.

“Put the monster into the big formation first, and then open the big formation.” Bi Fan ordered.

They have set up a big formation long ago to trap the monsters. The big formations they set up are all arranged with the help of spars and immortal tools. The lethality is not enough, but it is more than enough to trap the enemy.

Those monsters are coming towards the blood, although the blood essence is wrapped by the immortal power, because the monsters are closer, they can still smell them, they study the blood red, and rush to the past.

“Open the formation!”

When all the monsters enter the big formation, the formation is opened, and all the monsters are trapped in the formation.


Bi Fan did it alone, while Void and the others, still squad as a unit, slay the monsters in formation.

Thirty-five monsters are really trivial to Bi Fan and the others. They were resolved in less than ten minutes.

After solving the monster, Bi Fan and the others checked the large formation, replenished the spar, and then continued to lure the monster.

In this way, Bi Fan and the others killed more monsters in one day than they did in the previous month.

The powerhouses of the Huajian Sect, I believe they all have achieved good results.

Of course, on the first day, because some people kept warning Bi Fan, too many monsters were drawn out, and the damage was not small.

These are not related to Bi Fan and the others. They have gone out of practice to restore their strength, and they are killing monsters at other times.

Of course, just to be careful, they often change places.

Bi Fan and the others found three good places, set up a large formation, and then took turns to different places to lure monsters.

They did this just in case, for fear of attracting too many monsters.

For five consecutive days, Bi Fan and the others did not encounter any obstacles, beheading countless monsters.

On the sixth day, Bi Fan and the others were in one place, after killing two waves of monsters, they returned to the place.

When they appeared in another place, they found that their territory was actually occupied.

These people may have discovered the great formation here, and they will take the rest of the great formation.

Unfortunately, they encountered a group of monsters here and then killed those monsters.

In this process, because someone was killed, the blood was exposed, and then more monsters were attracted.

In this way, those people discovered the secret and occupied this place, attracting monsters out here.

Bi Fan and the others appeared suddenly, startling each other.

“It’s the formation you set up here.” There are 32 strong people in this group, of which there are eight strong at the level of Luo Tianshang, and the other 24 strong. , Are all the cultivation bases of the higher Luo Tianshang immortal level, their strength is far stronger than Bi Fan and the others, so these people are very arrogant.

Looking at these strong men, Bi Fan smiled.

“Yes, the place you occupy now is our territory.” Bi Fan said with a smile: “Please leave here!”

“Boy, you are looking for death, hand over the monsters and fairy tools, I can also let you go.” The leader of this group of people is called Totem, he is the young master of a big sect, this The sect is called Beast God Sect.

The Beast God Sect is very powerful, and Totem is one of the more powerful young masters.

There are 36 strong men who followed the totem into another world this time, four of them have died, and thirty-two are left.

Even if he loses a lot of manpower, his subordinates are much stronger than any young master of the Huajian sect.

Furthermore, this totem is uninterrupted, and it is a powerhouse at the pinnacle level of Luo Tianshang.

The Beast God Sect, the most powerful thing is to summon the Beast God to possess the body, which doubles the combat power.

“I should have said this. You are now occupying my territory.” Bi Fan sneered.

Seeing so many strong people, Bi Fan was not surprised but rejoiced.

If they can conquer these powerful men, they will be able to help Bi Fan and hunt more monsters.

What’s more, these powerhouses, the twenty-four advanced Luotianxian level powerhouses, and the eight peak Luotianxian level powerhouses, are simply too powerful.

If you can conquer these powerful people, it will be a great thing for Liujue Shenfu.

It’s just that the opponent is so powerful, it’s not easy to subdue them.

However, since Bi Fan has set up a formation here, he naturally has a dark hand. He has been prepared for it, that is, to prevent someone from occupying his territory.

Bi Fan remained silent, and then directly controlled the large array to open, displaying all the concealment methods.

With the use of concealment methods, the power of the big formation has increased more than three times.

The thirty-two strong men were all trapped in the big formation.

It’s just that there are so many people on the other side, it’s likely that they will break out.

So, before the opponent breaks out, you must win as many opponents as possible.

“Enter, try to catch alive, it won’t work, you have to die.” Bi Fan said solemnly.

In the big formation, thirty-two strong men were divided into different places. These people couldn’t even see their companions. They were caught in the attack of the big formation.

The powerhouses of the Beast God Sect are indeed very powerful. Facing the attack of the big formation, they directly displayed the possession of the beast god, and they were able to block the attack of the big formation.

The possession of beast gods can increase different abilities according to different possessed beast gods.

Beast gods can increase power, speed, defense, attack and other abilities. General beast gods can only increase one ability, and some beast gods can increase two or more abilities. It’s better, but it depends on the magnitude of the increase to determine whether the beast **** is good or bad.

The Beast God Sect can also be said to be a powerful race in the Chaos World. They are born to awaken the Beast God and then summon the Beast God.

These beast gods, as the master’s strength increases, the increase will also increase.

It can be said that the beast gods of the Beast God Sect are more important than the fairy artifacts.

Because the Beast God Sect can display the possession of the Beast God Sect, the Beast God Sect is extremely powerful.

After those strong beast gods possessed their bodies, their bodies increased sharply, and they had the characteristics of beast gods, some with long hair, some with sharp nails, all of which are characteristics of wild beasts. .

Bi Fan has also seen some information about the Beast God Sect, so he recognized them at a glance.

“It’s really unexpected, we actually met the powerhouse of the Beast God Sect.” Bi Fan was shocked.

However, even if the opponent is a strong man in the Divine Beast Sect, he did not intend to let them go.

The Beast God Sect is too far away from the Huajian Sect. Even if it is known that Bi Fan has subdued the powerhouse of the Beast God Sect, he cannot pass it into the ears of the Beast God Sect.

Even if it is passed, the Beast God Sect may not necessarily send the powerful people to the Huajian Sect to trouble the Liujue Divine Mansion for the sake of these powerhouses.

So, Bi Fan still wanted to subdue them, or he would kill them. If he didn’t do that, the other party would not let them go.

Furthermore, if these people recruit all the powerhouses of the Beast God Sect, I am afraid that the Huajian Sect powerhouses will be finished.

Comparing the Huajian Sect with the Beast God Sect, there is a world of difference, the gap is too big, there is no comparison.

Since he decided to do it, Bi Fan used all his strength to do it.

He chose a powerhouse at the pinnacle level of Luo Tianshang to shoot, but the opponent was stronger than he thought.

The strong man he encountered was named Tu Xuan, a strong man at the pinnacle level of Luo Tianshang. His beast **** possessed his body, which could increase his power three times and his speed twice.

Bi Fan had just fought him, but he was caught off guard and almost injured.

“Good means, the possessing of the Beast God of the Beast God Sect is really what Zhang has seen.” Bi Fan smiled.

“Knowing that we are members of the Divine Beast Sect, if you dare to attack us, you are looking for death.” Tu Xuan coldly shouted.

“What about the Beast God Sect, as long as you take all of you, you still have to obey my orders!”

“You still want to subdue us, it’s a dream, go to hell!”

Tu Xuan suddenly added, rushing towards Bi Fan.

Bi Fan had been prepared for a long time, showed his godly steps, and dodged.

“If you have the ability, take me a punch.” Tu Xuan yelled.

He punched out, and the sky fell apart and the earth broke, with a shocking momentum.

This punch, like lightning, reached Bi Fan in an instant.

Such speed and strength are extremely rare.

Bi Fan was also the first time he faced a strong man from the Beast God Sect, so he was a little surprised.

However, to compete for strength, Bi Fan has never lost.

Immediately, Bi Fan struck out with all his strength and punched out, colliding with Tu Xuan’s fist.


Fisting force overflowed, and the surrounding void was shattered.

It can be seen how amazing the punches of the two are, it is simply appalling.

Bi Fan didn’t move, but Tu Xuan was shocked.

He couldn’t believe it, and looked at Bi Fan with horror: “You…are you the strongest of the dragon clan!”

“Wrong, I am not a strong person in the dragon clan, but my power is stronger than the dragon, so let’s blame the surrender.” Bi Fan laughed.

“Regardless of whether you are the strongest of the dragon clan, I will not surrender.” Tu Xuan roared out, and then, he madly rushed towards Bi Fan and continued to attack.

Tu Xuan will use the power of the beast **** to maximize his advantage, but unfortunately, he met Bi Fan. Whether it is power, speed, or body style, he is better than Tu Xuan. .

The two fiercely fought again and again, which was wonderful.

It was the first time that Bi Fan met such a strong player, and he played very happily.

Compared with the battle with Dragon Demon Abyss, his battle with Tuxuan is the real battle.

Compared with Dragon Demon Abyss, it’s just a competition for strength, and it can’t be compared with this time.

Bi Fan also came to the spirit, and continued to display the Secret Record of the God of War.

The first type of Ares secret record is invincible, the second type of Ares secret record is Lei Shenquan, the third type of Ares secret record is Niu Shenquan, the fourth type of Ares secret record is Diamond Fist, the fifth type of Ares secret record. Fighting dragon **** fist.

The first five styles of the secret recording of the God of War, Bi Fan continued to display, the void shattered, and the land broke.

Tu Xuan received five consecutive punches from Bi Fan, but was knocked down in the end.

After defeating Tu Xuan, Bi Fan didn’t kill him. He displayed the Yin and Yang Soul Locking Seal to subdue Tu Xuan.

There are not many powerhouses at the top level Luo Tianshang, and there are not many in the Six Jue Divine Mansion. It is very difficult to conquer one person.


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