The Six Immortals Chapter 146: No reservations, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Six Dao Xianzun!

Chapter 146 without reservation

“Sect Master Bi Fan, another strong immortal family appeared, ahead of us, the strength is stronger.” Heng Yi,

“Come well.” Bi Fan said happily,

In less than a moment, a strong man appeared in front of the Celestial, and blocked the way of the Celestial.

Don’t think there is only one strong man, but he stands there, like a mountain, which can block everything,

The Tianshen encountered obstacles and could rush over. Bi Fan didn’t do that. He rushed several times, but stopped without rushing out.

The three strong immortals behind chased very close, and soon encircled Bi Fan.

This time, the four strong immortals were very careful and locked the space. Bi Fan wanted to get away, it was not so easy.

The last strong immortal clan who appeared was a strong man of the top Hongmeng Holy Venerable, with a strong aura,

The encirclement has been completed, and the four strong immortals are overjoyed,

“Bi Fan, you won’t be able to run this time.” Said the top sage-level powerhouse,

“Well, I didn’t think about running away.” Bi Fan smiled.

“Boy, do you really have an ambush.” ​​The four strong immortals were shocked,

If there is no ambush, Bi Fan can be so old and comfortable,

Bi Fan smiled and said: “You try…”

He is holding the yin and yang reincarnation mirror in his hand, he can attack at any time,

The four strong immortals of the undead clan naturally cannot recognize the yin and yang reincarnation mirror. Seeing that Bi Fan is sure, they didn’t care.

Four strong immortals looked at Bi Fan, but they didn’t dare to do anything for a while.

Bi Fan didn’t want to waste time either, he just shot it,

The yin and yang reincarnation mirror is activated, and a beam of light shines on the powerful undead clan headed by,

Although he is on guard, the beam speed of the yin and yang reincarnation mirror is too fast, and it’s almost instantaneous.

Bi Fan has the cultivation base of the high-level Hongmeng Sovereign. He fully urges the Yin-Yang reincarnation mirror, just to deal with the top Hongmeng Sovereign-level powerhouses,

The leader of the undead clan powerhouse was recruited and suddenly fell down.

The remaining three strong immortals of the undead clan were shocked when they saw the leader fall.

They haven’t responded yet, Bi Fan has shot one after another.

The yin and yang reincarnation mirror, never failed, and soon brought down all the three strong immortals,

These four strong immortals were all suppressed by Bi Fan,

As long as they don’t surrender, Bi Fan will let Hengyi and the others devour these strong men and improve their cultivation level,

Three high-level sage-level powers plus one top-level s-level sage-level powers, they are enough to make more than a dozen undead powerful people swallow and evolve into elementary-level sacred-level powers,

Bi Fan did not rush to improve Hengyi’s cultivation level, but first promoted all the 108 strong immortals to the level of Hongmeng God.

If you can have one more powerful person at the level of the Hongmeng Sovereign, you will have more strength.

The catastrophe may break out at any time, and Bi Fan can only train as many strong people as possible to protect himself,

After winning the four undead strong men, Bi Fan did not immediately report to the strong men in Tianlong Palace,

It took him a while before he contacted Lei Mingxiao and them,

Learning that Bi Fan has already taken down the strong immortal clan, Lei Mingxiao and the others were so excited, they asked Bi Fan to join them and talk about how to take down the strong immortal clan.

Bi Fan didn’t want to expose all his cultivation bases, he only said that he had killed a strong immortal clan of the middle-level Hongmeng Lord,

Being able to slay a strong man with a medium-level sage-level sage, Lei Mingxiao has already admired them very much,

The two missing Hongmeng Sovereign-level powerhouses are both elementary-level Hongmeng Sovereign-level powerhouses. It is entirely possible for them to be killed by a middle-level undead powerhouse of the Hongmeng Sovereign level.

So Lei Mingxiao and the others have no reason to doubt Bi Fan. Even if they doubt, they cannot treat Bi Fan.

Bi Fan had already prepared his remarks, and then went to meet the strong like Lei Mingxiao, and the strong in Tianlong Palace,

Soon, Bi Fan joined the strong like Lei Mingxiao, and also saw the strong in the Heavenly Dragon Palace. When Lei Mingxiao saw Bi Fan’s cultivation level, they were shocked.

Not long ago, Bi Fan was still a strong man at the top level of the Hongmeng deity. In just a few months, Bi Fan turned out to be a strong man at the elementary level of the Hongmeng deity. It’s hard to believe,

Thunder Mingxiao and other strong men carefully looked at Bi Fan for a long time without asking. Seeing Bi Fan’s cultivation base and those strong in the Tianlong Temple, most of them believed that Bi Fan had indeed destroyed a medium-sized sage. The level of undead powerhouse,

“Your Excellency Bi Fan, you really killed an immortal strongman.” Lei Mingxiao asked,

“Of course, I don’t need to talk nonsense. The threat from the Western Heaven Realm is temporarily lifted, and I am going to leave the Western Heaven Realm another day.” Bi Fan said with a smile,

He didn’t take out the body of the undead strong, if Lei Mingxiao didn’t believe them, he didn’t need to explain,

“Could it be that this time only one undead strong came from the Western Heaven Realm.” An elder of the Tianlong Palace asked,

“I’m not sure about this, but I feel that the immortal powerhouses appearing in the Western Heaven Realm seems to be to delay my pace.” Bi Fan said: “Otherwise, the immortal powerhouses will definitely attack and devour them. The powerhouse of the Western Heaven Realm, otherwise it would lurk, and I might not be able to find him. He high-profile annihilated two powerhouses at the level of the Hongmeng Sovereign, just to prove his existence, and then it took us half a year. “

He paused, and continued: “In half a year, the undead strong can do a lot of things, maybe some alien time and space have been extinct.”

Those strong in the Tianlong Temple heard that it was very possible, and they were anxious.

“Sovereign Bi Fan, if this is the case, you must go out as soon as possible.”

The powerhouse of the Kexi Heavenly Realm, I really don’t want Bi Fan to leave,

When it comes to finding traces of the undead strong, no one can compare with Bi Fan for the time being,

Bi Fan has left, the strong ones in the Western Heaven Realm may not be at ease,

The Western Heaven Realm is a very powerful different time and space, but the powerful people of the Hongmeng Sovereign level are also limited. They have lost two Hongmeng Sovereign level powerhouses, and the remaining Hongmeng Sovereigns are everyone’s own. Danger,

Although Bi Fan said that he had eliminated a strong immortal clan with a middle-level Hongmeng Sovereign, they were still not at ease,

“Sect Master Bi Fan, the situation in the Western Heaven Realm still needs some time. We must figure it out. What shall we do if you leave at this time.” Lei Mingxiao said,

He is most familiar with Bi Fan, so he spoke up,

The top of the Heavenly Dragon Palace said: “Thunder, everyone, I don’t like this. Bi Fan and the others should leave first and go to other different time and space to inspect. Our Heavenly Dragon Palace will leave some strong people to help you stay in the West Heaven Realm for a period of time. How.”

This is a compromise. Lei Mingxiao and the others also know that Bi Fan’s departure is a foregone conclusion.

“Well, we also hope that the undead strong will not appear.”

Lei Mingxiao let them go, Bi Fan and the others also let out a sigh of relief,

Actually, Bi Fan is also very anxious. He hopes to suppress some strong immortal races and increase the strength of the Liujue Shenzong. At the same time, it can weaken the strength of the immortal strong races, and the catastrophe will break out, making it easier to deal with.

“Everyone, then we will leave as soon as possible, there is really no time to delay.” Bi Fan said with a smile,

After leaving Lei Mingxiao and the others, Bi Fan hurried out of the Western Heaven Realm,

In the Western Heaven Realm, Bi Fan obtained a large number of Buddhist classics, and also obtained the holy relics. He has improved his cultivation a lot, and has been able to cultivate the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of his hand. These are the harvests in the Western Heaven Realm, which can be described as extremely rich.

What’s more, Bi Fan also suppressed four strong immortals, which is also a huge gain.

These undead strong men above the level of the Hongmeng monk, seem to have made the heavenly blood oath, it is almost impossible to subdue them,

Bi Fan tried several times, but he didn’t succeed once, so he gave up.

Since they can’t be subdued, they can only swallow their energy, and it can also enhance the strength of Liujue Shenzong,

After returning to the Sky Dragon Star, Bi Fan did not rest, and took the initiative to ask the top officials of the Sky Dragon Palace to dispatch to a different time and space.

Nowadays, the strong men dispatched by the immortal family are getting stronger and stronger, which makes Bi Fan very excited.

Every time a strong immortal clan at the level of Hongmeng envoy is suppressed, Liujue Shenzong can basically produce an additional strongman at the level of Hongmeng Shengzong. This is a great thing. For Liujue Shenzong, Important,

There are a lot of different time and space under the control of the Heavenly Dragon Palace. Many different time and space have undead strong people, and some different time and space strong people have been swallowed up.

The Tianlong Palace is very busy, sending strong people around, the loss is not small,

The most important thing is that they detect the traces of the undead strong, far less than Bi Fan,

They entered a different time and space and couldn’t find the trace of the strong immortal family, but were killed by the strong immortal family. For them, it was a disaster.

The immortal clan is really smart. Deal with the strong in different time and space first. Not only will the loss be small, but it can also greatly improve the strength and prepare for the invasion of Hongmeng Emperor.

The Tianlong Palace scattered the strong to rescue, and suffered heavy losses, and the results obtained were very limited.

There are not many powerful people like Bi Fan in the Tianlong Palace now, and they are all idle with Bi Fan and lack of skills.

There are so many strong immortals in different time and space. Bi Fan and his team don’t know which different time and space to send first.

The high level of the Tianlong Temple found Bi Fan: “Sovereign Bi Fan, tell us honestly, how do you detect the traces of the undead strong, you can accurately detect the traces of the undead strong, and Our people have also incorporated the energy of some undead powerhouses, but the detection ability is too far behind yours.”

The visitor is Xiao Mingji, he is most familiar with Bi Fan,

Bi Fan knows that the senior officials of Tianlong Temple will ask this question sooner or later,

“Elder Xiao Mingji, let’s tell you, I can be better than others for a reason. First, I have treasures that increase my consciousness to detect. Second, I have conquered a few strong immortals. Let them devour the strong immortal clan, enhance the cultivation base, and then let them help to sense the aura of the strong immortal clan.” Bi Fan said with a smile,

Bi Fan did not conceal this matter. Sooner or later, Hongmeng Huangyu’s many powerful people will know about it.

Otherwise, the strength of Bi Fan alone is really not enough to kill the undead strong,

(Recommend a friend’s book “Batian Budo”, with support in the past,)

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