The Six Immortals Chapter 128: Exterminate, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Six Dao Xianzun!

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-eighth Killing

“Blood burst.”

The strong immortal clan showed his housekeeping skills,

Blood explosion is one of the killers of the immortal race. They can separate their bodies, explode themselves, kill the enemy, and avoid being swallowed.

This trick is extremely vicious, it is the ability of the undead clan to swallow each other and gradually researched it.

The powerhouse at the top level of Hongmeng Sovereign, separates a part of the energy-bearing body to explode, how powerful is beyond imagination,

“Boom boom…”

As an explosion sounded, the Jiujiuguiyi Demon Extinguishing Array was broken, and many of the holy children were severely injured, and the two hundred strong men who followed Bi Fan were not spared, and all were killed by the aftermath of self-detonation.

Bi Fan was also hit hard, but he has the magical powers of the Demon God, and he quickly recovered.

As for the strong immortal clan, he consumed a lot of energy, and his cultivation was directly regressed to a cultivation base close to the middle-level Hongmeng Sovereign. Of course, his cultivation base was still higher than that of the high-level Hongmeng Sovereign. The strong man of the medium-level sage-level master is stronger than that a little bit,

Seeing that more than half of the eighty-one powerful saints lost their combat effectiveness,

Bi Fan knows that he won’t work if he doesn’t stand up,

He directly pounced on the strong immortal family and launched a fierce attack. While attacking, he swallowed his energy and wanted to lower his cultivation level.

“Human kid, it’s you…” The strong immortal clan finally found out who has that powerful devouring ability,

“It’s really unexpected. Your ability to swallow is no worse than our immortal clan.”

“I’m overwhelmed.” Bi Fan is not arrogant or rash,

At this time, you must keep your breath and block him for a while,

Ling Tianya saw that Bi Fan stopped the undead strong man, and said loudly: “Your Excellency Bi Fan, be sure to hold on for a while, we will come over to help you immediately.”

Bi Fan has no time to speak at all. He doesn’t want to stop the undead strongman, he must resist it.

“Boy, no matter what, you are dead, blood bursting.” The strong undead clan got angry,

This undead group of strong people launched a ruthlessly, it’s really lifeless,

Bi Fan had no other way, only to use the swallowing vortex to wrap up the energy of the blood burst. Together with the four avatars, he cooperated with the spatial black hole to block the blood burst of the strong immortal clan.

The energy of the blood burst was very strong, and it had not exploded yet, and it was quickly swallowed by Bi Fan and the others, which made their cultivation level improved again,

The strong immortal clan can’t help Bi Fan when he sees the blood burst, so shocked,

“Boy, how did you do it.”

“Why should I tell you.” Bi Fan said with a smile,

“You…” The strong undead clan was a little scared,

However, he calmed down quickly, ready to break out of Bi Fan’s blockade,

Bi Fan knew his intentions, blocked him, refused to let him get out, and even took the attack of the undead strong, finally stopped him,

“Boy, it’s better than seeing one of us.” The undead strong people seem to be crazy,

He turned into a huge cloud and quickly wrapped Bi Fan,

This strong immortal clan, this is to compete with Bi Fan who is more capable of devouring,

Faced with such an attack, Bi Fan could only fight with him to see who swallowed more power,

I have just been in contact, and the energy in Bi Fan’s body has begun to lose rapidly,

Bi Fan was very calm. He immediately formed a swallowing vortex in his body to prevent the undead strong from swallowing energy. At the same time, he formed a spatial black hole in his body and began to swallow the energy of the undead strong.

In order to prevent the strong immortal clan from escaping, he used a cold and dark aura to weaken the opponent’s energy, and the four clones also took action to trap the strong immortal clan.

When Bi Fan showed off the black hole in space, and with the help of the power of the black hole core, he quickly swallowed energy, the strong immortal family knew that the situation was not good,

He kept struggling and wanted to get away. Unfortunately, Bi Fan’s four clones blocked him. No matter what, he couldn’t escape.

In the eyes of those outsiders, the immortal family has the upper hand, has wrapped Bi Fan, and must be devouring his energy,

“Everyone speeds up the recovery of strength, we must trap the strong immortal clan, otherwise the situation is very unfavorable to us.” Ling Tianya said loudly,

He doesn’t mean to rescue immediately, he just hopes that Bi Fan can delay a little longer,

Obviously, Bi Fan became the object of being abandoned, and Ling Tianya and others had to do it too,

Faced with this situation, they will either give up their lives or sacrifice Bi Fan.

People are selfish, they chose to sacrifice Bi Fan,

Bi Fan didn’t mean to blame them. He swallowed energy in a muffled voice and improved his cultivation level.

The huge energy of the strong immortal family was shared by him and the four avatars,

The speed of their devouring is getting faster and faster, the breath of the undead strongman is constantly weakening, his struggle is futile, and the power of devouring is far less than Bi Fan, his fate seems to be doomed,

When the cultivation base of the strong immortal clan retreated to the level of the elementary Hongmeng Sovereign, Bi Fan and his four clones all advanced and became the strongmen of the elementary Hongmeng Sovereign level.

The energy of the undead strong is indeed magical, but unfortunately there are very few strong who can use the energy of the undead strong. Even if other strong can use the energy of some undead strong, it will be a small amount, and it will not have much effect. ,

Bi Fan and the others are different, they can fully receive the energy of the undead powerhouse and integrate it into their own body,

As the cultivation base broke through, they swallowed faster. After a while, the energy of the strong immortal clan was swallowed by Bi Fan and the others.

Bi Fan urged some energy to make a spontaneous movement. He himself was also very embarrassed. This is a deception.

Ling Tianya and the others were shocked to speak when they saw that Bi Fan had killed the undead powerhouse.

Bi Fan didn’t want to be too sharp, and screamed: “Fortunately, fortunately, this undead strongman has undergone a blood explosion, and the sequelae are very serious. To save my life.”

“His Excellency Bi Fan, you did a very good job.” Ling Tianya said with a smile,

When Bi Fan said so, Ling Tianya and the others were relieved. They only thought that he was lucky enough to get rid of the strong immortal clan by himself.

Otherwise, someone is stronger than all of them, they must be unbalanced in their hearts,

These top-ranked saints, which one is not the proud son of heaven, if you make them feel that they are not as good as others, I am afraid they will go to extremes, then Bi Fan is already in endless trouble,

Bi Fan is very shrewd. Even if he breaks through the cultivation base, he will let Hunyuan descend the demons to help him, and temporarily seal the cultivation base. Even if the powerhouse of the Hongmeng Sovereign level comes, he will not be able to see his truth. Repair,

In a short period of time, if his cultivation is upgraded from the high-level Hongmeng deity level to the elementary Hongmeng deity level, I am afraid there will be trouble too,

Bi Fan is very shrewd and naturally does not expose his cultivation level.

Moreover, he pretended to be seriously injured and took the opportunity to rest.

Now there are only four strong immortals left. I believe the strong of the Tianlong Temple can withstand it,

Bi Fan has already made a decision, so he won’t intervene next, so that no one will see his true strength,

“I was injured badly and I need a rest, so I can’t help anymore.” Bi Fan was weak,

“Your Excellency Bi Fan, leave it to us next, you can rest.” Ling Tianya said,

Eighty-one strong men have taken healing pills and have recovered some strength.

They set up a big formation and joined the battle,

These eighty-one strong men stopped a strong man at the high-level hongmeng sage level and a medium-level strong man at the hongmeng sage level, and the others cooperated with the ten spirit martial puppets to deal with the other two The undead powerhouse at the level of Hongmeng Sovereign,

As a result, the four strong immortals of the undead clan are trapped, unable to get out, and it is impossible to defeat these strong.

The most important thing is that there are more than two hundred powerful people who can devour energy interfere, so that those undead powerful people can’t swallow energy to supplement the consumption. Sooner or later, they will have to lose their power.

In the final analysis, the ability to deal with these five undead strong people this time relied on Bi Fan to figure out a way, otherwise the strong ones present would lose a lot,

After another fierce battle, the reinforcements of the Tianlong Temple finally arrived. Tianlong Temple dispatched ten strong men, all of them at the level of Hongmeng Sages. The first two are the top level of Hongmeng Sovereigns.

They sent twice as many strong players in order to win the five undead strong players,

“Elder, you are here.” Ling Tianya saluted,

Although he is a holy son, his status is not worse than that of an elder, but he is still very respectful, because the opponent’s strength is there,

A strong man at the level of Hongmeng Holy Venerable, in any sect, is a core strong man,

Being able to cultivate to become a powerful person at the level of Hongmeng Sovereign, most of them have practiced the cultivation method of the sky-level Hongmeng Qi, otherwise it is almost impossible to cultivate to a powerful person at the level of Hongmeng Sovereign.

The cultivation method of the heaven-level Hongmeng Qi cultivation method is basically controlled by the ninth-rank sect. Only by practicing the heaven-level Hongmeng Qi cultivation method can the power of the Hongmeng Qi be maximized.

A strong person of the same level, a strong person who has cultivated the Heaven-level Hongmeng Qi cultivation method, has an absolute advantage,

The elders of the Heavenly Dragon Palace received information that five strong immortal clans of the Hongmeng Sage level had appeared, but they only saw four strong immortal clans, and the strongest immortal clans had disappeared. They are a little surprised,

“Holy Son Ling Tianya, isn’t your intelligence saying that there are five strong immortals.”

“That’s it. The leader of the immortal clan was besieged by our eighty-one saints. He chose to explode in blood, suffered heavy losses, and his strength fell sharply. In the end, His Excellency Bi Fan killed him with a treasure Now, he himself was severely injured and healed over there.” Ling Tianya said,

“Oh, you were able to kill the undead powerhouses of the top Hongmeng Sovereign level, how did you do it?”

This is so surprising. Everyone knows the power of the immortal group of powerhouses. They were destroyed by 81 powerhouses at the level of Hongmeng. I can’t believe it.

Don’t say that these elders don’t believe it, even Ling Tianya themselves, they can’t believe it when they say such things, but the strong immortal clan of the top Hongmeng Sovereign level is indeed dead,

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