The Six Immortals Chapter 127: Advanced Devouring, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Six Dao Xianzun!

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Swallow Advanced

After the battle, the eighty-one holy sons are already a little out of support.

The undead strongman at the top level of the Hongmeng Sovereign is too strong. While fighting, he also devours energy.

Those saints have many cards, but they can’t really threaten the undead.

“Your Excellency Du Hengbin, if we continue like this, we will suffer heavy casualties if the reinforcements do not arrive.” Bi Fan said,

“Sovereign Bi Fan, can you do anything about it,” Du Hengbin said,

Bi Fan thought for a while and said: “We must interfere with the undead strong people to swallow energy, otherwise they will be more and more courageous, and the battle will not be able to fight. You can ask, gather some strong people who can swallow energy, We fight against the strong of the undead and devour energy together. In short, we cannot let the strong of the undead continue to grow stronger.”

Hongmeng Huangyu, there must be many powerful people who can devour power. Some have practiced magic powers that can swallow energy, and some have supernatural powers. Although, their swallowing power is not as good as the undead strong, but they can still disrupt the situation. No problem,

“Okay, you stand up, I’ll do it right away.” Du Hengbin said,

In a short time, Du Hengbin gathered hundreds of strong men, all of whom are capable of devouring energy.

“Bi Fan, these people are under your command.” Du Hengbin said,

“You are divided into two batches. One group helps them deal with these four strong immortal clan, and the other group joins me to deal with the top-notch Hongmeng Saint-level immortal strong clan.” Bi Fan said loudly.

Soon, those strong men were divided into two batches and started to help,

Bi Fan took more than two hundred powerful men to deal with the top-notch Hongmeng Saint-level powerhouse,

It’s just that the eighty-one saints set up a big battle against the strong undead, it is difficult for Bi Fan and the others to intervene,

“Master Ling Tianya, we are here to help, against the devouring supernatural powers of the undead strong.” Bi Fan said loudly,

“Wait, let you enter the big formation immediately.” Ling Tianya said,

His tone is flat, obviously he has no confidence in Bi Fan and the others,

Bi Fan didn’t care, and brought more than two hundred strong men into the big formation quickly,

“Everyone shows the ability to devour, and devours the energy of the undead strong, even if they can’t swallow his energy, they can’t be allowed to swallow energy.” Bi Fan commanded,

More than two hundred strong men, display their skills together to interfere with the immortal strong man,

“Play with me Devouring, our immortal clan is the ancestor of Devouring.” The strong immortal clan said coldly,

And Bi Fan, the swallowing vortex that he displayed on the surface, can secretly use the power of the black hole core to swallow the energy of the undead strong,

The complexion of the strong immortal clan changed drastically, and Bi Fan’s energy consumption speed was not much worse than him. He strengthened the other two hundred strong, and the devouring speed was similar to him.

“Unexpectedly, human cultivators would have the ability to devour artifacts.” The undead strong clan exclaimed,

“There is still a lot of garbage from the undead family, you don’t know.” Bi Fan sneered.

With the interference of Bi Fan and the others, the undead powerhouse of the top Hongmeng Sovereign level cannot devour the energy of the eighty-one saint children.

As a result, he fought against the 81 saints alone, and the consumption was very large.

What’s more, Bi Fan also took the opportunity to devour a lot of energy, constantly weakening the energy of the strong immortal family,

With the participation of Bi Fan and the others, the situation has temporarily stabilized,

Just want to defeat the undead strong, that is impossible,

Moreover, the situation is only temporarily stable. In case there is a little accident, it is the human cultivator who suffers.

Ling Tianya was in a good mood when he saw Bi Fan and the others could help: “What’s your name, you did a good job.”

“Bi Fan under Deng Xianhe Shengzi’s school.” Bi Fan replied,

At this time, he was able to answer, it was already pretty good, indicating that he still has spare energy,

“Okay, well done, you have done a great job.” Ling Tianya said,

“Holy Son Ling Tianya, our reinforcements are late, and the situation is a bit bad.” Bi Fan said solemnly,

“Don’t worry, I have asked for help from the top again, and they will send strong people over.” Ling Tianya is confident,

The young generation of strong men in the Tianlong Temple are basically here. If the Tianlong Temple does not send strong men to rescue, would it not destroy the future by itself?

Veteran forces such as Tianlong Temple attach great importance to the younger generation of strong people, and will never allow all the younger generation to have accidents.

It’s just that the strong old generation of Tianlong Palace has not appeared for a long time, and I don’t know if it is going to test the young disciples of Tianlong Palace,

If it hadn’t been for Bi Fan and the others to interfere with the undead clan to devour energy, now I don’t know what happened,

Even if Bi Fan is not at ease, there is no other way, he still takes the opportunity to devour the energy of the undead strong,

Not to mention, devouring a large amount of the energy of the undead strong, Bi Fan’s cultivation level quickly improved, and he soon reached the top level of the gods of Hongmeng,

The energy of the strong immortal family can already strengthen the power of the **, breaking through the cultivation base is naturally a matter of course,

Seeing this situation, Bi Fan was eager not to show up too early for those strong in the Heavenly Dragon Palace. He could devour some more energy. Maybe he had a chance to upgrade his cultivation to the level of the Elementary Hongmeng Sovereign. Moreover, Hunyuan There are four avatars in the Tower of Demons and Demons, which are also devouring energy and improving cultivation level.

Don’t look at the difference of a small level, but the difference in strength is definitely a huge difference,

Bi Fan devoured the energy of the undead family with all his strength, and brought up the Nimo Nine Turns Golden Body Decision to strengthen**,

He has already thought about it, he wants to take the opportunity to hit the bottleneck,

Such an opportunity is hard to come by, it is better than suffering in the Hunyuan Demon Suppression Tower,

Other powerhouses are not as good as Bi Fan. The energy they swallowed can’t be used immediately. They also consume a lot of energy, and they absolutely cannot fight for a long time.

Bi Fan saw that it won’t work if this continues. He worried that he wouldn’t be able to hold on for long.

“Everyone, you are divided into two batches, one batch rests, one batch continues to display your skills, so that the undead strongman cannot swallow the energy. Everyone takes turns to rest, so that you can hold on for a longer time.” Bi Fan said loudly. ,

The strong guys present were very shrewd and immediately followed Bi Fan’s words and divided them into two batches.

On the other side, Bi Fan also sent a message to Du Hengbin, asking him to order the strong ones to rest in batches,

With the preparation for a protracted battle, the battle can be reached to the end,

Ling Tianya looked at Bi Fan’s command, and nodded secretly: “It’s really good, he’s a talent.”

For a long time, the strong people of the immortal race are also anxious, they dare not delay,

This different time and space is controlled by the Heavenly Dragon Palace. More powerful people may arrive at any time. The longer the delay, the more disadvantaged it will be for them.

“Roar.” The strong undead clan headed by roared out: “Rush out.”

He is very shrewd and wants to rush out of the encirclement first, and then go on a slaughter,

“Stop him.” Ling Tianya shouted out,

Bi Fan immediately strengthened the devouring power, in order to entangle the strong immortal clan,

If the undead powerhouse of the top Hongmeng Sovereign level rushes out, the powerhouse present will definitely be out of luck,

What’s more, Bi Fan swallows energy. At a critical juncture, the undead strong cannot easily get away.

Whether you can become a powerful person at the level of the Hongmeng Sovereign depends on whether you can swallow enough energy of the undead powerful person this time.

The powerhouse at the top level of Hongmeng Sovereign, the energy in his body is very pure, and only such pure energy of the immortal clan can greatly increase his ** power and enable him to break through his cultivation level.

I missed this opportunity, maybe he has to go to the Hunyuan Demon Suppressing Demon Pagoda for refining **, the kind of pain, he really doesn’t want to endure it,

The strong immortal family did not rush out, but was stopped, which made Bi Fan breathe a sigh of relief.

Bi Fan’s four avatars quickly broke through their cultivation base and became a top-notch powerhouse at the level of Hongmeng God.

It’s just a breakthrough from the top level of Hongmeng to become a powerful one at the elementary level of Hongmeng. It requires a huge amount of energy, and the power must also make a leap, which is not so easy to achieve.

As Bi Fan stepped up his efforts to devour energy, the strong undead clan couldn’t stand it anymore,

Before, it was he who swallowed the opponent’s energy, which was very refreshing, but this time it was reversed. It was not good for him to be swallowed by other people’s energy,

The rate of energy loss is very fast. The energy in the body of the undead expert of the top Hongmeng Sovereign level is limited. If the energy is not enough, even the cultivation base will be regressed.

His energy disappeared very quickly, and his cultivation is showing signs of regression,

Finally, after the blood sacrifice, the cultivation base of the top Hongmeng Sovereign level can be obtained. The strong immortal clan is naturally unwilling to retreat.

“Kill.” He roared out and began to rush to kill.

Several rounds of rushing and killing in succession brought great pressure to Ling Tianya and them,

But they know very well that they can’t let this strong immortal race rush out,

Ling Tianya said loudly: “Senior brothers, even if you are seriously injured, you must block him and not let him rush out.”

Those holy sons became fierce, very terrible, they continued to use their great supernatural powers and peerless martial arts, regardless of consumption, not afraid of injury, and stopped the strong undead clan.

The strong undead family did not get away, which made Bi Fan very happy.

As long as he hasn’t gotten away, Bi Fan can continue to devour energy and strengthen his own cultivation level.

His four avatars have already begun to directly consume the energy of the undead strong,

Together, they swallowed energy much faster,

They are swallowing energy faster, the strong immortal clan is very scared,

The strong immortal race is good at devouring. This is the most powerful magical power in countless worlds, and it is also the unique ability of the strong immortal race.

But now it’s alright. He has met his opponent, and the opponent’s ability to swallow is no worse than him. He even suspects that an undead strong person has betrayed and is playing with him,

Faced with this situation, the strong undead clan was unwilling to sit back and wait for death. He thought twice and was ready to use his tricks,

The strong of the immortal clan, when facing the swallowing of the strong of the same clan, they have a unique skill that saves their lives. It is very powerful, making it difficult for opponents to swallow, and it is extremely uncomfortable.

It’s just that, this unique skill, after being displayed, consumes a lot of money, and has a lot of side effects.

If it is not a last resort, the undead strong will not display it.

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