The Six Immortals Chapter 11: Finally escaped, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Six Dao Xianzun!

Chapter 11   Finally Escaped

“Run!” Bi Fan smiled.

Lingfeng City is already in sight, and the enemies they are tracking have been eliminated. Bi Fan and the others seem very excited.

They didn’t run a few steps, but they were stopped by one person.

“Several people, stop…”

Bi Fan and the others turned around and found that one person was hiding in the dark, who turned out to be an acquaintance.

“Dragon Soul, why are you here?” Bi Fan asked in surprise.

The dragon soul is the one who gave Bi Fan the treasure. Bi Fan naturally knew him, and everyone knew him.

Seeing the acquaintances, everyone was relieved, but before they had time to be happy, they were interrupted by the dragon soul.

“If you go out like this, you will definitely die. The three big thieves and many thieves have arranged a large number of strong men outside to prevent us from going to Lingfeng City, otherwise I would have been in Lingfeng City long ago.” Long Said the soul.

Unexpectedly these thieves are so persevering, everyone in the Eastern Blue Dragon feels a bit big.

“Dragon Soul, do you have any good ideas?” Jingfeng asked.

Dragon Soul thought for a while and said: “No, I have been hiding nearby for ten days, but I still can’t find a breakthrough.”

“It won’t be so serious, is it?” Bi Fan said helplessly: “It’s really not possible. It seems that we have to go back and go on a detour.”

“No, Master Bi Fan, my lady is still waiting for that treasure to save her life. You must bring the treasure to Beiming City as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late.” Longhun said flatly.

Bi Fan was a little embarrassed. He had promised Longfu and should do it, but the road ahead was a dead end, only to die.

But Bi Fan is not a person who doesn’t keep his promise. It’s been a bit difficult for a long time.

“Dragon Soul, it’s not that we don’t want to go, it’s really…we can’t go forward and die. If we die and the treasure is in the hands of thieves, your lady will have no chance.” Bi Fan said.

Dragon Soul is extremely anxious: “Don’t worry, let me think of a solution.”

The Dragon Soul walked around anxiously, thinking about it.

Bi Fan and his entourage are extremely worried that the chaser is dead, and new chasers will definitely arrive.

Since staying here, it is by no means a good thing.

“Yes…I have an idea. Later I will lead those who are blocking them. You will take the opportunity to get out. As long as I show up, I believe those thieves won’t be interested in you.” Dragon Soul Said.

His eyes are firm, and he seems ready to sacrifice.

“Dragon Soul, it is dangerous for you to go out like this, so let’s think of another way.” Eastern Canglong said.

Looking at the dragon soul being so loyal, even at the expense of his own life, the Eastern Blue Dragon admired them a little.

“There is no other way now. Time is waiting for people. We will act separately. Don’t let thieves see us together, otherwise you will be in great trouble.” Dragon Soul said.

“Okay! Dragon Soul, you have to be careful!” Bi Fan agreed without delay.

If you hesitate any longer, I’m afraid everyone will die, it is better to act quickly, they have no time to delay.

At the moment, the Dragon Soul rushed out alone, Bi Fan and the others hid them, ready to act at any time.

The three big thieves have been looking for Dragon Soul and Dragon Feather for a long time, but there is no news.

Now the Dragon Soul took the initiative to come out, and immediately shocked the three of Scar, Ziwei, and Poisonous Scorpion. The three were not at ease with each other, so they left their men to prevent Dragon Feather from fleeing, and the three of them went to intercept the Dragon Soul. .

The dragon soul made a lot of movement, and the thieves wanted to fight for merit, and they went to intercept the dragon soul.

At this moment, the neutral gear came out.

“The opportunity is here, we rushed out, and we can’t live up to the good intentions of the dragon soul.” Bi Fan said.

Bi Fan and others began to rush towards the gap quickly, as long as they escaped from the Ziyun Mountain Range, they would be safe.

There were a lot of thieves, and they met many thieves on the way, and they did not hesitate to kill them.

In order to solve the battle faster, Bi Fan even personally pushed forward at full speed.

Far away, Bi Fan and the others saw the dragon soul. The dragon soul rushed very hard, but there were too many thieves around him, and they couldn’t kill them very much.

“Dragon Soul, I hope you can escape alive.” Eastern Blue Dragon prayed secretly.

The Eastern Canglong is the most loyal. He sees the dragon soul pleasingly, and naturally does not want the dragon soul to die.

Unfortunately, he did not have enough strength to rescue the dragon soul.

Bi Fan and the others did not hesitate, they charged quickly, and the closer they were to the edge of the Ziyun Mountain Range, the greater the resistance Bi Fan and the others encountered.

Bi Fan Xiaoyao Xianzhi attacked with all his strength, and started to kill the enemy from a distance, quickly breaking a blood path.


Jianfeng and the others rushed faster. Bi Fan had even killed a few thieves in the Spirit Cultivation Realm, and didn’t even have time to collect the spoils.

“Kill!” The Eastern Canglong and the others fought to their heart’s content, desperately letting go of their hands and feet.

After a short while, Bi Fan and the others finally broke through the thieves’ last line of defense, leaving the Ziyun Mountain Range.

If the Dragon Soul had not led away most of the strong, Bi Fan and the others would not have gone so smoothly.

So, Bi Fan and the others were able to get away, thanks to the dragon soul.

At this time, the life or death of the dragon soul is uncertain, and Bi Fan and the others only have prayers.

As for Longyu, he didn’t show up from beginning to end. It seemed that he was not nearby, otherwise he would definitely take the opportunity to escape.

Bi Fan and the others left the Ziyun Mountain Range, still worried, and rushed to the main city of Lingfeng City.

Everyone is not in a high mood and is worried about the dragon soul.

“For today’s plan, we must complete Longfu’s entrustment as soon as possible, so that we can be worthy of Longfu and Dragon Soul.” Bi Fan said.

“Yes, as long as we can save the lady of the Longteng Four Seas Merchant Group, we will have fulfilled the wish of Longfu and Longhun.” Wang Zhongdao.

Everyone picked up their mood and accelerated their progress.

One day later, the seven of Bi Fan, Jingfeng, Monan, Wang Zhong, Ji Yinglan, Eastern Canglong, and Iron Hand felt Lingfeng City, and they were relieved.

“Haha… we finally reached Lingfeng City safely, which is very good.” Wang Zhong smiled.

“Yes, I don’t know how the dragon soul is doing?” Eastern Canglong sighed.

Bi Fan said: “We advance to the city, and then find a way to quickly go to Beiming City, we have no time to delay.”

After the seven Bi Fans entered the city, the first thing was to add Iron Hand to the Liujue Adventure Group, and made him the deputy head of the group, letting him take charge of all affairs.

“Unexpectedly, I can become the deputy commander one day. It’s really cool!” Tie Shou laughed.

“Iron Hand, as long as you manage well, you will become the deputy commander of a super adventure group in the future, and you will be successful, and your status will be superb.” Bi Fan said.

The iron hand became excited: “Following you is the most correct decision in my life, and it seems that my iron hand is going to rise up.”

Looking at Tie Shou’s excitement, why isn’t Wang Zhong like that? If he hadn’t met Bi Fan and became Bi Fan’s friend, he, like Tie Shou, had to struggle for survival every day and didn’t have much time to practice.

“Let’s settle down first, and then we will find a way to go to Beiming City tomorrow.” Bi Fan said.

Along the way, seeing the rampant thieves, Bi Fan and the others did not dare to go on the road alone, for fear of causing conflict and fighting.

Bi Fan and the others are limited in strength after all. If they meet the thieves of the earth, it will be difficult for Bi Fan and them to survive. They have self-knowledge.

I found an inn nearby, Bi Fan and the others had a big meal, and then began to rest.

“Go to the Adventure Alliance tomorrow morning to see if there is a suitable mission. The sooner you start, the better.” Bi Fan said.

“Okay! Everyone wants to reach Beiming City early, and only after completing Longfu’s entrustment, can you go to the Beiming Islands.” Monan said.

Their final destination is the North Underworld Islands. Now they have been delayed for a lot of time, and they are a little impatient.

“Everyone has a good rest and set off in the best condition.” Jingfeng laughed.

The seven members of Bi Fan went back to their rooms to rest and practice, not to mention, one night passed quickly.

Early the next morning, Bi Fan and others went downstairs to the living room, and after a quick breakfast, they headed to the Adventure League.

The Adventure Alliance is very busy every morning, and today is no exception. When Bi Fan and the others arrived, the Adventure Alliance had gathered a large number of adventurers.

“This task is not bad, not only can you hunt down monsters, but also get a lot of spars.”

“This task is good, escorting a person to Tianyun City is simply a trip to the mountains and water.”

“These tasks are too dangerous, but the task of finding lost items suits me.”

… …

Seeing those people talking so lively, even Bi Fan and the others became excited and started looking for a suitable task.

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