The Silly Alchemist Chapter 688: Ye Lang swordsmanship (2)

Chapter 688 Ye Lang Sword Techniques (2)

“Kill the enemy? They don’t seem to have anything to do, but it’s strange, why don’t they move.” Liu Feiyan looked at the people on the side with some confusion.

At this time, Liu Feiyan didn’t seem to realize that she was in danger, and the weapons in the hands of these people fell on her anyway, she would be injured or even killed.

If she would be calm, she would still be a little scared in her heart. At this moment, she is not only calm on the surface, but she has no fear at all.

There is only one reason for her to be so relaxed and not afraid, that is Ye Lang, Ye Lang can give her a sense of security, a sense of security that he will bear even if the sky falls.

“They don’t move because they can’t move … because they are dead …” Ye Lang said coldly.


How is it possible that you’ve just had a few trips just now, these people are not mediocre and will not be easily killed, let alone a few trips like yours.

That’s absolutely impossible. If you want to blow your skin, you have to wait for it afterwards. Now blowing is not a laugh at others’ teeth! !!

“Bang …”

Just when everyone thought Ye Lang was bragging and thought his words were funny, everyone on the side of Ye Lang fell to the ground, and when the people on the side went to look at those who were on the ground, they found them There was only one superficial scar, the location of the scar was different, but all were fatal.

If the facts are not in front of us, maybe no one will believe that it is such a shallow scar that can take away a life.

This kid is more scary, far more scary than that Cold Blood girl!

Although the Cold Blood girl was ruthless in Cold Blood, killing was not soft-hearted, and was very **** and violent, at least people could still see blood. This kid is really killing without seeing blood.

“Are you still coming?” Ye Lang asked.


“Still no more, there is something you can discuss, and it’s not killing your parents, why bother?” Ye Lang continued.

While Ye Lang was talking, Cold Blood Five was still cleaning up its opponents, taking away human lives every moment, which made Ye Lang‘s words lose any effect. Originally, his words had little effect. .

“What should we do? In this way, our people are not enough to kill them!” Xinying frowned, looking at Simon.

“Let someone help !!!” Simone gritted his teeth, and he regretted it, why did he come here today and meet such two evil stars.

The current situation can not be let go. No matter how much it costs, you must also kill these two evil stars, otherwise the secret will be leaked, and the most important thing is that the sacrifice just now is not in vain.

Sometimes, the cause of the matter may be small, but after the incident, there is no way to end it, because the two parties or one of them have paid the price, and the matter will get worse.

This is the case now. Several big families and Wanhualou will not give up. They feel that there are not enough people here, and they will convene horse.

Soon, this Wanhua Tower has become the focus of the whole city, because everyone knows that many people are rushing there, and what seems to be happening there.

In the vicinity of Wanhua Tower, some good people, as well as some interested people who gather information, are watching the development of things nearby. They did not go in because Wanhua Tower has been isolated by others. .

But they also know that there is fighting inside, and it is very fierce, because not only does it scream from time to time, but sometimes it breaks the window and some corpses emerge.

It’s just that they can’t figure out who is fighting with them in the end. It seems that these are surrounded by them. They seem to be a few of the four great families. Could it be said that the four great families are internal concubines?

How can these unknown audiences know that the two sides in the fight are Ye Lang and Cold Blood Five, and the three families and Wanhualou Quartet.

If everyone knows this, it will definitely drop the chin.

Little Wu, where are our people, these people are so annoying, I don’t want to continue anymore!” Ye Lang said boringly, and while he was talking, he flashed the sword, and a group of people fell to the ground.

“It will come later, now is a good time, I believe they know how to do it!” Cold Blood Five coldly replied, and his hands were not relaxed.


At this time, Xinying and others are getting more and more shocked. Ye Lang is not easy to see now, and if they are prepared, then these people are not in the trap of others.

If they know that Ye Lang is talking about Cold Blood Group, they will immediately give up their current actions, and would rather eat this dumb loss than continue.

For Cold Blood Group, it should be said that support should be available soon. How can Xinying and others’ support have arrived, but they still have not appeared?

This is actually for a reason. It is not that Cold Blood Group has a slow response speed. On the contrary, they have a strong reaction ability and can be gathered here in short time.

At this time, there are already some Cold Blood Group new member near Wanhua Building, ready to support at any time, but they are only ready to support and did not act.

This is because Cold Blood Group is now doing a thorough investigation of the backgrounds of the three great families and Wanhualou. At this time, it is not an excellent opportunity. The more family support on Ye Lang, the more cards they miss. The more.

Because of this, the princess Long Ji, which should have appeared long ago, also slowed down a bit, naturally, they have already done a good job of security measures, and if Ye Lang is in danger, they will appear in time.

For this, Princess Long Ji is not worried at all, Ye Lang can deal with the elite troops of Corrupt Wolf Corps, it is easier to deal with these people.

Princess Long Ji is very excited at this time, she has mastered several important things of the family and got a lot of things she wanted before, and all this is because of Ye Lang, which makes her want to hold now With Ye Lang, kiss hard.

“Oh, let’s continue …” Ye Lang said indifferently, and continued to guard Liu Feiyan, in fact, it can also be said to guard Liu Feiyan.

At this time, Little Princess was launched by Ye Lang to confront the enemy. Although Little Princess is not very powerful, she has high talents and strong instinct for combat, and can deal with one or two enemies alone.

How could Ye Lang miss such a good opportunity for actual combat? naturally has to let this Little Princess try, just to make use of her time learning to better consolidate the foundation.

Only, this picture is a bit discordant. A little girl fights with people, which makes people feel weird.

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