The Silly Alchemist Chapter 680: A lot of money (3)

Little Fool, the secret of a woman’s grade, you should not say so.” Cold Blood Five at this time, knocked Ye Lang, “I’m sorry Mrs. Heart Shadow, he is a bit stupid, telling you that you are forty-three Come out. “


Are you apologizing for this? Ye Lang just said more than forty, you even said something specific to forty-three.

At present, the shadow is more and more skeptical of Ye Lang and others. If you say more than forty, you can guess the engraving, but it is accurate to forty-three, this is not a guess. These people must have adjusted checked here before.

Yes, Cold Blood Group is tuned to checked. The reason why Cold Blood Five knows this year is also obtained from the data. At first, she didn’t believe it, but now she is sure.

Previously, when Ye Lang said that the heart shadow was more than forty, Cold Blood Five had already believed more than half. She knew that Ye Lang would never tell lies. It must be that he used some special methods to see through the heart shadow.

“Oh, it’s okay, it’s just age, this is not a big deal, and I’m not a girl here.” Xinying said with a smile, but her smile was a little reluctant. It seems that this matter makes her very Injured.

Sister Qin Ying, are they right? Do you really have forty-three? Impossible, you are so young … “The satellite looked at the heart shadow, and could not believe what Ye Lang said.

“Yes! Only a few people know about this. I do n’t know how you guys know about it. By the way, I forgot to ask, your first name.” Xinying said with a smile.

Fuck, can’t you stop talking? This satellite looks really awful enough. It should be knocked out of a thousand gold coins. If I knew this, I should have made him a little bit more.

“My name is Xue Wu, and her name is Fei Yan. The girl we invited (at this time Liu Feiyan is very unhappy, but I still have to bear it!), he is my younger brother, so please call him the young master. He likes others to call him like this He. Also, this is our little girl, she doesn’t like to talk to strangers! “Cold Blood Five said in a hurry, she didn’t want Ye Lang to reveal her identity here. It is right to come here for breakfast, but it is not good for others to think more After all, Ye Lang‘s identity is too sensitive now.

And Cold Blood Five said that Ye Lang is her younger brother, and she also let Cong Wu meet. Ye Lang is surnamed Xue, so it is even harder to remember who it is.

“Master Xue, I don’t know what you are here for?” Xinying asked. She wanted to test the purpose of Ye Lang and see if they would relax here.

“Let’s have breakfast!” Cold Blood Five replied.

“Well, I’m here for osmanthus cake. The osmanthus cake here tastes very good, I like it!” Ye Lang added on the side.

Eat breakfast? Have Osmanthus Cake?

Don’t you think nobody would believe this? Who would come to the breakfast room for breakfast, would it be quiet in the morning here?

No one believes in this fact, and heart shadow also does not believe it. She is increasingly feeling that there are problems with Ye Lang.

“That’s it! Thanks for the great field !!” Xinying said with a smile, “I don’t believe it or not, and it’s impossible to show it on the surface.”

Sister Qin Ying, you believe in their nonsense. They must be here to make trouble, so give them to me! “Satellite said at this time, at this time, Xinying felt that the satellite had become cute, and now she wanted to find someone to test.

“They are all guests, and you are also guests. You are the same. I can’t give them to you!” Xin Ying said with a little embarrassment, naturally, it was pretended.

“That being the case, Sister Xinxin is watching from your side! I am also your guest, you should not stop me.” The satellite said immediately.

“Can be like …” Is the heart shadow tacit, that is, acquiescence.

The Liu Family son looks at Xinying and intersects with Xinying. He seems to understand what the other person wants to do, and he wants to use the satellite fool to explore the way.

The men and women in front of us are indeed a little weird. He never believes that they came here for breakfast!

Ye Lang If you know that no one believes that you come for breakfast, you will be depressed. This is true. What’s wrong with you, you do n’t even believe the truth. Can you say that no one really believes the truth now? Is it?

“Mrs. Heart Shadow, is this your hospitality? Let others harass us?” Liu Feiyan said at this time coldly.

“There is no other way, you are all my guests. The palms of the hands are meat and the back of the hands are also meat. I don’t know who to help, so I have to watch!” Xin Ying said helplessly.

Everyone can see that she is just sitting idly by. She wants to watch the good shows of Ye Lang and others. She doesn’t care if others see it. She wanted to use this to remind the Ye Lang people. She already knew that they were different. with reason.

It’s no wonder she misunderstood. What originally came from Ye Lang was strange. It has been suspected, but now she can tell her secrets so accurately, let alone have a purpose.

“It would be nice if you were watching, I’m afraid you’re the one!” Liu Feiyan coldly said.

At this time, Cold Blood Five noticed that the heart shadow face was a little different, and it seemed to be said to be in the mind, Liu Family? How does it feel like they are not the same.

As soon as Cold Blood Five noticed, the heart shadow and Liu Family sons looked like masters and servants. In fact, otherwise, it looked like a cooperative relationship, and the heart shadow dominated.

naturally, this is just guessing. The specifics still need to be checked to know!

Xin Ying ’s face is different, because she thinks that the purpose of Ye Lang is more clear. It is definitely not as simple as eating breakfast because they know this.

It is Liu Feiyan casually saying that they are a group, this sentence Liu Feiyan is casually speaking, it does not mean anything, but the speaker does not care about the listener, the heart shadow thought that Ye Lang several people have inspected the rock.

Because of this, Heart Shadow is also secretly recommending her people to prepare her, ambush, ready to act anytime, anywhere.

“Boy, today I will let you pay the price, let you keep these two women, rest assured, I will treat them well, I have always been fragrant and precious.” The satellite once again pulled out the knife, but this No one stopped him again.


The satellite slashed across the Ye Lang‘s table. At the beginning, he didn’t plan to kill the killer. Let’s get down first and divide the table into two first!

When the satellite split the table apart, the Ye Lang group of people did some moves, and they were not slow. The four of them saved the table and their favorite snack plates, that is, In the hands.

I saw four people, one with one or two basins, as if performing acrobatics.

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