The Silly Alchemist Chapter 526: It’s time to cook (1)

Yes, as long as you enter Imperial Palace, Imperial Bodyguard Tie Jing does not need to be personally protected. His task has been completed. Although more people will watch Ye Lang, Ye Lang activities Space will become much larger. “They No personal protection.

“Oh, goodbye!” Ye Lang‘s hold hands was actually a combination of many timings, otherwise it would not have been so successful.

Only “…” Li Tianjun was silent for a while, and he seemed to know about it. Imperial Bodyguard Tie Jing belongs to an absolutely loyal person. He wouldn’t bother about the orders of Zhao Yarou, but only knew to execute them.

The two Li Family brothers looked at each other with a sense of humiliation that was ignored. “But they couldn’t say anything. Now they don’t dare to be arrogant. In front of Imperial Bodyguard Tie Jing, how can they have the courage.

“I must come here, otherwise how can I show my sincerity, and I also want to see Miss Li Yue earlier.

You want to see me earlier, too, Miss Li Yue.

Ye Lang said with a smile, his smile did not mean to be cunning and playful, and some had the natural and sincere taste.

“Master Li, I was just ordered to invite Fawkes to enter the palace. The Fawkes son Rui asked Miss Li Yue to come together, just as the emperor said, let them both work together.

Imperial Bodyguard Tie Jing salutes, he is still a little guard in the etiquette, and does not have that kind of arrogant advantage.

“Yes, it feels good, but they are worse than Little Qi.

Ye Lang replied that his sentence was very honest. If Seventh Princess heard it, it would reward happy with two kisses, Ye Lang.

Quietly! I didn’t miss you! You are not ashamed, you dare to say that.

Li Yue turned his head aside, it seemed very disdainful” But some people with experience can see that this is a girl’s shy restraint.

“Wait, just holding Li Yue‘s hand, do you feel good?” Imperial Bodyguard Tie Jing saw this scene and smiled, sighing in his heart, it seems that another pair of stunners are about to appear.

Li Yue, let’s go directly to the palace, otherwise I think I will be uncomfortable even when I go to the toilet!” Ye Lang sees Li Yue and directly invites Li Yue to enter the palace. This is the fastest way for him to get rid of Imperial Bodyguard Tie Jing.

“Just to invite him to the palace?” Li Tianjun asked a little unexpectedly, he thought that there would be other things, I did not expect it was just such a trivial matter.

“I’m here, be careful!” The news of Cold Blood Five came over.

Li Yue looked at the self-contained Ye Lang. She wanted to reach out and hit Ye Lang a few times, but she resisted and didn’t do anything.

“Let’s go!” Li Yue stepped off the carriage first, and said to Ye Lang who was still in a daze.

Others and more? We seem to be generalized.

“What about mine?” Cold Blood Five asked.

Just like this, Ye Lang held the small hand of Li Yue and talked about some non-nutritive words along the way. However, as a pair of lovers, this kind of chat is also very interesting and will pass time without knowing it.

Li Yue Because she has n’t seen Ye Lang for so many days, she has been suppressed from seeing her, and she has a little bit of rebellion deep in her heart. I want to show the person who blocked herself that she is with him. How about together.

Then, Li Yue quickly caught up and walked side by side with Ye Lang. Then, her little hand dropped, and she seemed to inadvertently touch the hand of Ye Lang.

Fawkes son, Miss Li Yue, we have arrived! After here, we need to walk, Imperial Palace is not allowed to enter the car.

“The voice of Imperial Bodyguard Tie Jing came to remind them that they had arrived.

“I don’t know, I don’t need to know why, I just need to know, this is the order of the emperor!” Imperial Bodyguard Tie Jing replied.

[… Chapter 526 is about to start a meal (1) The text update is the fastest …]! !! This is also the reason why many people like Imperial Bodyguard Tie Jing. Like Sword Saint, he will not speak so well, and he will definitely put up his Sword Saint shelf.

So, the success of Ye Lang hold hands is because the timing is very coincident. If you switch to another time, maybe Li Yue will throw it away and criticize Ye Lang.

And what does this show? Not more telling, Zhao Yarou attaches importance to Ye Lang! !! Ye Lang thought about it and replied, “I haven’t held your hand, but it shouldn’t be bad.

When this thing is over, let me try hold hands.

“” Huh! Be careful, too.

“The people at Li Family took a long time to respond and said goodbye to Ye Lang.

“Yes, the emperor said to protect the Fawkes son personally.

Imperial Bodyguard Tie Jing replied.

“Go away.

Ye Lang reacted, got up and got out of the carriage, and walked towards Imperial Palace. At this time, he didn’t hold the hand of Li Yue. He didn’t know that he should continue to hold at this time, which would make his plan more perfect. .

“Why?” Li Tianjun wants to know the reason, and desperately wants to know. This really confuses him. Even if Zhao Yarou comes out by himself, it may not be escorted by Imperial Bodyguard Tie Jing. The “white face” in front of him can have this treatment. This is really unbelievable.

“Let’s go! Grand Marshal Li“, Mr. Li, Mrs. Li, and others, etc. Then we will go first, and see you then.

Ye Lang said to the Li Family.

“How dare you say that, this is the truth, I really want to see you and want to go to Imperial Palace with you” and wait for the start of the banquet together! “Ye Lang secretly stretched out his hand, holding the small hand of Li Yue, Li Yue struggled a little, then there was no movement, and let Ye Lang hold it.

This may be because of the orders of Zhao Yarou, let him treat Ye Lang well.

Fawkes son, if you just come here to call Miss Li Yue, just ask someone to come over and ask her to enter the palace. Don’t bother you to run around!” Imperial Bodyguard Tie Jing said, this is not because he doesn’t want to go more. It’s because he doesn’t want to make Ye Lang extra effort.

“Okay, I’m ready too!” Li Yue paused, and then immediately acquainted with her. She was in a daze for why Ye Lang wanted to enter Imperial Palace so early.

If you change it to someone else, Cold Blood Five will kill that person, but Ye Lang is different. She just responds to coldly: “Well, try later!” Soon, Ye Lang two It was really fast for people, and soon they came to the Imperial Palace front door of Soaring Sky.

naturally, this rebellious psychology has played a little role, but if she does not have a deep feeling for Ye Lang, she really likes Ye Lang a little bit, and it is useless.

Ye Lang still wouldn’t grasp this time, but was reminded by Cold Blood Five in the dark. It was Cold Blood Five that let Ye Lang hold the small hand of Li Yue.

After a series of history, Li Yue basically determined that he already likes Ye Lang, although it is not clear whether this kind of likeness is the kind of earth-shattering rock.

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