The Silly Alchemist Chapter 521: Going for the best (3)

No! “Ye Lang shook his head.

‘…’ Li Yue‘s face sank.

‘All I want is your admission. Others’, does it matter? “Ye Lang asked.

Is it important?

This is a matter between two people. The recognition of others is the icing on the cake. It’s not the key thing. This seems to be a bit confused, and it should not be changed because of the attitude of the family.

I believe that at that time, if raw rice cooks mature rice, they will accept it even if they do not agree, and will slowly start to accept us …

Wait, what am I thinking? What raw rice cooks mature rice? He and I haven’t reached this level yet, they are really ashamed! !!

Li Yue After thinking wildly, her face became very red and red, like a cloud of fire, making her feel her temperature.

‘What ’s wrong with you, why is your face so red? Is it a fever? Ye Lang reached out and touched Li Yue‘s forehead. “It’s a bit hot, but it doesn’t seem to be a fever, pay attention to your body.” “

‘…’ Li Yue felt her face was hotter, but she seemed to like it a bit.

‘You guys … do n’t you think it ’s so imageless? Under the broad public, what is the system? “The one on the side appeared again, and he seemed to be following Li Yue.

‘Is this imageless? “

‘We do n’t care about your business! “

Ye Lang and Li Yue said at the same time, but did not interfere with the meaning of both sides, especially the questioning of Li Yue, which made the clothing and beasts a little unexpectedly tough.

Although Li Yue is a soldier, her attitude towards people is not very strong, on the contrary it is a bit gentle, but it is not gentle, but she is very polite to people, and at the same time she is light to people. attitude.

However, although there is no tough attitude, Li Yue also has the kind of momentum that her soldiers should have. The four words without anger and might may explain this.

Fawkes son, right, I want to fight you! “The costumed beast was stimulated, and it made a very common request for Ye Lang. Well, for this continent, the request for a duel is indeed very common, something that happens every day.

‘Not interested! “Ye Lang waved his hands, looking indifferent and seemingly telling others not to bother me.

Although I thought about the response of Ye Lang, I never thought it would be like this, and even refused it directly. This is something that rarely happens in continent. Generally, duel will promise that this is a matter of dignity.

‘…’ Li Yue looked at Ye Lang and seemed to be thinking about something in general.

‘Haha, see no, Miss Li Yue, he is a timid little white face, how can such a person deserve you! !! After the Ye Lang refused, the crowned beast began to be arrogant, and said with a laugh, the voice was as loud as it was to tell people all over the world.

Because of his behavior, people who were originally in the hall were also attracted to the outside. Some people came out and looked at Ye Lang. There was a kind of contempt in their eyes.

On top of this continent, almost everyone respects Expert and despise the weak Ye Lang. In their hearts, even a weak is not as good as a weak, and at least a weak will respond to this duel.

The duel here is not to reach the opponent and die, but to separate the winner and the loser, so the weak are not afraid of the challenge and lose if they lose. Are we barefoot afraid of wearing shoes?

Fawkes Boy 1 Why do n’t you promise him? “Li Yue asked, his tone was so bland that people couldn’t see what he meant.

‘Why promise him, if any cat or dog wants to fight me, and I promise, I ’m not tired, I ’m also annoying! “Ye Lang said casually.

‘…’ That ’s what he meant, he looked down on this crowned beast.

‘Little white face, who is A cat and a dog, I will make you look ugly! “The cloaked beast roared. He felt deeply insulted. Ye Lang did not bother to fight him, and even looked at him with disdain.

Li Yue, today’s moon is really beautiful, just like your laughing eyes. “Ye Lang said suddenly to Li Yue.

‘? ? Li Yue didn’t understand what Ye Lang wanted to do for a while, but didn’t respond, but soon realized that Ye Lang was bragging about her beauty, and her nagging began to turn red again.

This response from Li Yue has made people at Li Family and those who know her stunned. They have never seen a woman like Li Yue.

It seems that this time she really likes this Fox Clan boy. At least, she has a great favor for sure …

‘Little white face, you are looking for death! !! “The cloaked beast roared, and then pulled out a large sword, and it slashed to Ye Lang.

That sword has a strong Battle Qi, and a monstrous anger. These two things make this sword very powerful. Those who know him are also wondering, when did he become so Great.

This sword can be said to be the strongest sword of this crowned beast. It is the strongest move he has ever issued. He may not even have thought that he would give out such great power. At this time, he Did not notice, because he was full of anger.

This sword is not easy!

There were also some Experts present, all secretly speaking in their hearts, and they were worried and sympathetic for Ye Lang. They felt that under this sword, Ye Lang would peel off a layer even if it did not die.

Ye Lang At this time, he looked at the sword calmly, and then made an action that made everyone spit out …

‘Li Ji! You … “

Ye Lang shouted, and then flashed behind Li Yue, obviously he wanted Li Yue to protect him!

Fuck, this little white face is so thorough that she hides behind the woman and lets the woman help him to block the attack. Such a person really wants to spit him with a spit of water.

At this moment, everyone despised Ye Lang in their hearts and deeply despised them. The behavior of Ye Lang made them completely treat him as a small white face, or a weak white face.

But Li Yue didn’t seem to care. She just smiled, then pulled out the sword in her hand, stabbed it in the past, and held the sword of the crowned beast with the point of the sword, which seemed to be the point of the sword.

This sword resolves is very wonderful, so that the people present have a higher evaluation of Li Yue!

‘Okay! “

Suddenly, applause filled the hall, making Li Family people feel more face, but the Li Yue party is still so bland, did not receive the effect of this applause, just turned to look at Ye Lang behind him.

‘Okay, it ’s okay! “

Ye Lang Although he is despised by everyone, he still looks the same, and what he seems to do is a normal thing. (To be continued,)

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