The Silly Alchemist Chapter 519: Going for the best (1)

“How can I send it casually, if she doesn’t like it, it’s troublesome!” Li Tianjun said after hearing these three words.

“As long as it’s not something that is deliberately bad, there will be no problem!”

“Who dares to send bad things, isn’t that to death? However, if you send them casually, there will be a big difference between the two things, then there is a problem!” Li Tianjun said.

“It won’t be a problem, because she doesn’t care about this value at all, and she won’t even look at your stuff, so you can send it casually, it’s just a form.”

“How do you know … wait, were you talking just now?” When Li Tianjun was trying to question this person, he suddenly found that it was Ye Lang!

“Yes, I’m talking.” Ye Lang nodded.

“What do you know, don’t talk about it here, I really don’t know what it means!” Li Tianjun said angrily, Ye Lang said these things, if he changed to someone else, he will not be angry, but it is Ye Lang, let He was a little angry.

It’s not that Li Tianjun looks down on Ye Lang, but because he thinks Ye Lang is who he is, a tourist who has just arrived in Imperial City, what Zhao Yarou likes, how could he know.

Li Tianjun didn’t know that Ye Lang was with Zhao Yarou during the hunting. If he knew, he might consider Ye Lang, but not many people knew about it. Zhao Yarou ordered no one to mention it, and Li Yue was also Received this order, so no one knows.

“Okay, I don’t talk anymore!” Ye Lang felt very innocent, and he reminded him kindly. Does the woman in Zhao Yarou care about gifts given to her by others? No, I don’t care.

So, even if someone here wants to spend a lot of money on a gift, the effect is the same as someone else’s effort to make some crafts.

If the people present listen to Ye Lang, there will not be much loss, and the end result is that many people present spend a lot of money to buy gifts and want to please Zhao Yarou, but Zhao Yarou is really nothing to see Yes, let the people below directly enter the warehouse.

This makes people who get the news later regret, why they didn’t listen to Ye Lang‘s opinion at first!

“You are really okay to find something, just before the end of the matter, you just go and mix it up.” Li Yue said on the side, she felt very powerless to Ye Lang, but this power makes her a bit like, She likes the feeling of being with Ye Lang and the powerlessness that Ye Lang gives her.

In the ten days of hunting, Li Yue seems to have liked this feeling, and it is a bit uncontrollable, naturally, she has not found it yet.

“I’m just kind-hearted, and what’s the matter?” Ye Lang asked dumbly, he seemed to have left Li Yan behind him.

“…, nothing!” Li Yue replied.

“Fox, don’t go near my sister, Li Yue, he must have made a bad attempt at you!” Li Yan warned Ye Lang, and also said to Li Yue.

At this time, Li Yan spoke softly. He didn’t want to be scolded by his father any more. Because of this, not many people noticed them.

“Well, Little Wu, how did he know that I had no intentions, and he was discovered? Would you like to kill him?” Ye Lang looked at Li Yan and secretly sent a message to Cold Blood Five.

“…, what he knows, this is just casual but just right!” Cold Blood Five replied.

This is just a coincidence. With the quotient of Li Yan, how could it be seen that the purpose of Ye Lang is so profound, even Li Yue has not noticed it, let alone others.

“Why do you always suspect others, not because others kicked you out? This is actually saving you. If you are later found by the emperor, then you will definitely be chopped by the emperor!” Li Yue frowned.

Li Yan was silent for a while. Although he was not very smart, he could still think of the consequences. If it was discovered by Zhao Yarou, he would be killed.

Zhao Yarou wanted to kill him before!

“I’m not talking about this. Do you know what he went to Romantic Building? How many good men did he go to?” Li Yan said in a hurry, and when he said that, he also seemed to I forget that I am the kind of person.

At this time, there is also a person who is still paying attention to Ye Lang. After hearing Li Yan‘s words, he can’t help laughing in his heart.

“It’s true that few are good men, but among them, there is me! As for you, I must not be in it.” Ye Lang said faintly at Li Yan.

“Hmm …” Li Yue and others laughed, and they all laughed that Ye Lang was too shameless.

“You are so shameless!” Li Yan expressed his feelings directly and angrily.

“Toothless? My teeth don’t look too good, look!” Ye Lang revealed that white and neat teeth.

“…” All the people who are following Ye Lang are almost stunned for a while. They don’t understand the meaning of Ye Lang. After a while, they want to understand the meaning of Ye Lang.

“Haha …”

This kid is so interesting, that’s all right …

“You are such a fool, but silly is cute …” Cold Blood Five said to Ye Lang.

At this time, Ye Lang didn’t understand why Cold Blood Five suddenly came to such a sentence and issued some questions, but Cold Blood Five didn’t respond, and it was gone.

“Huh! Do n’t tell you this, you say, what is the purpose of your visit to Romantic Building!” Li Yan asked directly, he no longer entangles things that have nothing to do with the problem, that will only make him feel himself Will be killed alive.

“The purpose is … to drink flower wine !!!” Can Ye Lang tell his original purpose? Obviously it is impossible, that will only reveal his identity, and going to Romantic Building is not a few things, the lightest of which is listening to Xiaoqu drinking and drinking wine.

“Look, he also acknowledged that he went to drink wine! Li Yue, do you think such a man is reliable?” Li Yan seemed excited and finally found the disadvantages of Ye Lang.

“What’s the point of drinking flower wine? Why is it unreliable for a man to go out and drink flower wine?” Li Yue replied indifferently, and her words made everyone stunned.

Does love really make people blind? She didn’t even care about drinking such wine.

Don’t care? That’s just that you didn’t notice it. She cares about Li Yue. She has already done some small movements on Ye Lang‘s body, so that Ye Lang can endure the pain of flesh, but she dare not make a sound.


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