The Silly Alchemist Chapter 357: Recovery (2)

“Well, fat woman said that there are a few things that are best frozen, otherwise you will lose the most delicious moments, so I have to go for the delicious ones!” Ye Lang said.

These two people are holding such precious ice souls to freeze food. This is really too much, yes, it is so Prodigal! !!

Little Yan, you really do, let him use Boom to make materials !!!” Ye Lanyu can only say Zhen Xiaoyan, because Ye Lang is the same as saying nothing.

“Yeah, Boom is a good thing. I did n’t have any way to get those things, so let Ye Lang use Boom to help.” Well, these things are n’t the first to give you food. You should I’m frozen! !! “Zhen Xiaoyan said at the end, he became angry.

“It was careless …” Ye Lang corrected.

“The first time was accidental, but how many times did you freeze me, five or four times?” Zhen Xiaoyan smirked slightly, and gave Ye Lang a harsh white look.

Hit him? She didn’t dare and couldn’t bear it!

“How many are there, only three times in total !!!” Ye Lang immediately defended himself, but his defense seemed pale and weak! !!

“…” Everyone was silent.

“Yes, Ye Lang, didn’t you say that you have a familiar feeling, then did you find something familiar?” Seventh Princess suddenly remembered this, which is why Ye Lang came here.

“Ah, I almost forgot, I didn’t notice! This feeling is still there, it seems to be from Saintess himself, it’s strange, I don’t know her … Fuck, am I dreaming …” Ye Lang suddenly saw Saintess‘s face stopped, and he began to wonder if he was dreaming.

“What’s wrong? What dreams?” Seventh Princess and others looked at Ye Lang in perplexity, and saw the response of Ye Lang, which should be problematic.

Is there any problem? This Saintess has been frozen for 21 years and is older than Ye Lang. How could there be communication? Is it the legendary gods?

Those who also appear in Holy City are very confused when they look at Ye Lang!

“It must be a dream. I’ll sleep for a while before I say …” Ye Lang shook his head, then leaned very flatly on Saintess‘s body, and then slept.

With the idea of ​​Ye Lang, he is dreaming now, so it doesn’t matter where he falls, even on Saintess.

Only, this is not a dream. He fell on Saintess like this, but it is a very serious important location problem, which may reduce his prestige on Holy City and become an enemy of Holy Religion.

Because it is a capital crime to desecrate Saintess! !!


Everybody looked at Ye Lang in a daze, but fell silent on Saintess. He even said that he slept when he slept, which is also a little magical! !!

naturally, everyone saw Ye Lang like this, did not feel that Ye Lang profaned Saintess, but he felt that he was too tired, Ye Lang‘s personality is also understandable, there will be great tolerance for him.

However, this is not the case for Saintess. Pull him away, or Saintess will wake up, the consequences may be serious.

But speaking, Saintess is just recovery, it should not wake up so fast, at least it will take a few days to wake up!

But things are often wonderful-

“…” Saintess opened her beautiful eyes. She looked around and found that there were so many people standing next to her. She didn’t seem surprised. She just looked at her with her beautiful and pure eyes. everyone.

“It’s weird. How can I see other people today? It seems I’m really dreaming!” Saintess sat up slowly and said in an empty voice.

“…” Everyone didn’t speak, they all looked at Saintess in a daze. They didn’t seem to react for a while.

“So what did Little Fool do these days, they haven’t come to see me, don’t you want to leave me again …” Saintess continued, and this made people feel inexplicable, what Little Fool?

“Why, how do you sleep on me, get up …” Saintess found Ye Lang sleeping on her body, and gently pushed Ye Lang.

“Fast, get Ye Lang off, don’t scare Little Bing!” Will Bishop said, those Radiant Physician looked at each other, it seems that only they did it.

So, the Radiant Physician on the side stepped forward and planned to move away from Ye Lang. However, at this time, things that felt strange began to be staged! !!

“What are you doing? Don’t touch him !!!” If you say that this sentence is spoken by the three girls of Ye Lanyu, no matter which one is said, it will be normal, but this sentence comes out of the mouth of Saintess This makes people feel strange.

And the surprising thing is to see Saintess holding Ye Lang tightly in his arms, and then shouting out loud: “No one can take him away from me, no one! “” … “The audience was stunned.

“This, what’s going on?” After a moment of silence, Will Bishop started to point to Saintess and Ye Lang in his arms. He was questioning Radiant Physician and asking them what happened.

“This, maybe because Saintess has slept too long, and hasn’t recovered for a while …” Radiant Physician frowned.

They say this in a more euphemistic way. To be more straightforward, it means that this Saintess has been stupid or crazy! !!

“You’ll be responsible for curing her, and, don’t you tell the story?” Will Bishop frowned.

“Yes, Will Bishop !!!” Radiant Physician responded.

“Will?” Saintess turned his head after hearing this sentence, and looked at Will with her pure eyes for a while.

At this time, Will Bishop has no other action, just like everyone else, watching Saintess in confusion.

“Are you Grandpa Will? Why do you look so old?” Saintess said.

“Yes, I’m Grandpa Will, do you still know me in Little Bing? It’s been 21 years, and I’m naturally old!” Will Bishop said watching Saintess.

“Twenty-one years? time is really fast … Why did you appear in my dream?” Saintess asked a little strangely “and you, how can you come to my dream?”

Little Bing, this is not a dream! You have recovered, you are completely fine!” Will Bishop looked at Saintess and smiled, speaking softly.

“This is not a dream? No, if it is not a dream, then he …, ah …, it hurts …” When Saintess was trying to say something, she suddenly felt a little pain in her whole body because it was frozen For too long, it is also because she has a Ye Lang pressure on her body.

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