The Silly Alchemist Chapter 356: Recovery (1)

“We are here, Ye Lang, what do we need?” Those Radiant Physician said respectfully. Although they seem to be much older than Ye Lang, and some can even be Ye Lang grandpas, they are not good for Ye Lang Still respectful.

This has exceeded the age limit. When a person has extraordinary achievements in a field, the respect he will receive will not change because of his age.

“…”, Ye Lang didn’t answer, but just ate desperately, but after a moment, he quickly chewed the food in his mouth, then swallowed, and swallowed hard.

This may be because there is too much in your mouth …

In this case, the Zhen Xiaoyan on the side immediately took the water and said, “You eat slowly, and no one rushes with you. Really! What is so urgent to eat?”

“Guru …”, Ye Lang took the water and filled it.

“Hah …”, a comfortable sigh, “I want to eat quickly, I have to do something later!”

After Ye Lang finished speaking, he stood up and walked towards Saintess. At this time, the three girls of Ye Lanyu also understood that why Ye Lang had just eaten so urgently, it turned out that they knew that their time would not be much.

But why is he so fortunately, isn’t it just a Saintess?

It is because of this that the three prison girls have a little annoyance towards Saintess, which may make Saintess feel very wronged, why!

“Okay, when I remove the ice crystals, you will use the strongest treatment Magic for Saintess. You need to cure her heart, back, and neck injuries in an instant. You have no problem. Come on! “Ye Lang wiped his mouth, threw the handkerchief to Zhen Xiaoyan, and said to those Radiant Physician.

“No problem! It depends on us !!! However, when you remove the ice crystals, can you tell us accurately that time will be better!” Radiant Physician nodded and discussed related matters with Ye Lang.

For them, Ye Lang solves the abdominal problems of Saintess, the others are actually easy to solve, and it is not difficult to get the rest.

“Yes, I will count down!” Ye Lang nodded and said.

At this time, the eyes of Radiant Physician showed a look of horror. When they saw this ice crystal, they knew that Ye Lang could control the recovery level of this ice crystal.

It’s just that they still can’t believe it, Ye Lang can do it so accurately!

“It’s started! Please focus a little bit !!” Ye Lang sips softly, a hand radiates a faint ray of light and ice crystals begin to appear between the naked eyes.

This light is like the direct electrostatic connection between two objects. If a modern person is present, it will definitely think that Ye Lang‘s hand has electricity and discharges against the ice crystal.

Under the “discharge” of Ye Lang, the ice crystals began to melt regularly. Perhaps it should be said that the ice crystals should be recovered.

Although the ice crystals can be recovered, the effectiveness of the 10,000-year-old ice soul will be greatly weakened. If used again, the effect may only be four or five hundred years, and after several uses, it may only be a few years, months, or even a few years. People …

But anyway, this ten thousand-year-old apparition is also a rare treasure! !!

Under normal circumstances, when Bingjing regains his apparition, it will follow its own regulations, which will be completed in time soon, and is not controlled by other external forces.

Controlling the slow recovery of the Apparition like Ye Lang, even making the Apparition pause is unprecedented! !!

And they may be because of the previous fixed thoughts, they have never thought about this aspect, they will think that Bingmo can be like this, the thinking is solidified, this is a very serious problem.

Sometimes, one thing can be changed qualitatively by changing a routine! !!

Ye Lang shows that the ice crystals are removed layer by layer, making the ice crystals thinner and thinner …

“Attention!” Ye Lang started to remind when it reached a certain level.







“Get started !!!”

After the Ye Lang “one” was dropped, those Magic of Radiant Physician have been put out in their hands, they have divided the work and cooperated, and everyone has a responsibility.

That’s it, Radiant Magic hits Saintess, and those injuries disappear in an instant! !!

While Radiant Physician uses Magic, Ye Lang also added a few stitches to Saintess to better protect her life …

“Done !!!”

After the light was bright, the Magic of Radiant Physician was declared over. They already felt that the life of Saintess had slowly become recovery. That ’s why they withdrew Magic.

Ye Lang At the same time, retract his needle, grab Saintess‘s hand by the way, give her a pulse, and carefully observe her physical condition. He wants to confirm that Saintess‘s body, especially his reorganized place, is normal.

“Fortunately ……… After confirming, Ye Lang nodded and said, it should be normal to see this situation.

Ye Lang boy, what method do you use to control the Apparition?” those Radiant Physician asked.

“This is very simple, as long as you use …”, Ye Lang began to tell the methods to those Radiant Physician. He controlled it by using a feature of Boom, and he could do it with some very simple alchemy formation.

Listening to Ye Lang is so simple, but those Radiant Physician are more and more ashamed. They did n’t even think about such a simple way, because they were proud and proud of their medical skills there!

“Brother, how do you know how to use this?” Ye Lanyu asked curiously. Her questions are often only asked, and she does not need to know the answer. Sometimes Ye Lang will answer, sometimes Ye Lang is too lazy to answer.

Generally speaking, most of Ye Lang‘s answers are understandable by Ye Lanyu, while Ye Lang is too lazy to answer. Most of them are incomprehensible to Ye Lanyu. If you answer them, you will only have more questions.

“I have an apparition, I have used it a few times, so I know!” Ye Lang replied casually.

“Hmm!” At this time, Zhen Xiaoyan snorted suddenly, his face was full of happy expression.

Seeing expressions like Zhen Xiaoyan, both Ye Lanyu and Seventh Princess understand, and asked, “Did you freeze Little Yan several times?” This should be the reason why Zhen Xiaoyan does not happy. She is often used as an experimental product by Ye Lang. .

“Well, but I also helped her freeze the food a few times. Those were all hired by me, and some of them were called by myself!” Ye Lang nodded and said indifferently.

“…” Do you take the ice soul to freeze the prey? “Ye Lanyu asked.

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