The Silly Alchemist Chapter 336: Serial array (3)

Chapter 336 Consecutive Array (3)

“Purification …”

Before Ye Lang came to the ruins of the bell tower, he quickly found a place, and “purified” the position of alchemy formation with a purification array, and soon a circle appeared again, and in the circle, there was a similar alchemy formation.

This alchemy formation is the same as before, and it seems to be connected to the outside, but this time there is one more connection …

“It seems that there will be a third place to collapse …” Ye Lang frowned as he looked at alchemy formation.

“What ?! Will there be?” Feng Xing was surprised, they can’t bear the collapse of one or two places. If it is a little more, it will be even more unbearable.

“Well, and there may be a lot of them …” Ye Lang nodded, and said the possibility of making Feng Xing and others feel down.

Just when they wanted to deny it, another place began to collapse …

“What the **** is going on here? Why is there another place?” At Genting Palace at the top of the sacred mountain, someone looked at the unobstructed Holy City below, and they noticed when the first palace collapsed. .

Only, when the first place collapsed, they only thought it might be an accident, so they didn’t pay much attention.

But the situation is different now. It has collapsed two places and started to collapse the third place …

“This situation is a little strange, tell others to come over and see what’s happening?” Above Genting Palace, the senior staff of Holy Religion, because this matter began to gather.

“Look there, it’s another, it’s getting faster and faster …”

On top of Genting Palace, high-level personnel can easily see the following situation, watching some buildings collapse inexplicably, and they also saw that the small team of Ye Lang has been ripped through the city and collapsed. Everywhere, they followed.

After that, they saw that Ye Lang uses a purification array to purify a place, exposing a alchemy formation!

While this alchemy formation, as the number of collapses increases, there will be an increase in the number of connected lines on the side, which allows people to find the law while not understanding what is going on.

“Who is that group of people?” Some senior executives did not receive the news, and asked a little curiously when they saw the group of Ye Lang.

naturally, they will not suspect that this group of people did it. If so, then this group of people will not be able to flow freely in Holy City.

At the same time, they feel that this group of people should be on their side, they should be the Holy City army, but they do not understand what this group of people are doing?

“You say they are the man in the teleport, with Feng Xing and other Radiant Knight, they seem to be investigating this!” Some people began to respond to this question.

“How can he let him investigate, ours?” Those who didn’t know immediately put forward their opinions, naturally, they didn’t look down on Ye Lang, they just felt that such things should not bother Ye Lang.

“Our people gave up directly when they saw the son investigating!” one said with a smile.

“???” Some people were puzzled, a little confused.

After seeing these people’s doubts, someone immediately began to speak: “Don’t you know that this son is at the top of the Alchemy Technique world. If he helps investigate this alchemy formation, then we can only wait for his news. , Can’t help at all !!! “

“I seem to have heard of this, he is an Alchemy genius !!! It is an existence that no one can surpass …” Those people began to understand, they all heard a little about this, but there was no contact with Link up.

“Well, he is a Alchemy genius, so we leave it to him for alchemy formation! Rarely, he is willing to take the initiative to do this!” At this time, a person familiar with Ye Lang said, and this person is One of the Physician in muddle headed Hall-Star!

At the same time, in the inner city of Holy City, all the buildings are empty. This is a situation caused by emergency measures, and this emergency measure is to evacuate everyone to all empty spaces such as streets and squares local.

No one knows which building is next to be destroyed, so everyone must leave the house that may collapse before the matter ends.

I believe everyone will cooperate, and no one will put themselves in danger! !!

On the other side, in front of a alchemy formation

“I see!” After watching this alchemy formation, Ye Lang started calling, and this alchemy formation was already the seventh, that is, seven buildings were destroyed.

“Master, do you understand?” Feng Xing asked nervously, he didn’t want to see the building continue to collapse.

“Well, I see! There will be three more buildings destroyed in the next time, respectively 5.3 kilometers in this direction, 7.1 kilometers in this direction, and 6.5 kilometers in this direction …” Ye Lang points in three directions, and it is very accurate to say the place.

“These three … seems to be Huajianlou, Huaxiju, Honghua Pavilion … Why, why all carry a flower?” Feng Xing is indeed Feng Xing, and he can say exactly what these three places are What, meanwhile, at the same time as he finished, he was also surprised that these three places were all with flowers.

However, Ye Lang tells a more terrible fact: “Maybe, just now, plus these three places, all are planned and built by the same person …”

“The same person plans … Quickly, check who designed and built these ten buildings !!” Feng Xing changed his face, he didn’t think about it just because he didn’t dare to think about it.

If you are from the same person, it means that a character who was thousands of years old is engaged in a conspiracy after thousands of years!

“Master Feng Xing, these ten buildings are all from one person, Troy Muma!” Soon, someone gave an answer. They have Radiant Knight communication equipment in their hands, and they can get in touch quickly and receive result.

“Troy Mum? Who is he?” Feng Xing continued to ask.

At this time, before the subordinate’s Radiant Knight did not answer, someone had already started to answer: “Troy Muma, one of the best buildings Grandmaster thousands of years ago, is also an Alchemy Technique genius. Many of his buildings are integrated with Alchemy Technique! Originally Troy Mma is a person who belongs to a small country, and builds buildings for various countries, and receives high remuneration … “

“But I don’t know why, when he was forty years old, he suddenly entered Holy Religion, and has been in Holy City, building many classic buildings for Holy City …”

“Person …” Feng Xing looked at Ye Lang blankly. He didn’t seem to think that Ye Lang would know about Troy in this way, and several Jiazhen generally reported Troy’s information.

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