The Silly Alchemist Chapter 259: Refugees (2)

Chapter 259 Refugees (2

“Go, I’ll help you kill the lord and open a disaster relief.” Ye Lang saw these refugees at this time, and he was so excited that he wanted to help rescue the suffering.

Ye Lang is an Prodigal child, but it is undeniable that he is a kind and kind person, naturally. This definition of kindness is relative. For some people, he is cruel.

“… that boy, first of all don’t say what you two can do. From here we may be starving to return to Gomera County. We want to survive here.” The man used the pair of clear Looking at Ye Lang, he said in a husky and weak voice.

“You should believe me … by the way, what did you just say back to La Gomera County? Isn’t this La Gomera County?” Ye Lang asked a little strangely.

naturally is not it. This is Winchester County, a few hundred miles from La Gomera County. If we go back now, we will die faster.” The man shook his head and looked with suspicion. Ye Lang, he wonders if Ye Lang doesn’t know where it is?

This is for sure. Ye Lang has always been vague about where he is. If someone leads the way, he will never ask, he will only know where his destination is.

“Winchester County? I was here. Wait. You are refugees in Gomera County. Why do you want to come here for a short distance? Is n’t the nearby Alexander City good? Also, if you come here, Might as well go directly to Imperial Capital of your Ai La, or even closer. “Ye Lang looked at the map and asked incomprehensibly.

As he said, refugees in La Gomera should not come here if they want to flee. There are many other more convenient options. Coming here will only increase the difficulty, and he ca n’t think of any good here. of.

“The places you said will not be more effective than here. Those places may receive some of us, but not all of them, and the places we are going to will definitely save us and will contain us.” That is clear In my eyes, there seems to be a little more sacred taste and a little more worship.

“???” Ye Lang puzzled, he did not understand that there is nothing better than Imperial Capital. The last hope of an empire’s refugees should be their Imperial Capital, the first thing that comes to mind is Imperial Capital, even if there is no chance to contact Emperor, At least let him know.

And as a good Emperor, they will certainly contain them and arrange refuges

The Emperor of today’s Ai La Empire is a good Emperor. Diligent administration and love of the people will definitely handle this matter, so you should go to Imperial Capital.

“Don’t you know? On that side, there is a sacred place, there is a holy mountain, and there is a Holy City above the holy mountain.” The pair of black and thin fingers pointed to one side, and the owner of these hands The dark face showed a fascinating expression, and asymmetrical white teeth were exposed under the smile.

Holy City? Isn’t that place inaccessible? Will they let you in?” Ye Lang wondered.

“Are you a person in this world? Everyone knows that although Holy City Sacred Mountain cannot be allowed to enter, there are several small cities nearby, and it can admit anyone in need once in a thousand years. Hundreds of thousands of people fled there during the flood, and Holy City can also contain them. “Pious eyes, a godly tone, make people feel that the last hope in people’s hearts is not their Imperial Capital, but this Holy City.

“It turned out to be this way. This Holy City is very powerful and can feed so many people. Afterwards, my Prodigal has failed. I must go there to eat and drink …” Ye Lang said the same sincerely, but his piety seemed a little bit That one.

“You will be spurned by such a shameless idea. Although the people of Holy City will not care about you, the people who live with you will definitely crowd you out and make you feel complacent.” The person said very disdainfully And this sentence also reveals some situations, the habits of those residents under Holy City.

Under Holy City, there are many devout Holy Religion believers. These believers are the key to the prosperity of Holy City. They will devote their lives to Holy Religion and pay all their savings.

Holy City In addition to the materials and supplies donated each year, most of the income is contributed by the believers around Holy City. Among these people, there are many people from all walks of life, including business talents.

In fact, using a simple analogy, Holy City is like a big family, but this family has no last name, and this family has always been known for its good deeds continent, attracting many people to join this big family and promote good deeds Career.

The priests of Holy City basically do not need to do anything, they are only responsible for preaching and solving the problems for the believers, at least on the surface.

No matter what kind of organization Holy City is, in these thousands of years, they have indeed done a lot of good things for the people of the world, and have housed countless poor homeless people.

Even a hypocritical wicked man, the good he has done is also a good thing, and it cannot be erased

Not to mention, Holy City is not a villain. Some people even say bad things about him, they must be crusade by everyone. Maybe there is such a villain in Holy City, but that doesn’t mean all.

The believers who live under Holy City are devout, they all work hard, so if there is someone who eats and drinks like Ye Lang said, they will spontaneously “despise” that person, It does not give them relief and help.

The average person will work hard in such an environment. naturally does not rule out some rogues whose skins are thicker than the city walls. They do not enter into these oils and salt.

These people are also talents

For these people, there is no way for everyone, they can only let them be social parasites. These parasites are everywhere, and it is a rickets that cannot be removed.

And Ye Lang seems to be qualified for this position, because others despise him and exclude him, he may not know …

“I’m not afraid, I’m going to eat and die,” Ye Lang agreed dismissively, as if to fight back.

“… In fact, why do you need to eat, drink and drink like nobles like you, and some of you will keep them.” The man looked at Ye Lang and said quietly.

Ye Lang shook his head and said, “There are many people who support me, but I do n’t like it. I want Prodigal to make money to defeat myself. I eat and drink and I will give the same return. I do n’t like taking advantage. , I’ve always been a splurge, I’ll go cheap for others “


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