The Silly Alchemist Chapter 108: Ya Zhu (1)

Ya Zhu, where does this name seem to have been heard?” Ye Chengtian said in his mouth. “I seem to have heard it somewhere.” Long Anqi is also thinking. “Ye Lang !! Do you really not know who Ya Zhu is?” Zhao Yazhen looked at Ye Lang, his face full of surprise and surprise. “I don’t know, don’t bother me. After we escape, you better give up, or you will be hurt!” Ye Lang shook his head and warned Zhao Yazheng directly.

And this sentence also clearly shows the attitude of Ye Lang on this matter. After he escaped, he did not intend to prevent Zhao Yazhen from becoming Empress, nor would he approve of others to stop it. At the same time, Ye Lang did not lay down his gun from beginning to end, and has been “sweeping thousands of troops …” “Ye Lang, give me your first stop !!” Zhao Yaji scolded angrily. “You are stupid when I am! Do I stop and let your people chop me into a meat sauce?” Ye Lang said dismissively.

“Stop it all !!! Withdraw!” Zhao Yazheng ordered that the soldiers immediately left Ye Lang and kept a safe distance from it. This safety distance seemed a little far away, and they seemed to have a fear of Ye Lang. “Why, I don’t have time to play with you, get it done quickly!” Ye Lang urged, but he didn’t go up, but stood still.

At this time, although it’s not clear what Zhao Yarou is going to do, but since Zhao Yazhen wants to give him a rest on time, why didn’t he take the opportunity to adjust his interest rate.

In those battles, it is impossible to say that Inner Strength is not consumed. Each shot will consume Inner Strength, and those gas explosions are consumed, but Ye Lang is calculated.

However, even if he calculates his Inner Strength consumption, he can stick to the outside, and then use Alchemy Technique instead. But since others give the opportunity, then he can accumulate a little more strength and be able to grasp it. Adjust interest rate ● Adjust interest rate one by one one by one one by one

“You don’t even know who Ya Zhu is. If I were her, I would definitely pounce on you and bite you. I haven’t known her name for so long!” Zhao Yarou looked at Ye Lang and said very complicatedly. “? Have been together for so long? Who, I don’t know.” Ye Lang has some muddle headed. “Brother, who else can she have, isn’t it …” Ye Lanyu said angrily, at this time it was already obvious-who needs to say more.

I have been with Ye Lang for so long, so there are just a few people, they are also called Ya Zhu, not just one by one

Ye Lang !!! You bastard, you do n’t even know my name, you also said that I am your childhood friend, I grew up and got small, and that I am important in your heart!” Seventh Princess‘s voice came, There was a lot of resentment in her voice. That’s right, Ya Zhu, Zhao Yazhu, is the name of Seventh Princess! !! “…, this can’t blame me, you never told me your name …” Ye Lang said weakly.

This sentence makes Seventh Princess seem to come to mind. It seems that I have n’t really said it, never since I was younger … but, Seventh Princess wo n’t let it go. She wants to exercise women ’s unique rights. brutal! “Can’t you ask me without telling you!” “I forgot … Your name is Zhao Yazhu, and the name is very nice.” Ye Lang said in a daze. “Since it sounds good, you will call my name later.” Seventh Princess said with a smile, it seems that he is no longer angry, and the anger disappears really fast.

Perhaps also because she has been in contact with Ye Lang for a long time, knowing his character, and knowing that he is careless; maybe, she has loved Ye Lang too much, and is not willing to be angry with him! !! Ye Lang smiled and said, “But I think Little Qi is better, so kinder.” You can call it anything you like! Seventh Princess is still smiling. “Hey, you two, find out if the situation is OK, and give me a warm kiss here.” You didn’t realize it, is Ya Zhu now? “Zhao Yarou could not help reminding.

The Seventh Princess at this time was held up, his hands were locked with chains, and a cold knife was driving around his neck. “Let her go!” Ye Lang said very simply, this is not a negotiation or a request, but a command.

“Let her go? You don’t pay a little price, how could I let her go, everyone is dead, only she is still alive, do I have a better relationship with her?” Zhao Yazhen coldly said.

The princess prince present today, her brothers and sisters who are harmful to the throne, she has been killed. The only thing left Seventh Princess is not killed, just to prevent Ye Lang from appearing variables, in order to be Ye Lang! She always felt that Ye Lang would not be caught by herself so easily, and there would be unexpected changes! It turned out that her idea was the opposite! “Either let her go or kill her!” Ye Lang looked at Seventh Princess and said calmly. . l? 1 “The audience was in a daze for a while, what is the meaning of Ye Lang?” Did I hear it wrong, or did you speak aluminum, and you want me to kill No. i? “Ya Zhao pointed, Princess B, doubted.

Ye Lang Shen for a while, then said lightly: “You didn’t hear me wrong, I didn’t talk about aluminum, if you don’t let her go, kill her! I know you will take her to beat me, But I won’t agree! “

“Why? Isn’t she important to you at all? Or, you can give up her for your own living?” Zhao Yazhen asked lightly, “We really are the same kind of people! For ourselves, we can give up very coldly. You can even destroy it yourself. “Is that so? Ye Lang, are you really such a person?

This sentence may be asked by many people, but as the protagonist of this incident, Seventh Princess will not have such a problem. Although she likes to be entangled with Ye Lang on some issues, saying that he is biased, but she never Will not doubt Ye Lang‘s feelings for himself. She believes that Ye Lang will not give up her for his own life!

“She is very important to me. If I only replaced her with my life, I would be willing, and I would immediately arrest and let you handle it! But, now the person you are dealing with is not me, and My family! “Ye Lang said calmly, and his calmness didn’t seem to be that true calmness.

“Children will know that it is not cost-effective to change a group of people! So I refuse!” Ye Lang continued, “But I want to warn you, even if you move her hair, I will pay it back ten times. You, if she dies, you will be buried with you! “

Ye Lang‘s words are getting colder and colder, everyone can feel the chill, and it is also stimulating everyone’s body like a blade.

“Even if you become Empress, I have the same way to kill you. Can you hide for a while, can you hide it forever?” More chapters, support authors, support genuine reading

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