The Silly Alchemist Chapter 1: A “testament”

Chapter 1 “testament” (this chapter is free)

My name is Ye Lang. I am a very ordinary social new member. I have an ordinary family and live a normal life. If nothing else happens, I will marry a very ordinary and easy to support woman as a wife. Especially important, my woman should be easy to satisfy, don’t extravagant for those, naturally occasionally I also extravagant, to surprise her.

Then, continue to lead the life of ordinary people, have a child, and train children to become talented, just like ordinary people, look forward to success.

In my life, there may be one or two outstanding things, but in general, I am an ordinary person and live a normal life all my life.

However, I think it ’s a good day. Maybe it ’s because I ’m just an ordinary person, but an unexpected thing happened to me, an ordinary person, and I could n’t bear this ordinary heart. Up.

On that day, I was in a whim, and ran to donate blood, but I was detected to have a problem with my blood, so I went to the hospital to check it in detail. When I looked at the test sheet, I did n’t know what to describe Maybe it’s because my mind is completely blank.

I ca n’t remember the name of this disease. Anyway, the scientific name is very long. It is a rare blood disease. It does not exceed a thousand people in the world. This should definitely not be a disease caused by ordinary people like me. An ordinary person like me should get a common minor illness like a cold and fever.

God, you really look down on me.

This disease is not fatal. When it does not occur, it is the same as normal people, but it will be life-threatening when it happens. Due to the rarity, the treatment is rare and the cost is not ordinary. Affordable.

Let ’s not talk about it, can my parents withstand the news?

So, I made a decision and spent a little bit of time to change myself, making people feel like they have a lingering heart. Whoever makes a tilde in my name is destined to become a prodigal son.

At that time, I was thinking that it would be a beautiful thing to be able to travel all over the world in my lifetime.

Three years ago, maybe three years, I did n’t know that a few years passed. At that time, I was a whim, a person with some wild survival tools, and walked through this innocent. In the mountains.

Unfortunately and fortunately, I stumbled and fell on a cliff.

It is unfortunate to fall and fall. Fortunately, there is a Water Pond just below the cliff, but still unfortunately, this cliff is a valley with no exit.

Similarly, there are lucky things to accompany, there is even a Martial Arts Treasury in this valley, yes, you read it correctly, and I did not say it wrong, it is Martial Arts Treasury.

This Martial Arts Treasury is all-encompassing, not only Martial Arts Secret Manual, but also a lot of Chinese medicine, mechanic study, Daoist magic, etc. As long as you can think of the skills in martial arts novels, here is everything.

One more thing, I think the person who left this Martial Arts Treasury is definitely an outstanding educator, because no matter whether it is Martial Arts or other skills, there are introductory books and very detailed basic introductory knowledge.

Even if I am an ordinary person who knows nothing about Martial Arts, Chinese medicine, etc., I can slowly get started, and then, as the knowledge deepens, I gradually start to become proficient. There is no obstacle to learning.

naturally. At first, I did n’t think these things would be true. I thought they were just a joke, but I was originally a terminally ill person, so I used dead horses as a living horse doctor, maybe This will heal your body, so practice Qi Art, learn Acupuncture and the like.

After this start, it was out of control. I totally invested in the middle cultivation. I do n’t know how much time it took, how many years, and finally learned most of the things inside.

Well, I’m just an ordinary person. Naturally, I won’t learn those who are not interested. I just learn some skills that can pretend to be eye-catching. I am ready to go out in the future, and I can be a success in society.

Hey, if this one suddenly appeared from heavenly and hit meteor with great accuracy, I believe that the strength of the world is invincible, and the future will be very beautiful. I want money and money, and women. Woman, what is there anyway.

You ask if my condition is all right? I’m not quite sure about this, and I didn’t go to the hospital for review. Anyway, I haven’t died in recent years, and according to the pulse, I am an absolutely strong and healthy man.

So far, the last words are almost over.

Finally, I want to say, brother, take care of our father and mother, as well as those seven grandpas, my brother, I am going to another world.

Finally, I also want to say that if God can let me do it again, I will never learn Wang Chongyang. It ’s so **** bad to call the world invincible. At least there are whole corpses, and Lao Tzu just came out of the gate and was invincible, but he was smashed into minced meat by a meteor who did not know where to fly.

Okay, the above is me, Ye Lang. One that can no longer be ordinary and can be awesome, but in the end it is the last word of an ordinary person.

Finally, finally, I want to talk about my wishes, um, the wishes of my next life, I’m used to this life, the next life reincarnation, I want to find the most powerful and wealthy people.

I want to splurge, I want Prodigal! !!

Middle Earth continent, Soaring Sky Empire, this is located in the east of continent, occupying the most fertile and fertile land of continent, with Vermillon Bird in the south and Ai La in the west standing on continent, while most other kingdoms can only survive in its gap, their only choice It is dependent on the three empires, which is which empire it is dependent on.

In Imperial Capital of Soaring Sky Empire, something very weird, or a phenomenon, appeared today. To be more precise, it is a weather phenomenon, and it is still very beautiful, so beautiful that people forget everything.

In the sky, the clouds are golden, just because it makes people feel strange but there are beautiful glows. These glows are strange, no matter the time that appears, the place where it appears, or the conditions that appear.

Some experts, scholars in this world, fiddle with the spectacle frames on the bridge of their noses, and say very seriously that this is a sign of God.

In this world, everything that humans ca n’t understand will be classified as miracles, and everyone in this world believes that God exists, and that ’s good. It also saves people from digging into the horns of the horns. As for God, Is it there, then devil knows.

The glow of the miracles not only turns the clouds into gold, but also turns the entire Imperial Capital into a golden world. It is a city of gold.

According to common sense, what happened on Imperial Capital on this day will surely be crowned with mystery and will be related to God. If a person with intentions deliberately renders it, he can only say three words-more godly.

On this day, a small life will come to the world, to this city, it is destined to become the focus of everyone’s attention.

He will be called the Son of God!

Also known as the child of God, Godchild for short …

In Imperial Capital, there is an extremely large mansion in the area where the nobles are located. This area is the “huge residence” with the largest area and the largest number of courtyards on this Imperial Capital, even the entire empire, or even the entire continent.

The Royal Palace in most kingdoms is not as big as this “huge residence“, and it is not as luxurious as “huge residence“. If it is not located in Imperial Capital of Soaring Sky Empire, or if it is located in this valuable area, it will be suspected to be Royal Palace Although it doesn’t have a palace style, it can’t stop everyone’s doubts.

Because Soaring Sky Empire‘s Imperial Palace is also very unusually large and unusually brilliant, this “huge residence” can be regarded as a small witch, and many of the imperial homes are also very large, so he becomes a little bit indifferent. Conspicuous, but this is only slightly.

Having said so much, I should also introduce the name of this “huge residence” now. He has a common name completely different from it-Ye Residence.

Because of this, the luxury houses in this area have not been given luxurious names, not even any more grand names such as big houses. They are called big houses beside Ye Residence. Is it humiliating?

Ye Residence, as the name suggests, is Ye’s family house, and the Ye family who can own this house is needless to say that it is a huge family, otherwise how can there be such a large family house here.

On continent, as long as the family name is Ye, everyone will first think of Ye Family of Soaring Sky Empire, a family of Oriental legends that has been called first under Heaven for thousands of years.

Today Ye Family will usher in the birth of a new new member. Why? Again, this is very simple, because Ye Family will have a new new member almost every month.

Ye Family is truly a first under Heaven family, not only in terms of power and wealth, but also in the number of new member in its family. After thousands of years of inheritance, new member in the Ye Family family tree has already reached tens of thousands. naturally is just alive , Not including those who have passed away new member.

Perhaps, the reason why Ye Residence is so huge is also because of the fact that it is sect family. If the branch is counted, it is estimated that Imperial Palace of Soaring Sky is not enough.

However, this new new member also has a special side, which attracts people’s attention. He is the grandson of Present Generation Ye Family Patriarch and the son of the next-generation Patriarch hot candidate. It is likely to be the next Patriarch candidate.

As for why you have n’t been born yet, it ’s a son rather than a daughter. This question will be answered immediately.

“Dad, do you say that your grandson’s pomp is a bit bigger, and before he was born, he made this sky glow, as if Spiritual God was born.

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