The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 73: Break the sea

Jing Jiu understands Yuan Qijing’s loss, just as he understands everyone.

If it was before, he would definitely ignore it, but this time, seeing Yuan Qijing’s opponent Sedum’s simple method, he decided to comfort him.

“You are stronger too.” He said to Yuan Qijing.

This is a very high compliment. Yuan Qijing was seriously injured by Nan Qi’s sneak attack this time, without any frustration, but on the contrary.

It is very difficult for the great creatures of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm to take one step further.

“When the old and the sick are about to die, it is easy to look down on things, and naturally they are stronger.”

Yuan Qijing said: “According to mortals, this is Huiguangfanzhao?”

Jing Jiu said, “Say less bad things.”

Yuan Qijing wanted to ask him why he left the customs early since he had more than a year, so he shut up at his request.

Jing Jiu said: “Who will go to the Qingxin Conference?”

According to what Sese said in that year, the Pure Heart Assembly of the Suspense Sect should be during this period.

The birthday of the old lady is not important. The high-level bells at the Purity Conference are not important. What is really important is who will have the final say in the future of the Suspended Bell Sect.

The current Suspense Sect Master is Se Se’s mother and the old lady’s daughter-in-law. The fight between the two parties has been going on for several years.

The power of the old prince is much greater, and the current suzerain is strong enough to support it now by relying on the Green Mountain Sect.

The intention of this clean heart meeting is obvious. The old lady looks at the time running out and wants to fundamentally solve this problem.

Yuan Qijing said: “Why not admire Shiyuefeng.”

Jing Jiu gave a hum, expressing doubt.

Yuan Qijing glanced at him and said: “That’s when you participated in the Chengjian Conference, that Elder He.”

Jing Jiu thought for a while, that Xiao He was the first stage of breaking the sea, and said, “It’s lower.”

Why not Mu is just an ordinary elder of Shiyuefeng, representing Qingshan in the Qingxin Conference, both in terms of realm and qualifications.

Yuan Qijing said: “They are all in retreat.”

In the past, it was Nan Wang who often appeared on behalf of the Qingshan Sect, whether it was the Meihui or the Asking Conference, because she was so lively and she was not diligent in her practice.

Now even she is in retreat, Qing Shan really can’t find a suitable person.

The entire spiritual world is waiting for the spring rain. The Green Mountain Sect will definitely have no mind to know things outside the mountain. It is indeed a good time for many people.

But when the old lady decided to convene the Purity Conference, what happened to Xihai hadn’t happened yet, what did that mean?

Jing Jiu said: “She has an agreement with Yunmengshan.”

Zhongzhou sent the mountain to be closed for one year, but the old lady is about to die and can’t wait any longer.

Yuan Qijing said blankly, “Why don’t you go?”

Jing Jiu said, “Okay.”

Yuan Qijing was startled.

Jing Jiu continued: “I will go by myself, don’t tell others.”

After saying this, he walked outside the cave.

Yuan Qijing woke up and asked: “Where are you going?”

Jing Jiu said, “Go and see other peaks.”

Yuan Qijing didn’t say anything. He watched his figure disappear into the mist, and thought with satisfaction that after all, he had changed a lot.

Actually, he has higher expectations for this uncle than anyone else. It was like this back then, and it is still like this now.

The spiritual world said that he didn’t like this uncle, it was because the uncle was too lazy and didn’t care about anything. Do something to help Qingshan, where will it affect the practice?

It’s like you are still so lazy now, but you are finally willing to do something, will it delay your practice?

Thinking about the word speed of practice, he finally couldn’t help but snorted, thinking it was really unreasonable.



Jing Jiu went to Yunxingfeng.

Jianfeng is as desolate as before, and there is no life in sight except Iron Eagle.

He noticed that there were more than ten more flying swords in the peak, and there were still some fragments, which should be the flying swords of the disciple who died in the battle of Xihai.

Then he went to Shiyue Peak and went to the medicine garden and alchemy.

He is not very good at these things. Seeing that the herbs are not short of water, growing like Chinese cabbage, and the alchemy furnace is not turned off, he thinks everything is fine.

He didn’t go to Xilaifeng, he had read all those classics, and he wouldn’t fly away by himself. Those personnel records were not important.

He didn’t go to Liangwang Peak either. The good things there had been moved to Shenmo Peak long ago, and now only the blood and sweat of the young disciples are left. What are they going to do?

Yes, he is inspecting the green hills, like a lion patrolling his territory.

He did a similar thing a few years ago, confirming that Qingshan is his own.

It’s just that he didn’t watch it so carefully that time, and didn’t care about these details.

When the brother and Liu Ci are in charge, they will naturally handle these things properly. He only needs to practice and don’t care about other things.

There are so many things in this life, a bit hard.

Jing Jiu thought this way and landed on the shore of Bihu Peak.

Holding that bamboo card, the forbidden formation on the top of Bihu Peak was of course invalid to him, and no one could see him.

The breeze was slow, he walked across the lake, his white clothes fluttering, and one step was hundreds of feet, like an immortal.

There is a silver sandy beach on the opposite bank, and in front of it is the palace that exudes a cold atmosphere.

Jing Jiu walked to the palace.

There are no footprints or water stains on the beach.

Hundreds of wild cats watched him vigilantly in the trees and in the grass.

I don’t know if he confirmed his identity or smelled the cat smell on his body. A few bold wild cats ran out and cautiously moved closer to him.

Depending on the situation, these wild cats wanted to rub his feet, expressing surrender and affection, and at the same time, they were immortal.

Jing Jiu said: “Don’t.”

The wild cats did not dare to move forward, lying on the ground, or lying on their side, or with their belly exposed, all pretending to be obedient.

Jing Jiu walked into the palace without even looking at the porcelain vases on the shelves, and walked directly to the depths of the bluestone formation.

The bluestone array had an induction and turned, and a stone platform grew from the ground with several porcelain plates resting on it, and several pieces of charred wood in the porcelain plates.

This is the treasure of Green Mountain-Thunder Soul Wood.

Looking at the five mature Thunder Soul Woods, Jing Jiu was silent for a long time.

Even if the first sword doesn’t work, just use other sacrifices, why bother to be so persistent?

He didn’t think about the problem for the brother, but remembered the conversation with Liu Ci.

Jing Jiu picked up a new Thunder Soul Wood.

This thunder soul wood was brought back by the treasure ship of Penglai God Island more than one hundred years ago. It is more than three hundred years away from maturity, and it is the period of time that requires a lot of thunderweed cultivation.

What is he going to do?



The top of Bihu Peak is facing the eye of the green mountain formation.

Suddenly, a hole was opened.

The wind in midsummer came in, getting faster and faster, raindrops fell, and then a faint sound of thunder was heard.

At this time, there is a thunderstorm in the outside world.

Jing Jiu stood in the hall, closed his eyes, holding the new thunder soul wood, and began to summon thunder.

Countless thunders rang high in the sky.


A flash of lightning emerged from the gloomy and terrifying clouds and struck the palace on the top of Bihu Peak accurately.

Immediately after that, more and more lightning fell down, blasting into the temple without stopping, and landed on Jing Jiu!

The most important stage in Qingshan Kendo is to wash the sword with the pure heaven and earth energy in the thunderstorm.

He is also washing the sword.



There are countless energies in the thunderstorm, and lightning tore the space, making the heaven and the earth become a little chaotic.

Under such an environment, no one can discover what happened on the summit of Bihu Yuan Qijing is watching here on Shangdefeng.

Just like Jing Jiu’s first visit to Bihu Peak that year to find a white ghost, Yuan Qijing and Liu Ci looked at him in the same way.

If the white ghost really wants to kill him, they will naturally take action.

The thunderstorm continued, and countless flashes of lightning illuminated the peaks.

The top of Bihu Peak was windy, and the lake was thrown up by huge waves, and shot towards the silver sandy beach.

Some lightning fell on the lake, blasting a hole in the lake, and it was swallowed up again after a while.

At this time, Bihu looked like a violent ocean, broken everywhere.

I don’t know how long it took before the lightning finally stopped and the rain gradually stopped.

Jing Jiu walked out, his white clothes hung in rotten strips, his missing earlobes were a bit scorched, and his body was surrounded by blue electric lights, making a crackling sound.

At this time, he looked very embarrassed, but also very terrifying, and his body seemed to contain extremely terrifying energy.

The wild cats did not dare to approach the palace, hiding under the leaves, their bodies were soaked in the rain and their fur was drooping, just as embarrassed as him.

But there was no sympathy in their eyes, only awe.

Jing Jiu walked into the lake and took a real bath after many years.

The broken white clothes went with the lake water, and the excess and harmful thunderstorm energy gradually dissipated.

The sea-like lake gradually broke, and he walked out of it, took out the white clothes he had prepared and put on.

Zhao Layue and Zhuo Rusui are in retreat, striving to break the border into the wild.

He broke too.

Break the sea.



(End of this chapter)

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