The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 67: You are my sword

Jing Jiu’s consciousness follows the star network and extends to all parts of the universe, the speed is beyond imagination.

First, he controlled the entire Star Front fleet.

Immediately afterwards, he prepared to control the Helicopter Nebula’s space pivot and control the supply of resources from the Galaxy Alliance in his hands.

Next, he is going to enter the military’s top-secret database to find the code of the Ancestral Star Defense System, open the way for talking about real people, and kill someone.

Finally, he wants to control the entire Galaxy Alliance in his hands, and asks General Lee and other Ascendants to surrender.

This is his plan.

In the battleship Lieyang, facing the man of chess pieces, he closed his eyes and thought for so many days, mainly deducing this plan.

As for how to ignite those stars, he just thought about it at the very beginning, anyway, there are still three hundred years, so why worry.

In theory, there is nothing wrong with this plan, because General Li never thought that Huaxi would be a clone of that person.

But everything in the world corresponds to each other.

There is no pure observation, and no unilateral control.

Even if you just look at someone, in fact many photons fall into your eyes.

When you use your consciousness to control a certain device or a certain chip, there will naturally be corresponding data back into your consciousness. In the Shixin College Library under the Star Gate, he made an official link with Star Controls for the first time, because the amount of downloaded data was too large, causing an overload accident in an instant. Now he is in the universe, using ultra-distance wireless transmission. In theory, as long as his own spiritual world can bear it, there is no upper limit to the download or interaction speed.

The ring is not a real information node, nor a data bridge, but more like a digital sign.

As his consciousness travels to all parts of the universe, countless information comes from all parts of the universe and enters his spiritual world.

This is not a problem, nor is there any danger. He is not an ordinary human, and his spiritual world is deep, and he can stop this process at any time as long as he wants to.


When he thought of this word, he actually gave instructions with consciousness, but…they didn’t stop.

Massive data continue to come from all over the universe, flooding into his brain like a tide, and into his spiritual world.

Most of them have nothing to do with his exploration of consciousness, and they are meaningless pieces of information.

Various pictures and characters kept flashing in his consciousness, and then sinking into the sea. The calm ocean of spirit world waved and then grew bigger and bigger, so that his temples swelled slightly like ordinary human beings.

Feeling the flood of information, Jing Jiu understood something.

When the priestess of the Star Gate was selected, the battleship Lieyang once launched a laser main gun fire on the ground.

Jing Jiu avoided the lasers and flew into space to open the hull of the Lieyang, preparing to control the warship through the network.

At that moment, deep in the dark data channel that seemed to exist, there was a faint sigh.

The sigh seemed to come from the bottom of the well, with a deep chill, and a very cold feeling.

He just turned and left, because he felt that the person could threaten his existence. (The full text of these three sentences is copied from the previous text.)

After seeing the girl in yukata at the hot spring, he knew that she was the one. He trusted her because the priestly line and the Ascended were indeed in a hostile relationship, and the more important reason was that he felt that they were the same kind of people-in Chaotian Continent, Qing’er and Ping Yongjia were his firmest allies. , Why is she an exception?

Of course, this choice is still risky. In order to reduce the risk as much as possible, he took her away from the main star and began to travel around, trying to convince her and himself.

Until a few days ago, he saw the bright sunshine coming from the west, and received the Fahe he left for Shen Yun to bury. The pressure from there finally made him make up his mind and poured her a cup of tea. I put on that ring at the time.

I have done all the things that should be done, but unfortunately things have entered that kind of tedious repetition again.

He looked at Huaxi and said: “It’s repeated, it doesn’t meet your level.”

The repetition mentioned here refers to means.

He entered the spiritual world of the West, but was attacked, leaving behind a divine sense in it. Now that he let go of Dao Xin, and the unobstructed connection with the star network, it was equivalent to entering her spiritual world, and then being attacked again, and this time the target of the attack was Divine Soul itself.

Hua Xi said: “I know humans very well, and your essence is repetition.”

Jing Jiu said, “I thought you would think that we are the same kind.”

Hua Xi calmly said: “Not yet.”

In the time of a few short conversations, information from all over the universe was still pouring in, like a violent torrent.

It is difficult to describe the number of these information streams with specific numbers. Even the highest-end storage devices of the Alliance Academy of Sciences will be filled in microseconds. Those information streams have not undergone any selection, some are text, some are pictures, and some are videos. Most of them are disordered fragments that cannot be arranged and occupy more space.

It’s like gravel, like turbulence, like a flying mountain, like a broken planet, like a red giant star, constantly pouring in.

It can be understood that the data of the entire human civilization is bombarding his Dao Heart, trying to destroy his consciousness.

Jing Jiu’s consciousness was a little dizzy, like Shen Yunbu’s feeling after drinking the medicine.

It may be because of this reason that he did not notice that there are some very critical data hidden in these seemingly messy floods of information.

Huaxi looked at him quietly across the thin ice, without any emotion in his eyes.

Xilai looked at this scene, silent.

The river is surging, and the twelve-story sword slowly twitches outward. The robes of the young Taoist priest were still so red.

The red cloak is so striking in the dark universe.

He flew back to General Li’s side.

General Li looked at Jing Jiudao: “You are indeed the strongest monk in the history of Chaotian Continent, but you are not a human being, just a weapon.”

Jing Jiu has heard this sentence, or a similar expression.

It was many years ago when a meeting was held on Tianguang Peak, and his senior brother Taiping said it through Apiao, and said it to the people of the world.

Many people said it was his sword demon, saying that he was not qualified to be the head of Qingshan, so let’s go.

But now it is obvious that neither General Li nor Huaxi will let him leave.

“I am not someone’s weapon, I am myself.”

He looked at Huaxi and said, “Do you think I can dispel my consciousness by relying on these data?”

“These data are used to format and overwrite your brain.”

Huaxi said: “After that, a new program will be written to control you.”

Jing Jiu said, “Nothing can control me.”

After saying this, his gaze fell on the ring, and there were countless bright sword lights in the depths of his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he squeezed his hand firmly, and the ring on his finger began to twist slightly.

Now he can’t stop the data of the entire human civilization from rushing to his own ocean of consciousness, because the speed of the information frenzy is so fast that the door cannot be closed.

Then destroying the ring as the data channel should be able to solve part of it.

More importantly, he faintly felt that this ring had a deeper meaning hidden, which formed a certain threat to himself.

Since the other party wants to trap him in this way, this ring is definitely not a thing.

In the sound of pops, the gems on the surface of the ring shattered one by one, shooting out powder like crystal rain, and countless powerful auras appeared at the same time.

The shattered gems turned out to be an extremely wonderful Taoist formation. What’s even more powerful was that under the formation, it turned out to be something similar to a gravitational field generating device.

Those Dao Sect formations are extremely powerful, none of them are under the Yunmeng Mountain array, which can be said to be the pinnacle of Chaotian Continent’s practice world.

Those tiny gravitational devices are even more incredible, far exceeding the level of science and technology demonstrated by the Galaxy Alliance.

An extremely thin space isolated Jing Jiu’s fingers and the body of the ring, so that his sword intent and power could not really fall on the ring.

It is indeed the crystallization of two civilizations, which can actually block the sharp edge of the sword of all things.

There has been a similar civilization in this world, that is, Shen Yunbui.

Shen Yunmu is not his opponent in the end, so how long can this ring last?

As soon as countless white lights were born, they were bound by the sword intent born between his fingers and chopped into nothingness.

This is his peak sword.

Senran’s sword intent scattered everywhere in space, and countless meteorites in the asteroid belt instantly shattered.

General Li and Xilai turned into two swords of light, retreating thousands of kilometers away.

The formation on the surface of the ring shattered one by one, and the gap layer gradually became thinner.

Hua Xi looked at the jewel fragments floating in space, and there was a pity in her eyes.

At the moment before the ring completely disintegrated, a very thin cyan light beam appeared on Jing Jiu’s wrist, tightening it on its own.

The cyan light is not a real thing, or even real light, but a projection of some kind of information fluctuation, or the appearance of a program.

There seemed to be a sword sound in the entire universe.

It’s not a flying sword.

Instead of returning to the sheath.

The gems and formation on the surface of the ring stabilized again.

The flood of information from the entire human civilization has become more violent.

Those key data hidden in the flood of information are revealed, with their own connections and rules, and it turns out to be a program.

The program locked his consciousness, and the code was being rewritten.

This is the cleanest reboot, or factory reset.



“This ring is not a sword of heaven, this program is.”

An old and distant voice appeared in this universe and fell on everyone’s hearts.

A huge figure appeared among the stars in the sky.

It was a short, thin old man wearing a hat, his face in the shadows, unable to see clearly.

This is not a real person, it is a manifestation of God’s consciousness in the real world, just like the cyan light in Jing Jiu’s All the ascendants salute the old man with great respect.

The Green Mountain Patriarch.

Shen Qingshan.

Jing Jiu looked at him without speaking.

“You used all means to destroy the Chengtian Sword in Chaotian Continent, thinking that you would be able to gain freedom from then on, but you forgot that this sword was originally made by me.”

Master Qingshan looked at him and said: “You ruined one, I will make another one.”

Jing Jiu felt the weight of the sky and the earth in the blue light on his wrist, and remained silent.

“Don’t try to prevent this from happening, even if you don’t admit that you are a weapon left behind by the gods, it doesn’t make sense.”

Master Qingshan looked at him and said: “Because…everything is one, you are my sword.”

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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