The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 67: Just ask what you do in your life

Not worth it.

Jing Jiu said that Liu Ci stood in front of Yin San at the last moment, covering the sky with his palm, blocking the thunder and fire.

Even if Liu Ci is the ghost, this should not be done. This is not what a monk should do.

In the sword boat, Liu Ci and Mo Chi talked about the relationship between Qingshan and Unbearable, but he didn’t explain Jing Jiu that way.

He knew that even if Jing Jiu understood, he would not agree.

At the time when he climbed Defeng, because he was greedy to watch Songhai, he was a few steps later than Yuan Qijing, and he became a junior.

The real Taiping is not angry, but rather likes it a little, but Jing Jiu has no response at all.

The first time Liu Ci saw him, he was sitting on the cliffside looking at the sea of ​​clouds in a daze.

Then he was in a daze, whether it was on the cliffside or in the cave, or at the card table, or facing the hot pot.

At that time, the real Daoyuan was dead, and the ancestor was also dead. As the head of the family fell beside him, Shang Defeng was under great pressure.

The young man seemed to feel nothing, just sitting there in a daze.

Liu Ci thought to himself that this little uncle is not a silly cultivator.

Until later, the real Taiping took them for a hot pot and walked towards Mo Chengfeng, all the way through violent storms, he saw how many elders the little master had killed before he knew that he was the fool—Yes. For real ascetics, even if they are in a daze, they are practicing.

From that day on, he knew that his uncle master was a born ascetic, and he was the object of all ascetics.

It’s just a pity that most people can’t reach this state, including himself.

But Liu Ci discovered that Jing Jiu has changed a little over the years.

He asked: “The master promised to ascend to heaven, and drew the wisp of spirit from the fate card, but I know you still have a back hand, otherwise you won’t keep the little bamboo card with you. Brother asked you to do it. At that time, why didn’t you kill Yinfeng?”

“It’s your master that I want to kill, not someone else. If Xiao Si doesn’t want to kill me, I won’t want to move him.”

Jing Jiu thought about the scene of Xihai during the day, and said indifferently: “I just didn’t expect so many people to support him.”

“Qingshan Nine Peaks are all Shangdefeng. After all, he is our master. Even if they were still young at that time, they could still remember something.”

Liu Ci sighed: “Master was imprisoned by us. How many clothes do you think you have?”

Jing Jiu was silent for a while, and said, “Perhaps in their eyes, I am the ghost.”

“I said, the biggest problem with you and Master is that you think too much.”

Liu Ci said: “Where are there so many ghosts? Mochi is not, nor am I, but if you keep looking for it, you will find more and more ghosts.”

Jing Jiu remembered what he said to Zhao Layue at Shenmofeng.

——Everyone has a ghost in their heart, so everyone looks like a ghost.

This sentence is not exactly the same as Liu’s words, but the meaning is probably the same.

Liu Ci thinks that he is not a ghost. That’s because he doesn’t have a ghost in his heart. Then why should Taiping be released from the sword prison?

This is the most important question and the answer Jing Jiu wants to know the most tonight.



The starlight falls on the front of the universe and is reflected to the top of the peak, making the night even clearer.

Liu Ci stretched out his fingers and fiddled with the stars and said: “At that time, your ascension is a foregone conclusion. I have to consider what to do after Qingshan. My brother and I had more than 100 years of life left at that time. After we die, who will support the situation? Even if Xiaosi and Guangyuan can break through, can they replace us?”

A hundred years may be long, but for a monk who retreats all year round, it may even be only a few moments.

Jing Jiu didn’t like the breath revealed in Liu Ci’s words at this time, and recalled the universe front, so that he had no starlight to play, and said: “Qingshan Great Array can protect itself.”

Liu Ci retracted his finger and said: “As Nan Xi said today, Qingshan cannot be defeated, and once defeated, it will be defeated. For Qingshan, self-protection means defeat.”

Jing Jiu said, “I didn’t hear it.”

Liu did not fight with him in Ci, and continued: “The Qingshan Sect has been strong for too many years and has offended too many people. The disciples of Liang Wangfeng also killed too hard outside.”

Jing Jiu said: “I didn’t agree to make Liangwangfeng at the beginning, is it interesting?”

“So you took away Fujitsu, and I didn’t say anything.”

Liu Ci smiled and said: “But I am the head, different from you, always think about what’s going on behind you.”

Jing Jiu said: “So you let him go.”

Liu Ci said: “Yes, Master always thinks that Qingshan is his green mountain, and he will definitely think that one day he will return to Qingshan, and he will not watch the decline of the green mountain.”

Jing Jiu said, “Are you not afraid of his revenge?”

Liu Ci glanced at him and said: “It was the three of us who did the work back then. At that time, I thought you were going to leave and my brother and I were going to die sooner or later. What’s so scary?”

Jing Jiu was silent for a while, and said, “There is some truth in it.”

What kind of person is Taiping Zhenren, not to mention the helpers such as Bu Lao Lin and the ancestors of Xuan Yin, and Emperor Xiao, just to say that he is enough to change the situation on the entire continent.

As long as he lives and stays quietly in the world, there will be no accidents in Qingshan, at least no major events.

Real Taiping is like a tiger crouching in the night.

What Liu Ci does is to let the tiger out of the mountain.

What he didn’t expect was that someone actually came back.

Jing Jiu never does things with tigers for skin, and has always stayed away from all dangers. Even if he thinks Liu Ci’s ideas are reasonable, he still disagrees with his approach, and said, “You think like this for a while, and act too sticky. , Just like the Zhongzhou school, not as good as your apprentice.”

He said of course Zhuo Rusui.

Liu Ci was a little unhappy, not because he was said to be inferior to his apprentice, but because he was said to be like the Zhongzhou school.

Jing Jiu continued: “You have been like this since you were young. I really shouldn’t have chosen you as the head.”

Liu Ci said calmly: “Then you come.”



The summit is silent.

The sword boat is very clear under the stars.

There was a faint cat cry, which looked very comfortable.



When he heard Liu’s words, Jing Jiu didn’t even think about it, and he was ready to say that he didn’t even think about it.

He was silent tonight.

He was silent for a long time.

Liu Ci looked at him with a smile and said: “Only the head can hold the scabbard of the sky. You can answer me after you think about it.”

The sword is now in its sheath, and Jing Jiu doesn’t want to be involved, so he must ensure that the Chengtian sword sheath is in the hands of someone he absolutely trusts.

Who in the world can be more trustworthy than yourself?

It turns out that Liu Ci’s invitation has such a meaning that he is actually waiting for him here.



For the first time, Jing Jiu failed to answer this question directly, saying: “I didn’t expect me to fall into your calculation.”

Liu Ci said: “Master, he is a shrewd life, isn’t he being let go by the two juniors from Zhongzhou faction?”

Jing Jiu said: “They have inherited the idea of ​​March, but they are smarter than March. Senior brother can be regarded as an opponent.”

These two sentences seem common, but they are actually very high praises for Bai Zao and Tong Yan.

Today is not Liu Ci, Yin Sanzhen may have died on Shaoming Island.

Zhongzhou sent no omissions. The tribulation triggered by the immortal urn can kill anyone on Chaotian Continent.

That is to say, Liu Ci has a sword today, first cut Nanxun, and the momentum is at the peak moment before he can take it down.

Of course, Liu Ci paid a great price for this.

Thinking of this, Jing Jiu’s emotions are a bit problematic.

Liu Ci was a little moved, and said: “That immortal urn is an auxiliary urn, without immortal knowledge, the power is good.”

Jing Jiu couldn’t help but said, “What a fart.”

Liu Ci was very touched and comforted: “Don’t worry, I won’t die tonight, I should live for a few more years.”

For those who have lived for a thousand years at the pinnacle of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm, a few years are equivalent to dozens of days for a mortal.

Jing Jiu was silent for a while, and said again: “It’s not worth it.”

“You should know very well that I have no hope of ascending, my life will be exhausted, and I can only live for a few more decades at most.”

Liu Ci smiled and said: “If it is immortality, everything does not change, why not change it for a few decades?”

Those people who are benevolent and brave in the world, who are treacherous and evil, probably think like this.

Jing Jiu thought this way, and said: “Eternal life cannot be proven by itself.”

Obviously he wants to ascend, why did he say this? If others listened to it, they would definitely not understand, but Liu Ci understood what he meant.

The summit became quiet again.

Starlight shines on the sword boat and night clouds.

Jing Jiu and Liu Ci stood by the cliff, quietly looking at the world.

It’s wonderful.

I don’t know how long it took.

Liu Ci suddenly said: “What do you want to do?”

They stood side by side, overlooking the world.

They join forces now, and the world is invincible.

You can do whatever you want.

“As you said, apart from practicing, I just want to find the ghost. I’m not interested in anything else.”

Jing Jiu looked at Liu Ci and said, “What about you? What’s unfinished… what you want to do?”

“I have nothing special to do.”

Liu Ci smiled and said: “The days of a monk are so boring.”

“We weren’t cultivating the Tao because it was fun.”

Jing Jiu said: “Farmers farm land because they are interesting? Fishermen fish because they are interesting? Haenyes risk their lives to fish for sea pearls because they are interesting?”

Liu Ci said helplessly: “I know you are in a bad mood, but I just casually express my emotions, why are you so excited?”

Jing Jiu looked calm, but he rarely said such a long sentence, and continued to compare and ask questions, which naturally showed that his mood was not like this.

He raised his eyebrows and said: “I just sighed, why are you so sensitive?”

Liu Ci said: “The examples you cited are all forced by life, and we cultivate the Tao because we can cultivate the Tao and we have the Tao in our hearts. How can we be the same as watching it?”

Jing Jiu said: “Is it fun to fight in the court? Is it fun to make tea? Is it fun to draw? Is it fun to play chess?”

These things may be interesting in the eyes of the world, but they are equally boring in his opinion.

Playing chess requires a lot of effort, just to fight for victory, so why not use a sword~ That is the ultimate victory.

At this time, a childlike voice suddenly floated in the night sky.

“Playing chess is still fun, but your way of playing chess is naturally meaningless.”

Liu Ci and Jing Jiu naturally knew that he was coming, just when they were discussing what else they wanted to do.

Jing Jiu’s last sentence was meant for Tong Yan.

Whether it is inferring calculations or playing chess, it can only be a means of seeking truth.

If a monk is immersed in it because of temporary success, there will be problems.

Tong Yan fell on the top of the peak, saluting Liu Ci earnestly.

For some reason, he left the cloud ship of Zhongzhou sent and arrived here overnight.

Jing Jiu glanced at him, meaning how do you know we are here?

Tong Yan has been in contact with him in Lengshan and Sanqianyuan for a long time, and has also learned the skills of Liu Shisui, Zhao Layue, and Gu Qing, and said: “I asked Nanshan.”

Jing Jiu was a little surprised, and said, “Zuo Rusui didn’t kill you?”

Tong Yan wanted to kill real Taiping in this game, but Liu Ci was injured.

At that time, hundreds of flying swords wanted to chop him into minced meat. Although it was a subconscious behavior, it also showed the attitude of the Qingshan Sect towards Tong Yan.

Even if everyone in Qingshan calms down now, they will think of the overall situation and the like, Zhuo Rusui’s violent temper will not care about it.

Tong Yan said: “Nanshan persuaded him, since I’m here to meet Mr. Liu, life and death will naturally be decided by the man.”

Liu Ci smiled and said: “Why are you looking for me?”

Tong Yan said: “I heard from Zhenren Liu before that there was nothing to do, why not take Qingtianjian back to Qingshan?”

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