The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 64: The fairy and ghost of the Green Mountain School

The world in Qingtianjian has awakened and became lively again.

Those who have been asleep for a long time don’t know what happened, and think they just slept.

Everyone is sleeping. My lonely son Zhang is a bit uncomfortable with this, but he also knows that there is no way to say, he is a little bit terrible, so he simply moved to a certain Taoist temple for peace and quiet, and served as the younger generation of the family and the county. The officials of the People’s Republic of China begged for many days and refused to move back.

He woke up one morning and walked to the window to look down the cliff. He missed the talking carp in the well, and his eyelids were suddenly scorched by fire.

What caught his eyes was not the real fire, but the burning cloud.

The morning glow appears in the sky, which is countless times brighter than usual. It seems to contain countless light and heat, which may erupt at any time.

Looking at this scene, Master Zhang felt so strange that he was shocked for no reason.

Fluttering! The blue bird flew from a distance and landed on the branch next to Taoist Temple. Looking at the morning glow, a lot of sadness gradually appeared in his slightly confused eyes.

That is not an ordinary morning glow, but a real Xianxia.

The sky is full of Xianxia, ​​which is a sign of the birth of Xianlu.

The immortal urn in Qingtianjian was taken by Jing Jiu a long time ago, why is there still an immortal urn?



The white light that shoots out from the blue sky mirror comes from the immortal urn.

Only the Zhongzhou School has immortal urns in the world.

In addition to the celestial consciousness, there are countless celestial spirits in the fairy urn.

In order to refine the immortal urn, Jing Jiu spent several years listening to the scriptures in the Guocheng Temple, but in the end it almost happened.

She is still asleep after those fairy qi has been poured into her body for the winter.

At this time, all the fairy qi in a fairy urn was released in an instant, and you can imagine how powerful it will be.

Under the shining of the fairy light, Yin San’s face became paler and paler, even close to transparent.

His hands have also become transparent, and I don’t know if the same is true of the body under the clothes.

The wind whistling in the stone chamber, passing through the bone flute, making a whimper, almost a devil’s cry.

With a soft buzz, the fairy light fell on his body, and the pieces of clothes shattered, flying like butterflies, and then turned into nothingness.

Yin San did not disappear like a butterfly, but still stood in the same place.

I don’t know what kind of magical power he has displayed, that fairy light actually penetrated through his body!

The fairy light fell on the wall of the stone chamber, ablated a big hole in an instant, and then spilled out a trace of power.

In a loud noise, the stone chamber collapsed and the rock above was lifted, exposing the clouded sky.



Practitioners of various sects surrounded Shaoming Island, with various emotions, watching the Qingshan sword boat about to fall.

The flattened mountain on Shaoming Island suddenly exploded!

A celestial light rises into the sky!

Countless rubble and wind whizzed around.

The Qingshan sword boat was the first to bear the brunt, and there were countless breaches in an instant. The real Guangyuan man took the sword and took the Qingshan disciples back into the boat extremely dangerously.

The cloud boat of Zhongzhou faction and Yimaozhai’s bitter boat shook violently, and the flying boats of the other sects almost fell and flew away quickly.

Countless eyes fell on the collapsed mountain and saw the picture in the broken stone room.

The fairy light source comes from the Qingtianjian in Tongyan’s hands.

Yin San’s face is pale, and it is obvious that he has been seriously injured irreversibly.

Thunder Soul Wood has experienced countless years of thunder tribulation on the summit of Bihu. He borrowed the Thunder Soul Wood to be reborn, and also learned related magical powers. Using the method of crossing the thunder, he was dangerous and dangerous to let the fairy light penetrate the body. Passing, and not letting all the power in the fairy qi fall into place is equivalent to being wiped by that fairy light.

But it was a fairy light, even if it was just lightly wiped, no one could bear it.

What’s more, the immortal urn prepared by the Zhongzhou faction for him will never fail like this, the real killing is still to come.

The ancestor Xuanyin was about to take Yin San away, he glanced at the sky, made a strange cry, turned around and fled, and was several hundred feet away in an instant.

After the fairy light left Shaoming Island, it didn’t dissipate, nor did it fade. It just sank into the dark clouds over the sky.

Above the dark clouds is the Void Realm, and above the Void Realm is the Thunder Realm. The thunderstorm vortex there is like countless eyes of different colors, looking at everything in the world.

The fairy light is like a fire, igniting the anger in those eyes.

The clouds are rolling and restless, countless lightning flashes in the meantime!

In the rumbling sound, countless groups of thunder and fire rushed towards the ground, blasting towards Shaoming Island!

There are countless huge waves on the sea, and practitioners of various sects avoid them one after another, with fear written on their faces.

The power of thunder and fire is unimaginable, and it is almost similar to the catastrophe. It is no wonder that the demon **** of the first generation of Xuan Yin is actually afraid of that appearance.

Yin San looked at the thunder and fire falling from the sky, thinking that he deserved to die.

Of course, he still has a lot of hiding methods, but it doesn’t make any sense before this thunderstorm.

The fairy light passed through the body, failed to kill him immediately, but left a mark on his body.

No matter where he flees, this piece of thunder will eventually fall on him.

It’s not like a catastrophe.

This is the catastrophe.

The corners of the vaginal lips are slightly raised, revealing a self-deprecating smile.

Back then, when he returned from the underworld, he once made a great aspiration that there will be no peace in the world, and he will not survive the catastrophe in this life.

Unexpectedly, it was Heavenly Tribulation that found him in the end.

This is the so-called calamity?

The Bureau of the West Sea has been under his control. After Jing Jiu took that step, Nanxun would undoubtedly lose. Jing Jiu could no longer threaten him, and it would become a sword in his hand, so he could borrow it. This completes all the ambitions, who would have thought that suddenly it is the last moment. There are still so many things that have not been done… the things promised to the Emperor of the Underworld, the things promised to himself, how the world can truly survive, have not yet been resolved… Of course he is not reconciled.

Just as Yin San was waiting for death, a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

The man raised his palm and faced the thunder fire falling from the sky.

Looking at the man’s back, Yin San raised his eyebrows slightly.

He stood in front of him hundreds of years ago, but now he is upside down, and when were you actually taller than me?

Countless thunder and fire fell from the sky.

A leaf can cover a large mountain.

One palm can also block the sky.

Including those thunder and fire in the sky.

The blazing light of no way spread over Shaoming Island.

Thunder continued and rumbling, but none of them could fall to the ground.



I don’t know how long it took before the thunder finally stopped.

The dark clouds dispersed, revealing the blue sky.

Those terrifying thunder fires didn’t know where they went, and they didn’t leave any traces between the sky and the earth.

Liu Ci retracted his palm, didn’t turn around and glanced at Yin San, then came to the sky.

There are fifteen green mountain sword boats scattered in the sky.

The Qingshan disciples on the boat looked at the figure of the head master, with worries written on their faces.

The head master slashed Nan Qi with a single sword, beheading countless Xihai disciples, and smashing flying whales, like a god, but he actually took this piece of sky thunder… will something happen?

At this moment, Liu Ci’s body suddenly shook.

Hundreds of Qingshan flying swords flew to Shaoming Island, slashing towards… Tong Yan!

This is entirely a subconscious behavior of the Qingshan disciples.

The current situation is too chaotic. Many people did not want to understand why Zhongzhou Tongyan was on Shaoming Island, what happened to that fairy light, when it was clear that the thunder fire was going to kill the real Taiping, Liu Why does Cizhenren appear there again?

The Qingshan disciples only know that that fairy light has attracted countless sky thunders and injured the real head, and the source of all this is Tong Yan!

The ancestor Xuan Yin saw the sky thunder disappear, and returned to Yin San, very close to Tong Yan, and could kill him at any time.

Hundreds of swords came, and the ancestor Xuan Yin was on the side. No matter how you look at Tong Yan, you are sure to die.

Even if there are powerful people like Zhenren Bai on the cloud ship of the Zhongzhou sent, it is too late to rescue.

No one thought that Tong Yan suddenly disappeared from the ruins.

The next moment, he appeared in the cloud ship.



No one felt the child’s face moved.

Even the Heaven and Earth Evacuation Method cannot break through the sword formation of the Green Mountain Sect and come to such a far place in an instant.

What exactly did he use?

Some practitioners who participated in the Snowfield Road War that year, or people who have heard of the story of Luohuainan, naturally think of the strange treasure of the Zhongzhou School.

The Great Seal!

Many practitioners have guessed that this should be a bureau designed by the Zhongzhou School.

Just what did Tong Yan do? That fairy light and the sky thunder that followed… are they the legendary fairy urn?

“You have worked so hard in the past few years.”

Bai Zhenren glanced at Tong Yan.

Tong Yan was silent. When Wang Xiaoming attacked him with a Lieyang flag in Lengshan, he once thought about using Wanli Seal, but he finally resisted it and saved his life today. (See the previous chapter for details here)

What he didn’t expect was that the people of the Green Mountain Sect would kill him without even having a chance to speak.

What he didn’t even expect was that when Mr. Taiping was about to be killed, the one who stood up was… Mr. Liu Ci.



Shaoming Island has become ruins.

Yin San glanced at the Liu Ci in the sky, not knowing what emotion it was, and then hummed.

The ancestor Xuanyin quickly walked to him and bowed.

Yin San lay down, a little weak.

With a crackling sound, a crack appeared on the ground, and the ancestor Xuanyin carried him to the ice outside Shaoming Island.

He is a Taiping true person who wants to kill all over the world. Righteous Taoist cultivators gather here today. Can he walk?

The immortal urn prepared for him by the Zhongzhou faction was followed by Zhenren Liu Ci. What about the others?



There was a clear roar in the sky, Bu Qiuxiao, who had been preparing for a long time, drove the dragon’s tail inkstone and blasted it over.

The ancestor Xuanyin knew that this was the treasure of Yimaozhai’s Zhenzhai, so he dared not neglect, so he greeted him with a filthy black smoke in his fists.

There was a deep dragon chant from the dragon tail inkstone, and the light was scattered, and black smoke was blown away in an instant.

With a loud bang, countless cracks appeared on the ice around Shaoming Island, spreading like a spider web!

The ancestor Xuan Yin shook slightly, and soon stabilized, carrying Yin San on his back and moving forward.

The dragon tail inkstone rose from the sky and wanted to print it again, and Bu Qiuxiao suddenly became wary.

The next moment, a cold sword light appeared before his eyes.

Mr. Guangyuan looked at him silently.

Bu Qiuxiao stared at him without speaking.

Seeing this scene, people were shocked again, and Liu Shisui in the wretched boat was even more at a loss.

At the beginning of the Guocheng Temple, he met the eminent monk, and later learned that it was the enemy of the son, so Zhao Layue asked him to go and kill him.

Even if he knew that the other party was Taiping Patriarch, he did not hesitate, because he believed in the son, then he must be a bad guy for convenience.

But why are the real masters and Guangyuan real people preventing others from killing him today?



“Goodness, goodness.”

The senior monks in the Scripture Hall of Guocheng Temple floated up. They knew that they were not the opponents of Old Ancestor Xuanyin, but today Old Ancestor Xuanyin was shocked by the immortal urn, and he had another confrontation with the Dragon Tail Inkstone. At the time of depression, the eminent monks determined that he would hold on for a while, waiting for other righteous people to come to help, even if he had to pay his life for it.


The visitor does not speak like this because of fear and tension, but because he is a bit stuttering.

Mo Chi brought his colleagues who didn’t know He Feng, and blocked the way of these eminent monks.

In the nine peaks of Qingshan, the elder Mochi of Tianguangfeng is known for his ugly face and gentle temperament. At this time, his eyes are still warm, but his expression is extremely firm.



In the sea and sky around Shaoming Island, the sword light was chaotic.

The two Qingshan sword boats where the disciples of Liang Wangfeng are located are parked a little farther away, and the mood of passing Nanshan, Gu Han and others is even more confused.

The scene was too messy, they didn’t even understand what was going on, and they didn’t get any orders from their teachers.

The head master stood in the sky without giving an order, it seems that it was left to the masters of the peaks to decide for themselves.

Some elders stayed in the sword boat, looking at the figure farther and farther with complex expressions.

Some teachers came out with swords and stopped the practitioners of various sects.

Until the Zhongzhou Paiyun Boat moved slightly, and the real white person rose in the wind, Liu Ci gave her a deep look.

There was a confrontation everywhere, and no one noticed him. Kunlun head He Wei felt that this was the best opportunity. He drank and the demon stopped and chased him into the distance.

The speed of the cold bird is so fast, it soon came to the back of the ancestor Xuanyin more than ten miles.

Yin San leaned on the back of the ancestor Xuanyin and didn’t look back.

A violent cry suddenly sounded in the sky.

Yinfeng flew from nowhere, his tail pierced the sky like a sword, and directly chopped He Wei with the cold bird onto the ice!

The ancestor Xuan Yin jumped into the sky with Yin San on his back.

Yin Feng arrived instantly.

The ancestor Xuan Yin fell on Yin Feng’s back.

Yinfeng waved his wings and flew toward the depths of the sea at an unimaginable speed.

After being attacked by Nan Xi, in order to protect Zhuo Rusui, he used an ice mirror to face Nan Xi with a sword. Yuan Qijing was seriously injured and had been silent for a long time.

Until this time, his cold and solemn voice sounded again: “Kill it.”

Only he and Liu Ci knew that this sentence was addressed to Jing Jiu.

Yin Feng’s life card is in Jing Jiu’s hand.

If Yin Feng was killed at this No matter how powerful the ancestor Xuanyin was, it would be difficult to leave with Taiping real person.

But nothing happened.

Yin Feng flew faster and faster, disappearing from people’s vision.

The confrontation in the sky naturally does not need to continue.

Countless eyes cast into the depths of the sea.

Whether it was the dragon tail inkstone of Yimaozhai, the lecture hall of Guocheng Temple, or the pursuit of He Wei, that person did not look back, but quietly leaned on the back of the ancestor Xuanyin.

He was seriously injured by an immortal urn sent by Zhongzhou, and he was extremely weak, but he still didn’t pay attention to the pursuit of the world’s strongest, and walked away by the phoenix.

So calm and self-confident, with extraordinary tolerance, even a fairy is nothing but a demon.



Zhao Layue looked pale at the sword lights in the sky.

She didn’t shoot because she didn’t have enough realm, and she was a little messy.

If she stands out, she shows the attitude of God Mofeng.

But she felt that she was not qualified.

Yuanqu and Ping Yongjia, as well as the Shiyuefeng disciples who were in charge of Yuzhou, were even more shocked. They opened their mouths and didn’t know what to say.

Jing Jiu walked up to her and looked into the sky.

Zhao Layue has guessed a lot, thinking about his identity, worried and said: “Is it all right?”

Jing Jiu looked at the depths of the sea and was silent.

He has been looking for ghosts in the green hills. Of course, he knew that there could not be just two or three, but he didn’t expect there to be so many.

He suddenly had a thought–or in the eyes of these people, he is the ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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