The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 61: I am 10 years old Liu

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This is the fate he chose for mankind.

All human beings choose to die, transform into a soul form by some secret method, and then enter the three thousand worlds of Nirvana.

Whether it is the dark spores or the dark energy itself, it is the living body that infects them, turning them into monsters that do not know the life or death. If a living body like a human directly abandons the body and becomes an invisible and intangible existence, how can it be infected? Then only need Nirvana not to be attacked.

So Xue Ji must become the king of the Sea of ​​Dark Things.

At that time, Nirvana will become his enthronement gift to her, and it will also be the heaviest burden.

Zeng Ju stared at him and said, “Because this is impossible.”

Monk Huanxi said: “Whether it is you or Zhao Layue, you know that I am going to use this method, but you don’t mention it, just because you are afraid of being persuaded by me?”

“This issue has been discussed before, and I don’t want to waste my tongue.” Zeng Ju said in a deep voice.

Turn human beings into the form of soul, get rid of the shackles of the body, cut off the possibility of being infiltrated, and then fundamentally solve the problem of the sea of ​​dark things-this method is logically no problem, even those of the Galaxy Alliance Scientists couldn’t think of this aspect, but how could the priests, especially the ascended ones from Chaotian Continent, not think of it? In fact, many years ago, some people proposed this idea, and some even conducted experiments. It is just that the realm of the soul is too far away from reality to be touched. Those experiments have caused some innocent people to suffer the extreme pain of the spiritual world. any progress.

Practitioners can’t do it either. No matter the sword ghost, the Nascent Soul, or the ghost, they can’t survive for too long after leaving the body. That’s why Taiping Zhenren used the Thunder Soul Wood to transfer the spirit to the child of the Ming Department called Yin San before he could leave the sword prison, but he did not dare to leave by himself.

The ancestor of the Gorefiend, the ancestor Chisong, has been conducting this research secretly. He didn’t give up until he was discovered by Zeng Ju 30 years ago, but he was still doing it secretly. The reason why he died in Cao Yuan and Jing Jiu Under the sword, perhaps it was the ancestor Qingshan who felt that he had gone too far.

Monk Huanxi said: “I am not the idiot of Akatsuki. If I didn’t see the new possibilities, how could I think of this method again.”

Zeng Ju said: “Where is it possible that you said?”

“In the novel written by Jing Jiu. If he hadn’t lied, then Nan Qi had already managed to exist by himself as a sword ghost before he died. He also existed in the form of a sword ghost before borrowing all things and turning his sword into life. After a long time, this shows that the soul can exist alone.”

The Huanxi Monk looked at him calmly and said: “When Xilai used that kind of shadow of death to seriously injure Li Chunyang in the outer fog, I also saw the existence of the soul, that is, the trace of the soul that Yin and Feng left in his body. I don’t even realize it, but it exists.”

Zeng raised his eyes and said with a cold look: “Jingyang and Nanxi are not ordinary people.”

The Huanxi Monk looked at him and said, “Where is Qingtianjian?”

Zeng Ju said: “How about Qingtianjian?”

The Huanxi Monk said: “As Jian Ling becomes a living thing, those people in Qingtian Jian have also become real existences. Where do their souls come from?”

Zeng Ju said: “Qing Tian Jian is also a world, naturally coming from heaven and earth.”

Monk Huanxi said: “But now Qingtianjian has changed again. Do you remember the ghost under the plane tree?”

Zeng gave a slightly different expression: “How?”

Monk Huanxi said: “Isn’t that the soul of Emperor Zhao?”

Zeng Ju laughed suddenly, shook his head and said: “Literature, that is a literary description.”

“Don’t laugh, laugh very guilty.” Huanxi Monk said calmly: “I saw new situations and discovered new possibilities. In that case, why not try it? It’s better than your plan to ignite the stars. Spectrum.”

Zeng Ju grabbed a smile, looked at him, and said, “If it is possible, you have to kill all humans and extract their souls in Nirvana? Taiping only wanted to kill all mortals, you …Go too far.”

The happy monk opened his arms, like the shadow of the giant bird, and said: “Since there is still a soul, how can I kill it?”

“Even if your judgment on Jingyang and Nanxi is correct, it is impossible for all human beings to cultivate to that state.” Zeng Ju said in a deep voice, “In the end, you can only use Tianrentong to forcefully seize the soul. , Then use the evil method to refine the solid form… As long as the will of those souls is slightly uncertain or dark, they will become dead souls!”

Monk Huanxi said: “Of course I will find some clean souls and try it out first.”

Zeng raised his head and said, “Who would voluntarily experiment with your soul?”

The Huanxi Monk said: “I have countless believers who are willing to sacrifice their souls to me, not to mention why this kind of thing must be voluntary?”

He looked at Eve behind the table, with an expression of appreciation in his eyes, and said: “Her soul is very clean and her will is very firm.”

Fang Luo, the rosary in his left hand flicked a rosary, which means that the time of this world has moved forward for a moment.

The wind and snow outside the window seemed to have stopped, no more whistling noises, but there was wind in the room.

Those wind sounds come from Eve’s body.

A very faint light and shadow are slowly leaving her.

Eve’s eyes were still dazed, not knowing what he was thinking, and suddenly showed a painful look.

The monk Huanxi vaguely felt that something was wrong, but did not stop, and continued to use Heaven and Human Communication, trying to pull her soul out directly. Once cited where he would allow such evil things to happen in front of his own eyes, he pointed at the back of Huanxi Monk’s head with a single finger.

The Huanxi Monk didn’t avoid it, turned calmly and looked at him.

A golden lotus suddenly appeared under Zeng Ju’s feet, emitting extremely high-temperature Buddha fire, and instantly wrapped it up!

The monk Huanxi stood by the window for so long, not facing the snow scene and regretting Xue Ji’s departure, but giving birth to a lotus!

Zeng held up the lotus fire and looked at the deepest gloom in the eyes of the monk Huanxi, and said with some sadness: “You really are crazy.”

The Huanxi monk drifted in the sea of ​​dark things for too long, and was dragged into the illusion by two dark people. The golden body was not immersed, but the consciousness was affected, and the dark side of the spiritual world was enlarged. Zen mind gave birth to black lotus and entered the magic way!

“Where are there any extraterrestrial demons, they are all in my heart.”

The monk Huanxi whispered, passing his palm through the lotus fire, bringing out countless extremely subtle fire dragons, patted Zengju’s face, and was about to take his life.

Papa, pop, countless cracking sounds sounded at the same time.

There are more than 300 rooms in the city hall, with more than 700 windows. These windows were broken in the freezing cold of the last few days. At this time, all of them turned into debris and sprayed towards the outside, forming Nice white flowers.

The white flower formed by the broken glass window lasted only a short time, just like the epiphany and the lotus in front of the window.

Two straight air currents went straight into the sky from the city hall, and reached a very high point in the atmosphere.

The air here is very thin, and there is still flame on Zengju’s clothes, illuminating his pale face.

The Huanxi Monk looked at him calmly and said: “Between life and death, I still have to think about not destroying the building and letting the people inside live, so that you can’t walk to the end on the road… Teacher, I left Yimaozhai back then. I just think you are too pedantic.”

Zeng Ju didn’t speak, but turned into an afterimage, appeared in front of Huanxi Monk, pointed it out like a sword, and attacked it with righteous energy.

With a soft sound, a scratch appeared on the gold body of the monk of joy, making the golden light brighter.

Behind him, a snowy peak hundreds of kilometers away collapsed.

Deserving to be the saint of Yimaozhai, a seemingly indifferent finger has the power to destroy the mountains and the sky.

Suddenly dozens of lasers fired from the ground, light warships outside the atmosphere, and military transfer spacecraft, enclosing the happy monk.

In the buzzing sound, the monk Huanxi’s clothes were tattered, and his golden body burst into light, hiding the sun in the sky.

In the light ball woven by the laser, the thin figure loomed, making a one-handed gesture.

The light of Buddha illuminates the sky and the fallen snow peak in the distance.

Countless rays of light are shooting randomly in the atmosphere.

A light battleship fell to the ground in black smoke. Several fighter armors were shot to pieces by the light. I don’t know how many people died.

The Huanxi monk looked indifferent, looked at Zengju dozens of kilometers away, took out an ancient bell, and struck lightly.

The bell sounds far away.

Zeng Ju’s face became paler, his thin lips opened slightly, and he spouted a mouthful of blood.

The blood quickly condensed in the cold air, turning into something like a blood coral, with a faint golden light on the edge.

He waved his sleeve.

The blood coral moved forward at an unimaginable speed. With the friction of the air, it became more shiny and sharp, gradually turning into a flying sword.

The saint’s blood is a sword.

The Huanxi Monk looked more dignified, and held Nirvana with his right hand and stopped in front of him.

With a soft bang, the saint sword fell on the Nirvana, and began to tremble violently, making a solemn buzzing sound, as if countless scholars were reading.

Monk Huanxi’s eyes were calm, and there was no movement of lips.

I don’t know how long it took, the Sage Sword gradually broke apart, turned into countless blood-colored glass, and fell towards the ground.

The Great Nirvana is worthy of being the treasure of the world of practice in Chaotian Continent, and the soul of Zen Buddhism.

The Huanxi monk regained his great nirvana, looked at Zeng Ju in the distance and said: “Teacher, I said on the Lieyang, you are not my opponent.”

Zeng Zhu was calm and silent, and did not know where to take out a pen and an inkstone, and began to write with ink.

There is no real ink in the inkstone, just the sunlight darkened by the color of the inkstone.

That pen is obviously not a thing.

This is a matter of two levels with the talisman he usually writes by hand.

Yes, the words written by the saints are not symbols.

is the sutra.

Unexpectedly, the Huanxi Monk did not take up Nirvana, nor did he use the golden body to close the attack, but still stayed in the original position, and even took out a pen and a stack of paper. Write!

He doesn’t have an inkstone, but he has paper.

He is not a saint, but he is a Buddha.

The words written by the Buddha are also sutras.



The end of the pen was dipped in the sunlight in the inkstone, and using the blue sky as the paper, Zeng lifted the pen and wrote a word. The sunlight on the end of the pen dispersed, and the vellus hairs broke.

The word faltered away, seemingly as light as a kite, but as heavy as a mountain.




The Huanxi monk picked up a small pen and wrote a word on the paper in a plain and serious manner.

Obviously there is no ink on the pen, but the writing is so clear where it falls.

Then he waved his hand, and the piece of paper floated away, facing the fixed character.

What he wrote was a “happiness”.



One is paperless.

One is a word without ink.

They are all Yi Maozhai’s talismans, but they write different scriptures.

The two words met at the edge of the atmosphere, suddenly shining brightly, rolling up countless huge winds, and breaking the clouds in the distance.

There was a crash, as if paper were torn apart.

The piece of paper on which the Huanxi Monk wrote is not broken. The broken is the character “ding” written by Zeng.

An ethereal and unspeakable writing enveloped the sky above Wushan City, and all the meaning was concentrated in one point, as if it fell on Zengju’s body.

It’s like a lightning strike.

Zeng Ju was cut directly from the sky and fell diagonally to the ground, smashing a cliff.

The Huanxi monk flew over the cliff and found that it was the half of the mountain that he had smashed that night. If he felt it, he said: “The mountain is a grave when it falls.”

Zengju stood up from the mountains and rocks, looked at the young monk in the sky and said with emotion, “If it’s an ordinary drama, I should say a bad guy at this time, but I can’t say it because I taught you not to Many, as for you always say that you are a farmer, in fact, what you really want to do is the general, right?”

The words sounded indifferently, and there was no sarcasm, but there was a touch of anger on the face of Huanxi Monk Qingjun.

“We all used the pens that were copied in Yimaozhai, but my paper is made of peach bark in front of Shuiyue’an gate. How do you intend to be my opponent? Unless you use the tube The city pen is still about the same. What’s more, I traveled to Chaotian Continent back then, worshiped you as a teacher, was inspired by the Qingshan Sword Scriptures, and was still visiting various factions in Lengshan. You know what you can, I know what I know, but you don’t. What’s more, I still have many treasures, and even the three thousand worlds of Nirvana!”

He quietly looked at Zeng Ju and said, “Teacher, how are you my opponent?”

Zeng lifted the blood from the corners of his lips, tidyed up his clothes, and said calmly: “If you can’t win, then surrender, you shouldn’t leave the snowy field back then.”

The monk Huanxi said blankly, “What did you say when the real person Akamatsu cultivated the soul?”

Zeng Ju said: “I didn’t know at that time, but now I regret it when I think about it, and I naturally want to stop you.”

“Really? But I do like that little girl’s clean soul, or I refine it in front of you to show it to you?”

The monk Huanxi still has no expression on his face, and his tone is not pretending to be evil, but it makes the whole world full of terror.

He stretched his right hand to Wushan City, dozens of kilometers away, and aimed at the already dilapidated city hall, and wanted to catch Eve’s soul.

Can Zengju still stop him? At the next moment, the Huanxi Monk suddenly felt that something was wrong, because the soul should be an invisible and intangible existence, and could not feel any weight. Why was the thing he caught so heavy, like a stone?

He turned and looked over there, only to realize that what had broken through the city hall was not the woman’s clean soul, but a very fuzzy, dusty mosaic.

The mosaic was still in the sky a few kilometers away, gradually showing its true appearance.

It turned out that it was a middle-aged man wearing a gray plaid shirt, ******, with a dark complexion, and a calm expression.

Several battle armors fell on the city hall in the distance, and Eve should have been rescued.

The Huanxi monk raised his eyebrows slightly and didn’t speak, and just punched it.

Countless golden flames emerged from the fist, suddenly turning into a fire dragon, crossing a distance of several kilometers, to the middle-aged man.

At the beginning, between the cracks in the space of the Tianhuo Industrial Base, this Buddha Fire Dragon Fist directly repelled a dark man. Even though there is no high-temperature magma in the planet to lead, the power of this punch is much smaller, but it is also extremely powerful. Even a real fairy-level magic weapon will be broken by a punch.

The middle-aged man’s expression remained unchanged, still so calm, even a little dull, but his movements were extremely fast. When he flipped his palm, a circular light mirror appeared in his hand. There were countless runes on the light mirror. Move quickly on their respective circular rails.

Looking at this scene, the monk Huanxi was a little surprised and gave a soft sigh.

At the same time, the dragon generated by the Buddha’s fire slammed into the light mirror without any fancy, and the unimaginable shock wave went in all directions.

With a loud bang, the snow on the surface of the earth jumped up like boiling milk.

The golden dragon gradually dissipated in the sky.

The light mirror also disappeared.

The Huanxi Seng quietly looked at the middle-aged man, and suddenly stretched out his right hand.

The middle-aged man also stretched out his right hand.

Two huge golden palm prints appeared in the atmosphere, and they met between the sky and the earth.

An even more unimaginable loud noise appeared on the surface of the planet, the gusty wind roared, several residential buildings in the distance collapsed, and the spacecraft flew away to avoid.

“Zen light mirror, big mudra…Which junior in the temple are you? Zen son?”

The Huanxi Monk looked at the middle-aged man and asked indifferently.

The middle-aged man did not answer, and took out an inkstone with a pen.

The inkstone is not ordinary, and the pen looks not ordinary.

He dipped his pen in the inkstone and began to write in the air.

The Huanxi monk understood the other party’s meaning, became slightly angry, and stopped speaking, took out the pen and paper directly, and wrote the word “anger” again.

The paper with the word anger floated away, and soon came not far from the middle-aged middle-aged man’s handwriting was not finished yet.

But it doesn’t need to be finished.

Several rainbows emerged from the end of the pen, tore the paper easily, and then fell on the body of the joyful monk.

A golden straight line went dozens of kilometers away and carved a deep groove in the snow.

The Huanxi monk stood up from the bottom of the ditch, the monk’s clothes were completely torn, and a clear pen mark appeared on his chest.

He raised his head, looked at the middle-aged man in the sky and asked: “What is this writing? Who are you?”

“The pen is the Guancheng pen, and the inkstone is the dragon tail inkstone.”

The middle-aged man said: “I am Liu Shisui.”

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