The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 6: The past of spring rain

Zhao Layue was a little surprised, and stretched out her palm.

Qing’er waved her wings and landed on her palm, and said: “Hello, little twelfth month, long time no see.”

After saying this, she changed back to a human form.

She is still so small, she can dance in Zhao Layue’s palm, but her spirit body is getting stronger, and she has obviously taken a few steps forward on that path.

Zhao Layue looked at Jing Jiu and said, “How can she be inside?”

Qing’er is the true spirit of Tianbao, but after becoming an entity, she must occupy a certain amount of space. How can she hide in a scabbard?

Know that the scabbard of Chengtian is not a mirror of the sky.

Jing Jiu said: “This scabbard can hide everything.”

Zhao Layue thought that no matter how high-level spatial artifacts were to hide everything, she suddenly thought of the name of the sword and understood what he meant.

She was a little uncertain and asked: “If you can hide everything, you can hide everything, isn’t it hiding the world?”

“It probably means the same thing, but it’s not the same thing.”

Jing Jiu talked, put the scabbard into the world, and finally really relaxed.

In the three years since Liu Ci left Chaotian Continent, he seemed calm, but his mind has been tense. What if this scabbard falls into someone else’s hand?

Qing’er kept staring at him, and when she saw the sword sheath of Chengtian disappeared, the corners of her lips curled slightly, revealing a strange smile, and said: “The real man is right, you are really afraid of death. “

Jing Jiu is indeed afraid of death, and he is not ashamed.

He didn’t understand. As a monk, what’s the shame of being afraid of death?

It’s just this kind of thing, and there is nothing to explain.

Zhao Layue knew that there were some problems between the two of them, so she didn’t want them to quarrel, and asked: “Where did you go with the real person?”

Qing’er said: “We went to Penglai God Island first, found the legendary ancestor of the treasure ship, and bought a ship faster than Flying Sword.”

Jing Jiu said: “The ship is not as fast as a sword…I said he should take the sword away.”

Qing’er ignored him and continued to Zhao Layue: “The ship is really fast. I arrived at Kirishima within a few days…”

Jing Jiu said: “Unhappy, and he didn’t bring any money when he left, so the ship should be stolen.”

Qing’er couldn’t stand it anymore, and uttered to him.

Zhao Layue felt Jing Jiu was a bit annoying and a little strange, and motioned Qinger to continue.

Liu Ci took Qing’er to Kirishima in the South China Sea. After confirming that it still could not be opened, he went to the Maelstrom and watched the scenery for a few days.

Finally, it took them a long time to finally reach the other continent across the sea.

“There are many elves living on the other side of the sea. They are beautifully born and have transparent wings. They look a little like me.”

Qing’er said happily to Zhao Layue: “If I didn’t know where I came from, I really thought they were my people.”

Jing Jiu said: “Those elves are too delicate and sensitive, very annoying.”

Qing’er glared at him and continued: “But…the elves are really annoying. They think we are bad guys. No matter what we say, we don’t believe them. Fortunately, there is a big giant at this time… really big. …Like a mountain, woke up and helped us out.”

Jing Jiu said: “My friend.”

Qing’er is very annoyed, Zhao Layue is also very helpless, thinking we all know, do we need to interrupt at this time?

After breaking up with the simple and honest giant who could only say Ajia but could express infinite meaning, Liu Ci took Qing’er to the depths of the mainland.

They saw a river that was dirtier than turbid water, a palace more magnificent than the Qi Guoxue Palace in Qingtianjian, and a cold land that was colder than the Lengshan Wasteland.

They saw unicorn beasts, flying horses, black dragons, mud-like monsters, and also saw seventeen human kingdoms and an elven empire.

They saw a lot of beauty and ugliness, they saw noble and mean.

Just like what Jing Jiu saw many years ago.

Those are not much different from Chaotian Continent.

Zhao Layue asked curiously: “Have you encountered any problems?”

Qing’er said: “Of course I have encountered them, and they were all killed by real people.”

Liu Ci killed Chaotian Continent in silence before leaving. Naturally, he would not be wronged when he went to another continent.

Jing Jiu said: “If you wear a sword, you can definitely kill more easily.”

He has been there and knows that there are some strong people there, even the existence of giant friends, but the overall strength is far inferior to Chaotian Continent, so naturally he won’t worry.

Qing’er snorted and continued: “Then just a few days ago, he felt that the time was almost up, so he sent me back.”

This is the method of swordsmanship.

When Jing Jiu’s realm was still very low, he used the sword tour to let Fusijian inform the giant friend.

Jing Jiu said, “You stayed in Westwind Continent for three years?”

Qing’er opened her eyes and asked: “Are there other continents?”

Jing Jiu said: “Not as good as the West Wind Continent, and some are even an island.”

Qing’er said with some regret: “I knew there were other continents, and I should have visited it too.”

Jing Jiu said: “He refuses to carry the sword. It floats so slowly, so naturally he can’t go to too many places.”

Qing’er finally couldn’t help it, waving her wings and flying in front of him, shouting: “You can’t get past the sword!”

Jing Jiu said nothing.

Zhao Layue didn’t know what was wrong with him today, and it took a moment to figure out…He just wanted to interrupt more so that Qing’er could speak more slowly.

Because this is the last story of Liu Ci.

Immediately afterwards, Qing’er also thought of it.

Liu Ci has left.

A wandering trip.

A spring rain.

The cave has become very quiet.

The three were silent for a long time.


Jing Jiu looked at Qing’er and said, “Where is Qingtianjian?”

Qing’er suddenly woke up from her sad mood, staring at him vigilantly and said: “What do you want to do? That’s mine.”

Jing Jiu said: “Qing Tianjian was stolen from Yunmeng Mountain by Liu Ci and I. The person who suggested it was Tong Yan. He promised to give Qing Tianjian to me.”

Only then did Qing’er realize that she had been overturned by Tong Yan and reached Qingshan. She couldn’t help but feel anxious and said: “Why are you guys playing chess so darkhearted?”

In the past few years, she thought about this sentence dozens of times, and she said it several times. Jing Jiu naturally didn’t care and reminded: “It’s not safe outside.”

Qing’er sneered: “Don’t worry, it’s safe, but you worry about yourself.”

There was obviously a deep meaning in these words. Jing Jiu glanced at her and said, “The child’s face is in the hidden peak, would you like to see?”

Qing’er said: “No, I can understand, people are not good things.”

Jing Jiu said: “Humans are not things.”

Qinger said: “Where are you?”

Jing Jiu was silent for a while and asked, “Do you regret it?”

Qing’er was also silent for a while, and said: “I have become a talent and know why people think so much. I still don’t know whether it is good or bad.”

Jing Jiu did not ask about this matter again, and said, “Where are you going to live?”

He won’t take out the scabbard again, and Qinger naturally can’t live in it anymore.

Qing’er said: “I can return to Qing Tianjian at any time, you don’t have to worry about me.”

Jing Jiu divided his extremely thin sword knowledge and landed on her skirt.

Qing’er glanced at him, then turned and flew towards the stars above, and soon disappeared.

Jing Jiu felt that the sword sense disappeared, somewhat surprised. He calculated that Qing’er would definitely return to Qingtianjian before leaving that sword knowledge. He wanted to know the location of Qing’er, but he didn’t expect to be seen through by Qing’er. What he didn’t expect was that Qing’er was capable of erasing it. That sword knowledge.

That’s good, no one can find the Qingtianjian.

He got up and walked outside the cave, saw the three people chilling by the cliff, once again remembered the cat, and looked at the opposite Qingrong Peak.

The sea of ​​clouds that has been exposed to the spring rain is lower than usual. The starlight is like water, and the scenery of Qingrong Peak is very clear.

The black rock and the flower tree in Qingrongding are still in the old place. The flower tree is in full bloom, but there is no person or wine, which makes him a little worried.



As we all know, the master of Qingrong Peak Nan forgets about alcohol, alcohol, and even alcoholism, and most likes to lie on the rock on the top of the peak and drink alcohol against the flower tree.

One day she didn’t drink, something must have happened, or she was in an extremely bad mood.

In the depths of the cave mansion, Nan Wang pressed Ah Da, condescendingly, with his eyes looking at it, and asked, “Who is Jing Jiu anyway?”

Ada meowed twice in her arms, listening a little dull.

Nan Wang sneered and said, “Don’t say you don’t know anything. What happened to him when he killed Nanxi in the barren mountain? What happened to Xihai? Why did you go to Shenmo from Bihu Peak? Feng, be so honest with him?”

Ada is a guardian of the Heavenly Transcendent Realm. Both his realm and status are higher than her Qingrong Peak chief, but he really doesn’t want to offend this woman.

When Liu Ci assigned the Bihu Lake to Nanwang as a forbidden area, she was not even the master of Qingrong Peak, so did she dare to say nothing?

You don’t have to drink even bath water!

Well, not bad.

It feels like being held in her arms at this time.

This should be seductive, right?

The question is how should I answer it?

Ada is very distressed.

If Jing Jiu’s true identity is let Nan Wang know, he will definitely become the shortest-lived head in history.

Don’t look at the top of Tianguang Peak, Jing Jiu seems to be very relaxed in playing Bai Rujing. That is another hidden story. Ah Da is pretty sure that he can’t beat Nan Wang, let alone Nan Wang who is in a crazy state.

“Didn’t you already guessed it? Come and ask me what I do.”

Ada used his spiritual sense to give an ambiguous answer.

Nan Wang snorted and said, “There are so many rumors about him in the spiritual world, how do I know which one is true.”

“Which rumors are the most violent? It is groundless, and it may not be without cause.”

Ada squeezed out his head with difficulty, and found that the wind was a little fragrant, a little warm, and a little soft.

Nan Forgot was silent for a long said, “Is he really a descendant of Jingyang?”

Ada meowed, indicating that he smelled of Jingyang anyway.

Nan Wang thoughtfully, said: “That’s why you listen to him like this, and even willing to help him guard the house.”

Ada told her with pitiful eyes that I can’t afford to offend your master and uncle, nor can I offend this young master. Otherwise, what if your uncle comes back someday?

Nan Wang frowned and said: “Liu Ci knew his identity, so he wanted to pass him the position of head?”

Ada meowed.

Nan Wang said: “Where did Liu Ci die?”

Ada said he didn’t know.

When it was at the top of Skylight Peak, it watched everyone very carefully.

When the Chengtian scabbard was inserted back on the stone tablet, Yuan Qijing was a little bit awkward, Guangyuan Madam sighed a few times, and the face that had crossed Nanshan was a little pale, and many people were sad.

Only Nan Wang and Zhuo Rusui had red eyes, and they had obviously cried.

How can a cultivator be like this.

Ada looked at her with some pity, wondering why your spiritual realm has been improving so slowly, it turns out that you are still that passionate person.

Thinking about these things, it gently stepped on its two front paws, expressing comfort.

Nan Wang took his neck and walked out of the cave, and said, “Are you still such a rascal?”

Ada meowed, thinking that this is nature. Besides, on the peak of Bihu, on the boat in the lake, didn’t they all have it before?

When I came to the outside of the cave, stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the opposite Shenmo Peak, Nan Wang suddenly asked, “Who was born with Jingyang?”

(End of this chapter)

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