The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 59: I am riding a whale and happy languid

The practitioners have guessed what the huge creature in the sea is, and their faces become a little ugly.

That must be the sacred beast of the Xihai Sword Sect—Flying Whale!

No wonder that Xihai Sword God is still so indifferent and confident in such a dangerous situation.

It turns out that this giant beast has been hiding under the sea, ready to fight at any time.

The mountain-like flying whale often flies on the sea near Haizhou City.

Every year at the banquet of the Four Seas, it spews sea water to wash away the dust and rain and condense the rainbow to welcome guests.

The absence of mystery does not mean it is not scary.

The flying whale slowly waved its double fins and floated towards the sea with a wave of hundreds of feet high.

Countless seawater falls from the smooth back of the whale, forming countless waterfalls, the sound of which is thunderous, and the picture is extremely magnificent.

The flying whale left the sea and headed towards the sky with countless water mist. The huge body moved at high speed, expelling countless air, carrying a terrifying gust of wind.

It came to a distance of about two thousand feet from the sea, slowly opened its huge mouth like a black hole, and uttered a deep roar toward the east.

The salty and fishy sea breeze fell on the Qingshan disciples like a knife. Many people were a little unstable. The sword light surrounding the cloud platform was trembling, like a small boat in the ocean. It seems possible at any time. destruction.

The clouds cleared, and the starlight fell, falling on the huge black body of the flying whale, reflecting a faint light, like a real mountain, it seemed to be bigger than the cloud platform after the cloud clothing was removed. Cast a huge shadow on the sea.

This shadow also appeared in the hearts of the various sects who besieged Yuntai.

The roar of the flying whale became bigger, resounding like thunder on the sea, with a howling gust of wind, full of anger and desire to kill.

The next moment, countless sea water spouted from its nostrils, and when it fell it turned into a torrential rain.

During the storm, the Qingshan disciples barely controlled Feijian, their expressions were dignified and slightly disturbed.

The disciples of other sects are farther apart, but they are more afraid.

A disciple of the Jingzong who was stunned by the roar of a whale was not belonging to him. He fell from the flying mirror. If he hadn’t been rescued by a sword light, he would have almost fallen directly into the sea.

Falling into the sea from such a high place, even a practitioner will undoubtedly die.

Many people think about Xihai Sword God’s words, and they understand more meaning.

The Green Mountain Sect is indeed very strong, but this is outside Haizhou City, the domain of the Xihai Sword Sect.

The Xihai Sword Sect hid the flying whale in the sea ahead of time, and suddenly appeared at this time, just to frighten everyone.

Flying Whale is a **** beast of the Xihai Sword Sect. It is huge as a mountain and coercive and terrifying. In terms of realm strength, I am afraid it is the pinnacle of breaking the sea, and it may even reach the sky in half a step!

The head of Qingshan wants to watch the sword **** Xihai, so who will resist the flying whale?

Bihu Peak Master Cheng Youtian had just entered the Pohai Realm a few years ago, and the other three elders were also in the Pohai Beginning Realm.

Even if Daze Ling is slightly stronger, it is absolutely impossible for this flying whale to compete.

The gap between the half-step through the sky and the ordinary sea-breaking realm is too big.

Standing in the torrential rain, looking at the huge flying whale ahead, Bu Qiuxiao thought about what he should do next to anger the opponent and keep him away.

The body of the flying whale is too large, like a real black mountain, fighting with it here, regardless of victory or defeat, it will affect ordinary practitioners.

Especially those disciples with a lower level, I’m afraid they will die a lot.

He can only hope that the divine beast of the Xihai Sword Sect lacks spiritual knowledge, otherwise it will really be in trouble next.

Thinking of this, he increasingly didn’t understand why Qingshan Jianzong sent so many disciples of no manifestation.

Know that this time is not a simple killing of demons and demons. Young disciples’ participation can increase their knowledge, cultivate Taoism, and absorb experience.

Tonight is a real sect war. It is too dangerous for these young disciples, at least they shouldn’t have appeared in the first place.

These thoughts only took a short time, and Bu Qiuxiao stood up, ready to deal with the flying whale.

At this moment, he felt a little different in his heart and looked up at the night sky.

Countless sea water spouted from the roar of the flying whale, turning into a torrential rain and falling, and the stars were all diluted a lot.


Countless rain filaments broke apart and turned into pieces.

Each transparent rain line, under the action of some invisible force, blooms and turns into a snowflake.

The heavy rain turned into heavy snow falling from the sky.

The night sky suddenly became extremely cold.

The cultivators looked at the snowflakes in the night, shocked and speechless. Why did they feel biting when they didn’t invade the heat or cold?

A small black dot appeared in the fluttering snow.

It was a man in black.

The snow falls in a hurry.

The man in black came quickly, falling with snow, his legs lingering in the aftermath of thunder and lightning.

Could it be that this person came out of a thunder field?

The man in black fell on the back of the flying whale.

Compared with the huge mountain-like body of the flying whale, he is like a particle of dust, but he seems to be heavier than the sky.

The flying whale let out an unwilling roar and sank hundreds of feet down.

It waved its two fins and brought out two gusts of wind. It wanted to stay in the air, but found that it couldn’t do it at all.

It wanted to shake the man in black by rolling the whale’s body, but found that it couldn’t do it.

The blizzard continued to fall, falling around the man in black, and soon a layer of snow was covered on the back of the whale, which was extremely cold.

The thunder and lightning lingering in the black man’s body also followed his feet into the flying whale’s body.

There is a muffled noise from the huge body of the flying whale. Is that the aftermath of the sky thunder?

The body was enduring an unimaginable cold, and the body was full of violent auras. The flying whale could no longer bear it and let out a painful wailing and fell towards the sea.

The flying whale is a **** beast of the Xihai Sword Sect. It is regarded by the young disciples as a teacher. Apart from awe, there are many closenesses. At this moment, seeing this picture, everyone’s eyes are broken and they want to save , But can’t get close to that piece of wind and snow at all.

A loud bang!

Mountain-like flying whales landed in the sea, creating huge waves as high as a mountain.

The terrifying waves slammed toward the shore, the reefs were shattered, the cliffs collapsed, and the hundred-mile-long coastline was devastated.

The dilapidated Temple of the Sea God also collapsed and was submerged by the tens of feet of sea water flowing in. When the tide receded, I remembered nothing left.

Haizhou City ushered in an earthquake. I do not know how many houses had cracks and then collapsed.

The man in black is standing on the back of the flying looking west with both hands.

The voice of Qingshan disciples came from the night sky.

“See the law of the sword.”

It turns out that the man in black is the Qingshan Jianlu, the leader of Shangde Peak, Yuan Qiwu.

The wind and snow are getting silent, and the world returns to silence.

Except for the sound of the waves, no other sounds sounded.

Yuan Qijing looked at the location of the sword **** Xihai hundreds of miles away, without speaking.

But what he wants to say, the whole world has already heard.

The Green Mountain Sect is really nothing more than that.

It’s just two trumpets.

But looking at Chaotian Continent, apart from Zhongzhou faction, there is nowhere to be found.

When Qingshan wants to suppress you positively, what can you do?

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