The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 56: Every punch must shatter the void

Every corner of this world has heard this hum.

Whether it’s in literary works or in the usual impressions, the voice of Ping Ping is generally associated with a weak girl, a young beast just born, and some similar images, even if it sometimes It makes people feel a little contrived, but in short it’s cute.

But people who hear Xue Ji’s scream will never have this feeling, because she does not look like a human, because of her indifferent eyes, the main reason is of course that the chill is drawn on her face The red line of the red line, the red line is the mouth with a grin. It is a scene in a horror movie, I don’t know how many children and adults are scared to cry, it may even remain in the collective consciousness of human beings and become some kind of legend.

The monsters on the surface of the planet are all dead. Naturally, there is no reaction. The Huanxi monk’s reaction is relatively large, and his eyes are particularly wide. The face of the handsome boy is full of incredible writing, except for the sky. The nine black suns inside.

Suddenly, it was dark. (Wow…)

Nine black suns fell towards the ground, really like the extinction scene in religious oil paintings.

The atmosphere and even the space are torn apart, and countless turbulences can be seen in the dark sky background.

Only one meat wing left brought up a black smoke, countless tentacles danced wildly, those ugly monsters like frozen pears were getting closer and closer to the ground, Huaxi and the joyful monk standing on the basketball court even Soon I felt the emotions of those monsters.

For some reason, these highest-level broods showed emotions that they had never had before, after sensing the existence of Xue Ji—emotions shouldn’t have appeared in them—and that emotions Very complicated, it is not clear whether it is fear, anger, desire to kill, or yearning.

A few days ago, the Huanxi Monk was almost drawn into the illusion by the dark people in the sea of ​​dark things, and then fell into decline, and was suddenly awakened by a voice. At that time, he was wondering whether this was her Majesty the Queen or the Majesty in his heart. Thinking about it now, this spatial crack that suddenly appeared on Mochizuki planet is probably also related to her existence. The will of the Sea of ​​Dark Things made nine dark people come to this planet, perhaps just to find Xue Ji, and then kill her.

Could it be said that Xue Ji is really likely to change this war that has been going on for hundreds of thousands of years?

In the battleships and buildings everywhere in the universe, countless eyes stared at the light curtain in front of him.

Zengju saint was shocked and speechless, Jian Xianensheng kept swearing swear words, the emotions on Chen Ya’s face were extremely complicated, and there was a slight sense of shame on Chen Ya’s face.

The Snow Queen is actually the doll, how is this possible?

Can she defeat the nine dark men who landed with the night?

Looking at the shadow that gradually replaced the white color, covering the basketball court and the entire Wushan City, everyone was nervous to the extreme.

If Xue Ji is regarded as a fellow of Chaotian Continent, as a real artifact left by the gods, then the next battle will be the collision between human civilization and the strongest combat power in the sea of ​​dark matter , Who will win the final victory?

The eyes of the girl by the hot spring are getting brighter and brighter, and the data inside is changing faster and faster, confirming that no picture on the basketball court will be lost.

Xue Ji took off the red cloak and threw it to cover Jing Jiu in the pit.

With a buzzing sound, the wind screamed and rolled up the snow all over the ground, and even the ice particles turned into the corpses of the monsters more than 20 kilometers away flew up.

An absolute vacuum channel appeared in the basketball court.

Xue Ji flew to the sky along the passage, and flew to the dark night.

Looking at the huge black broods in the night, her black eyes showed contempt, and she put her two cute little hands behind her back.

The snowflakes falling in the sky are getting bigger and bigger.

Then, only snowflakes can be seen on all the light curtains, she can no longer be seen, nothing can be seen.



“What is going on?”

In battleships everywhere in the universe, there were identical shouts from buildings.

People watched this battle nervously, wanting to know the fate of mankind, only a piece of snowflakes remained on the light curtain.

Those are not real snowflakes, but the channel display after no signal.

If this is a series, it means that the broadcast is suddenly stopped before the finale. Isn’t it possible that the last episode has to be screened in advance?

No one can accept such a thing. The technical maintenance officer of each battleship suddenly became the busiest person. When it was confirmed that it could not be repaired, countless swear words sounded all over the universe at the same time, which can be regarded as the history of human civilization. The most spectacular cultural phenomenon.

By the hot spring of the distant main star, the picture that the girl in the yukata sees has also turned into snowflakes.

She was a little confused, and blinked her eyes quickly.

In one second, she blinked more than 700 times, changed countless signal channels, and found that she still couldn’t see the picture of the moon watching planet. This shows that it was not the signal over-distance transmission channel that had a problem, but that the moon and moon planet’s satellites and all the monitoring equipment were destroyed at that moment.

What happened?

The ascenders of Chaotian Continent have infinite fear, vigilance, and deep worship of Xue Ji.

She doesn’t have this kind of emotion, but she wants to know how powerful Xue Ji is after she left Chaotian Continent and came to this world. And she needs to “see” Xue Ji before she can start the next work.

Of course, more importantly, she also wanted to know the outcome of this battle, but suddenly she couldn’t see anything, of course she was not happy.

She curled her lips unhappily and snorted.



There is an island in the sea of ​​Zu Xing, and there is also a hot spring on that island. When you have nothing to do, empty the hot spring water and attract the sea water not far away, making it an excellent place for sea fishing.

Master Qingshan sits by the pool, his severely shrunken legs soaked in the sun-warmed sea water, squinting his eyes, seemingly enjoying himself.

Neither the fishing rod inserted beside him nor Zhuo Rusui, who was kneeling beside him endorsing, could not arouse any interest in him.

His interest lies in the huge light curtain on the sea.

In the dark universe, the ribbons formed by the scattered space meteorites outside Mochizuki are somewhat beautiful.

The planet is gradually being covered by snow and ice, turning white, so the nine black spots are more eye-catching.

Master Qingshan knows the horror of the dark man, but he is not very worried because Xue Ji is there.

Before that, Xue Ji made a move.

She stood on the basketball court and suddenly raised her head to look at the sky.

On the distant ancestor star, she on the light curtain looks like grandparents looking towards the sea fishing, just to stare at Zhuo Rusui.

Zuo Rusui was so scared that he almost fell into the sea pond to feed the fish.

“It’s really worthless.” Patriarch Green Mountain mocked and said with a slightly dumb voice: “Across countless galaxies, do you think she can kill you?”

“Don’t you know, this majesty hid in the green mountains for many years, and finally tore the white fairy!”

Zuo Rusui thought about the battle that turned Shang Defeng into a black jade plate that year, and still had a lingering fear.

Master Qingshan reminded: “You are also an ascending fairy now, not weaker than a hand-to-hand man.”

Zuo Rusui said: “How can it be the same? Her Majesty enters this cold universe, I don’t know how much it will increase.”

“I also want to see how strong she is now.” Patriarch Qingshan said while looking at the light curtain.

His voice is a bit vicissitudes of life.

I don’t know if he took a look at the northern snowy field when he left Chaotian Continent many years ago.

At the next moment, all the images on the light curtain disappeared and turned into snowflakes.

“Why is the signal so bad?” Zhuo Rusui was waiting nervously for the end of the war, and couldn’t help shouting, “Hurry up and let someone fix it.”

Master Qingshan’s eyes narrowed even more, and the wrinkles on his face were filled with the words thoughtful.

The war on the planet Mochizuki has begun.

Xue Ji didn’t want to be seen, because she was ready to escape at any time.

Master Qingshan drew a fishing rod from the sand beside him.

The light curtain on the sea quickly decomposed more than a dozen scenes.

A dozen ascenders from Chen Ya, Zeng Ju, and Ensheng appeared on it.

Master Qingshan said calmly: “Ensheng stays in the sky fire to heal his injuries, deal with the follow-up matters of the space crack, and the rest will go.”



The Tianhuo Industrial Base has been shut down for several days, the planets are no longer burning, the magma is half-solidified, and the grand canyon that reaches the center of the earth is even more hideous. After a dozen of ascenders risked their lives, the crack in the space finally stopped expanding and eroded a large part of it.

From time to time, there are still monsters in the Sea of ​​Dark Things floating from the bottom of the sea, but the number has been reduced a lot, and the brood has never appeared. Thinking about it now, the broods and monsters on the bottom of the sea were actually taken to Mochizuki by the monk Huanxi. No matter the monk Huanxi or the ascended ones who watched this scene with their own eyes, they thought he was going to **** to die. Who could I think there will be such a development in the future.

“Prepare to go there.” Chen Ya retracted his gaze, rubbed the broken finger, and said blankly.

The two ascenders in black who followed him to the Stargate base still covered their heads and faces with their veil, and also hid some of the cold and evil aura.

Zhuo Ru’s judgment on the day of the age was not wrong. The two men in black were both evil spirits from Chaotian Continent in ancient times. They embarked on a path of cultivation that completely contradicts the authentic sect of Xuanmen. Although they are not as evil as the blood demon ancestors and have countless blood debts, they are definitely not righteous people.

They still successfully ascended, becoming powerful and terrifying monsters.

There is no record of these two demon immortals in the practice history of Chaotian Continent.

The traces they left in that world, as well as the traces of their ascension, were erased by the Green Mountain Sect that dominated the mainland more than 40,000 years ago.

The two demon immortals were originally the people who were optimistic about the Qingshan Patriarch’s ascension, and left behind.

“Why? I don’t understand.” A black-clothed demon said suddenly.

Chen Ya turned to look at him, and said blankly, “As far as I know, this is the first time.”

This is the first time this evil demon fairy expressed his incomprehension and unwillingness to obey the orders of the ancestor Qingshan after he cultivated to the ascension.

Even if it’s just meaning, it’s very unusual.

“Our enemy is the sea of ​​dark things, and only the queen can defeat those monsters.” The black demon’s voice has no mood swings, “We are not desperate today, and then we are ashamed, because We know that Your Majesty is on that planet.”

Then they are now ready to kill her.

If Xue Ji defeated the nine dark ones, it would be a miserable victory if she wanted to, and she should have no fighting power. Chen Ya and them were ashamed because the strong humans needed their former enemies to save themselves, and even more because they all knew what would happen next.

“Jing Jiu and Xue Ji have always been together.” Chen Ya was silent for a while, and said: “They are too powerful, and they are not humans. If they join forces, the threat to humans is even greater than the sea of ​​dark objects. .”

“It’s not a threat to humans, but a threat to us.” Another black-clothed demon said with a blank face: “It’s **** ascendant, you righteous people are still doing what hypocritically as you did in Chaotian Continent back then. Disgusting, I am also disgusting, **** it.”



Nine people in darkness brought that piece of night to the ground, and their appearance became clearer and clearer.

Beautiful things are always similar, but ugliness are different, but no matter how different they are, they are ugly.

For ordinary humans, these ugly broods will naturally make them disgusting at a glance.

There is no beauty or ugliness in Xue Ji’s eyes, anyway, it will end up being a vast expanse of white land, only clean.

When she smashed the frozen pear and jumped back to the sofa, the building on July 20 and the world began to get colder, and then as they walked out of the unit door to the basketball court, the planet became more and more The cold, frigid temperature turns all the water molecules in the atmosphere into snowflakes. Those monsters of the Sea of ​​Dark Objects killed by Jing Jiu also turned into ice particles under the influence of the severe cold, and lost all the basis of existence.

If Wushan City is still operating normally, the city hall has already issued a severe cold warning, and then it will issue a warning to evacuate underground, because the moment she flies off the basketball court, the whole city and the number of square kilometers Within a hundred kilometers, the temperature dropped below zero one hundred degrees.

The little tabby cat staying in the 720F has a sword fire to warm up. Huaxi will still freeze to death after adapting to the low temperature, so she leaned against Huanxi Monk. Huanxi Monk glanced at her and cast a fire lotus with difficulty, making the temperature of the basketball court a little higher.

Jing Jiu was still lying in the pit, covered by the red cloth from head to toe. He didn’t know if he was dead or in a coma.

Ice and snow spread all over the surface of the planet, thinking that it won’t take long for the Moon Mochi to turn white.

At such a low temperature, the aircraft hovering in the air and the monitoring chips in the substation not far away from the basketball court were frozen to failure.

Even the outside of the atmosphere was affected. For unknown reasons, those satellites that could withstand extreme low temperatures were suddenly covered with a layer of hoarfrost from nowhere, and all equipment was destroyed by the chill. Unable to receive any signals and send out signals.

Hundreds of satellites are like hundreds of small cakes, with a shallow layer of icing sprinkled on the surface. Because of the change of gravity, they gradually leave their original orbits and slide towards the surface of the planet. I don’t know when they will crash.

At this point, all the monitoring equipment of Mochizuki Planet has failed, and it has been isolated from the monitoring network throughout the entire Galaxy Alliance, and has become a real solitary place. So the entire universe can no longer see the picture here, only a snowflake.

Maybe as the Qingshan Master said to Zhuo Rusui, Xue Ji has been hiding on this planet, unwilling to show up, and dare not connect to any network, just because she is worried that the **** left a way to control herself, if That method really exists, and it must be in the central computer.

Today, the sea of ​​dark matter descended on the Moon Moon planet, and Xue Ji was forced to show her figure for various reasons—maybe it was Jing Jiu, maybe it was the little tabby cat, so in the beginning of this ultimate Before the battle, the first thing she had to do was to cut off the relationship between the planet and the surveillance network, and ensure that the girl in the yukata by the hot spring had no way to see the scene here and get in touch with herself.

For Xue Ji, this is the important thing. In a sense, she and Jing Jiu do have the same disease. It’s just that she doesn’t make people feel pitiful no matter how she looks now.

She carried her hands on her back and flew towards the sky, carrying countless blizzards.

It’s beautiful.


It’s also very powerful.

Only the two people on the basketball court and the cicada can see this picture.

Han Chan’s compound eyes were filled with countless seriousness, four translucent small limbs kept gesticulating, as if they were learning.


Snow Ji, who flew up with countless snowflakes, met in the sky with the nine dark people who had fallen down with the dark night.

I don’t know if it is related to that god, the two cold and extinguished auras are really similar.

Xue Ji didn’t like the similarity very much. She stretched out her cute little round hand and blasted towards the dark night.

That is the black domain formed by the people in the dark. It has a function similar to the gravitational field. Even Jing Jiu’s heavy ion cannon can hardly pass through the black domain and fall on those in the dark, only the last That attack pierced in with unimaginable speed and space penetration ability.

Xue Ji’s little hand also failed to land on the dark man, but it didn’t hit the air like Jing Jiu, but actually fell.

The little hand fell on the dark night that seemed to be substantial, splashing some light snow.

This sounds very common, not to be amazed, but in fact it is very unimaginable.

Whether it is a gravitational field or a black domain, the space is extremely bent, and then a certain ring structure is formed, so that any object and force from the outside cannot touch the existence in the bending space.

Xue Ji never thought of directly attacking those ugly She attacked the space itself.

The void cannot be touched, but when it becomes a substance, it can be touched. If it can be touched, it can be destroyed.

What can make the space become substance is the low temperature that is beyond imagination and even the rules of physics, and then she will tear it apart with her endless divine power.

A muffled buzz sounded in the sky, countless times lower than thunder, and countless times thicker than cicadas.

A few very obvious cracks appeared in that dark night. Could it be that the black domain is about to be broken?

The nine dark people exuded a more violent aura, drifting towards the sky everywhere.

Xue Ji didn’t pay attention to them at all, and continued to throw countless fists, falling heavily on the dark night.

Every punch must shatter the void.


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