The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 54: I’m not alone, it’s just annoying

The scope of the Galaxy Human Alliance is too large, and the administration of each region basically does its own thing. The management committee or the bureau that the people are more accustomed to is mainly responsible for formulating regulations and regulating macro policies.

In nominal terms, the military and the Alliance Academy of Sciences should be under the jurisdiction of the Administration. The problem is that human civilization has been destroyed once because of the invasion of the Sea of ​​Dark Objects. The current development direction of human society is based on survival, so The position of the military department is very special, and it can even be said to surpass the administrative system of the Galaxy Alliance. Fortunately, the current level of science and technology of the Galaxy Alliance is advanced, and the resources are extremely rich. There have been no problems in the past few hundred years.

The name of General Li was captured by Jing Jiu from the moment before that star realm powerhouse Yuan Ying disintegrated.

There are at least a few thousand generals in the Galaxy Alliance, and many have the surname Li.

But when the priestess heard his question, she didn’t even think about it, and she felt that he should be asking.

Only this General Li is the real general, because he is the commander of the Galaxy Alliance military. In a sense, he is the most powerful man in the Galaxy Alliance.

More mysteriously, no one knows the full name of General Li until today.

Jing Jiu likes to watch TV news and has a lot of common sense in Star Controls. Naturally, he knows the military commander that the priestess said.

The two assassinations he encountered obviously had the shadow of the military. He calculated that the ascendant should be a big figure in the Galaxy Alliance, but he did not expect that the other party was actually the master of this world.

Who is named Li among the Ascendants of Chaotian Continent?

In a short period of time, he thought of three people.

The ancestor of the Blood Demon Cult.

Ranking on Penglai Island.

The stone man of Chenwu Mountain.

Which one is, you will naturally know when you see or kill the opponent.

Jing Jiu didn’t think about this problem anymore. Walking down the stone steps, the sneakers on his feet made no sound.

The sneakers looked ordinary, but they were actually made by hand with real leather. Not to mention the craftsmanship and other materials, only the materials can only be enjoyed in places like the sacrificial hall.

The priestess knelt down again.

The other bishops and maids reacted very quickly this time, and they all knelt down with her.

A microwave was set off on the flat ground in front of the altar.

Looking at the young man walking towards the grassland, the priestess suddenly felt a little sad.

Why is the back of the **** so lonely?



Jing Jiu doesn’t feel lonely, just a little tired.

Cleaning up the fragments in the spiritual world for the priestess is much easier than treating Zhong Lizi, but after all, it also involves the field of life extension, which consumes a lot of his fairy energy.

The reason why he is willing to help the priestess do this is because he needs to maintain a relationship with the priestess.

He is very interested in ancient civilizations, and he needs to obtain military authority from Ran Handong’s house through the priestess.

Of course these reasons are not important-the priestess is his believer and is extremely pious to him, of course he has to be nice to her.

Well, the reason for the exhaustion is not because of treating the priestess, but because he is a little upset.

Annoying is what he hates most.

Whether it is the Ascendant or the Cocoon Breaker, that guy hides behind the scenes and comes to harass him from time to time, which really annoys him.

He has calculated a lot of the secrets of this world, and he won’t make too many mistakes, but he is still very annoying.

It’s better to face the mainland.

It’s still beautiful in the green mountains.

At that time, there were so many disciples and disciples doing things for him, how quiet was he?

Even after fighting with the brother for hundreds of years, it is still neat and tidy.

Which is like now.

Thinking about these things, he returned to the hotel outside Stargate University.

The police and security guards in charge of safety work were about to stop him for inspection, so Mr. Xia drove him aside.

Mr. Xia is the patriarch of the priest’s family. He will serve Zhong Lizi all his life in the future, so he will naturally stay here in the hotel.

Jing Jiu didn’t speak, so naturally he dared not speak. He respectfully followed the elevator and retreated.

With a soft beep, the elevator doors opened.

There was another soft beep, and the door opened.

Zhong Lizi watched that he was safe, and finally relaxed. He was about to ask about the situation. He suddenly found that his mood was a little wrong. After thinking about it, he made a pot of tea and placed it next to the terrace chair. He looked extremely well-behaved. .

Jing Jiu looked at the pot of tea, thought of the iron pot again, and was silent.

Zhong Lizi looked at his figure, for some reason, he always felt that he was a little lonely at this time, a little uneasy and said: “This…that…the game cabin has been set up for the first time, do you want to check it out?” /

Jing Jiu doesn’t feel lonely at all.

He has cultivated the Tao for thousands of years. He spent most of the time in retreat in the cave, or sleeping in Chaoge City, Sanqianyuan and other places. He has long been used to being a person.

Now that he has successfully ascended into this world, he has seen many scenery that he has never seen before, and there are so many people. How can he be lonely?

But I heard that the game has been set, thinking about the faces he squeezed the other day…I don’t know why, he suddenly had some expectation and turned and walked next door.



The Galaxy Alliance is far from returning to the advanced level of ancient civilization, but it is already very advanced in some aspects, such as game development.

Game companies have their own supercomputing game generators. Various plot points can be randomly generated. The main things to do are world structure, character settings, and plot clues.

The latest game cabin occupies half of the room. Jing Jiu walked in and lay on a special induction chair. He was familiar with the interactive system, and set up a sword formation to suppress his mental strength. To one-ninety thousandth, and then closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw a ray of morning light outside the window.

The morning light illuminates the yellow Ming tiles.

This is the imperial palace of Chaoge City.

He knew that there would be many male *** players who would choose Senior Brother Taiping, or Liu Shisui and He Zhan.

But the role he chose was of course Jingyang.

Because he is Jingyang.

A big hand reached out and squeezed his face lightly.

A middle-aged couple is looking at him in the baby.

This has happened many years ago, and his memory is a bit vague, not sure if his parents look like this.

There was a shout of excitement, and a young man ran in from outside the temple, looking very sunny and healthy.

The teenager looked at Jing Yang, who was still a baby, and confirmed that he was healthy, with a look of satisfaction and joy on his face.

Jing Jiu is also very satisfied.

Brother’s face, he hasn’t forgotten it yet.

Then he looked out the window again.

There is an old Taoist man with a fairy wind and bones looking at him.

Master Daoyuan guarded his smooth birth, confirming that this natural Dao seed returned to Qingshan, he was rare and happy, and said with emotion: “The Qingshan Sword Sect is going to be carried forward in his hands.”

Jing Jiu wondered who wrote this line?

He is extremely confident, and of course he doesn’t feel that he is not worthy of this sentence.

In fact, when he left Chaotian Continent, Qingshan Jianzong was stronger than at any stage in history, and there were no challengers at all.

He still feels very awkward, because the wholeheartedly carrying forward the Qingshan Sect is completely inconsistent with his personality.

He just did something smoothly in the process of pursuing the road.

The real Daoyuan has left, and it will be a few years before he will come to Chaoge City to bring him back to Qingshan.

In other words, he won’t meet the brother in a few years.

So how many teenagers will it take to meet March?

Do you want to advance?

No way.

He will not try to change his brother’s thoughts, because that is impossible, and more importantly, if changes are made, the direction of the story will be completely different.

Senior brother may not rush to accept apprentices anymore. No matter how talented Liu Ci is, if he encounters an inferior teacher, it will be difficult to reach the sky. He died at the age of more than three hundred.

Liu Ci died early, and the arrangement of the Liu family was naturally different. Maybe Liu Shisui would not be born.

He didn’t want to meet even March in advance.

At that time, she was too powerful, he was not an opponent, what if she had to tie herself into the snow country to kill the queen?

When thinking about this, he forgot one thing.

The important characters in the game will not disappear prematurely.

Even if it disappears in a later story, it can be repeated again.

This is different from reality.



On the first day, Jing Jiu did not come out.

Zhong Lizi would take a look at the game pod every other time, until he was hungry, he remembered that he hadn’t eaten.

The president of Xuanyu Company came to visit in person and said that the company’s technical department remotely monitored the start of the game cabin and asked about specific matters.

Zhong Lizi said it started.

Because of fear that no one will be playing with it, Xuanyu Company urgently started the internal test in advance that evening.



The next day, Jing Jiu did not come out.

Zhong Lizi took a chair and guarded outside the game cabin, holding a lot of snacks, while learning the knowledge needed to become a priestess, he kept eating.

The bishop of Shouer City and Mr. Xia came together to confirm with her the departure time and related procedures for the main star.

Zhong Lizi glanced at the game cabin without any sound or movement, hesitated for a while and said that they would come back in a few days.



A few days later, Jing Jiu still didn’t leave the game cabin.

If it weren’t for the very complete body monitoring system in the game cabin, it shows that everything is business as usual now, Zhong Lizi had already forcibly cut off the power supply and opened the game cabin door.

Even she is still very worried.

When you have reached a certain level of cultivation, you can indeed skip eating and drinking for many days, but he has never been a game madman!

She hadn’t even seen him play a game, not even a matchmaker!



On the ninth day, the Jitang also began to question carefully, and Zhong Lizi finally couldn’t stand it.

The day Jing Jiu entered the game cabin, she found that his spirit was a little wrong.

Just when she was about to cut off the power of the game cabin, accompanied by a slight electric noise, the game cabin door slowly opened and Jing Jiu walked out of it.

It seems that he is no different from nine days ago, even the wrinkles on his clothes seem to have not changed.

She felt that some parts of him had become different.

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