The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 42: The consciousness of tourists

I’ll take a look too.

   should go and see.

Sentences like    have appeared many times in their conversations.

   That day in the city of Planet 857, Shen Yunbu said that the vastness of the universe cannot be crossed, and that leaving the local galaxy group to find new life or homeland is a dead end, Jing Jiu said that he still had to go and see. Later Jing Jiu said that it would be difficult to come back when he went to the Continent, and Shen Yunjian also had this attitude.

   This shows that the action of “go and see” itself is indeed a very important thing for their kind of life that has already stood at the pinnacle of human beings, and even some inhuman beings.

   especially on the spiritual level.

   Jing Jiu’s current status is the chief adviser, and he can completely ignore this war, at least this small local war on Topaz III, but for some reason, he wants to see it, at least first Let’s take a look. Looking at Shen Yunmei’s slightly mocking eyes, he said: “I am better than you.”

   This reason is really quite sufficient.

   Two sword lights left the monitoring station, passed through the protective barrier of the six-star base, broke through the atmosphere, and headed away.

   Looking at this scene, the base director under the monitoring tower frowned slightly, and the expressions of the other officers were a bit complicated.

  Different from base 857, no one tried to prevent Jing Jiu and Shen Yunbu from leaving, not because the planet was safer, but because of some more complicated reasons.

  ”It’s no need to mention Commander Shen. The consultant heard that he is also a master of the night realm. It shouldn’t be difficult to complete the task. It’s just that we’ve been here for three years and finally managed to control the situation, find a position, and do a good job. After finishing and clearing, the passage was repaired, and even the installation was transported. As a result…these big figures came!”

  The colonel came over and looked at the director of the base and said angrily: “I don’t care, what about the dead brothers? Is that their military merit?”

   They are the planetary landing force of the Starlink Seventh Fleet. They have been fighting on this planet for three years. Seeing that they are going to win the final victory, they will encounter the big people who come to grab the merits. Naturally, they are very dissatisfied. The director of the base heard the protests of his subordinates, his face getting more and more ugly, but he remained silent.

  Shen Yunbui is the commander of the Star Nuclear Fleet, and he can’t manage the Star Chain Fleet by reason, but who doesn’t know his identity?

  The new advisor…has the highest authority of the entire military. Who is qualified to say something about him?



   Two bright sword lights illuminate the dark sky, the speed is unimaginable, and shocked many people in the planet and the fleet.

  What kind of thing can fly so fast in the atmosphere without burning?

   Thousands of mechas who were clearing the battlefield raised their heads in the field and raised their right arms in salute.

   The small warships and mechas in the atmosphere evaded one after another, giving way to a passage.

   The tawny field keeps retreating below.

   It didn’t take long for Jing Jiu and Shen Yunbu to arrive outside a forest. After crossing the top of the forest, you can see a large city hundreds of kilometers away.

   That city was the former administrative capital of Topaz III. After the fall, it became a dead city, and it has not been recaptured to this day.

   Of course, compared with the ore hidden underground, these cities have absolutely no need to recover.

   The color of the forest is a bit dark, green like black, and it looks a little uncomfortable.

   There is wind roaring from the snow-capped mountains in the distance, and the forest is swaying endlessly, as if it has come to life.

   In fact, they are alive. Those dark branches can be understood as tentacles, which will bring ruthless **** and death to the normal life walking in them, just like the scene that Cao Yuan once saw when advancing to No.2 Base.

   Two sword lights flew into the forest and cut them down instantly—more precisely, they broke thousands of branches, and then fell on the ground, revealing two figures.

   The fallen leaves under their feet exude a strange smell, not rotten, but a cold and greasy smell, like a freezer that has not been cleaned for a long time.

   no matter how subtle the control is, it will always bring some wind and bring some very small vibrations.

   Numerous spores emerged from the fallen leaves, and quickly enveloped the two of them like smoke and dust.

   If it is not necessary to stop, they will definitely go straight through this forest.

   These soot-like spores are very troublesome, and the blood thumbs that are mixed in and invisible to the naked eye are even more problematic. As for other military powerhouses, even ascended ones would find it a bit tricky. Fortunately, Jing Jiu and Shen Yunbu were not ordinary powerhouses, and they were different from those ascended ones.

   with a soft buzzing sound, the smoke and dust broke through the air, hitting the tree trunk, the tentacle-like branches that were coming through the air instantly turned into fragments, and the spores in the smoke and dust lost all their vitality.

   Shen Yunbu retracted his right hand, turned off the energy field generator on his finger with his mind, and said to Jing Jiu: “The blood thumb is also dead, don’t worry.”

   Jing Jiu said, “No.”

   This can’t be understood as he stopped worrying about blood thumbs after listening to Shen Yunmei’s words, obviously saying that he didn’t need Shen Yunmei to worry about it.

   will be more accurate when replaced with a quarrel, that is-just worry about yourself.

   Shen Yunmu found that chatting with him is not necessarily a pleasant thing, so he ignored him and walked a few steps into the forest.

   The planetary landing force of the Starlink Fleet thought that they had done enough preparatory work, but they didn’t know that cleaning up this kind of work would never be done.

   In addition to the ash wood swinging in the wind, the silent blood thumb, and the spores hidden in the bottom of the fallen leaves, there are many monsters in the forest.

   In the next few short steps, at least three hundred monsters attacked the two. At the craziest moment, there was a feeling of covering the sky and the sun.

   Shen Yunjian stood in the fallen leaves expressionlessly, arms outstretched.

   Dozens of miniature laser generators left his body and entered the forest sky, shooting bright, slender, but powerful beams.

   If it is an ordinary laser gun, in the hands of ordinary soldiers, it is absolutely impossible to deal with these beast-like attacks, let alone wipe out the opponent in a very short time. But under Shen Yunjian’s control, these laser generators were not purely physical firearms, but dozens of flying swords.

   This is a heavenly sword formation composed of lasers.

   Dozens of light beams are like flying swords with speed beyond imagination, crisscrossing in the forest, shredding the limbs of countless ash wood, and directly chopped the tide of beasts formed by the monsters of the sea of ​​dark things into pieces.

   Jing Jiu stood behind him and did nothing, like a teacher invigilating an exam.

   It’s just that he is carrying a black backpack and holding the strap with both hands, looking more like a tourist.

  Using lasers as flying swords, forming sword formations to kill the world, Shen Yunbu’s methods have given him some touches and inspirations, but he pays more attention to the monsters in the sea of ​​dark objects.

  Before those things became fragments, he clearly saw their images and mastered some properties. These monsters in the sea of ​​dark matter are indeed somewhat similar to those in Chaotian Continent Snow Country. Most of them resemble snow beetles of various orders, and some resemble giant silkworm-like snow insects, but they are superior in strength and speed. For one thing, these monsters are more indifferent to their own life and death than Snow Country Monster Beasts, seem to be controlled by a certain unified will, and have no instinct to survive.

   a few steps away, naturally only a few steps away, Shen Yunbu waved his sleeves, brushed away the fallen leaves and the remaining spores on the ground, looked at the formation pattern on the ground, and took out the corresponding magic weapon to prepare for the formation. Opening a formation is a very boring and time-consuming process. While doing things, he said to Jing Jiu Jie: “Ordinary monsters rarely release spores when they are alive. The brood is special. These ordinary monsters form after death. The spores have a relatively short survival time, so you don’t need to pay too much attention.”

   After saying this, he thought of what Jing Jiu said just now without using two words, and said: “When I didn’t say it.”

  Jing Jiu did not listen to him much. He looked through the tentacles of the spore smoke and trees, and landed far away, saying: “Someone…the order is coming.”

   Countless spores and invisible blood thumbs also gathered again, like a tornado.

  Many humans are not afraid of mosquito bites, but they certainly don’t like them.

   Shen Yunbu didn’t like it, and he didn’t want to face the monsters that human beings had turned into. He turned his palm and pointed it at the ground. There was a loud bang, and a fire was born in the forest. It was extremely bright, surging like magma, dissipating in all directions, instantly raising the temperature between heaven and earth to several thousand degrees.

   The formation on the ground was not affected in any way~ The smoke and dust formed by the spores and blood thumbs was instantly purified, and then there were countless muffled noises in the forest. I don’t know how many monsters were burned to death. .

   This is a high-heat deflagration bomb made of spar. It sounds ordinary, but in fact it has unimaginable power. After the extremely bright flames disappeared, an open space several kilometers in the forest had been vacated. Except for Shen Yunbui and Jing Jiu, there was nothing left, let alone life.

   Jing Jiu looked at the light blue flame remaining in Shen Yunbu’s right hand and reminded: “It’s burnt.”

   Shen Yunbu didn’t care and said, “I don’t need money to change the skin.”

  The formation on the ground is still in the process of opening, and the formation pattern is shining with crystal light.

   A few kilometers away, the sound of friction sounded again in the forest, and many humanoid monsters could be vaguely seen rushing over at high speed.

  The sense of substitution is really troublesome. I know it is a monster, but because it looks like a human, it is always easier to feel scared when it rushes over like a tide. Fortunately, they are not humans, and they will not be as scared as the other human warriors, and they may even be unable to lay hands.

   Shen Yunmei was impatient when the formation was turned on. He took out a thick tobacco and ignited it with a flame that was difficult to extinguish in his right hand. He said: “At this time, many people are watching. You are the future leader of mankind. Click.”

   Jing Jiu thought that he was not a juggler, and said, “No.”

  His answer is still that simple and uninspiring.

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