The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 42: Drunk in the light of the endorsement

Zhong Lizi poured the glass of grain spirits into his stomach, almost choked, coughed twice, his face flushed.


   Jiang Yuxia picked up the handkerchief from the table, preparing to wipe off the wine stains on her lips.


  The guests exclaimed again, and even applause came from somewhere in the corner. It was obvious that everyone was shocked by the amount of alcohol the red-haired girl was drinking.


   Zhong Lizi looked at Jiang Yuxia and smiled sweetly, then leaned forward, his head hit the wine table hard, making a muffled noise.


   Still no accident or miracle happened.


   Just like Jing Jiu once thought, the practice of this universe cannot make people unable to get drunk, at least in the fire-watching realm and the flowing gold realm.


  In this respect, it’s really useless.


   Jiang and Xia were taken aback, and hurried to check her situation.


   A female officer came over, checked Zhong Lizi’s body, confirmed that there was nothing serious, and signaled Jiang and Xia to ignore it and continue to participate in the assessment.


At the moment when Zhong Lizi fell drunk, the hall of the    Jitang Hall made countless buzzing exclamations, followed by countless whispers, and there were uncontrollable laughter in some places.


  Different people naturally have different opinions on the same thing.


   Mr. Xia received the hand gesture of the female officer confirming that there was nothing wrong, and continued to stand blankly.


   The president of Xuanyu Company looked at the drunk girl, but thought of more things. The father-in-law’s alcohol intake was extremely bad, and his wife was also extremely bad, otherwise he would not have been coaxed to get a marriage certificate back then… Is this the so-called inheritance?


   The exclamations in front of the TV also have different emotions. Most of them are accidents and sympathy. The exclamations at the barbecue stalls in the underground block are full of shock and worry.


   “Let’s just say it!” The barbecue stall owner took off his hat angrily, hit the ground, pointed to the TV and said: “Even the angle, strength, and voice of being drunk are exactly the same! I said she obviously can’t drink, this Secondly, I have to test what to drink. Did the people above deliberately target us?”






  ”Not only was it rude, but also completely unaware that it was eliminated in this way.”


   The corners of his lips curled slightly, and a sneer appeared to disappear. He lifted the red wine glass in his hand and drank slowly.


   Jiang and Xia confirmed that there is no major problem with Zhong Lizi, they sat back on their table, picked up a porcelain cup and tasted a kind of rice wine seriously.


   Huaxi opened his eyes wide, looking at the wine bottles curiously, pouring some into the glass for everything, not knowing what kind of wine he wanted to make.


   The chaos caused by Zhong Lizi’s drunkenness quickly subsided, and people’s attention fell on the three black-haired girls again, and they were amazed, thinking that they are indeed the children of the family and the most popular of this election. , Is such a simple thing as drinking, each has its own beauty.


   After a short while, Mo Zhong changed three glasses and drank the bottom of the three glasses, then the first one stopped, showing a confident smile.


   She thinks that this assessment is to observe the candidate’s self-control ability.


  Some young girls put down their wine glasses one after another, indicating that this is the end.


   Jiang and Xia are still drinking, and the toasting is not fast or slow, very smooth, and naturally has a sense of beauty, which is pleasing to the eye.


  Huaxi’s childish little face has turned red. Mixing several different types of alcohol may not taste bad, but it is more likely to make people drunk.


   She suddenly raised her sleeves, covered her small face, burped alcohol, and then looked at the crowd with embarrassment, her small face turned redder.


   There was a kind of laughter among the guests of the concierge.






   About half an hour later, as a girl from the Third Rift Valley Military Base with the best drink volume put down her glass, today’s last assessment officially ended.


   What made me dissatisfied with some girls is that until the end, the worship hall did not announce that Zhong Lizi and the other two drunk girls were eliminated.


   They are all so drunk, why haven’t they disqualified?


  Mr. Xia whispered a few words with a bishop, and walked to the middle of the hall.


The discussion in the sacrificial hall disappeared, and everyone was waiting for him to announce the final result, at least the result of this round of assessment.


   Surprisingly, Mr. Xia did not do this, but announced…the assessment has officially started!


   Following these words, the priests and female officials poured in like a tide from behind the stone pillars on both sides of the main hall, took away the wine bottles and glasses at an extremely fast speed, and brought back the theological texts and placed them there. On the table.


   The theological texts on each table were the ones that the girls had read before, without any confusion. Obviously, the altar was ready for this moment.


   Looking at this scene, the crowd exclaimed again, and some people behind couldn’t help but stand up. In the first test of memory, both the people in the hall and the audience in front of the TV felt that it was too simple and meaningless. It turned out that they were waiting here!


   More than an hour has passed, and there is the martial arts test hosted by Ran Handong in the middle, plus the girls drank so much wine at this time…Can they still remember the sentences in the classics?


   The girls heard Mr. Xia’s words clearly and were greatly shocked by the spirit. Coupled with the previous influence of alcohol, many of them could no longer maintain a peaceful appearance, and their faces showed tension. Some girls couldn’t help looking into the stands, wanting to find their family or school and get some information from them.


   looked at the chaotic surroundings indifferently, the corners of his lips curled up again, and a confident smile appeared, thinking that I had a great memory and I didn’t drink much alcohol just now…


   Just as she was thinking about these things, the priest standing in front of her asked with a blank face: “The priest Higashiyama explained in the second line of Article 4, What are the three definitions of gods?”






   Other girls are also receiving such inquiries.


   At the time of the first assessment, they had just finished reading the theological texts assigned to them. They had a deep memory, and there was no stagnation in their answers, but at this time they all got stuck.


   Ran Bitter Winter’s coercive blow and the dual effects of alcohol have a great impact on their memory awakening.


   It didn’t take long for several girls to be eliminated because they answered incorrectly three times in a row.


   Then, more and more girls left their seats, and some cries were even faintly heard on the long road.






   Jiang and Xia Wei lowered their heads, their expressions were calm, their eyelashes were not blinking, and they didn’t know what they were thinking.


   Some people think that she is like other girls who have forgotten the contents of the classics. They can’t help feeling a little regretful.


   She raised her head, looked at Zhong Lizi who was still drunk on the case beside her, sighed in her heart, and began to answer the questions raised by the priest in front of her softly.


   Plum seems to be dysfunctional, so let’s do it yourself.


  Educated since childhood, her only ideal is to become a priestess. Although she has grown away from this ideal due to some rebellious psychology as she grows older, she still regards it as inconsistent. Pearl of dust.


   She didn’t want to be a priestess, but she didn’t want this holy and solemn position to fall into the hands of those people, such as incongruous.


   Jiang Yuxia’s answer is very accurate, not a single word is wrong, like spring water flowing from between her lips and teeth extremely smoothly, falling in everyone’s ears.


   The priest who inspected her has an expression of admiration in his eyes.


   Huaxi answered very well, although because of drinking alcohol, her speech speed became a little slow, her voice was a little bit milky and milky, but she couldn’t find anything wrong.


   is in charge of inspecting her female officer, her eyes are getting softer and softer.


   Somewhat unexpectedly, the most confident person made a mistake in the beginning.


   The Higashiyama priest’s three definitions of gods are very partial. She hadn’t read it in her previous preparations. At this time, she was too relaxed. When she opened her mouth, she said, “The gods are not the source of everything, but everything. The focus of things.” The front and back half of this sentence was reversed.


   Fortunately, it took three mistakes to be eliminated. She converged her mind, carefully recalled the content she had memorized before, and finally made no more mistakes.


   As time passed, only a dozen dark-haired girls remained in the room after passing the examination.


   Besides, it was the red-haired girl who was still drunk.


  The bishop of the second city walked over and looked at the priest standing at the table of the red-haired girl and said blankly, “Why haven’t we started yet?”


   The priest said helplessly: “No one is awake, how can I take the exam?”


   The bishop walked up to Zhong Lizi and put his finger in front of her nose.


   People looked at this scene, very speechless, wondering if they were afraid that she would die of drunkenness?


   At this time, Zhong Lizi woke up leisurely, drunk and completely blank, completely unaware of what happened just now.


   The bishop told her the content of the last assessment, turned and walked away, quietly wiped off the secret plaster on his right hand.


   Zhong Lizi was slightly less drunk, and the headache did not go away. He covered his forehead. After a while, he remembered what the bishop had said, and he couldn’t help but let out an exclamation.


  The priest couldn’t delay any longer, so he started the inquiry directly.


   Where can Zhong Lizi take care of those manner problems that Shang Jiang and Xia reminded him of, sitting cross-legged, raising his right hand, covering his forehead with his left hand, and shouting: “Wait a moment! Wait a moment!”


   Everyone’s eyes fell on her.


  People all over the planet are watching her.


   The president of Xuanyu Company could no longer sit down, his body leaned forward slightly, and a nervous expression appeared on his face.


   In front of countless TV sets, I don’t know how many people are cheering for her.


The night market barbecue stall in the underground block was crowded with people. People clenched their fists nervously and kept shouting: “Wake up!”


   Zhong Lizi suddenly took a deep breath, retracted his hands, took off the hair rope from his wrists to tie up the red hair, and then reached out to hold a handful of water in the celadon bowl and poured it on his face, rubbing vigorously Twice.


   The drops of water slid down on Youth’s face, just like having just gone through a heavy rain, and a petal of petals remained on it, very beautiful.


   She looked at the priest as if she was looking at her past life, shouting: “Come on!”






   When he saw this place, Jing Jiu didn’t look at it again, and got up and walked towards the side of the gray curtain.


  He knows where the story will go.


   This has nothing to do with a two-million-word novel he once wrote, but because the story that is happening is related to him.


   He stayed here for so long, mainly because he was worried that Zhong Lizi was too drunk, so he vomited it out, and it would be difficult for him to go back to the hotel at night.


The guests in the    Festival Hall, the candidate girl, and the audience in front of the TV don’t know how this story will develop.


  Countless people looked at the red-haired girl with various emotions.


   Chung Plum’s voice is a bit hoarse, obviously due to the effect of alcohol. At first, it was a little uncomfortable, and it would get stuck when I often said a few words. However, as time goes by, I don’t know that it’s because the alcohol has gone down a bit. For some other reason, she answered faster and more smoothly, which turned out to be very good.


   Jiang and Xia looked at her from the sidelines, their eyes were extremely bright, full of surprise and pride.


   Mo Zhong’s face is getting more and more ugly. Huaxi’s big eyes were full of admiration. In her opinion, it’s nothing for this red-haired sister to recite these incomprehensible sentences. The point is that she actually wanted to wash her face with the petal water in a celadon bowl. So handsome…


   As the question and answer proceeded, the shouts of exclamation in the hall became louder and louder. The guests watching the ceremony really did not expect that this girl from the underground block actually did it!


   The president of Xuanyu Company nodded slightly, very pleased, thinking that he deserves to be the chairman’s…fancy child.


   There were cheers on the grassland outside the festival hall. In front of the televisions in countless families, those who chose to support Zhong Lizi for various reasons waved their fists in excitement, and the children kept running around. .


  The dining hall of the New World College is even more messy. Zhong Lizi’s former classmates kept tapping the table and making unintelligible shouts.


  The game hall owner in the underground block stared at the TV light screen, and suddenly kicked over, knocked the thief to the ground, and shouted: “Get out of here!”


  Beside the barbecue stall at the night market, there are ale bottles everywhere. The owner of the barbecue stall is holding the bottle and bumping with people. Even Mr. Dan, who doesn’t drink much, took a small bottle of distilled wine and drank slowly.


   He squatted all the year round in the operating room without seeing the sun, his body was not very good, his eyes were a little blurred after a few sips, and he murmured: “It’s amazing. Stupid…”






   confirmed that I answered all the questions correctly and that there was no mistake. Zhong Lizi relaxed a little, the drunkenness that was forced down rose again, and the water-cooled cheeks began to heat up again.


  The assessment seems to be over at this point. The female officials and priests of the priest family come to do the final questioning, as if they are going to register.


  The voices of the female officials and priests are very soft, but they seem to have some magical power, which can make people feel extremely close, and they can’t wait to tell them everything.


   There are still a dozen girls left in the room, most of them are still drinking. Under the guidance of these voices, they began to answer the other party’s questions.


   I don’t even know that this is the real final assessment. No matter what the female officer asks, she just smiles.


   Jiang and Xia were also smiling, but they didn’t say any useful information. The female officer didn’t get any answers she wanted.


   Zhong Li Zijiu Jin is coming up again.


   She kept pinching her She kept herself awake, thinking that she could not fall to the last step.


   was a priest who asked her, and the priest looked at her and asked gently: “You may not answer my question, but I suggest you answer it.”


   Zhong Lizi gave a vague hum.


   The priest asked softly: “What does your best friend do?”


   Zhong Lizi thought that Jing Jiu had so many secrets, and maybe he was still carrying a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred. How could this be said, and he shook his head very firmly.


  The priest then asked: “What kind of boy do you like?”


   Zhong Lizi thought that Jing Jiu had so many secrets, maybe he was still carrying a sea of ​​blood and deep hatred, how could this be said, and he shook his head very firmly.


  The priest asked again: “What is your biggest secret?”


   Zhong Lizi thought that Jing Jiu has…why…why did she just think about this sentence?


   The effect of the medicine given to her by the bishop of Shouer City gradually passed. At this time, she gradually became drunk, her sanity was a little confused, and she smirked and shook her head.


   The little girl named Huaxi drank too much and smirked at the female officer in front of her.


  The guests watching the ceremony looked at the two smirking girls, they felt so funny and couldn’t help but laugh.


   For a time, the empty and solemn sacrificial hall was filled with joyful and cheerful atmosphere.

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