The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 4: Humans like to think more, whether they are humans or not

Garay channel is indeed the longest space channel ever discovered by mankind.

While the giant warship that evacuated the people was still isolated in the passage, the number of warships that had been ordered to carry out the siege has increased from more than 300 to more than 1,000. There are three ascenders.

Counting now, there are already six immortals and a medium-sized fleet in the universe outside the Garley Passage. In the past war with the Sea of ​​Dark Things, no matter how dangerous the situation was, such a powerful force was enough to solve all the problems.

Chen Ya’s face was still stern, and the black demon fairy standing behind him even directly said: “I still can’t beat it.”

——Even if Xue Ji lost most of her power in the war with the nine dark men, she still couldn’t fight.

This is the unshakable cognition of the practitioners of Chaotian Continent. The fear in their hearts for the Queen is like the black hole that human civilization has not dared to approach so far. It is enough to shake the strongest Taoist heart, the most powerful Will.

“The universe is huge, and the speed of light is very slow.” Chen Ya said.

As long as you are in this universe, you must obey the physical rules of this universe, and Xue Ji is no exception. Her speed cannot exceed the speed of light, so in such a large-scale cosmic space, the lethality will be weakened by the distance, so that it can be defeated.

Another black demon fairy squinted her eyes and said, “If she is really what we have guessed over the years, the type of life is based on negative entropy and can survive indefinitely in the cold universe, but this kind of life The type is more suitable for fighting monsters in the sea of ​​dark things. It is not suitable for photothermal nuclear weapons. Battleships may pose a great threat to her. Otherwise, what has she been hiding from these years?”

The black demon fairy squinted at him and said mockingly: “Do you think your Majesty is hiding from us and these warships?”

Chen Ya said blankly, “Even if she is strong, I believe she will die if thrown into a star. The laser turrets, plasma guns and the most important gravitational field output equipment of the battleship should be useful together.”

Hearing these words, the two black demon immortals said nothing. Because this is not Chen Ya’s judgment, nor is it the result of the deduction by the Ascendants, but the plan given by that person-the central computer will not make a mistake in this respect, at least it has not made any mistakes yet.

More than a thousand warships outside the Galley channel have activated their weapon systems and are ready to implement the plan.

The command ship where Chen Ya and the two black demon fairies are located is at the forefront of the entire fleet, undertaking the most important task, which is the capture of the gravitational field. At this moment, a mechanical and cold electronic warning sound suddenly sounded from the battleship.

“The battleship is about to enter the space channel, and all systems are about to shut down.”

Chen Ya’s expression changed abruptly, and the reaction speed of the two black-clothed demon immortals was also extremely fast. The first time they invaded the command system with their spiritual consciousness, they wanted to block it, but it was too late. Following the mechanical electronic notification sound, the gravitational field generator in front of the command ship slowly retracted, and then the plasma cannon and various weapon bases also began to return to the interior of the battleship.

The officers and soldiers in the command ship were shocked and stood in front of the console and kept operating, but even the abilities of the two black demon immortals couldn’t stop all of this. How could they do it? Someone yelled blankly: “What’s the matter? Why does it all fail?”

“The remote command, with the highest authority, directly bypassed the system wall and activated the warship’s self-locking program.”

Two black-clothed demon immortals looked at Chen Ya, and quickly passed the results of the investigation with their spiritual knowledge, their faces were a little pale.

The remote command made the warship’s command system think that it was about to enter the space channel, so the warship must enter a fully enclosed state.

Also known as the state of absolute silence.

Any attempt to break the silent state of the battleship, whether internal or external, will cause the battleship to explode. Because any aircraft in the torsion hole is not allowed to make any observations. This is the Galaxy Alliance, no, it should be said that it is the iron law of space navigation that began in the federation period of ancient civilizations. As for why, only those experiments in the early stages of human civilization and the central computer left behind know the reason. Later, with the emergence of the sea of ​​dark matter, some people vaguely guessed the truth-just like human understanding of the quantum world, observation always brings problems.

This iron law of space navigation fundamentally solves this problem. It is crude and low-level but safe. No one would have thought that one day this iron law would actually become a weapon used by some people against warships.

The faces of the two black-robed demon immortals are so ugly, naturally, it is not because the battleship is sealed off—they can break out of the ship forcibly, even if the battleship explodes, they can’t hurt them. The real reason lies in…the highest authority. Who issued the order?

A very simple speculation can lead to a shocking and disturbing conclusion.

The mechanical and monotonous electronic sound is still ringing non-stop.

Chen Ya and the officers and soldiers on the battleship never thought this sound was so annoying.

The weapon system has been retracted, the observation system is shutting down one by one, the engine is shutting down, and the high-composite baffle is starting to fall from the top of the battleship, making a dull and even more annoying friction.

The same thing happened on the remaining 1,000-odd warships, on warships elsewhere in the universe, on mobile space stations, on mining ships, and on all aircraft capable of space traversal.

The sudden change, I don’t know how much chaos it caused, and the universe should rarely be as lively as this moment.

It is impossible for a battleship to enter a state of absolute silence instantly, there is always some reaction time.

Chen Ya, two black-clothed demon immortals, and the ascending immortals on the other battleship flew away from the battleship for the first time and came into a vacuum, and they did not forget to bring their own ultra-micronuclear power furnace.

Some military powerhouses also wanted to leave the battleship wearing mechs, but Chen Ya was extremely severely prevented in the command system. He knew very well that the next battle was very dangerous, even those generals in the star realm would be of no use other than sending them to death.

More than a thousand warships outside the Galley Passage went into a silent state like this, and could not receive any signal inside. The light blue flames at the tail of the engine had also been extinguished, and even the dark reflections on the hull seemed to have disappeared. , Became a lifeless existence.

Chen Ya looked back at these battleships, as if seeing more than a thousand coffins, thinking that the more than 100,000 battleships in the three major fleets might have become like this now, and his eyes became extremely cold.

He pressed the wristband to switch the channel, entered the quantum communication system specially built for the cocoon breakers, checked the situation in other places, and found that it was so, and understood that the worst conjecture became true—— There is a problem with the central computer.

He knew that Zhao Layue, who had been staring at the main star, did the hands and feet–though it was not clear how she did it.

Fortunately, according to the rules left by the gods, the central computer cannot directly perform physical operations. At least in this regard, otherwise Zhao Layue only needs to order the warships to attack them, and they have no choice but to escape.

The voice of once lifted in the quantum communication system, followed by the voice of more ascenders.

The wisdom and determination of immortals are far beyond ordinary people. No warship is sealed in a silent state, but they are still somewhere in the distant universe. Without warships, they can’t rush here to participate in the war.

Chen Ya turned and looked at the gloomy Gali channel exit with a faint radiance on the edge, remembering that sentence again.

The exit is the entrance.

He would think of this sentence at the time, not madly wanting to rush into the space channel to fight, but thinking that whether he stands in the well or outside the well, the wellhead in his eyes is the same.

“What happens next?” a black demon fairy asked.

“That’s good, the next step is the war between us.”

Chen Ya took out a gray stone pestle, then took out a blue rope-like magic weapon, and slowly and attentively wrapped it around it.

Even without warships, without those powerful long-range weapons, and without gravitational field capture devices, he still doesn’t think he will lose.

No one saw the scene of Mochizuki’s final battle, but he firmly believed that no matter how powerful Xue Ji was, she would be extremely weak after killing the nine dark ones. As for Jing Jiu…as long as he didn’t dare to wake up, then What is the difference between a dead person?



The giant battleship is still moving in the Galle Passage. In fact, the word forward is not accurate when used to describe that state, but because no one has observed it in the space channel, it can actually be described in any way, and it is impossible to be accurate.

This is a place truly isolated from the world. If it was Zhuo Rusui, who was enlightened by many early works of human civilization in Zuxing, it would be easy to think of the word Taoyuan. But this is not a real paradise. People can’t stay away from human disputes for a long time. Sooner or later, the moment of leaving after all, even the longest Galley channel can only make you escape for a while.

The officers and soldiers on the battleship and the evacuees do not need to think about these issues, they are all hibernating deeply.

Only Jing Jiu, Xue Ji and Hua Xi are awake.

Not the Qingshan Patriarch who is far away from the ancestor star, this is the master of the current human civilization.

Hua Xi sat in a chair with no expression on her face.

Jing Jiu was sitting on the opposite chair, and the cyan light rope plunged deeper into his wrist, visually as if it had reached the flesh.

The cyan light rope is on his wrist, but the pain is on his brow.

The pain was like a heavy stone, which made him groggy and uncomfortable. It was a bit like the severe sinusitis of ordinary people-it was not a blunt knife cutting the meat, but a wooden hammer kept hitting you in the face. , To smash your face flat.

The annoying pain from the depths of the soul, even he couldn’t bear it, and his face became paler than Xue Ji. He rarely poured himself a glass of strong alcohol, but he did not drink it after looking at it twice, and said to Xue Ji: “Vaguely remember that you were last on the playground…”

Xue Ji understood what he meant. She glanced at him with sympathy and disdain like a sheepdog watching a dog. She stretched out her small round hand between his eyes, letting out an extremely cold breath.

A flash of frost suddenly appeared on Jing Jiu’s eyelashes, and his plain face suddenly became more strangely beautiful.

After a moment, he shivered, the cyan light cord on his wrist was lighter, and the pain on his eyebrows was also much lighter. The change that followed was that his eyes became a little dazed, as if he had forgotten something. .

“If his descendant can control the central computer, it means you will be controlled by him.”

I don’t know if he saw Jing Jiu’s state, Huaxi suddenly said this to Xue Ji.

This is a very obvious but not a clumsy sow discord.

Existences like Xue Ji and Jing Jiu care most about their own existence. The word existence here already includes the meaning of free existence, and they absolutely cannot accept being controlled by others, no matter how it is.

Xue Ji ignored Huaxi, probably because she was a little tired and didn’t want to talk.

Jing Jiu put down the wine glass in his hand and watched Huaxi explain slowly and seriously: “…I just…I didn’t finish that sentence, you probably don’t know yet. She let me I accepted her request.”

Hua Xi’s body is now the consciousness of the girl. She did not see that picture, and she was shocked and annoyed and said: “You actually want to be her sword, and you don’t want to be Shen Qingshan’s sword to contribute to mankind?” /

“Working for you, you may die.” Jing Jiu said, a little like drunk and some slurred words: “And as you said, those children can control her now, so there is a balance between us. , Two-sided control, just no control.”

Huaxi was silent for a while, and said: “It’s not both sides, now those descendants equal to you can indirectly control you.”

Jing Jiu said, “You think too much.”

Hua Xi said: “How can you be sure that they have not been seen for hundreds of years, they are still them?”

Jing Jiu rubbed his eyebrows a little tiredly, and said, “This war is over, no more chatting.”

Hua Xi mocked and said: “Do you really think that this war has been won?”

Jing Jiu said, “Yes, when Xue Ji recovers, we will kill Shen Qingshan.”

Hua Xi smiled and said: “I think you don’t know enough about the Patriarch of your own sect. If you join hands, you may really be able to kill him. The problem is that you don’t dare to appear in front of him awake. I really think Xue Ji is invincible. ?”

Xue Ji turned around, looked at her with her dark eyes, and muttered twice indifferently.



Time passed slowly.

No one in the giant battleship speaks anymore.

The light music played automatically by the system stopped without knowing when, it may be that Xue Ji found it too noisy.

The Galley channel is about to come to an end. I don’t know how far it is from the exit. This is a judgment of time.

Xue Ji suddenly stretched out her hand to let out a chill.

A huge block of ice froze Huaxi in the middle.

The ice cube is not completely real. There is a part of space for her to roll over and stretch herself.

Obviously this is not ice that ordinary water turns into.

The ice is hard to imagine, and it’s cold far below zero.

Huaxi’s face quickly turned red and then white.

She stared at Xue Ji through the ice block and said: “I’m really not afraid to kill me, there is one more me outside?”

Xue Ji turned around and ignored her.

Hua Xi suddenly felt that this feeling was very familiar, at least physically, as if she had had the same experience before.

Jing Jiu explained: “I probably remember that she would freeze you like this every night for more than a year.”

Hua Xi opened his eyes wide, and asked in shock: “Why?”

Jing Jiu said: “It should be an experiment, to see if you can completely isolate you from the outside world.”

With Xue Ji’s realm strength, there will be more than one year of continuous experiments or drills, and it will certainly not leave any loopholes.

——This bureau starting from the underground waterway is terrible.

Huaxi gave birth to a feeling of hopelessness, so she threw out the last straw and said: “But you still love humans~”

The bureau that Xue Ji and Jing Jiu set up from the underground waterway is basically to gain freedom.

The so-called freedom is to get rid of the mission left to them by the, which means to give up the responsibility to mankind.

Huaxi’s words fall in this place.

Jing Jiu and Xue Ji looked at Huaxi quietly, as if they thought her question was very absurd.

Hua Xi hugged her hands, like prayer and praise, looked at Jing Jiu’s eyes and said seriously: “On Mochizuki Planet, you helped those people open the alloy door and killed so many monsters in the Sea of ​​Dark Objects. “

Then she looked at Xue Ji and said, “You took a great risk and eliminated the nine dark people.”

Yes, you seem to be indifferent and ruthless, ignoring the affairs of the world in the residential buildings in Wushan City, but in the end you haven’t done so many things.

Is this love or something?

Jing Jiu said, “You still think too much.”


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