The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 38: Search for swords

Ada was even more surprised, staring at her with wide eyes, until she confirmed that the problem was not big, she didn’t feel relieved, thinking that she was beaten like this.

“Those women are too shameless, they besieged me because of the crowd.”

Nan Wang wiped off the blood from the corners of her lips, then wiped off the blood on Ah Da’s body with his sleeves, and said, “If it’s just the owner, how can I be my opponent?”

Hearing these words, Ah Dazhu knew that she and Anzhu should have been tied, just thinking that you were not looking for Lian Sanyue, how could you fight with Anzhu?

After Jing Jiu became the head of that year, Nan Wang began to doubt his identity, and took Ah Da to the Qingrong Peak for a long time, but was finally misled by it, thinking Jing Yang and Lian Sanyuesheng were born. Son. After several years of retreat, she left Qingshan and went to Shuiyue Temple, of course to trouble Lian Sanyue.

She said bitterly: “That **** is not there, I don’t know if I hid when I heard that I was going.”

Ada thought who was a shrew? Well, both of you are shrews.

Then he thought, Nan Wang dared to go to the trouble of Lian Yue, and was able to make a tie with Anzhu. It seemed that his realm had improved again, and he should have reached the peak of Pohai. He couldn’t help being a little surprised. It’s a lifelong mistake, but it’s not necessarily a mistake in practice. You can take a few steps forward even with hatred.

After talking about this, Nan Wang walked back to Qingrong Peak on the Jianyi Bridge, and after drinking a pot of wine on the Huashushi, he entered a remote cave.

There are two iron chains in the cave, which locked a woman.

Looking at Nan Wang coming in, the woman slowly fell to her knees, her silver bells and iron chains making similar sounds.

She was kneeling, but she didn’t say anything, and she didn’t see any surrender on her indifferent face.

She was named Nan Zheng. She was captured by Nan Wang in the deserted temple and brought back to Qingshan. It has been several years.

Nan Zheng is a fugitive from Nanban and an assassin from Bu Lao Lin. In the end, he is a servant of Nan Xi’s flesh. I don’t know why, Nan Wang didn’t kill her.

“Shave your hair later, change your clothes, I will send you out of the mountain, and you will find a way to enter the Shuiyue Temple.”

Nan Wang said: “Those women like to be nosy, save the poor girl, know your life and hostility with me, they should accept you.”

Nan Zheng was silent for a while and said, “What are you going to do at Shuiyue’an?”

“It’s not that you want you to kill, you go to find out if Lien Sanyue is dead, and what’s the matter with the name of the winter.”

Nan Wang said: “If this matter is done, I will let you go.”



Ping Yongjia sat on the edge of the cliff, looking at the Qingrong Peak opposite, moving her fingers unconsciously.

Dozens of thin and invisible sword intent gradually appeared between his fingers, and then intertwined into hemp, just like his mood at this time.

When he came to Shenmo Peak and worshipped under Jing Jiu Clan, he learned Qingrong Peak’s unprovoked swordsmanship. After a few years, his sword intent has been very smooth, and his swordsmanship has become very familiar. How to practice sword without a sword?

There are also some swords on Qingrong Peak that are very suitable for unprovoked swordsmanship. This is what he heard from Brother Gu Qing, who naturally listened to Master. The problem was that he didn’t dare to go to Qingrong Peak. He didn’t need to remind him from the senior brother that Master didn’t like Qingrong Peak, and those senior aunts and senior sisters were indeed much scarier than tigers.

He looked at the closed stone gate of the cave mansion and sighed.

Master is in retreat, sister-in-law is in retreat, Yuanqu brother is in retreat to prepare to re-inherit the sword a few years later, even brother Gu Qing has put aside those affairs and is retreating in the temple.

Shen Mofeng just has nothing to do with him. The horse doesn’t want to ride, the monkey doesn’t want to care, and the cat doesn’t dare to touch him. It’s really boring.

The spring breeze was blowing in the sea of ​​clouds, and the wild flowers among the cliffs trembled slightly. He suddenly stood up and walked into the Taoist Temple.

The Yuanqu retreat in the depths of the Taoist Temple. Gu Qing thought that there might be an emergency. To make sure that he could hear the monkey’s call, the place of retreat was by the window.

Ping Yongjia walked behind Gu Qing and found that the realm of the brother’s going out with the master was still at the beginning of the field, but the breath was obviously different.

He was more determined and said: “Brother, I want to go down the mountain.”

If you change to another peak or another sect of spiritual practice, someone will be disturbed suddenly during the retreat, and you will be very angry, and may even become confused. But Shen Mofeng’s retreat has always been casual, Gu Qing opened his eyes, rubbed his face, and said: “Master said that you can only get out of the mountain without breaking the sea unless he has permission.”

This means that you have no problem going down the mountain, but it doesn’t make sense to ask me, you should go directly to the cave to find the master.

Ping Yongjia said: “I want to go down the mountain, not out of the mountain… I plan to go to Yunxing Peak.”

Gu Qing was a little surprised, looked at him twice, and said, “Aren’t you going to wait?”

Ping Yongjia gave a hum, and said: “Cultivation is my own business after all. I can’t be like a bird, just waiting for the master and his elders to arrange it.”

“Master is not an old man. Of course, this is not important. The important thing is that you can make this decision better than me and Yuanqu.”

Gu Qing looked at him with a smile and said, admiringly.

Ping Yongjia looked innocent and said: “I don’t want to be different on purpose, brother, don’t get me wrong.”



The disciples of God Mofeng are very good at speaking innocently.

For example, Yuan tunes, such as Ping Yongjia, and Gu Qing occasionally acted out. Even the chills have no face, they can accurately exude this kind of aura.

The question is what is an innocent look?

Simple eyes, ignorant and ignorant expressions?

No, these alone are not enough, plus a little bitterness and helplessness.

Clouds and mist envelop the steep cliffs of Jianfeng, and Ping Yongjia walked during it, feeling that she was so innocent.

Now Shen Mofeng has no sword. He feels like a yellow cabbage in the ground, with a bitter taste from the inside to the outside.

Walking on the roadless cliff, the more he goes up, the lower his mood becomes.

Most of the hidden in the cracks and cliffs are still sword embryos, which need to be raised for hundreds or even thousands of years, and some are broken flying swords, which also require a long time to repair. It is really very difficult to find a good flying sword in the current Yunxing Peak. Those high-grade flying swords are even more difficult to meet.


Thinking about these things, Ping Yongjia tripped over a hard object. When he rubbed his nose and got up, he found that it was a sword that tripped him…

This flying sword glowed with a faint blue light, exuding pure sword intent, and it was obviously of extraordinary grade.

He picked up the sword and looked at it seriously for a long while, hesitated for a while, and finally inserted the sword back into the cliff next to it and bowed solemnly.

“Sorry, we are not suitable.”

The sword trembled slightly, and then returned to calm, showing that it didn’t care.

He continued to walk towards the top of Yunxing Peak. When he passed a section of the cliff, the rock above it protruded out, like an umbrella cover to block the sun, making the already gloomy mountain even darker.

“It’s really like the underworld in the legend, it’s terrible…”

Ping Yongjia muttered to herself, accelerated her pace, and wanted to walk through here as soon as possible.

Suddenly, the back of his neck was touched by a cold thing, and he couldn’t help screaming in fright, and he went out for more than ten feet in an instant.

When he turned pale and turned around, he realized that the cold thing turned out to be another flying sword.

The flying sword has a quiet aura and a dark color. It looks very simple, but it has an extremely strong sense of oppression. Its rank is actually higher than that of the previous flying sword.

Obviously, this flying sword should have fallen from the cliff above.

Ping Yongjia was startled, walked back to the place, took the gray flying sword and looked at it, sorry and said, “No, wait for the other brothers and sisters to come.”

After saying this, he continued to walk towards the peak.

As he got higher and higher, the sword intent between the peaks became stronger and stronger, but I don’t know why, he was not affected in any way, and his footsteps were as usual.

In the next time, more than ten swords appeared in front of him, or just fell into his hand, it looked like it was a coincidence.

Those flying swords were cold, some violent, some calm, some quiet, each had its own extraordinary features, but he did not accept them.

In Ping Yongjia’s view, these flying swords are indeed good. I am grateful for my favor, but they are still not good enough. What is good? He had never thought of looking for a perfect flying sword, but he had spent a long time at Shenmo Peak, and all he saw were flying swords of the level of Firth, Universe Front, and Tunzhou…

When I came to the height of Yunxing Peak, two holes appeared between the cliff walls, the size of which was exactly one person.

Looking at the two holes, Ping Yongjia naturally remembered the scene when she met her master and her aunt here a few years ago, thinking that her luck was extremely good.

Then he continued up, walked for a while, and found a sword in a patch of moire rock.

Half of the sword is stuck in the rock, and half is exposed. It looks strange, because the sword is actually twisted and there are some frost-like marks on it.

Ping Yongjia subconsciously thought this sword was good, and wanted to take it out to have a look, but from the twisted body of the sword, she thought of Zhemei, and then thought of more things.

It turns out that this is the sword that Master found for Senior Brother Yuanqu. Where is your sword?

He looked around, and saw the clouds and mist, and the pain in his heart was more intense, suddenly a thought came up.

Anyway, it’s okay to go back to Mofeng, so it’s better to just sit here and practice, guarding the sword of the brother by the way, so that other Qingshan fellows will not take it away.

Thinking about this, he sat down cross-legged.

Yun Xingfeng’s fierce sword intent has become much gentler.

At this time, Ping Yongjia didn’t know what it meant.

This seemingly random thought will bring him much benefit.



In the blink of an eye, it was four years. The people of Shenmofeng left the pass one after another. Yuanqu learned that the sword had been raised, so he went to Yunxingfeng without hesitation.

In the dense clouds, he relied on Xilaifeng’s seven plum swordsmanship and quickly found the sword.

Before the joy was fully realized, he turned into surprise, because he saw Ping Yongjia who had been guarding the sword.

Before he had time to express his gratitude, it turned into surprise, because he found that Ping Yongjia’s current state was obviously a little weird.

The sword intent of Yun Xingfeng surrounds slowly entering his clothes, hair, and mouth and nose, so gentle, without any harm.

The wind gently brushed Ping Yongjia’s clothes, bringing up a few extremely inconspicuous sword lights.

Yuanqu was very surprised, only to discover that Junior Brother had used his sword intent to temper his body for four years, and he had actually felt that his sword body had become a master!

Zhao Layue used her excellent kendo talent to retreat in Jianfeng for several years, and finally cultivated the Houtian sword body. Although Yuanqu was her disciple, she couldn’t learn it at all. At this moment, she couldn’t help but see this scene. It’s so shocking, and a little envious.

It’s no wonder that the Master Master wanted to accept Ping Yong Jia as his apprentice. What is such a random argument? It turns out that Ping Junior is also a great genius.

If I don’t have a surname, I’m afraid I’m not qualified to enter the end of the gods.

Thinking about these things, Yuan Qu sighed, stepped forward to take down the sword, and then turned and left–Ping Yongjia’s practice is at a critical moment and cannot be disturbed.

He’s just a little regretful, the younger brother can’t see the ceremony of Qingshan’s ascendance in a few days.

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