The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 35: Who will bear to see the feathering, who will move the iceberg?

The spirit of the Snow Queen came with the flying snow in the sky, without showing any will, but with a clear meaning.

That is curiosity.

The highest being on Chaotian Continent will also be curious, what is it?

Is it because human practitioners suddenly appeared in the northern part of the ice storm sea where no one has ever stepped?

Because of the white cat that floats in the snow like a kite?

Because that tail feather was broken, looking at some poor golden pheasants?

Is it because of that bad old man with few hairs, or the brothers?

I think it should be the latter.

Even the Snow Queen has never seen people like Jing Jiu and Yin San.

They are all impersonal people.

What’s more, Yin San is still preparing to emerge. It is the legend or even myth of Chaotian Continent. It has never appeared before, and she has never seen it.

The vague but extremely powerful divine consciousness from a distant ice peak landed on the treasure ship. I looked at the lotus, dragon marrow, whale bone, and carp scales in that room, and then fluttered with the wind and came In the sky hundreds of miles away.

Jing Jiu wanted to turn around and leave, but he was afraid that he would be alarmed by this spiritual sense, and he would stay where he was and fear that the other party would see something.

Can’t even hesitate to talk about it, just after thinking about it, the Snow Queen’s consciousness fell on him, and then… he didn’t leave.

The divine consciousness still kept curiosity about him, and at the same time, he had some doubts, why did this inhuman seem to have seen it somewhere?

“Let’s go.” Jing Jiu said blankly, without moving his lips, it was like ventriloquism.

He didn’t dare to talk to Ah Da with his spiritual sense, because he was afraid that Xue Guo’s daughter would hear him.

Ada meowed nervously, thinking what’s wrong? Why do you want to leave suddenly, don’t you be afraid of disturbing the other party?

——The Snow Queen didn’t recognize her own spirit, but she must have smelled the smell of Xue Ji.

Jing Jiu confirmed this fact, no matter where he could explain it to Ah Da, turned around and turned into a sword of light to break through the air.

The speed of the universe front is not as fast as his own sword escapes, so he does not walk with the sword, but walks with the sword, using the Netherworld Immortal Sword.

From the time when he created the Netherworld Immortal Sword together with the Underworld Emperor in the Suppression Prison, today is his best use of this sword technique.

Until he turned into a black shadow on the horizon, Ah Da reacted, let out an angry and aggrieved meow, and hurriedly chased him at the fastest speed.



“Being alive is a housewife. If the same role is played too many times, sometimes it is really difficult to distinguish each other.”

Yin San stood by the side of the ship, looking at Jing Jiu who was about to disappear into the sky, and said with emotion: “The reaction is almost the same, and the same is about the fear of death.”

He didn’t know about Xue Ji, so he didn’t understand why Jing Jiu escaped so fast.

The Snow Queen is still on the ice peak thousands of miles away. It’s just that God’s consciousness has come here. According to the level of consciousness between him and Jing Jiu, there is no need to worry too much.

The ancestor was very nervous. In such a cold environment, a few drops of sweat came out of his head.

The same is true for Yin Feng. Although it once said to its ancestors that if you want to die, it is best to die under the Snow Queen, but who wants to die?

They are all big things in the Heaven-Through-Sky realm, but they are not as good as Jing Jiu and Yin San at the level of consciousness, but they are easily injured by the Snow Queen’s consciousness attack.

“Real people, what do you do next?”

The ancestor Xuan Yin felt the divine consciousness that seemed to be real, his mouth felt a little dry, and his voice was a little bit astringent.

The spirit of the Snow Queen returned to the treasure ship, did not attack, still expressing curiosity.

“She wants to see Yuhua, then I’ll make her look good.” Yin San said, looking at the ice peak deep in the snowy field.

Yin Feng was very dissatisfied. He looked at the ice peak and said in a low voice: “We are not the monkeys of Shiyue Peak. How can real people be humiliated by this!”

“You won’t lose a lot of meat after being seen, let alone this one.”

Yin San looked over there quietly and said: “And maybe the curiosity of Her Majesty the Queen is helpful to the emergence.”

The two of Yifeng returned to the room at the bottom of the ship, and the spirit of the Snow Queen also entered. The layered formations arranged in the treasure ship did not play any role in isolation.

The floor of the room is painted with invisible formations with the spirit of the world.

The ancestor Xuanyin silently reached into the incense burner and lit the high-grade spar that had been ground into smash with a magic fire.

There are eleven high-level magic weapons with pure aura hidden under the floor. Those are the “bricks” used to hold the Void Tripod.

The so-called Void Cauldron is the projection of the treasure ship crystal furnace in this room.

The porcelain cup was lifted, and the gray-white Canglong bone marrow fell in the tripod.

The wooden lacquered round box opened, and the scales of the fire carp flew into the tripod.

The armor box broke open, and a large section of flying whale cartilage fell into the cauldron, making the best fuel.

In the end, the southern bamboo split from it, and the phoenix feather moved lightly with the wind, and the cauldron flame suddenly became extremely deep, glowing with a weird blue.

For some reason, Yin Feng’s eyes showed pain.

Yin San took out the bone flute across his lips and began to play the tune.

Not a Stygian lullaby, not a yellow plum tune, not any famous song in the world, but just flat and straightforward, natural and extremely natural, as if the water is reverting, and it is endless.

With the melodious sound of the song, the fire in the tripod became more vigorous, and the fragments of the sun flag inside turned into ashes at an extremely slow speed.

Yin San Flute walked into the array, came to the lotus, and continued to play the tune.

The lotus is not in the basin, nor in the water, but born in the air, trembling gently with the sound of the flute.

This is not a dance, but a light disturbance by the rain.

Several crystal clear dewdrops grow on the surface of the lotus leaf. They roll gently with the trembling of the leaf. It seems that they may fall at any time, but they will always return to the middle of the leaf.

With the rolling of the dewdrops, a very fresh breath emerged and fell on Yin San’s body, gradually washing away the rotten and stale smells.

This sounds beautiful, but it’s actually an extremely painful process.

Because his flesh was washed away along with the rotten gas.

Those branches that protrude from the surface of the body, those dull skin and flesh, keep separating from his body in this way, and then fall down and become a pool of fleshy under the feet.

It didn’t take long for his body to be riddled with holes, just like a criminal who had been tortured for a long time. Several horrible cavities appeared on his face, showing white teeth, and he looked terrifying. .

After a while, even the teeth began to peel off, and the lips drooped down, but for some reason the sound of the flute was still so melodious.

Suffering the most extreme pain in the world, even if he is yin three, there is gradually a painful look in his eyes.

Papa, rotting flesh and bones kept falling, and then his feet began to rot, revealing bones.

Yin Feng couldn’t stand it anymore, and said: “Real man, use a drop of real dew!”

The flute cannot be cut off, and Yin San cannot speak.

He smiled to indicate that it was not yet time.

The usual fresh and amiable smile looks so miserable on the rotten face at this time.

Yin Feng was extremely sad, and said with a trembling voice: “Then do you want to sleep with your eyes closed?”

The flute sounded slightly, agreeing.

“You said that Jing Jiu is willing to come here by himself because the things in Xihai made him a little tired. What about you?”

The ancestor Xuanyin suddenly said: “You left those clues for him to come over, are you a little tired? So you want to die?”

The sound of the flute suddenly became calmer, or indifferent, like the clear water carried by lotus leaves.


Go into the dark.

Blood washed the green hills.

May meeting.

The world is in chaos.

Three hundred years of sword prison.

Suffering from splitting.

Anyone can get tired, right?

Anyone would find it hard, right?

Yin San closed his eyes.

The ancestor Xuanyin bowed and said, “I hope the real person can solve all the suffering.”



In the southern part of the ice storm sea at night, a piece of floating ice slowly undulates on the black and silver sea.

Zhao Layue sat on the ice, closed her eyes, with two shallow frosts hanging on her eyelashes.

She drove away Zhuo Rusui and Gu Qing that night, but she stayed.

This place is extremely cold and the wind is biting, even if she has entered the upper realm of the wilderness, it is very hard to support.

The stars in the night sky are very bright, but suddenly all their brilliance is taken away by a meteor.

She opened her eyes, looked into the night sky, finally relaxed, let out a breath of heat, and the mist gradually covered her black and white eyes.

Wish when you see a shooting star, everything you want in your heart will come true.

What’s more, the shooting star was her wish.

The floating ice sinks slightly.

Jing Jiu fell on the ice, walked to her and lay down, stretched his hands behind his head, and looked at the stars in the sky, wanting to be quiet.

Zhao Layue knew what had to happen, but did not ask.

“I failed to kill him. I just took a long look and came back.”

Jing Jiu said: “It’s a bit embarrassing.”

“Remember the Four Seas Banquet that year?” Zhao Layue said suddenly.

Jing Jiu glanced at her, and wondered why did she mention this?

Thirty years ago, he took Zhao Layue to leave Qingshan, traveled during his death, killed some wicked people and monsters, killed one person at the Four Seas Banquet, and then took the sword hand in hand. The red line left by the Firth sword outside the Yuntai was an unforgettable picture for many practitioners at that time.

“It is said that after we left, the little monk of Guocheng Temple whom you like very much said a few words aloud.”

Zhao Layue looked at him with a smile and said: “That sentence is…come in happiness, and return to happiness, really like a fairy family.”

She mentioned the past at this time, just to tell him that if you want to kill Madam Taiping, go, and if you look at him but don’t want to kill, then come back.

No matter what you do, it makes sense, as long as you are happy.

This is the first time Jing Jiu has heard of this incident. He thought that the little monk was so entertaining, but he didn’t feel relaxed.

This time he didn’t accomplish what he wanted to do. How can he talk about it all?

He didn’t kill the brother, nor did he find the answer to that question.

This is the first time he has seen brother after many years.

When they were in the Guocheng Temple, they were very close, but they didn’t really face each other.

Thinking about the faintly visible figure on the treasure ship, Jing Jiu suddenly felt a little I don’t know whether it is because of a little tired that I feel sad, or because I feel tired because of sadness, but I am sad at this time. “

When he said this, his expression was still so calm, looking as indifferently and ruthlessly as all the practitioners in the world, including the Qingshan disciples thought.

But he was saying… he was sad.

Zhao Layue gently touched his face and said, “Don’t be sad.”

She was taught by him, and she didn’t know how to express her feelings, let alone how to comfort others.

Both he and she can only express their wishes directly or do things directly.

With a sound, Ah Da landed in the sea outside the ice floes. It crawled to the surface of the ice wearily, drenched all over, and a lock of white hair looked like pulled silk cheese. It was about to lose its temper at Jing Jiu. Suddenly, it noticed that the picture and atmosphere were a little depressed, so I thought about it again. Understand the reason.

It sighed, walked into Jing Jiu’s arms and lay down.

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