The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 31: Eight winds come, and thunder comes too

In the autumn, Zhuo Rusui felt strange when he closed his eyes and began to practice.

The aura of heaven and earth is like real wind, rushing from all directions. Although most of them entered Jing Jiu’s body, the concentration of the aura between the cliffs had increased by many times, and it was as condensed as water.

Even the Zhongzhou Sect and the Qingshan Sect, the two sects with the best spiritual veins, can’t find a place with such abundant spiritual energy.

In such an environment, how many years is equal to one year? How long has passed since autumn until now, he has already felt the obvious growth of the Taoist tree, the number of sword yuan has greatly increased, and even…that’s why he was silent for so long, and then asked that. problem.

Gu Qing was silent for a while, and said: “It used to be like this, but not like this.”

Yes, the entire Shenmofeng knows that when Jing Jiu meditates, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will move closer to his body. So whether it is Ah Da or she, they like to practice in a place not far from him. The problem is that the auras of those heavens and earths were only slightly stronger before, where, like this time, it really came from all directions like the wind.

Zhao Layue looked at Jing Jiu, wondering if it is because you are now in a higher realm?

If this is the case, how many auras will you need to practice when you reach the Heaven-Through-Sky Realm?

So many auras enter a person’s body in a short time, the heaven and the earth will inevitably give rise to induction, and may even… trigger the catastrophe!

After Jing Jiu finished reading the sword book, he waved his hand and threw it under the cliff. Before it drifted far away, the sword book shattered into blue smoke.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden turmoil on the cliff, and with a soft hum, he had disappeared from where he was.

The trio of Zhao Layue subconsciously looked towards the sky, but he was nowhere to be seen.

After a few breaths, Jing Jiu broke open the wind and entered the virtual realm.

There is no air in the virtual realm, naturally there is no wind, and there is no sound, and it is as quiet as a tomb.

He felt that thousands of miles away from the southwest, someone was watching him-from late autumn to winter, he attracted a lot of heaven and earth aura, but it was nothing to the greatest heaven and earth. He didn’t expect it to be Some powerful people nearby were alarmed.

Ada didn’t like the virtual realm either, and didn’t want to stay here for too long, so he squinted his eyes to the southwest.

The breath to the southwest quickly disappeared.

Jing Jiu continued to move upward, and was about to reach the upper level of the Void Realm soon.

In the higher sky, the colorful thunderstorm vortex looked like big scary eyes, staring at him ruthlessly.

Ada’s eyes shrunk into beans, and he screamed, but forgot that there was no sound in the virtual realm, so he stretched out his right paw and scratched Jing Jiu’s face.

A bright spark splashed in the sky, then fell, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Jing Jiu shook his head and put it down.

Ada floated in the void, his white long hair became very fluffy, looking like a weak, pitiful and helpless dandelion.

After dozens of breaths, Jing Jiu arrived at the top of the virtual realm, took off his white clothes and put them away.

Then he broke through the seemingly indestructible barrier in a short time and entered the minefield.

Ada looked at this scene, his pupils shrinking into rice grains, full of panic and anxiety.

There is still no sound in the virtual world.

The terrifying eyes in the minefield are still open so wide, as if no dust has fallen in.

I don’t know how long it took, a very small spark suddenly appeared in a thunderstorm vortex.

It was not a spark, but a falling figure, whose body was surrounded by high-temperature thunder and fire.

The figure descended at an unimaginable speed, broke through the truly indestructible barrier, returned to the virtual realm, and the flame on his body was instantly extinguished.

Ada floated over, looked at Jing Jiu who was still smoking, and asked uneasyly in his spiritual sense: “How do you feel?”

Jing Jiu smiled and said, “Very good.”



When he returned to the snow cliff with Ah Da, Jing Jiu was already dressed in white, clean as usual, and nothing seemed to happen.

But both Zhuo Rusui and Gu Qing felt that his breath had changed significantly.

Zhao Layue knew the reason, reached out and touched his forehead, and found that it was actually hot…No, it should be said that it was as hot as a soldering iron!

Looking at her movements, Zhuo Rusui felt so inexplicable, and wondered if Master Master also had a fever?

Zhao Layue then noticed that Jing Jiu’s defected earlobe was a little burnt, so she reached out and rubbed it, and asked, “Does it hurt?”

Ada meowed, saying that not only does this pervert do not feel pain, but also feels very good.

“Go,” Jing Jiu said.

Three flying swords flew up in sequence.

The Firth sword is more brilliant red.

The fish swallowing sword is unusually agile.

Universal Front is still that wide.

Zuo Rusui stepped on the sword, facing the Gang Feng, very energetic, and said: “I’m going to break the border!”

Zhao Layue said: “Me too.”

These two natural Dao species of the Green Mountain Sect can be said to be the strongest among the younger generation in the practice world.

In recent years, they have been attacking the upper realm of the wilderness. They thought it would be at least more than ten years. Who would have thought that they have now stood on the threshold.

Zuo Rusui suddenly thought of a very important thing, turned his head and said to Gu Qing: “When I practice in the future, I will sit next to Master Uncle.”

His mind turned extremely fast, knowing that Zhao Layue couldn’t fight, and he couldn’t squat on top of Jing Jiu like Master Bai Gui, so he could only fight with Gu Qing.

Then he thought that after all, Gu Qing is the uncle’s direct disciple, and he is just a nephew of the teacher, and the relationship is one level worse, so he quickly added: “I am a brother.”

Gu Qing naturally wouldn’t argue with him about this, and said: “Also, I am used to standing behind the master.”

Seeing that Gu Qing had agreed so simply, Zhuo Rusui was rather embarrassed, and said to Jing Jiu: “Uncle Master, can you not always sit on the edge of the cliff? In that case, you can sit in front of you for two. Individual.”

This is to include Yuanqu and Ping Yongjia.

Gu Qing smiled, thinking you know it clearly.

Jing Jiu said: “You have rubbed Shenmofeng’s rice a few times, and now you have to rub the heaven and earth aura?”

Zuo Rusui naturally heard that he was not angry. On the contrary, he was willing to say such witty remarks, which showed that he was in such a good mood that he could not get better, so he hurriedly followed.

“Now you are also the owner of Tianguang Peak. You can’t favor one another!”

Several sword lights pierced the sky, leaving clear cloud marks.

A certain place in the southern part of the snowy mountains, from the Sect Master to the ordinary disciples of Xuan Tianzong, everyone kneeled on the ground and saluted the sword lights in the sky.

Zhou Yunmu slowly got up, stood on the blue stone, looked at the sky for a moment, and said: “I will start to retreat from today.”

Sect Master Xuantian, Lu Jin, was startled to understand what had happened. He exclaimed and said, “Congratulations, Master!”



“Congratulations, Master.”

A young novice entered the meditation room and said respectfully to an old monk sitting in front of the Buddha statue, with unbearable joy and pride between his eyebrows.

This temple is called Pinggu Temple, with three front and rear halls housing more than ten monks. It is the family temple of the well-known wealthy businessman Jia Sheng in Yizhou City.

The old monk was a traveling monk. He traveled from other states last autumn. The abbot of Pinggu Temple talked with him for a while and found that the old monk was profound in Buddhism and knowledge, and he could not help being shocked. , Regard it as a teacher.

At the end of winter, the abbot of Pinggu Temple was caught in the wind and died. Before he died, he begged the old monk to help take care of Pinggu Temple.

The old monk was unwilling, but seeing the abbot so sad, he reluctantly responded and said that he would leave after three years.

The wealthy businessman Jia Sheng knew through the abbot that the old monk was extraordinary, thinking that a real great virtue could be ushered in the family temple, so naturally he had no objection.

In this way, the old monk became the abbot of Pinggu Temple.

The congratulations that the little novice said had nothing to do with the matter, but Yizhou Zhizhou heard that the new abbot of Pinggu Temple was a Zen great virtue, and decided to bring his family to burn incense.

Although Pinggu Temple is the family temple of the Jia family, this kind of convenience is naturally given to Master Zhizhou.

After this incident, if you want to come to Pinggu Temple, you will inevitably become a very famous Zen temple in Yizhou City. It can’t be said that one day you will be able to leave Jia’s house and become a real famous temple.

With such a beautiful thing, it’s no wonder that little novice is so happy.

The old monk said to the Buddha statue: “I will leave in three years. If I really leave Jia’s house, how are you going?”

The little novice monk did not answer his words, but a calm voice answered him.

“You will leave today.”

The calm in this voice has reached a certain extreme.

That is a realm far beyond coldness and closer to silence.

It seems, not to mention this Pinggu Temple, even if the entire world is destroyed, that person will not feel anything.

The old monk turned around.

The little novice monk has fallen to the ground, not knowing his life or death.

Jing Jiu stood at the door.



This old monk is Master Huiyuan.

Beneath the cliff last fall, it was he who killed Chen Wen, the elder of the Kunlun School.

Who would have thought that this important figure of the immortal forest was hidden in a family temple in Yizhou City.

Master Huiyuan looked at that beautiful face, and then guessed the identity of the other person, and said, “I didn’t expect you to find me, and what I didn’t expect is that I didn’t even perceive your arrival.” /

Jing Jiu said: “Tell the whereabouts of Taiping, you can survive.”

“I didn’t expect that it was an honor to kill me personally as the head of the head, but you really think you can kill me?”

Master Huiyuan looked at him with a smile and said: “The head of Qingshan, the world is invincible, but that is the real person Liu Ci, not you.”

Jing Jiu is the youngest Qingshan head and the weakest.

Master Huiyuan’s realm strength is unfathomable. Even if it was a sneak attack at the time, he could kill Kunlun elder Chen Wen with a single blow, and his level could be judged.

Even the elder of the Sea Breaking Realm of the Green Mountain Sect, he is not necessarily his opponent.

The Jia’s house not far away is very lively. It seems that there is a banquet. The city of Yizhou is even more lively. The prefectural government doesn’t know any happy event, but firecrackers are being set off.

Only Pinggu Temple is very Huiyuan did not perceive Jing Jiu’s arrival, but it is certain that there are no other strong green mountains in Pinggu Temple at this time.

The oil lamp reflected his figure on the ground, and he sat quietly on the futon, as if he had merged with the Buddha statue behind him.

Jing Jiu said nothing, raised his right hand and pointed at the old monk.

Looking at this scene, the hair on the back of Master Huiyuan’s neck suddenly stood up.

This is called furry.

This is a physiological reaction that mortals have when they encounter great panic.

However, he is a great virtue of Zen Buddhism, why would he have such a reaction?

Because that hand brought him great fear.

That is coming thunder.

It is the impending death.

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