The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 30: The problem of succession to the throne

There are no steps to walk to the side yard, Jing Shang said in a low voice, picking up what he thought was important, for example, several officials tried to befriend him, the emperor summoned him the previous year, and then the Gu family in these years A lot of money was secretly sent, and Gu Qing would also send people to send medicinal pills every year.

Jing Jiu did not express any opinion on the previous matters, saying: “The money sent by the Gu family can be used, and the pills can be eaten.”

Not because of the relationship between mentor and apprentice, but because Gu Qing is at ease in handling things.

Jing Shang knew that Jing Jiu liked quietness, so he sent him to the door and returned.

Pushing the door into the house, Jing Jiu looked at the young son of Lu Guo, slightly surprised, and said, “Where is your father?”

Lu Ming respectfully said: “Father has something to go out, I have notified him to come back.”

Jing Jiu said: “I’m a little curious, someone has been waiting in the Guogong Mansion?”

——Waiting for that precious porcelain to be smashed by a round stone bead.

Lu Ming said honestly: “Father rarely goes to court, and spends most of his time at home. In the first few years, he took some memorials.”

Gong Lu was negligent in political affairs, and he was very famous in Chaoge City, but no matter how he was attacked, the emperor ignored him, and the officials gradually tasted the taste.

“Of course he won’t be in the house all the time, there is someone who is responsible for listening to the voice.”

Lu Ming continued.

Jing Jiu looked at his face, thinking that Mr. Lu was so young many years ago, and said, “Did he tell you?”


Luming’s voice trembled slightly, making him nervous.

He is the son of the prince of the country, and his status is honorable. Practitioners see him a lot and don’t care too much, even if he is a fairy master of the Green Mountain Sect.

The problem is that Jing Jiu is not an ordinary practitioner, but the owner of the Guogong Mansion who needs to serve well in the past and in the future, and is the source of everything.

Jing Jiu said, “What is the situation now?”

Whether in the snowy fields or the green mountains, he has never cared about the situation of the court or the movement of the royal family.

Because the emperor’s life is still some years old, he can naturally control everything with his ability.

Lu Ming knew what he wanted to know most, and said directly: “It’s business as usual.”

As usual, it’s unusual.

Jing Jiu knew that Jing Xin hadn’t been sent to Guocheng Temple. He thought it was the emperor who wanted to take it slowly, but now it seems that he has something to do with him.

Sure enough, with Lu Ming’s next narrative, he realized that Jing Xin had not been abandoned, and his reputation had gradually increased.

If Lu Guoguo talked about it himself, or would say it more cryptically, Lu Ming was young after all, and a little nervous, so he said it very directly.

“Zhongzhou faction’s attitude is very clear, and the support is getting stronger and stronger.”

Jing Jiu was a little puzzled, and said, “Isn’t Luo Huainan already dead?”

In the old plum garden, he and Zhao Layue had already seen through the alliance between Jing Xin and Luo Huainan.

The question is that Luo Huainan has been dead for many years. Why does the Zhongzhou faction continue to support Jing Xin?

Lu Ming didn’t expect that he didn’t know the relationship between Zhongzhou faction and the eldest prince. He explained: “Prince Jingxin’s mother and concubine are true lover of Bai Zhenren, who died in childbirth that year.”

Jing Jiu hadn’t heard the emperor talk about this matter, so there must be hidden secrets.

If this matter is true, Luo Huainan was only carrying out the will of the sect. Whether he is alive or dead, it will not affect the Zhongzhou party’s support for Jing Xin.

The influence of Zhongzhou Party on the imperial court is very large, just like the influence of Guocheng Temple on the royal family.

With regard to the succession to the throne, Guocheng Temple will not express any opinions, and the attitude of the Zhongzhou faction is particularly important.

Jing Jiu suddenly asked, “Where is Yimaozhai?”

In addition to the Zhongzhou School and the Guocheng Temple, the scholars who are influential in this matter are the scholars.

The Jing clan dynasty was able to fight against the beast tide of the Snow Country and maintain its rule. It really relied on Yimaozhai.

The position of those scholars in the hearts of the army, ordinary officials and the people is very high.

“Mr. Zhaili did not express his opinion, but the prince born to Concubine Hu Gui…”

Lu Ming smiled bitterly and said: “Gentlemen clearly expressed their opposition.”

Now there are only two princes in the palace. What is the difference between Yi Maozhai’s prince who opposed Hu Guifei and his support for Jing Xin?

Jing Jiu said: “It seems that Concubine Hu’s life is very difficult.”

Lu Ming said: “But…not too sad.”

Jing Jiu said: “What’s the solution?”

Lu Ming glanced at him and said: “Five years ago, the Zhao family suddenly entered the palace and gave a new year gift to Concubine Hu, but he has not stopped since then.”

The Zhao family is the home of Zhao Layue in Chaoge City.

This matter has caused a lot of discussion in Chaoge City, and the impact has continued to this day.

Many people thought that because of the two brothers Zhugui and Zhusuke, the hatred of Concubine Hu was difficult to understand, and that Zhao Layue was assassinated.

Who would have thought that the situation would suddenly become like this.

Hu Guifei was abandoned by the Zhongzhou faction, and Yi Maozhai clearly expressed her opposition. Faced with such a great pressure, her life is not too sad because of this incident.

The Green Mountain Sect, who has never participated in court affairs… suddenly expressed his attitude!

No matter how strong the Zhongzhou School and Yimaozhai are, they must also pay attention to them.



Lu Ming left the tunnel and asked his father to arrange Jing Jiu’s entry into the palace tonight.

Looking at the same furnishings in the room and the chess game on the table as it was a few years ago, Jing Jiu’s mood is a little better.

He took out the bamboo chair and lay down. The white cat got out of his sleeves and lay down on his chest proficiently, then turned his face in disgust.

Jing Jiu didn’t pay attention to these details, thinking about the things that he had just learned.

When killing Luo Huainan, Zhao Layue worked with Concubine Hu, and she vaguely knew that Concubine Hu was selected by Jing Jiu.

He ignores these things, there is always someone who does it.

It took only a short time for Jing Jiu to figure this out, and understand what kind of thoughts are hidden behind Liu Ci and Yuan Qijing’s default.

It’s really troublesome.

Jing Jiu stretched out his hand and rubbed the cat, thinking that he should really take Gu Qing with him.



When the night was at its deepest, Jing Jiu came to a place in the imperial city, and Lord Lu greeted him in. The whole process was very simple.

Jing Jiu is very calm, as natural as going home.

The white cat hiding in his sleeve is a little nervous.

As the guarding beast of Qingshan, its realm strength is unfathomable, but here it is still a little vigilant and even uneasy.

Chaoge City is protected by a large formation, and the formation in the imperial city is jointly arranged by the seven major sects. It is the strong man who breaks the sea realm, and it will not last a moment here.

Gong Lu took Jing Jiu to the Imperial Study and turned to look at the square in front of him. The light stretched his shadow very long.

A sigh came from the Imperial Study Room.

Gong Lu looked at his shadow on the ground, his eyelids drooped, and he was sleepy, as if he hadn’t heard anything.

I don’t know how long it took, the door of the Imperial Study Room was pushed open, and Jing Jiu walked out.

Gong Lu opened his eyes and woke up, took him to the outside of the imperial city, and said in a low voice: “Your Majesty wants to seek peace for a thousand years, so it is not easy.”

Jing Jiu said, “Take me to see that little prince.”

(End of this chapter)


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