The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 29: Xue Ji woke up

In the early morning of the next day, the ice on the lake melted more and the nunnery became warmer.

Tong Yan confessed to the old nun, left the temple, and came to Ohara City through the wet mountain road.

He found Li Gongzi’s antique shop, bought some things, and inquired about some things through the neighborhood and the idlers.

Ten years ago, it happened to be the Xihai Incident. The girl Li Gongzi met in the nunnery should be the senior from Shuiyue’an.

It’s easy to come to this conclusion, because Tong Yan is good at calculations and knows exactly what happened.

When I returned to Sanqian Temple, the sky was dark, and the longevity lamp hanging on the tree bridge by the lake became brighter, Tong Yan came to the Zen room and looked inside.

Xue Ji was sleeping in the quilt mountain, and she didn’t know when she would wake up.

Jing Jiu sits by the lake by the window, watching the thin ice on the lake, writing something on the paper with a pen in his hand.

Qing’er sat on his shoulders, humming softly the songs of the old state of Chu in the illusion.

Tong Yan thought these pictures were interesting, and a smile appeared on her immature face.

Jing Jiu has no heart in the world, and is familiar with other places in the world like Guocheng Temple and Shuiyue Temple. He really looks like a born monk.

Then he thought of Junior Sister Bai Zao, the smile on the corners of his lips gradually faded, but his eyebrows grew thicker because of provoking.

If it was really unintentional, how could there be so many strange women around him?

Ten years ago there was a senior who had been in the winter, and now there is Qinger by his side, and behind him is a sleeping snow girl…

The night is getting darker, and suddenly there is the sound of piano.

Tong Yan turned around and walked to the bridge, looking across the stream.

Li Gongzi did not sit on the snowy ground, but sat on the low stool he had brought with him.

Tonight, he played a good night song.

This song appeared here ten years ago.

On the stone bench by the lake.

Jing Jiu’s ear moved slightly.

Qing’er sat on his shoulders, leaned in curiously, and touched his earlobes, thinking that it was for the windy ears, why is it so good-looking?

Dozens of sword intents emerged from Jing Jiu’s body, using the Heavenly Sword Technique to set up a formation to isolate the outside view, but did not shield the sound of the piano.

He stretched his right hand into the lake to get wet, and then continued to sharpen the sword with the smooth side of Qingtianjian.

The cold lake water soon turned into mist, transpiring, and his hands were looming in the meantime.

Qing’er thought this was pretty good too.

The sound of the piano continued, did not stop, or changed a lot of tunes, but Jing Jiu didn’t pay attention.

Time passed slowly.

The night is getting darker.

Jing Jiu suddenly raised his head and disappeared from the lake.

Tong Yan also felt the changes in the breath in the Zen room. She didn’t know her well. She stepped on the thin snow on the stream and came to Li Gongzi, turning around and hitting it out with a palm.

An invisible breath overflowed from his palm, spreading into the wind, like a mirror, reflecting the stone bridge, the nunnery and the blue sky in front of him.

Only an instant, those scenes became blurred because of a shallow layer of frost.

With the extremely chilly frost, he easily broke the Zhongzhou School Dao Fa attached to this invisible light mirror, spread to the back of his hand and wrist, and then continued upward.

Tong Yan’s face is pale, and she feels that the flow rate of the True Essence in her body is drastically reduced, and even the aura of Yuan Ying is weakened by a few points.



In the Zen room, Xue Ji had already opened her eyes for some time. The dark eyes exuded a terrible chill, and extremely tiny but very beautiful snowflakes were flying in the air.

Jing Jiu smashed thousands of small snowflakes, came to the quilt mountain, stared into her eyes and said, “Stop.”

Xue Ji looked at him quietly and judged that this human being was threatening herself.

No one in Chaotian Continent can threaten her, but Jing Jiu has done so twice, because he has seen her weakest side and has what she wants most-that absolutely cold world.



In front of the stone bridge, the chill disappeared.

Frost and snow have covered Tong Yan’s shoulders.

He coughed twice and coughed up some red spar-like blood, obviously injured.

Young Master Li is not a cultivator. Although he did not directly face the chilling attack, he was injured more severely and he had already fainted in the snow.

Tong Yan turned to look at him, shook her head, put a pill into his mouth, and asked the nun in the nunnery to carry him back into the house with the guqin.



“There is fire in the lamp. You should perceive it very clearly. You can master this formation by knowing all the connections between these lights.”

Jing Jiu took out a thin book from his sleeve and placed it on the quilt in front of Xue Ji: “This is also a form of formation. You can learn it as soon as possible, and then we will leave.”

The cover of that thin book was not written, and it was lifted by the wind coming in from the window. The ink characters inside were very fresh. It should have been just written. The words were simple, but the painted sword shape was extremely complicated. I was a little dizzy when I looked at it. , It is even more difficult to learn.

If Gu Qing is present at this time, he can recognize that this book is the most important sword technique of the Qingshan School.

After doing this, Jing Jiu walked out of the Zen room and came to the stone bridge.

He said to Tong Yan: “Snow Country has only classes, no society, she has no companions, only subjects, so she only knows orders, and does not know other forms of communication. If there is a life that cannot feel her will, it will not be timely. If she shows an attitude of surrender, she will be judged to be wiped out.”

Tong Yan asked: “So the first thing she did after waking up was to kill him? Then why are the old nuns in the nunnery okay?

Jing Jiu thought for a while and said, “Maybe she is tired of listening to the piano these past two days?”

Tong Yan was silent for a while, and said: “We must find a solution.”

If this is the case, wherever Xue Ji goes, people will die. They can’t hide her whereabouts, and how innocent are those who died?

Jing Jiu said: “Yes, she needs to learn other ways to get along with life.”

Tong Yan said: “First of all, you must be able to communicate with her. You are the best candidate to understand her.”

Jing Jiu said: “I haven’t been ordered by anyone, so I can’t form a real and effective communication with her.”

Tong Yan said: “So?”

Jing Jiu said, “You go.”

After saying this, he returned to the snow lake and continued to sharpen his sword, as if nothing had happened.

Tong Yan was silent for a long time, and walked into the Zen room with heavy steps.

The coldness of Xue Ji no longer overflowed, Ohara Castle was gone, and the surrounding area of ​​the nunnery became much warmer and moist, but it was still very cold in the Zen room, and the walls and eaves were very thick. Frost.

There are more than ten transparent ice hangings hanging from the round window, which divides the scenery of the snow lake and winter trees into many thin strips, which has a different weird beauty.

Xue Ji is still wrapped in the quilt, only her small face is exposed.

Her face is white, with no nose or mouth. What is strange is that it is not ugly, but has a different weird beauty.

Tong Yan thought it was indeed the highest-order being in Chaotian Continent.

The ultimate is extraordinary. This is a common view in the spiritual world.

Whether it is extremely beautiful or extremely ugly, extremely positive or extremely strange, it means extraordinary. The opposite is also true. Any truly powerful life must have an extremely outstanding or impressive appearance.

Tong Yan thought of Jing Jiu’s face, and suddenly felt a little boring.

If you feel that life is boring, you will naturally be more fearless.

Tong Yan calmed down and saluted Xue Ji: “His Royal Highness, I am Tong Yan, a disciple of the Zhongzhou School.”

Xue Ji didn’t respond, let alone murmured aloud.

Tong Yan believed that she would be able to understand human language, and continued: “We may need to stay here for a while, waiting for the teachers to make a decision.”

Xue Ji looked at him quietly.

Tong Yan felt the unprecedented pressure, pale and said: “In order to fight against the snow country, the human race should choose to help you. This is my calculation.”

The pressure disappeared.

Tong Yan stabilized his mind and continued: “You are a high-level being with supreme wisdom. Many humans may not understand your intentions. In order to avoid misunderstandings and troubles, you may need to condescend to learn the way of human communication. “

After saying this, he took out a piece of bronze, a piece of porcelain, and a few books.

There are inscriptions on the bronzes and pictures on the porcelain. In those books, there are the simplest Qiwen Jing and collections of poetry immortals.

These are all things he bought in Dayuan City today. Before Jing Jiu said it, he had already figured out what he might need to do next.

Being able to become the teacher of Snow Country Princess… This is something that is destined to be written in the history of the practice world, and it is far more important than Gu Qing’s so-called emperor status.

Thinking about these things, Tong Yan pointed the side with the most bronze inscriptions at Xue Ji.

He is going to start with the inscriptions and talk about the ancient Chinese movement for hundreds of years. He believes that with her talents, she should be able to fully grasp the way of communicating with humans in a short period of time, and it is elegant and perfect.

Xue Ji suddenly stood up.

She is very short, and the quilt hill in the meditation room has not collapsed, only a bulge.

Tong Yan is a little wary.

Xue Ji suddenly ran out of the quilt she wore was very large, and she dragged it all the way to the ground, completely covering her feet, looking like she was drifting past.

Tong Yan was shocked, wondering what happened to this?

The lakeside.

Jing Jiu was about to dip some water and continue to sharpen his sword, but found that his right hand was touching a hard object, and when he looked up, he found that the lake was freezing again.

The breeze came with snowflakes.

Xue Ji came to the field and stared at him.

Qing’er was very afraid, and quickly slipped off his shoulders and hid behind him.

Each time before sharpening his sword, Jing Jiu would use the Heavenly Sword Technique to set up the formation to cut off the sight and disturbance of the outside world.

From now on, it seems that his Sword Art of Inheriting Heaven is meaningless to Xue Ji.

Jing Jiu felt once again that he should practice the Heavenly Sword Technique better.

Then he thought of a possibility, his eyes changed slightly.

He gave Xue Ji a copy of the Heavenly Inheritance Sword Art before. Could it be that she learned it in such a short time…?


Xue Ji was covered with a quilt, from the top of the head to the toe inside the quilt, only showing the white face and the eyes like black jewels, she looked like a cute and playful little girl.

Her voice is also very cute.

Jing Jiu quietly looked at her, thinking that this was really the most terrifying thing he had encountered in his two lives.



(I confirmed this picture when I first thought about it. Please think of Xue Ji as ET. As I said before, I like Xue Ji very much. Many readers are discussing whether I will follow the routine and make her a god. What is Mofeng’s apprentice…Don’t even think about it~ Hahahaha)

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