The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 27: Something on the summit

  In the distance, Zhao Layue felt the change of sword intent again, and she narrowed her eyes slightly, wondering if it had something to do with the young disciple just now.

   After a moment, she shook her head.

   She has been with these sword intents for a long time, knowing that sword intent has no spiritual sense, only meaning.

   If these sword intents mean love and love to her, then these sword intents now are…surrender?

   Jianyi only expresses surrender to the sword, not a person.

   Is a new famous sword about to be born in the peak?



   In the full mountain of sword intent, Jing Jiu finally found the way he wanted.

   Hundreds of sword intents sensed his will, gradually calmed down and returned to the peak.

   Jing Jiu walked to the cliff.

   A sword slowly emerged from between the stone walls, and the picture looked a little weird.

   The sword is dark throughout, with a dim gloss. It looks a bit ordinary. In terms of the purity of the sword, it is not as good as other swords, or even slightly inferior.

   This is the sword of Uncle Mo that passed away half a year ago.

   is also the sword Jing Jiu needs.

   Jing Jiu stretched out his hand and touched the blade of the sword, and found that it was really wide, and nodded in satisfaction.

   Just when he was about to take the sword, he suddenly noticed something and looked up to the east.



   The sword intent on the top of the peak is extremely strong, the clouds are extremely thick, there is no starlight to fall, it is difficult to see things, and it is impossible to see with the sword.

   The environment here can be said to be truly dark.

   If you want to see the scenery away from Baizhang, you need at least the state of no manifestation. If you want to see farther, you must be at a higher state.

   For Jing Jiu, this is not a problem. His realm is still very low, but Manshan Jianyi can’t affect him, but can help him see everything clearly.

   He saw the iron eagle fall in front of the cliff.

   Iron Eagle is the only living thing that can survive in Jianfeng.

  The iron eagle’s feathers are stronger than steel, and the bones are like spirit stones, and the whole body is the most precious arrow material.

   If it weren’t for the fact that the number was too small to be used in the military formation, and the bird was harvested as a mountain guardian of the Green Mountain Sect, this kind of exotic bird would have been hunted and killed by the dynasty long ago.

   It was a young eagle. It was seriously injured. It was struggling between the cliffs.

   I don’t know if this young eagle was injured by the enemy’s flying sword in the outside world, or if he was unlucky and was wounded by the birth of a natural sword fetus in the peak.

   Jing Jiu thought.

  Everything in the world, life and death has its own way. He is not going to care about this matter, just want to see what will happen next.

   Zhao Layue sat on the cliff.

   She is now at the most critical moment of her sword intent tempering practice, and she cannot get up at will.

   She quietly looked at the struggling iron eagle, there was no pity in her eyes, and no other emotions.

   Jing Jiu looked at her quietly.

   Zhao Layue moved.

   She raised her hand, and a cyan sword light broke through her sleeves, and came to the young eagle.

   Jing Jiu raised his eyebrows slightly.

   Judging from Yu Jian, she has actually entered the realm of Yi Yi.

   is indeed a natural Dao kind, but I don’t know why she concealed this fact, until now no one in the Qingshan Sect knows.

   Zhao Layue didn’t kill the young eagle to give it a joy.

   The cyan sword light broke through the air, bringing back the young eagle.

   She tore off a piece of clothing and carefully bandaged it.

   Looking at this scene, Jing Jiu shook his head, then looked up somewhere in the distance.

   A middle-aged man in grey clothes appeared among the cliffs a hundred meters away.

   Among the peaks full of sword intent and true darkness, Zhao Layue should not be able to see him in the realm.

   She lowered her head and continued to bandage the young eagle, until she had done all this, then raised her head and looked there.

   It turned out that she had already found each other.

   “As expected, I am a natural Dao kind and a kendo wizard, I was able to find me so far away.”

   The middle-aged man in grey clothes looked at Zhao Layue expressionlessly and said, “No wonder the guys in Liangwangfeng want you to be crazy.”

   Zhao Layue looked at the location of the opponent in the night and asked: “Who are you?”

  The middle-aged man in grey clothes said: “My last name is Zuo.”

   Zhao Layue was silent for a while, and said: “It turns out to be Uncle Zuo from Bihu Peak.”

   This uncle Zuo has no negative sword behind him, so he should be a kendo expert who has already been promoted to the Wuzhang Realm.

   Master Zuo looked at the young eagle in Zhao Layue’s hand, and said, “This little guy failed to interrupt your practice, but he tried to find out your depth. I didn’t expect you to hide your truth. Realm, it’s amazing to be able to break through the boundary at a young age.”

   Zhao Layue put the injured young eagle behind him, but did not answer.

   Master Zuo continued: “I want to know two things now. First, which mountain are you the disciple of Chengjian? Are you the master of the head again? And if you don’t have a quiet voice tonight The earth dies. I don’t know what chapters will be written in the history of spiritual practice in the future. Thinking of this, I can’t bear it.”

  He actually came to kill Zhao Layue.

   Qingshan Sect regards Zhao Layue as a treasure, but someone wants to kill her?

   Jing Jiu stood in the dark, looking at the person in the distance, listening to this conversation, and felt puzzled.

   Is this person an agent of another denomination? Or is Chaoge City hidden in the green hills to kill?

  Where Yuan rides a whale staring, there are spies? This is really unimaginable.

  Bihu Peak’s Zuo Shishu was just expressing his feelings, and didn’t want to wait for Zhao Layue’s answer.

   Following his voice, a faint and bitter killing intent fell on Zhao Layue over a distance of more than a hundred feet.

  He is a strong man in the Unchanging Realm. He is still very cautious in the face of younger disciples who are far less powerful than his own, because the person he wants to kill is Zhao Layue.

   He has tentatively discovered that Zhao Layue’s true state is the realm of Yiyi, so he will not walk in front of Zhao Layue a hundred feet.

   Even if the realm of inheritance is perfect, the farthest distance of the flying sword can be no more than a hundred feet.

   No matter how genius Zhao Layue is, he cannot attack from such a distance.

   And at such a distance ~ He who has no manifestation, he can kill the opponent by just waving his hand.

   This will be a battle without any suspense.

   Jing Jiu glanced at the night sky and confirmed that Feijian’s transmission should be too late.

   “I don’t understand what you mean, Master Uncle.”

   Zhao Layue is still sitting in the cliff cave. I don’t know if it is because the sword intent cannot leave at the critical moment, or because he has given up.

  ”When you come, you have to be chaotic. When you leave, you must know why.”

   Master Zuo said: “The reason why I want to kill you is because you are investigating those things.”

   Zhao Layue said: “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

   Shishu Zuo said: “You shouldn’t check those things. You are not qualified to check those things.”

   Zhao Layue looked at him quietly and said: “It turns out…something really happened.”

   “Of course there is something, otherwise why would the peak owner go crazy? Why should I risk to kill you.”

   Shishu Zuo looked at her and said with emotion: “Actually, I really don’t understand. Your future is bright. Why have you been investigating this matter for the past three years? How did you know? Why did you do it? And …What exactly do you want to find out? If I didn’t have an old one among the roller shutters, I would never have thought that you were checking it.”

   His tone was full of regret and regret, and it seemed that he really didn’t want to do anything to Zhao Layue.

   Jing Jiu listened quietly, without speaking or showing up.

   “Kill me, have you thought about the consequences?”

   Zhao Layue looked at the night and said.

   She is the cherished future of the Green Mountain Sect, and she has a deep connection with a certain peak.

   Even if the man in gray is her uncle, as long as he dares to attack her, he will definitely end up miserably.

   Zuo Shishu sighed and said: “Some things have consequences ten thousand times more serious than killing you, but we have not done the same.”

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