The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 25: Don’t block the way

The sound of the piano penetrated the vacuum of nothingness, passed through the alloy hull of the battleship, and fell in everyone’s ears, as well as Jing Jiu’s ears.

The sound of the piano is very moving, not the music of this world, the rhythm is comfortable and bright, with the joy of spring and rainy night, light as water, precious as oil.

“I don’t know what Liang Xiaoyin’s song is like. I wrote one myself. How similar do you sound?”

Shen Yunbu raised his head and asked Jing Jiu.

There is no air in the universe, but his voice is like the sound of a piano. It can ignore the medium and be heard directly by the other person, or be heard by the other’s consciousness.

Jing Jiu said: “I don’t know.”

At the beginning, Li Gongzi played many times in the Three Thousand Yards of Chaotian Continent. He even listened to March very carefully. He just listened casually and didn’t take it to heart.

“At the Mei meeting, you might even listen to the music of March. It’s really incomprehensible.”

Shen Yunjian said with emotion: “Young Master Li is pitiful, even March is pitiful.”

Jing Jiu was silent for a while, and said, “You know what a fart.”

Shen Yunbui was not angry or mad. He stroked his temples and said leisurely: “I watched the story a few times carefully. The story is not new, but it’s interesting. That’s because your side is very interesting.”

Including Ran Handong, many people in the upper class know that this distinguished son likes Gufeng the most. He is also quite old-fashioned in his actions, but he is crazy, casual, messy, decisive, and shameless bastard. It is natural for him to be interested in Chaotian Continent.

Jing Jiu said: “The problem of geological structure.”

What this is saying is that Chaotian Continent and the Galaxy Alliance are essentially the same, except that the landscape figures are somewhat different.

Shen Yun raised his eyebrows and said: “You are a little stupid about the original imagination and fear of the outside world, but the sense of security brought by the self-enclosed world is not here.”

Jing Jiu doesn’t like to talk, except for a few people such as Zhao Layue, but he appreciates Shen Yunbu, and is willing to say a few more words.

“There are green hills over there, and there are green hills here, so I don’t look out of the border, it feels the same.”

Hearing this sentence, Shen Yun became interested, his eyes lightened and asked: “Old guys say that there are at least two or three sects that are similar to Qingshan in Chaotian Continent, such as Yunmeng Mountain and Guocheng Temple. But according to the statement in your book, you are all done?”

Jing Jiu gave a hum.

Shen Yunjian sighed and said: “You did what the old guys didn’t do. You are indeed much better than them.”

Jing Jiu said, “Well, I am the strongest.”

The extremely cold universe is also cold, but with these words, other people may open their mouths and don’t know how to react, but Shen Yunbu is taking it for granted—he was caught in the battle at the military building. Jiu was fully suppressed, and he didn’t find the slightest chance from beginning to end. Of course, Jing Jiu was the strongest in the universe.

“It’s no wonder the old guy decided to give you the world. But you should know that they gave you the authority to do things. The future human leaders will always have to do something for mankind, which is no different from doing business. .”

Shen Yun’s buried hand left the guqin, but the strings still kept beating, making a pleasant sound.

The dim light of distant stars falls on the strings, dispersing into a lighter light.

Jing Jiu said, “I’m just going to have a look.”

“Gary Starfield is not the destination. The Sea of ​​Dark Matters is where you are really needed. It is dangerous…it may be dead.”

Shen Yunbu laughed happily.

His smile is a little strange, like a clown wearing lipstick, but it doesn’t mean a curse, just full of joyful anticipation.

Jing Jiu knew that he had heard his conversation with Huaxi, and remembered what the girl priest said at the hot spring the other day. ——Shen Yunbu started thinking about life and death when he was five years old.

He looked at Shen Yunjian and said seriously: “I won’t.”

Shen Yunjian said more seriously: “Everyone will die.”

Jing Jiu didn’t want to repeat those meaningless discussions, and asked: “What’s the matter?”

The remaining extraterrestrial demons in the Gary star field have been wiped out. Why didn’t the star core fleet return to the main star field, but waited for itself here?

“The fleet will take you on new missions, and some information about the Sea of ​​Dark Objects must be given to you in advance.”

Shen Yunbu took out something and gave it to him, saying: “There are less than five people in the Galaxy Alliance who are qualified to see these materials. Be careful.”



The Lieyang battleship began to accelerate, and it didn’t take long for it to merge with several other battleships into the Star Core Fleet.

You can’t see the scenery of the mountains in the mountains. When people come to the fleet, the tens of thousands of burning flying swords become tens of thousands of bright stars, and the universe becomes the background for constantly walking backwards. .

The quiet and stable star sea is easy to get bored. Jing Jiu stopped looking at the scenery outside the window, and started to watch what Shen Yun buried him.

A huge amount of data pouring down on the light curtain like a waterfall, countless extremely complex three-dimensional patterns and microscopic images are constantly flashing, all related to the sea of ​​dark objects.

The Galaxy Alliance keeps such data extremely tightly, even if there is not much in the hidden web, this is his first contact with these.

The sea of ​​dark matter is the sea of ​​dark matter, which has appeared in the universe for hundreds of thousands of years.

Those dark energies slowly swallowed the galaxy, immersing all the life encountered into monsters.

Ancient civilization is destroyed in this disaster.

Now that civilization has revived, this is the problem that needs to be solved most.

It is absurd or desperate to say that humans have been studying dark matter for many years and still know very little.

With regard to dark matter, there are now two directions for guessing.

One of them believes that dark matter is some kind of weakly acting particles, or slow neutrinos. The problem is that neither the ancient civilization nor the current Galaxy Alliance has caught or observed these particles. More than a decade ago, the Galaxy Alliance spent a lot of resources to build the Ring Nebula Strong Magnetic Confinement Accelerator. It has not been discovered so far. Scientists and the public are extremely disappointed.

There is another inference that dark matter or dark energy itself is an existence completely unrelated to the physical rules of the main universe. The structure and logical basis of human brains are based on the physical rules of the main universe, so it can never be Understand dark matter or dark energy, but this kind of statement is like a theme that often appears in science fiction. It seems reasonable, but it is extremely empty and has no meaning.

So until now, humans can only indirectly understand the sea of ​​dark matter through the life monsters that have been infiltrated.

In addition to the history of the Sea of ​​Dark Objects in the materials that Shen Yun buried him, the relevant research results of the scientific community are those monsters.

Those weird, dark and terrifying monsters have some rather interesting names, which are like words taken from the classics.

It didn’t take long for Jing Jiu to finish reading these materials.

His eyes fell on the encrypted file at the end of the data, and he was silent.

The secret that only five people in the entire Galaxy Alliance are qualified to know is here.

The secret is a city.



Jing Jiu walked to the window and looked at the sky full of stars.

The star core fleet has come to the edge of the local galaxy group, and is heading farther.

There is no torsion rate channel here, and the long acceleration process takes 17 days.

The speed of the battleship is getting faster and faster. At this time, the stars that can be clearly seen are the tail lights of the battleship, and the real stars have disappeared behind them.

The alarm sounded suddenly, and then disappeared quickly. A picture of the fleet and a few lines of text prompt appeared on the light curtain.

Three mine ships appeared in front of the fleet just now.

Hundreds of laser cannons fired in a volley, sending out a bright beam of light.

The three mining ships did not know which mining company belonged to, so they turned into blue smoke and dispersed in the empty universe.

All the people on the mine ship are naturally dead.

There is a star-wide broadcast on the fleet route. Those mine ships don’t know why they didn’t avoid them in advance, so they can only usher in this ending.

Tens of thousands of warships are accelerating. It is impossible to change the course or slow down, or it needs to waste a lot of resources.

Everything that appears in front of the Star Core Fleet’s navigation channel will be destroyed.

The whole civilization is moving forward, and any individual blocking the way will be crushed over.

Faced with tens of thousands of warships, even the strong night-bearing realm in the Star River Alliance, even he can only choose to avoid them, let alone those few mining ships.

Jing Jiu understood this truth, but only thought of Zhong Lizi’s father.

The mining ship invested by the professor may have disappeared for this reason.

This is a trivial matter for the universe, but different for the terminally ill girl.



Twenty-seven days later standard time, the star core fleet arrived at the edge of the local galaxy group.

It is said that this is the place where ancient civilizations emerged, but now it is an empty tomb, and the darkness is extremely depressing.

In the dark there are tens of thousands of warships waiting, that is the Starlink Fleet.

The two fleets merged into countless stars, representing the shining light of human civilization in the universe.

The Galaxy Alliance has no intention of decisive battle with the Sea of ​​Dark Things. This is just a preview of the plan to block the Sea of ​​Dark Things.

The Lieyang fleet decelerated with the fleet, and after four hours and thirty-seven minutes of standard time, it became relatively static.

A dark star hangs quietly in the distant universe, and some fire can be seen faintly. The surface is a solidified gray layer, which seems to be extinguished at any time.

This is the edge of the local galaxy group and the edge of the sea of ​​dark matter. The star is the evidence.

The dark star has a planet, and there is an ancient civilized city on the planet.

That’s where Jing Jiu is going.

High-speed text hand-playing avenue Chaotian chapter list

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