The Path Toward Heaven Chapter 23: Snow Ji appears here

(After reading everyone’s opinions, I found that the surname Bai is indeed wrong. There are too many princesses surnamed Bai, so they are called Xue Ji… Meimei Da.)



There are many types of snowmen in the world. As for how many types there are, it depends entirely on the imagination of the children who like to play with snow and the southerners who rarely see snow.

This snowman seems to be the most common kind. It is small and chubby, but its face is a little cleaner. It lacks a carrot and a dried red pepper.

But if you look closely, you will find that this snowman has two special places.

It has long white hair that falls to the ground. I don’t know if it is made of snow or what it is made of. It looks very real, but because it is too real, it gives people an unreal feeling.

Secondly, its eyes are extremely deep, dark and heart-palpiting, looking dreamy, of course, more of it should be a nightmare.

It should be a female, so it should be called Xue Ji.

Xue Ji quietly looked at the side of the mountain.

There is an endless sea of ​​fire, and you can still feel the high temperature and heat waves coming from there so far away.

Ice and fire are incompatible. Any flame is a provocation to her, not to mention a sun-like fire like a sun banner.

She still felt that her subjects were about to die in that sea of ​​fire.

These flames are a bit peculiar. She is in the weakest moment, and she is very likely to be hurt by those flames.

She was not afraid, she just looked there quietly, and analyzed the situation there based on the fighting instinct in the deepest part of the bloodline. She may leave or pass.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a breath.

The moment she sensed that breath, a storm arose in the ocean of consciousness, and she was forced to stop the calculation of her unimaginable speed.

The breath came from a place she had never set foot on, it was extremely cold, and its essence was almost without traces of movement, and it was about to approach absolute stillness.

Absolute coldness and stillness are the most terrifying things. She also feels a little terrible, but at the same time it is the highest state of her life pursuit, the strongest desire buried in her instinct.

This kind of pursuit and desire is the source of consciousness ocean storms.

Xue Ji stood up, still very short.

She walked towards the mountain.

Her steps are very strange. It seems that her feet are placed in a white cloth bag and she can only jump forward, looking like a rabbit in a fairy tale.

Such a peculiar step, but very fast, just a few breaths, she came to the side of the mountain.

This is a snow-capped mountain, and the foothills are full of previously fallen snow.

Snow is her servant.

There are fires everywhere on this side of the mountain, fires coming from cracks in the ground, fires falling from clouds, icy creeks that have been steamed, and stones that have been burnt, just like purgatory on earth.

For her who has never left the Bingfeng Snow Field, this is a scene she has never seen before, causing her extreme discomfort and extreme discomfort.

Wang Xiaoming was standing on the cliff of the snow-capped mountain, and she didn’t even look at it.

She doesn’t care about any weak human beings. Although that flag is the source of these strange fires, it is not the thing she wants to confirm most now.

Her gaze fell under the blue sky mirror in the distance, and she saw chills, thinking that it was the humble people, or the humblest kind, and it didn’t matter if she died.

Then she saw the mud and sand on the Qingtianjian, and then she felt something, and then looked back at the chill.

The mud and sand that Jing Jiu brought back from the universe is no longer as cold as before, the temperature is very high, and it has even begun to burn.

The chilly cicada is already bright red all over, and it looks like it’s familiar.

No matter how you look at it, there is no possibility of cold here, but she is very sure that the chill she is looking for is here, at least once in these sands and that humble subject.

Her eyes became deeper and deeper, and the snow around her body sank suddenly, and a layer of extremely hard ice formed on the surface.

The instinctive desire from the deepest part of life and the pursuit of that realm made her ignore the fire at all, so she jumped into the distance…

A white line appeared in the sky, passing through countless layers of fire, leaving a hole.

With a soft bang, Xue Ji landed on the wasteland below Qingtianjian.

The flames on the wasteland kept burning, swallowing her in it, and then extinguished instantly. The surface of the hot stone she was stepping on was frosted and then instantly shattered.

Xue Ji raised her head and looked at Qing Tian Jian.

The wasteland has become extremely quiet and deadly silent.

The sky fire falling in the clouds, the tongue of fire rolling outwards in the cracks of the ground, seemed to have lost all the sounds.

Qing’er sat on Tong Yan’s shoulders, looking at the snowman on the ground, her face pale, and wondering what kind of monster this is?

Looking at the snowman, Hanchan felt extreme fear, unable to handle the mental shock at all, and passed out with a burp, and fell from Tongyan’s shoulder.

Chilling cicada was like a snowflake, and it landed on Xue Ji’s head impartially, just like before Liu Ada’s head, made a delicate and beautiful bow.

Xue Ji was very satisfied with its consciousness, and flew to the Qingtian Mirror, looking down at the mud and sand.

The mud and sand are burning, exuding a burnt smell that she doesn’t like, but there is a smell that she likes the most.

Xue Ji closed her eyes and looked very drunk.

If she could breathe, she would definitely take a deep breath at this time.

At this moment, the sky fire summoned by the Lieyang flag fell again, bombarding Qingtianjian continuously.

The smashed mud and sand scattered in all directions, and the aura gradually disappeared, just like the smell of a chilling cicada.

Xue Ji opened her eyes and looked towards the sky.

She did not express her emotions, but the whole world knew her anger.

She didn’t make a sound, but the whole world heard her scream.

Hundreds of invisible waves carried snowflakes from nowhere, and shot into the sky, looking like Qingtianjian spewing out a snow waterfall!

The snow waterfall and the sky full of fires meet in the sky, making countless roars, generating violent winds, causing wildfires to sway on the ground and changing the colors of the world.

The fire kept falling, the ice and snow gradually melted, Xue Ji’s face was slightly wet, and some clear water leaked from her feet.

The water was also extremely cold, flowing continuously on the surface of Qingtianjian, easily extinguishing the fire in the sand.

Tong Yan floated in the sky under the blue sky mirror, her face pale thinking about the silent scream…the temperature that dropped sharply at this time…what was it coming from?

Then he suddenly discovered that the universe front that was blocking the ground fire suddenly disappeared.



The Lieyang Banner is worthy of being one of the most powerful magic weapons in the world.

Those walls of fire isolated the world and left Xue Ji’s silent howling in front of the snow-capped mountains.

But those crevices in the ground can always miss some of the past.

On the banks of the lava river deep underground, King Fire Carp also heard this voice, and a look of fear suddenly appeared in his eyes, wondering why that one came out?

It was struggling whether to go out or not. In the end, it chose to stay in the magma because it was really scared. Who can beat this one?



Wang Xiaoming didn’t know who was coming, but he clearly felt that the streamers had been swallowed a lot.

This fact made him extremely shocked. After he succeeded in cultivating the Lieyang Flag, he was invincible. Even the Fire King who stayed in the Soul Gathering Valley of Zhongzhou was not an opponent of the Lieyang Flag. Who is the comer? Can actually swallow the sun fire! Is it a magic weapon of immortal rank similar to that of the Lieyang Flag, which is inherently cold? But where is there such a thing in Chaotian Continent?

The space in front of the cliff was suddenly torn apart, and a cosmic front appeared in the sky!

The sword body was still hot, but it was extremely bright, and it was cold for a few minutes as it reflected the snow-capped mountains.

The fiery sun flag turned up automatically, involving the cosmic front, and immediately unable to move forward.

The pearl of rice also shines?

Just as Wang Xiaoming was thinking about these words, a colder figure suddenly appeared in front of the cliff.

Jing Jiu crossed the sea of ​​fire, came to the field, stretched out his hand to hold the hilt of Universe Front’s sword, and sent it forward.

Hesitated softly.

The universe front came out of the banner and stabbed towards Wang Xiaoming.

Black smoke grows from the cliffs, and countless fireballs are scattered from the burning sun. Wang Xiaoming hides by the fire and screams: “Do you think this can stab me?”

While he screamed out these eight characters, the resentful ghosts in the Lieyang banner had already cried countless times, and the fire swept away.

This is the combination of Yang Gang Fire and Yin Spirit Cry.

Faced with this evil way, even the world-passing realm will find it a little tricky.

Those ghost cries have no effect on Jing Jiu, but the fire of Yang Gang is really terrifying, even his body can only support a moment.

This moment is at most eight words.

Win or lose in a moment.

In this moment, Jing Jiu made a sword, but actually made more than three thousand swords.

More than three thousand swords were blocked by the Lieyang flag, and only a few fell on Wang Xiaoming’s body, cutting out several bloodstains.

It was also at this moment that the fire of the Lieyang flag had swallowed Jing Jiu’s body.

Change to another practitioner, at this time it has turned into a blue smoke.

Jing Jiu didn’t die, but he also suffered serious injuries. The white clothes made of sky silk were burned to strands, and burn marks appeared on his body.

The Lieyang Banner is too His current realm can’t resist directly, and he will die on the spot if he doesn’t retreat, but he is still calm, obviously there are means.

Suddenly there was a silent scream on the wasteland, and at the same time a violent breath came at high speed.

The snow-capped mountains were shaking and restless, and countless ice and snow crashed down, instantly submerging the cliff.

Wang Xiaoming fell under the cliff, holding the sun flag in his hand and retreating hundreds of feet, watching the distance vigilantly, and tightly guarding himself.

Jing Jiu’s expression is unprecedentedly solemn, and his right hand is pointed as a sword, and he draws a formation with the Heavenly Sword Technique at the fastest speed.

The wind howled, a white shadow came to the snow-capped mountain, with a chill more terrifying than ice and snow.

It took a long time for Jing Jiu to figure out a weak point of the Lieyang flag before he could use the Netherworld Immortal Sword to cross the sea of ​​fire to the front of the snow-capped mountain.

Xue Ji came here directly, and the difficulty of the two is quite different.

Passing through the fiery sea of ​​fiery sun banners, Xue Ji also paid some price. The surface of her body melted a lot, and she looked slimmer.

The cold mist spread out from her body, and the residual fire on the ground gradually extinguished.

The blazing sun swayed in the wind, giving birth to countless flames floating towards her.

She is like a cold black hole that can absorb all the light and heat in the world.

Wang Xiaoming was shocked and speechless.

Xue Ji didn’t even look at him.

She walked up to Jing Jiu and reached out to take the Universe Front.

She held the sword and looked down, very carefully.

It’s like admiring a painting.

Or a universe.

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